[Image continues.] 】

[On this day, Superman suddenly came to Gotham City. 】

[First of all, he subdued the two-faced man who did a lot of evil. 】

[Next, Superman faces the camera and claims that he came to Gotham City to deal with a problem that needs to be solved.] 】

[That's Arkham Asylum.] 】

[These sinners in the madhouse have brought disaster to the world again and again, and this kind of thing cannot continue. 】

["I, and the members of the Justice League who follow me, have made a decision to take these criminals out of Gotham City. “】

"Only in this way will they not continue to harm the innocent people here. "】

[Looking at Superman's speech on the screen, Batman in the Batcave suddenly changed his face. 】

[It seems that Superman has taken his anger against the clown out on the criminals.] 】

[Not wanting Superman to do anything in his city, Batman called his two Robins to stop Superman. 】

[But this time, Batman's biological son, Damian Wayne, did not agree with his father's approach, and even directly blamed Batman. 】

["Why do you think that Superman's approach is wrong?"]

["Arkham's madmen always run away to commit crimes, and then you catch them back, and then escape again......]

["If it goes on like this, when will it be a head?"]

[Batman didn't intend to pay attention to his son, and took another Robin directly...... Nightwing leaves the Batcave. 】

[Just came to Arkham Asylum, Batman realized...... How troublesome the rebellious bear child is. 】

[I saw his biological son Damian, standing behind Superman and Wonder Woman, clasping his hands, and saying to Superman with a proud face:]

"See, I said they would come. "】

[It turned out that after being thrown by Batman, Damian was alone in a small flying machine and actually rushed to Arkham Asylum ahead of schedule. 】

[And after arriving, Damian chose to stand on the opposite side of his father, joined Superman's command, and became the enemy of Batman!]

[Next, Superman didn't intend to pay attention to Batman at all, and directly ordered Cyborg to teleport all Arkham's prisoners away. 】

[But Batman never fights unprepared battles, long before coming to Arkham, or even many years ago...... The first time I saw Cyborg, he had already made a move!]


[With a scream, sparks erupted from the steel bones, and they fell to the ground and convulsed. 】

[It turns out that when Batman saw Cyborg for the first time, he uploaded electricity, brain, soldier, and poison to his body. 】

[Just now, he happened to activate this trick specially used to restrain the steel bones!]

[For Batman, even if he is a superhero in the Justice League, he needs to be watched out for in advance!]

[In the midst of the chaos, Harley Quinn ...... Harry Quinn suddenly infiltrated the control room of Arkham Asylum and opened the doors of all the criminals. 】

[Now, whether it is Superman's side, or Batman and Nightwing, they are all caught in a scuffle with these super criminals. 】

[In the midst of this chaotic battle, in the face of Nightwing's accusations, the rebellious Damian ...... He threw his short stick at him. 】

[No one expected that his stick hit Nightwing's head. 】

[Dizzy Nightwing, suddenly fell backwards]


[With a crisp sound, Nightwing just fell on a rock and broke his neck!]

[Damian Wayne misses and kills Nightwing!]

[Batman's biological son, killed his adopted son!]

[Looking at the corpse of Nightwing in front of him, all the superheroes were stunned, and Damian himself was even more remorseful, with tears of horror on his face. 】

[He just wanted to give Nightwing a little color just now, who knows...... It would have such terrible consequences!]

[And among all of them, the saddest is Batman.] 】

Nightwings...... Dick Grayson is not only his first Robin, but also the closest to Batman's son. 】

[And now, he was killed by his own son!、]

[Tearful Batman, picking up Nightwing's corpse, walked out of Arkham Asylum alone.] 】

[On this night, he lost his best assistant and also lost a son. 】

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Rampage Lori Jinx: Damn Harley Quinn, everything is the fault of this crazy woman!(▼Dish▼;)

Deadpool: Oh, why do I think it's a little strange to say the word "crazy woman" out of your mouth?

Rampage Lori Jinx: Phew, dead pervert, don't talk to me, even across the multiverse, I can smell the stench in your mouth.

Deadpool: Good guy, is my Uncle Wade's tone really so powerful?O(∩_∩)O haha~

John Constantine: To be honest, this little imp named Damian is really not simple.

John Constantine: First betrayed his father, and then beat his brother to death?

Nick Fury: From what I've observed, the man named Nightwing is probably not the biological father and son of Batman.

Charles Xavier: It's not a big difference, I'm going to be sad if one of my students dies.

Reed Richards: Honestly, don't you think it's a little weird?

Reed Richards: That Batman, the first time he saw Cyborg, he had already secretly attacked him!

Reed Richards: It's almost like a supervillain!

