Looking at little Wanda with an angry face, Tony Stark shrugged his shoulders, but said with some nonchalance:

"This old guy doesn't care about anything anymore......"

"What do you think he's going to do? In order to save the universe, he killed his old lover first?"

"It's impossible to look at it, right?"

Listening to Tony's words, little Wanda raised his head and looked at him, and suddenly snorted coldly:

"Why do I think there's something wrong with your tone, can't it...... You envy this Rick and have a whole planet of beauties to play with?"

"Ahem...... What nonsense are you talking about?"

Tony coughed dryly in embarrassment, but at the same time looked away slightly.

"I still don't understand......"

Peter Parker's face was puzzled, and he said in confusion:

"According to this consortium, it may have to assimilate the entire universe!"

"It's even worse than that living planet 'Igo'!"

"Isn't Rick scared at all?"

"What is it afraid of?" said Loki coldly.

"Don't forget, this Rick on the screen...... I'm not from this universe at all!"

"He fled to this universe after his C137 earth collapsed!"

Speaking of this, Loki's tone also had a hint of incomprehension, and he seemed to be a little envious:

"In the worst-case scenario, even if the entire universe falls, Rick can still take his precious grandson with him...... Escape to another parallel universe!"

"I'll ......"

"That's fine???"

Upon hearing this, Wanda Jr. and Peter Parker ...... Their faces were full of incredulity, and their eyes were full of astonishment.

After the earth is tossed, the earth is changed, and the universe collapses and the universe is changed?

Does this Rick think of himself as a hermit crab?

Moreover, it is also multiverse level!

Young Master Wayne was relatively calm, and did not make a fuss about this matter, but just muttered in a low voice:

"Since this Rick is not a native of this universe, when he meets the Consortium...... Why is it like a reunion after a long absence?"

Standing beside Young Master Wayne, Clark thought about it when he heard this, and suddenly said:

"Perhaps, in the C137 universe, Rick is also ...... with the union Belch...... Friendships. "

"This ......"

Young Master Wayne looked up at Clark sharply, his eyes showing a look of understanding.

But soon, he smiled wryly.

In two different parallel universes, these two Ricks are all "unions" of horrors who want to assimilate the entire universe...... Got together!

What kind of hellish coincidence is this?

This bad old man, is it an expert in raiding cosmic monsters?

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[In the stadium, Rick finally felt a little tired after playing for a long time. 】

[He came out of the stadium and took a sip of water.] 】

[At this moment, another alien spaceship descended from the sky.] 】

[Mistakenly thinking that this was an enemy attack, Rick didn't say a word, and prepared to abandon the consortium and run away.] 】

[Fortunately, the consortium explained.] The ship's owner, Beta-7, is "its" neighbor and assimilated lifeform. 】

[The Consortium and Beta 7 are currently in some sort of alliance.] 】

[And, judging from the behavior of these identical-looking Beta 7s, "they" obviously like the "Consortium" very much.] 】

[It's a pity that the "Consortium" doesn't look down on him at all, but is still flirting with Rick in front of Beta 7. 】

["Haha, Combination!Do you know what kind of medicine I can make after mixing these compounds together?"]

["Wow, Rick, can you satisfy the whole planet?"]

"I can do anything for you, baby. "】

[Seeing the heart-piercing scene in front of him, Beta 7 could only bow his head and leave silently. 】

[Through the new drug concocted by Rick, Rick and the consortium became more and more excited, and finally lost their rationality. 】

[In order to help... Hey, the Consortium even razed a town on the planet to the ground!much to Rick's surprise. 】

[But due to excessive madness, the union began to gradually lose its ...... Control over other people on the planet!]

[At the same time, Morty and her sister Sangmi are living a leisurely vacation life under the service of the consortium. 】

[Morty was just enjoying the burger meal that the Consortium had made for him, but Sammy's heart suddenly flare-up, and she felt that this life after assimilation was ...... It's no different from a slave!]

[But somehow, all the aliens controlled by the Consortium suddenly began to vomit wildly, spitting out all the green slime in their bodies!]

[Seeing that these aliens have finally regained their self-consciousness, Sang Mei was very happy. 】

[Who knows...... The aliens on this planet are divided into two factions, both believing that their race is superior. 】

[It was the assimilation of the Commonwealth that suppressed the war between them, and after regaining consciousness, this race war immediately began again!]

[For a while, the sound of killing was everywhere, and the blood rushed to the sky, and the peaceful planet suddenly turned into a bloody battlefield, and the frightened Morty and Sangmei siblings fled in all directions. 】

[Fortunately, the consortium still controls a lot of people. and also sent armed forces to pick up the two siblings. 】

[It was to return to a safe place, and after meeting Rick, both siblings persuaded Rick to leave the planet and go back to Earth. 】

[Because of his appearance, it seems that it will do no harm to this place. 】

[Moreover, Sang Mei actually hit the nail on the head and said the core of the problem. 】

["You and the Consortium seem to be very similar, but if you stay together, it will only bring out the worst parts of each other's personalities!"]

