[The screen turns, and you come to the ultimate universe 1610.] 】

["Our hero, Spider-Man, left us today. "】

[On TV, a female host said in a deep voice:]

"His death is related to a mysterious earthquake that occurred in Brooklyn today. "】

[The news of the death of Spider-Man Peter Parker, through TV and various media... body, instantly spread throughout the city of New York. 】

【“............ It has been confirmed by various sources that Peter Parker, a 26-year-old college graduate student and part-time photographer, ...... For nearly 10 years, he has been playing the role of Spider-Man. "】

[While the entire city was mourning the death of Spider-Man, Miles Morales, who witnessed that scene...... In a trance, he came to a "Stan" store. 】

[On this day, countless people flock to this store to buy merchandise related to Spider-Man.] 】

[It's like somehow, invariably committed, to commemorate Spider-Man.] 】

[This man may be dead, but people still want to leave as much as possible something related to him.] 】

[Like everyone else, Miles Morales also purchased a Spider-Man uniform.] 】

[And in front of the cash register, a white-haired shopkeeper picked up the pack of Spider-Man uniforms, and his face showed a look of sigh:]

"I'm going to miss him. "】

[I saw this old man, his appearance is so familiar, it is ...... Stan Lee!]

[Looking at Miles with a depressed expression in front of him, Stan Lee suddenly smiled softly:]

"You know what? I'm friends with Spider-Man. "】

[And when he said this, Stan Lee's eyes also showed a trace of nostalgia. 】

[Miles didn't believe Stan Lee's words, just lowered his head and asked:]

["If this uniform doesn't fit, can I return it?"]

[Upon hearing this, Stan Lee's face immediately showed a puzzled smile, and he said softly:]

["At the end of the day, Spider-Man's uniform will always fit ......"]

[Looking at the old man in front of him with a big mouth and white teeth, Miles looked to the side in a bit of confusion. 】

[I saw a sign pasted next to Stan Lee that read:]

["Once sold, it will not be returned."] "】

And seeing this scene, in front of the live broadcast screen in the multiverse, countless exclamations were remembered.

"Stan Lee and Spider-Man are friends, and that's no joke. "

"To be friends with the Creator God...... It's really enviable. "

In addition to exclaiming, some people seem to have guessed something:

"No wonder Stan Lee has been around Spider-Man so many times before!

"Isn't it ...... Stan Lee was very careful when he created the little spider. "

"If you like your own creation, you're really a gentle creator. "

"That's not right!"

Hearing such a conclusion, some viewers also questioned:

"If Stan Lee really likes Spider-Man and regards him as a friend, why is Spider-Man still tragically dead in this universe?"

"Why didn't you save this creator God?"

"How can there be such a friend in the world?"

in the live broadcast room.

"It seems that this Stan Lee really adheres to the principle of 'non-interference'. "

Tonisdak let out a slight breath, a complicated look on his face.

Tell the truth, deep down...... Tony was actually very much in favor of Stan Lee's choice.

After all, if a god of creation with infinite divine power could still rely on his own will to distort and alter reality as he pleased......

That will only cause ...... Countless times more terrible than the Scarlet Witch!

Moreover, even if Stan Lee does not act arbitrarily, his arbitrary modification of reality is not ...... Did he use the world as his playground?

Under the influence of such a deity, the people of that world ...... Can it really be considered alive?

At this time, little Wanda suddenly muttered in a low voice again.

"This ...... Isn't it just that you can't save yourself when you die?"

Hearing this, Tony just wanted to say something, but Bruce Wayne next to him took the first step to open his mouth:

"Perhaps...... Our world was created by this Stan Lee. "

Young Master Wayne looked solemn and said word by word:

But now that we have been given life, we are individual individuals who do not need God to interfere with our choices. "

He glanced at the large screen in front of him:

"That Spider-Man Peter Parker also made his due sacrifice under his own choice!"

"We should remember his passing, but we don't need to force the gods to come into the world...... Come and save everything!

"What are you talking about?"

Little Wanda's brows furrowed, as if she didn't understand a little.

In her opinion, as long as there is strength...... Then it should be used, there shouldn't be so many restrictions at all!

Thinking of this, little Wanda looked down at the "Book of Necrons" at his feet.

Speaking of which, in this book...... It seems that the magic of the resurrection of the dead is actually recorded.

However, it requires the power of a certain god......

At this time, Peter Parker suddenly spoke, and said a little weakly:

"I think ...... too If there is something, it is not good to ask God. "

Scratching his head, Peter said, as he organized the language:

"Didn't there be a 'séance of the Machine' in that SCP Foundation before?"

The original meaning of the term...... It's about summoning a god on the stage and then solving everything. "

"If there really is such a god in reality, then ...... What's the meaning of life?"


Little Wanda blinked, her eyes full of confusion, as if she didn't understand what Peter was talking about.

Isn't it a good thing to respond to requests and make your wishes come true?

On the side, Tony Starck and Bruce Wayne glanced at each other at the same time, and they both saw the approval in each other's eyes.

They are all people with extremely high self-esteem and want to be in control of their own destiny.

Let God decide?

They don't want such a world......