Bruce wayne:............ →_→

To tell you the truth, for Nightwing and Damian in another universe, Master Wayne really doesn't have any special feelings.

After all, he is not even married now. How can you accept it all at once...... Two sons suddenly appeared?

Moreover, Nightwing looks like he's in his twenties, and he's hardly any younger!

But even so, Damian's rebellion still left a deep impression on Young Master Wayne's heart.

Taking a light breath, Bruce Wayne secretly made up his mind.

"If I really have a son in the future, I will never be able to develop like this. "

Carol Danvers: Hehe, I've traveled to most of the galaxy, but I've never seen anyone so suspicious.

Carol Danvers: And the most strange thing for me is that if this Batman is so vigilant, why didn't he save Kryptonite to deal with Superman in advance?

Nick Fury: Indeed, even the Joker, the madman, can get kryptonite against Superman, Batman...... There's no reason you can't get it.

Jerome Valeska: Is kryptonite the kind of substance that can hallucinate Superman?

Reed Richards: It's not kryptonite, it's just some kind of fear gas. Under normal circumstances, it can't affect Superman.

Reed Richards: Kryptonite is a mineral that specializes in restraining nemesis, which can make Kryptonite's superpowers disappear, after all, and even turn into an ordinary person.

Jerome Valeska: Oh......

Tony Stark: Maybe Batman doesn't have enough kryptonite to save up, or maybe he can only use it once against Superman.

Carol Danvers: It's enough to deal with it once.

Carol Danvers: Knock out that out-of-control Superman with kryptonite, and then lock him up in ...... In a room full of red sunlight, it's like dealing with Superman in the world of Flashpoint!

Carol Danvers: Isn't that the problem solved?

Clark kent:............ Are you going to lock that Superman for the rest of your life?(▼ヘ▼#)

Carol Danvers: Ha, I don't mean to offend. But in the current situation, if you don't control that superman, he will definitely become the biggest threat to the earth!

Bruce Wayne: Let's keep some hope, at least so far, Superman hasn't killed again.

Bruce Wayne: Maybe he'll wake up one day.

Carol Danvers: Hmm, as long as that Wonder Woman is by his side, I'm afraid that day will never come.

Wonder Woman Diana: ............

Ghost Rider: One thing I find strange, why does Superman need to wake up?

Ghost Rider: What has he done wrong so far?

Ghost Rider: Doesn't the Joker deserve to die?

Ghost Rider: You're here...... Accusing Superman of "thinking himself to be God," then what do you think you are? God?

Ghost Rider: If you're not God, why do you think you...... Superman must have done something wrong?

Faced with Ghost Rider's questioning, the chat group fell silent for a while.

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After successfully maintaining world peace, Superman began to further intervene in the human world. 】

[Batman shows deep concern about what he did.] 】

[Because, he knows this very well...... The "peace of terror" maintained by superhuman strength is in fact unsustainable. 】

[The reason is also very simple, those factors that led to the war have not been solved at all.] 】

[If you want to keep the peace for a long time, the only way is to use all the factors that lead to war...... Get rid of them all!]

[If Superman wants to do this, the only way is to completely rule the whole world!]

[Batman can't accept this kind of thing anyway.] 】

[It would be wrong to let one person rule the whole world, whether that person is an alien or not!]

[In order to fight against Superman's domination, Batman also secretly formed a superhero squad. 】

[Meanwhile, Superman arrives at the ruins of the Metropolis and surprisingly finds a surviving friend from the ruins here.] 】

[Lex Luthor, the best scientist on Earth.] 】

[Surprisingly, in this alternate universe, Lex Luthor and Superman seem to be good friends.] 】

[Lex Luthor also joined Superman's Justice League and became Superman's brainstorm. 】

[Not long after, under the arrangement of Lex Luthor, Superman held a public lecture.] 】

[In his speech, Superman, dressed in a suit and tie, claims that the world is now in unprecedented peace. 】

[Those evil forces are being gradually eliminated, and the people can live without fear. 】

[But before Superman's words were finished, with a loud bang, a passage to another world suddenly opened in the sky!]


[Countless terrifying monsters rushed out of the passage, they were dressed in armor and looked like a bug magnified countless times. 】


[It's the demon-like army of the Apocalypse.] 】

[Under the order of the Dark Lord Darkseid, through the burst channel, the Apocalypse Star launched an attack on Earth!]

["Protect the people!"

[Superman screams and grabs a demon-like throat.] 】

[And at this moment, a dazzling light flashed, and Superman was actually sent flying!]

PS: The big chapter can't be issued, and I'm trying to write 4 chapters today.

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