in the live broadcast room.

"The Three Dead Brothers?"

Hearing this name, many people in the live broadcast room were a little surprised, and Xiao Wanda muttered in a low voice:

"This strange plague doctor...... Could it be that he also made a bet with those three brothers?"

Upon hearing this, everyone remembered the hapless SCP-1440.

This guy is because in a "posthumous gamble", he won a big win and won the best treasures of the three dead brothers.

That's why he was cursed by the brother of death!...... We must live forever in the pain of not being able to survive and not being able to die.

"It should ...... Not really. "

Peter Parker said with some uncertainty:

"Those three brothers are also gods in charge of death and destruction!"

"How could it be...... Always losing to mortals?"

"Who knows?" said Bruce Wayne thoughtfully.

Judging from the previous images, the three brothers are even as strong as ...... Enough to defy the Crimson King!"

"But even so, they didn't use their divine powers to cheat in the game, which is really commendable. "

And just as everyone was discussing, a new image appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[The strange narration voice also sounded again.] 】

["In the dark Middle Ages, black, death, and disease swept across the West, and tens of millions of people were reduced to dry bones in the face of this plague. "】

"In the face of this terrible plague, a new profession has been born, that is, the plague doctor who wears a robe and a beak mask. "】

At the time, SCP-049 was just an ordinary poor man living in a small village with his wife and daughter. "】

["One day, a true plague doctor rode past his house on horseback and fell from his horse to his death. "】

["It turned out that in the process of treating the disease, this plague doctor also contracted black, death, and disease, and the one who died happened to die at the door of this man's house. "】

["Looking at the corpse of this genuine plague doctor, this ordinary poor man suddenly had a strange thought. "】

["He stripped off the black robe on the doctor's body and the bird's beak mask on his head, and then put it on himself!"

From then on, this poor man, who could not read a large number of words, pretended to be a plague doctor, and began to deceive people everywhere in order to obtain money. "】

["But what this man doesn't know is...... That dead plague doctor has already been cursed by the dead brother!"

["The one who cursed him was the youngest and strongest of the three brothers of death, Small, Death!"]

["The act of this poor man putting on the garb of the plague doctor is tantamount to taking the dead from the dead...... Took over the curse!"]

"Since then, this man has been pretending to be a plague doctor and walking in areas where black, death, and disease are prevalent. "】

"No matter how terrible the plague may be, it seems that he will never be infected. "】

["The people who witnessed this spectacle regarded him as a real doctor, and begged for his help, and did not hesitate to give large sums of money!"]

["But neither this man nor the people could have imagined that the reason why he was immune to the epidemic was because of the curse of the little Death!"]

["Moreover, everywhere this "fake plague doctor" passed, plagues were rampant, and countless people died!"]

["Because of the effect of the Curse of Death, he can spread the plague without knowing it, but he is immune to the plague!"

"Without knowing anything, the "fake plague doctor" spread the plague in countless places, killed countless people, and made an astonishing amount of money. "】

["When he finally returned home with the money satisfied, he found that he ...... Instead, his wife died of the plague. "】

[Faced with this terrible sight, the mind of the "fake plague doctor" collapsed. "】

["Next...... This man, it seems, has made more deals with the little Grim Reaper. "】

["Not only did he gain strange powers, but he also got that ...... out of thin air A surgical kit with unlimited instruments can be taken out. "】

["Moreover, this man seems to have operated on himself with the instruments in his surgical kit. "】

He removed his own skin and transplanted the plague doctor's beak mask and black robe onto his body, connecting them to his flesh and bones. "】

["It is speculated that he may have even removed part of his own brain and replaced it with someone else's."] "】

[From then on, the original "impostor" no longer exists. "】

["In its place, there is an immortal ...... whose mind is full of all kinds of medieval medical knowledge, and who is always accompanied by a bird's beak mask and a black robe"]

["Plague Doctor!"]

Seeing this, the chat group suddenly became lively again.

Hermione Granger: Original...... This doctor is a poor man. (ㄒoㄒ)

Rampaging Lori Jinx: Poor ghost! He spread the plague back then, and I don't know how many people were killed!

Rampage Lori Jinx: Now she's a madman again, and he's turning the living into zombies!

Rampage Lori Jinx: If he's pitiful, then what are the people who died under his hands?

Barry Allen, The Flash: Jinx, it's unbelievable that you would say such normal things.

Starlight: yes, it seems that you are really gone.

Rampaging Lori Jinx: Hmph, huh? You can see that. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Rocky Odinson: Oh, could it be that you also operated on your own brain, so you were cured of your madness?O(∩_∩)O haha~

Rampaging Lori Jinx: Phew, you, you should call that plague doctor to open your brain!