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[As soon as the screen turned, I came to a strange universe again.] 】

[Matt Murdoch was originally an ordinary child, and he admired his father very much. 】

[But one day, he saw his father in the alley...... An ordinary person is being beaten. 】

[It turns out that his father is ostensibly a boxer, but he is actually doing things for the gang.] 】

[Shocked by the scene in front of him, young Matt Murdoch turned around and ran, but unintentionally, ran into an accident. 】



[In this accident, chemicals burned his eyes, which directly caused Matt Murdoch to go blind.] 】

Since then, the child has become a blind man. 】

[Even after encountering such misfortune, Matt did not give up on life. 】

[Although he lost his vision, for some reason, the remaining 4 senses he had left were greatly enhanced, allowing him to gain some kind of super perception. 】

[Of all these senses, Matt's sense of hearing is the most sensitive, almost like radar.] 】

[Extraordinary touch, his body gained amazing strength and coordination. 】

[Combined with hearing, and other senses, Matt Murdoch began to become fearless!]

[His physical functions and reflexes have long surpassed those of humans!]

[On this day, while crossing the street, young Matt used his superhuman hearing to detect something. 】

[An old man who was reading a newspaper was attracted by the contents of the newspaper and knew nothing...... Prepare to step into the traffic ahead. 】


[Stretching out the guide cane in his hand, Little Matt stopped the old man from moving forward.] 】

["Hoo ......"]

[A bus sped in front of the old man. 】

[If the old man continues to walk, he may fall under the wheels.] 】


[The gray-haired old man put down the newspaper in his hand, his eyes full of doubts. 】

[He first looked at the bus in the distance, and then looked down at Matt, who was wearing sunglasses and exploring the way with a guide cane, with a look of disbelief on his face. 】

[Could it be that this little blind man just now...... Saved yourself?]

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Nick Fury: The kid...... Is that Daredevil Matt Murdoch?

Tony Stark: Daredevil, who is that?

Natasha Romanoff: Through some intelligence channels, we know ...... New York, there are some new superheroes.

Natasha Romanoff: One of them is the blind Daredevil.

Natasha Romanoff: Daredevil generally operates in the Hell's Kitchen area of New York, working against the gangsters led by King.

Starlight: Wow! Being blind and being a superhero is amazing.

Nick Fury: Well, based on our intelligence, this Daredevil, the Hero, seems to have physical abilities beyond the ordinary.

Nick Fury: And, the darker it is, the more powerful he is.

Nick Fury: Now it seems that his ability ...... I got it because I was blind!

Loki Odinson: Wait a minute! Don't you think it's weird?

Loki Odinson: That Stan Lee is the creator god, how could he be because he reads the newspaper...... And almost hit by a car?

Loki Odinson: Do you want that blind imp to save you?

Barry Allen, The Flash: I think ...... This Mr. Creator God may have deliberately created an opportunity for young Matt to feel the taste of "saving people".

Rocky Odinson: What? What does it feel like to save people? (⊙_⊙)

Barry Allen, The Flash: That's right, saving people themselves...... It can bring a sense of pleasure to people.

Barry Allen, The Flash: If you feel this way from a young age, you will ...... in the future It is more likely to be a hero who helps others.

Rocky Odinson: It's inexplicable, listen to you...... It seems that saving people is a symptom!

Rocky Odinson: Once you try once, you can't quit for the rest of your life.

Barry Allen, The Flash: Your mind is too dark, isn't it?

Stephen Strange: In my opinion, that Stan Lee probably really wanted to help young Matt Murdoch on his heroic path, so he took the opportunity to guide him!

Gen-la Mordo: Well, this kind of mastery is indeed admirable.

Rocky Odinson: What's there to admire for a little blind man to be a hero? You're crazy. ╮(╯_╰)╭

Starlight: What's so bad about being a hero? The world just lacks enough heroes and has too many bad guys!

Rocky Odinson: ............

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[As soon as the picture turned, I suddenly came to the starry sky of the universe again.] 】

[On this unknown barren planet, an old man in a cosmic suit...... Stan Lee, telling a story to a couple of big bald heads around him. 】


[Suddenly, a spaceship passed over their heads, and then "jumped" into another dimension. 】


[Stan Lee, who watched the spaceship fly by, with a glass cover on his head, shook his head and continued:]

["Did you know that I used to be a courier back then......"]

[And these big bald heads in blue robes...... The observer, who doesn't seem to like Stan Lee's story, turns around and leaves. 】

[Seeing this scene, Stan Lee seems to be a little panicked.] 】

"Hey, don't leave me like that. "】

["Didn't you say you were going to send me back before?"]

["Oh my...... my God"]

[Seeing that the big bald heads didn't pay attention to themselves at all, just going farther and farther away on their own, Stan Lee lowered his head as if he had given up, and his whole person withered, as if he was very disappointed. 】

And seeing this, in the multiverse, a series of laughter erupted again.

"Hahaha! It's amazing, this scene is really a laugh to watch. "

"Even the gods created by the universe are pretending to be so weak and innocent, and they have to ask the observer to take him home!"

"Then again, where is Stan Lee's home, is it really Earth?"

"If he was a human before, maybe ...... It's really possible. "

"Hehe, in that case, your real problem should be...... Stan Lee's home, which earth is it?"

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