"Just to make money?"

Hearing Loki's words, Bruce Wayne did not speak, and Clark Kent frowned instead. Directly retorted:

"After trying a high degree of beautification of body appearance, not many people can afford to be beaten back to their original shape again!"

"And these people even include teenagers who haven't stepped into society!"

"How can these young people afford to pay close to $100 a day without a job?"

"If this desperate virus APP continues to exist, more and more people will definitely take risks for the sake of beauty costs and become bandits!"

Finally, Clark said categorically:

"This kind of APP is highly addictive. It's essentially no different from a book!"

"And what if the cost of the APP after that White Iron Man is raised from 100 to 200,300, what will happen?"

"The whole society is going to be chaotic. "


Hearing Clark's words, Loki and Tony didn't say anything, but Bruce Wayne looked at him in shock, as if he saw a monster.


Meeting Master Wayne's eyes, the serious look on Clark's face disappeared, revealing that shy smile again.

"Not long ago, I was in the Planet Daily, and I was tracking some social news, so I ...... Feel it.

Seeing that Clark finally returned to his original appearance, Master Wayne breathed a sigh of relief.

Truth be told, if this Superman really has a deep hatred for social chaos, then it cannot be ruled out...... He will fight all evil with his own strength!

In that case, it would be tantamount to embarking on the path of the Red Son!

At this time, when there was silence in the live broadcast room, Peter Parker suddenly scratched his head and asked with some doubts:

"Wait, don't you think...... Is that desperate virus app a little weird?"

"I've never heard of a virus that can be spread by a cell phone signal!. "

"Moreover, that white iron man can control the opening and closing of the virus at will, and it can be accurate to the sky!"

"That's an exaggeration. "

Upon hearing this, Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne glanced at each other and shouted almost at the same time.

"It's not an APP!"

"That's just for control!"

"What did you say?"

Before he could react, he saw Tony say with some excitement:

"My attention was on the mutants! "

"Now that I think about it, this desperate virus...... It should have entered the body of everyone in the city a long time ago!"

"And that APP ...... It should be the one responsible for activation.

"Huh, just inject the whole city with the virus?" Peter listened for a while, and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

Such a crazy move, I'm afraid that even the Ambrera Company of the biochemical world can't do it!

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continued]

[Due to the desperate virus of the White Can Iron Man, the entire people in the old gold mountain city began to frantically invest money in this APP. 】

[And those who don't have enough money, but are reluctant to have a super beautifying effect, simply take the risk!]

[On this day, Daredevil Matt Murdoch put a stop to a crime in an alley. 】

[Similar crimes have long been rampant in the city. 】

[Faced with this escalating situation, Daredevil decides to go to Tony's house in person and talk to him. 】

[When he came to the site of the original Alcatraz prison, he saw a strange building towering into the sky, like a heavenly palace, standing in this place. 】

[This is the White Can Iron Man...... Tony Stark's base camp!]

[When Daredevil and White Can met, as soon as he opened his mouth to ask the other party to stop, he was grabbed by White Can Iron Man's empty hand and lifted up!]

[It seems that the original version of the Desperate Virus also brought a terrible physical increase to Iron Man!]

"This is my home, and I welcome you as a guest, but ...... You have to pay attention to your attitude. "】

[Throwing Daredevil into the sea, Iron Man continues to return to the mansion and enjoy the life of Yingge Yan Dan. 】

[Next, Tony returned to the mansion and released a good news to the fans and admirers gathered inside.] 】

"Tomorrow I will appear on the streets of Old Gold Mountain. "】

["And as long as I am within 50 feet, all of them will get 24 hours of desperation virus for free."] "】

[On the second day, the White Can Iron Man really lived up to expectations, falling from the sky and distributing his right to use the desperate virus to tens of thousands of citizens on the streets for free. 】

[While Bai Can was enjoying the screams and cheers of the people, a man suddenly walked up and shot him in the head!]

[It turned out that his son had gone down the wrong path in order to earn money for using the Desperate Virus APP, and now he has been ruined. 】


[But with the sound of gunfire and the smoke of gunpowder dissipated, everyone was shocked to find that this solid shot in Iron Man's face did not cause him any damage. 】


[With a long laugh, Iron Man grabbed the hand of the man who shot him and lifted him into the sky.] 】

[In mid-air, Iron Man said proudly:]

["My face is covered in graphene, which is harder than most steel, but transparent. "】

["After all, if my handsome and chic face is covered by a visor, how can others appreciate it?"]

[Iron Man directly used his authority to search on the Internet. immediately found the situation of the son of the perpetrator in front of him, and immediately sneered. 】

["I can accept that you shot me in the face, and it didn't hurt me anyway, but I can't accept that you slandered me in public."] "】

["So I will use technology to erase all the scandals against your son from the Internet, so that he can become an innocent person. "】

["Then you have to go down and tell everyone on the street that what you did to me just now was a show effect, in order to show off my transparent suit!"]

