["Just now on the Internet, Pietro saw a series of bad news. "】

["The most notable of these is the release of SCP-682."] "】

"The immortal lizard not only has immortal vitality, but is also full of hatred for humans. "】

["In that sense, it's simply the perfect killing machine. "】

["But. If it is purely about killing efficiency, the Foundation obviously has a more powerful weapon than 682!"]

Pietro couldn't help but wonder why the Foundation didn't take a breath...... Unleash all the powerful SCPs?"]

["Is someone holding them back?"]

["Or does the Foundation have a deeper plan?"]

["Regardless, as an employee of the SCP Foundation, Pietro thinks...... In addition to recording everything that happened, I also have to find out the truth of what happened. "】

["Using the computer in the safe house, Pietro searched for the nearest Foundation base. "】

["That's Base 19, it's not that far from here. "】

In search of answers, Pietro leaves the safe house and embarks on a journey. "】

["Halfway through, he encountered a group of task forces wearing Foundation uniforms. "】

But under Pietro's covert observation, he discovers an astonishing incident. "】

The officers of the task force ordered the soldiers to stand upright, then drew their knives and stabbed them one by one. "】

["Almost all of the soldiers were expressionless, like robots, allowing their commanders to stab themselves with knives. "】

Only one soldier screamed. "】


[And seeing the soldier screaming under his sword, the commander's face suddenly changed. "】

["There's a living man here!"

Next, all the soldiers aimed at the screaming fellow, and a flurry of gunfire smashed him into a sieve. "】

After the soldiers had left, Pietro stepped forward, found some weapons and supplies from the soldier's body, and buried him. "】

And while doing all this, his mind was also full of doubts. "】

["Why, that commander stabbed his own soldier with a knife?"]

["Why, no one else feels pain?"]

["Aren't they human anymore?"]

["Could it be...... Are these soldiers pretending to be SCPs?"]

With countless doubts, Pietro continued his journey and eventually arrived at SCP Foundation Base 19. "】

After he came, he found that the situation here was even worse than he had imagined. "】

["Almost all the SCPs in Base 19 have been released,"

["None of the staff in the base are dead, and they are all working hard. "】

["Relying on the antimemetic suit he was wearing, "Invisible Pietro" listened to the staff members' discussions up close, barely believing their ears for a moment. "】

"They are actively discussing...... Which SCPs should be released next, and how can more people be killed more effectively!"]

["Pyro was dumbfounded!"]

["What the hell is wrong with these guys?"]

["Have they all forgotten the purpose of the Foundation?"]

["At this point, these staff members don't seem to even have basic humanity!"]

["And after careful observation, Pietro was suddenly shocked to find that the eyes of the staff of Base 19 were all full of coldness, all of them were dull, and they were like the walking dead!"

Filled with horror and bewilderment, Pietro quietly steals a senior staff's ID card and finds an empty office. "】

["Here, he used that ID card to enter the computer database of Base 19, trying to find out what was going on. "】

However, Pietro only discovered more mysteries. "】


["As far as Pietro knows, this project and the collective unconscious of humanity...... Also known as "mind space". "】

"Unfortunately, a lot of the files on the database have been blacked out, so Pietro can't fully see them. "】

[And when the "Soul Project" came to the attention of the O5 Committee, a series of instructions were sent to all senior staff and the basemaster. "】

["Then, a wave of self-resignation and resignation swept through the Foundation. "】

["Obviously, this mission is too terrifying, so even the executives of the Foundation Society, whose nerves are already extremely tenacious...... I can't bear it!"]

And Pietro was extremely disappointed to find that the specific content of this order was also unsurprisingly blacked out. "】

["Next, the O5 Committee sent a ...... to the remaining officers and the Director of the base A series of documents were sent and ordered to be distributed among subordinates and other clerks. "】

And just after the documents were distributed, all resignations and deaths disappeared. "】

["Obviously, the SCP Foundation has been preparing for this year's human extermination plan since the end of '19. "】

["As soon as 2020 beyond, the Foundation ordered Mobile Task Forces to go to various special bases and terminate all personnel. "】

["Base 22, where Pietro is located, is one of them. "】

["The Foundation then declared war on all of humanity. "】

["Looking at these blackened documents, the confusion in Pietro's heart has not only not been resolved, but has become more!"]

["What the hell is going on?"]

["What is that 'soul project'?"]

["What is the second release of the O5 Committee?"]

"Are those documents...... Did it change the brains of these staffers?"]

["According to Pietro's knowledge, there are many things within the Foundation that can change the brains of others. "】

["If it is to be distributed and disseminated through documents, most likely...... It should be some kind of "meme"!"]

But because so many documents were blacked out, Pietro couldn't find the answer he wanted most. "】

["Why does the Foundation want to exterminate humanity?"]

Unable to find an answer, Pietro had to use his computer to surf the Internet and start searching for the current situation around the world. "】

["It didn't take long for Pietro to discover that the Foundation continued to release various SCPs. "】

["For example, they released SCP-1370, a very weak robot that always thought it was strong, and was currently in front of a television camera, talking about how it would rule the world. "】

["And SCP-1048, a living teddy bear that is creating more of its own kind in the streets, and then attacking humans. "】

["In addition to launching attacks on humans, the Foundation is also trying to eliminate other occult organizations. "】

["For example, they used SCP-1290 to fire ultra-high-velocity weapons that destroyed the base of the Global Occult Coalition."] "】

["Of all these SCPs, SCP-1440 is probably the most dangerous."] "】

["This old man seems harmless to humans and animals, but wherever he goes, he will be completely destroyed. "】

["And the Foundation has sent a mysterious agent to take this old man around, leaving only a ruin everywhere he passes. "】

PS: The big chapter can't be sent, so I'll try to get another chapter tonight.

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