Rampage Lori Jinx: I was cured by the tickle monster!

Stephen Strange: Is it SCP999?

Stephen Strange: This little monster seems to be one of the sons of the Scarlet King, and has extraordinary abilities to soothe the soul......

Bruce Wayne: Unfortunately, although we know the origin of this plague doctor, we still don't know what exactly "plague" is in his mind.

Stephen Strange: If he doesn't want to answer himself, probably ...... It's a puzzle forever.

Agent J: Speaking of which...... The people on the "SCP Earth" are really unlucky.

Agent J: There are inexplicable high-dimensional evil gods and supreme divinities everywhere, and if you accidentally bump into them, then it's all over.

John Constantine: Your world isn't much better, walk down the street...... You may encounter aliens pretending to be humans!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): One thing is still very strange, because of the curse, this plague doctor...... Isn't it true that the plague will be spread everywhere?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): How ...... Now it's becoming "normal"?

Stephen Strange: Maybe it's because of the deal he made with Little Death, maybe it has something to do with the "surgery" he did on himself.

Jerome Valeska: Cut off the skin on your body and turn your face into a bird's beak mask!

Jerome Valeska: By such means, the spread of the plague can be avoided. Sounds pretty reasonable.

Hermione Granger: ............ It's terrible, what kind of world is this?╥_╥

At that moment, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

The strange narration voice also sounded.

["No one is sure how many anomalous beings the SCP Foundation has acquired. "】

["It is well known that the highest apex of anomalous existence is SCP-001!"]

"But there is one thing that is very strange. "】

["As many people know, SCP-001 is not just one, but a cluster of 10 different proposals!"]

["Some believe that the real SCP-001 is hidden in this group. "】

["But some people think that these dozens of proposals may be all tricks!"]

["However, among all these "001 proposals", the most prestigious and widely known is the famous high-dimensional evil god ......"]

["The Crimson King!"]

["Many people feel that if there really is a "001" at the apex of all SCPs, then "it" ...... Most likely, it's the Crimson King!"]

["After all, who better than this embodiment of chaos and cruelty, the ultimate demon king who may exist in multiple realities and dimensions at the same time...... More qualified to sit in that position?"]

[In fact, many within the Foundation believe that the Scarlet King is the culprit behind the many SCPs. "】

[Moreover, there is even speculation that the SCP Foundation was established to fight against this evil supreme divinity. "】

["Under the rendering of various legends and gossip, within the Foundation, the image of the Crimson King has been unlimitedly elevated, turning into some kind of indestructible, insurmountable, and even invincible ultimate nightmare!"]

But as time passed, something incredible happened. "】

["The SCP Foundation has downgraded the Crimson King's object class from "Keter" to "Safe"."] "】

["It is said...... Any further modification of the object's class could result in irreparable horror. "】

["No one within the Foundation understands the significance of this move. "】

["After all, there are still many secret organizations or orders under the banner of the Crimson King...... did evil, and even tried to summon this high-dimensional evil god to Earth!"]

["There is no doubt that once the Crimson King appears in the real world, it will mean the end of all things. "】

["How can such a terrifying existence be a "Safe" level?"]

["And in order to explain this matter, I have to mention a senior researcher of the Foundation......"]

["Dr. Robert Montauk."] "】

["This is the man who invented the infamous Montauk program!"]

["Many years ago, during the famous "SCP-231" event, Dr. Montauk invented this ...... in order to prevent the birth of the last Crimson Prince's heir Appalling program. "】

"But that's just the beginning. "】

["During the raid on the Son of the Crimson King, the Foundation captured not only seven women, SCP-231, but also the leader of the cult...... Dipesh Spivak. "】

["Dr. Robert Montauk, who was the lead person in charge of SCP-231 and SCP-231-7 at the time. "】

["Therefore, he spent a huge amount of time interviewing and interrogating this cult leader. "】

["However, the final result was beyond everyone's expectations. "】

[Since then, the Foundation has downgraded the Crimson King's object from "Keter" to "Safe"."] In addition, it is also forbidden for all personnel to discuss this high-dimensional evil god internally. "】

["It's like...... The Foundation wants to pretend that the Crimson King doesn't exist. "】

["And the most bizarre thing is that Dr. Robert Montauk, the avenger who firmly believes that his brother has been killed by the cult of the "Son of the Crimson King", and hates him ......"]

["In the end, he actually defected from the Foundation and invested in the "Son of the Crimson King"!"]

["Allegedly, Dr. Montauk...... Now he has become the number one person in this cult!"

["And...... Montauk now has only one goal, and that is to completely destroy the SCP Foundation!"

["It seems that Dr. Montauk is like this because...... He's discovered the true face of the Scarlet King!"]

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