["Also, you have to download my Desperate Virus APP."] "】

[Looking at the terrible white can in front of him, the middle-aged man who shot even trembled a little when he spoke. 】

["Don't ...... I don't want to ......"]

"David, I already know your name. "】

[Iron Man said in an unquestionable voice:]

["You just tried to kill me in front of thousands of people, do you think I can forget this?"]

["I can make your son's criminal record expunge, and I can also make him fall into hell......!"

[He looked down, and there was already a hint of banter in his voice:]

["Now...... You're very high off the ground......"]

[Faced with the terrifying threat of Iron Man, the middle-aged man David could only take out his mobile phone and press the "accept" button on the Desperate Virus APP. 】


[Seeing that this man has been completely controlled by himself, the White Can Iron Man smiled and led him to the ground to accept the cheers of the people together. 】

[Hiding among the people, Daredevil "saw" the scene in front of him with his superb hearing. 】

[He has made up his mind to stop the big devil in front of him who is pretending to be a hero!]

in the live broadcast room.

Seeing this, Tony Darkk let out a long sigh and nodded at Bruce Wayne:

"I agree with you, this variant is indeed trying to enslave others with the Desperate Virus. "

He saw very clearly, even if the white pot could pass through the son...... came to threaten the middle-aged man David, but in the end, he forced David to download the Desperate Virus APP!

Because Bai Can knows that as long as David uses this kind of APP, he will no longer be able to extricate himself.

This virus is like a reading product, and it can't be eradicated at all.

And as long as you use it, you can only obey the white can!

Seeing that Tony agreed with his point of view, Young Master Wayne did not show joy on his face, but frowned and thought:

"Strangely, with this man's arrogant and conceited character, his ambition should not stop at controlling a city. "

"In that case, why did he limit this app to the old gold... Mountain?"

"Is there anything special about this city?"

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continued]

[That night, after Iron Man in White Jar had a party and fell asleep, Daredevil infiltrated his mansion, stunned him with a special anesthetic, and kidnapped him. 】

[After Iron Man woke up, he found that he was locked in a special cell, and the electromagnetic signals around him were blocked by Daredevil.] 】

[In Daredevil's opinion, so Iron Man can no longer ...... Summoned his own steel suit through the air. 】

["Ah... Blocking all electromagnetic signals is a great move. "】

[In the cell, Iron Man suddenly laughed:]

["Matt Murdoch, do you think I didn't scan you in the crowd yesterday?"]

"From the beginning, I knew you would definitely come to me for trouble. "】

"So, I've been waiting for you. "】


[Daredevil listened to the cold hairs on his back, and at this moment, he only heard a roar, and the outer wall of his secret base was actually broken by something. 】


[Iron Man's smug laughter echoes in the secret base:]

["It just so happens that I just invented the symbiote suit...... It's biotechnology!"]

["It's alive, and I can sense it!"]

"It can sense me, too. "】

[Just as Tony laughed, the white symbiote suit broke through the wall and covered him directly.] 】

["Matt Murdoch. In order to deal with you, I have prepared a gift for you a long time ago!"]

[Iron Man stretched out his right hand, and a flash of lightning suddenly hit Daredevil, knocking him unconscious.] 】

【Day 2.】 】

[When Matt Murdoch opened his eyes, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. 】

[He actually saw something!]

Matt has been blind since he was a child when his eyes were destroyed by chemicals. 】

[But now, his eyes have actually regained their sight!]

[Unable to confidently walk in front of the mirror, looking at the unfamiliar face in the mirror, Matt Murdoch gritted his teeth and asked Iron Man:]

["What exactly did you do to me?"]

"I just did a little thing. "White Can Iron Man picks up the wine glass:]

["I've tweaked the Desperate Virus to repair your optic nerve, it won't last long, and your vision will continue to deteriorate soon. "】

"But my friend Matt...... If you want to continue to have this light, we can talk about it too. "】

[As a lawyer who deals with crime all day, Matt Murdoch immediately understood:]

["You're trying to buy me......! An addict addicted to your desperate virus?"]

"Needless to say, it's so ugly. “】

[Bai Can said while drinking:]

["As long as you are willing to listen to me, you can use the Desperate Virus for free for the rest of your life, and you don't even have to spend a penny. "】


[Matt Murdoch knocked down the wine glass in Tony's hand without hesitation:]

["Even if I lose my eyesight, I will never bow my head to you. "】

["Why are you playing God here?"]


[Looking at Matt Murdoch, who didn't eat hard and soft, an unfathomable smile suddenly appeared on the face of the White Can Iron Man:]

"I'm the smartest and most capable man on the planet. "】

["I'm not playing God'......"]

[A cold glow shot out of the white can's eyes, as if some kind of unattainable existence was overlooking the common people:]

["I've been playing human all along!"]

PS: In the 616 universe, Iron Man Tony Stark did use the Desperate Virus, and he is no longer an ordinary person.

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