[In the face of his grandchildren's doubts, Rick still looked like he didn't care, just opened the portal and sent the two siblings back. 】

in the live broadcast room.

Seeing this, Loki suddenly covered his forehead and laughed wildly.

"Interesting, I didn't expect other races in the universe besides humans...... It's also full of bad roots. "

Pointing to the screen, Loki smiled more and more proudly:

"Look at it! these aliens just need a strong man to enslave them, otherwise, they will kill each other until they finally perish completely!"

"The enslavement of them by the consortium is actually salvation. "

"Please, how long are you going to talk about this cliché?"

Little Wanda looked at Loki with disgust:

"What does this conflict prove?"

"If the aliens of those two races can't get used to each other, then let them kill!

"Perhaps...... If one side exterminates the other, the problem is solved. "

"Ha ???"

Hearing this heart-wrenching violent speech, a series of black lines also appeared on Tony Stark's forehead.

And Peter Parker and others standing beside him couldn't laugh or cry.

On the contrary, Magneto didn't say a word, and there was a trace of agreement in his eyes when he looked at little Wanda.

"Worthy of my daughter...... ? "

[Video continued]

[Meanwhile, on Earth, Jerry Smith and his wife are looking for something in a garage.] 】

[Suddenly, they discover that there is a secret passage in the garage. 】

[Along this passage, the two came to a secret underground base. 】

[Then, they were shocked to find that there was a terrifying alien monster imprisoned in this base. 】

[Seeing this, Jerry immediately began to loudly accuse Ciric, while his wife Beth tried her best to defend her father. 】

[Soon, an argument broke out between the two.] 】

[It seems...... Jerry is upset that Rick came to stay at his house uninvited and took a lot of care from his wife and children. 】

["Until now, you are still ready to defend your father, you are ready to ...... Cut carrots in this dungeon where aliens are kept?"

["The relationship between you and your father is simply pathological!"]

["Just because he abandoned you once when he was a child, and now you are willing to do anything to keep him!"]

[Beth is worthy of being a professional woman, and immediately ridiculed each other:]

"Why are you so sure...... My genius dad must be wrong, look at this guy. "】

[Beth points to the tightly locked alien monster:]

"Perhaps, my father locked this monster to prevent it from eating the entire earth. "】

["Aha! makes sense, because your dad ...... He is such a saint who sacrifices himself for others!"]

[When arguing with his wife, Jerry seems to have burst out all the courage of his life. 】

["He wants to eat it!"]

["He's trying to protect it!"]

["Squeak Squeak ......"]

[Seeing that this unreliable couple is arguing in front of him, that cosmic monster who lives like a big bug...... Finally I can't stand it anymore. 】

[I saw that this monster's face was full of pain, and he was almost loveless. 】


[Under extreme mental torture, the monster tried his best to break free from the shackles on his hands. 】


[Jerry and his wife screamed in shock at the sight in front of them.] 】

[But surprisingly, this monster did not attack them, but ran to the storage cabinet next to it, broke the glass, and took out a strange instrument from the cabinet!]


[The couple thought that this was some kind of cosmic weapon, and they trembled with fright. 】

[But I didn't expect that this monster just pressed the instrument on himself.] 】

[Next, the monster finally started speaking English.] 】

[It turns out that the instrument in that locker is a translator.] 】

[Looking at the earth couple in front of him, the monster's words were angry...... Gave an impassioned speech:]

["Let me tell you, I am a monster who eats babies for a living, and I came to earth to eat babies!"

["But none of this matters!]

"What do you think...... Why was I so angry trying to break free?]

"What do you think...... Why will I never come to Earth again?"]

[The monster roars:]

["Because you two are simply unreasonable!"]

["You hate each other and hate yourselves!, but you want to put it all on Rick!"]

["It's really tmd laughing to death!]

["If it weren't for the fact that I didn't have the 'laugh' function."] I'm going to laugh out loud!"]

[Looking at the alien in front of him who was emotional and scolded with a translator, Jerry and his wife were also stupid and couldn't say a word. 】

["Tell Rick for me, I feel sorry for him and have to deal with you two guys all day!"]

[And when the big monster crawled out of the underground passage, Morty and Sammy just returned to the garage through the green portal.] 】

[Seeing that the big monster in front of him was blocked by the garage door, Morty, who looked confused, could only use the remote control to open the car door and let it out. 】

["Ah, the speed with which this door opens is amazing, I love it. "】

[While saying angry words, the big monster walked out, and when he left, he also pointed out a middle finger at the sister and brother.] 】

[On another planet, Rick and the Consortium finally fell into emptiness after getting tired of playing. 】

[When Rick came back from washing his face, he found that the Consortium had left the planet, leaving him only a farewell letter. 】

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