Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 56: "Democracy"

Zhao Wuxi said to the people of the country: "The method of Daitian that I demonstrated, everyone who was present should have told you yesterday, and now I have indeed received the blessing of the gods. However, whether it is to be implemented in your private land is up to you. The family has the final say, so there is this public discussion."

The so-called public discussion means "discussing it with the people of the country".

After the destruction of the Shang Dynasty, the rulers of the Zhou Dynasty, after summarizing the lessons of the collapse of the Shang Dynasty, expressed the emotion that "the sky sees what the people see, and the sky listens to the people."

The people did not include the savages and their ministers, but only the "national people", that is, the high-ranking citizens of the state. They had clans, private property, and armed equipment. They were the backbone of the city-state and also the reserve.

In the Spring and Autumn Period of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the power of the Chinese people was still very large. Although it was not a mainstream force, once it broke out, it could completely change the political situation of a place in a short period of time.

Therefore, in the reign of King Li of Zhou, the patent of mountains and forests was implemented, and "the mouth of the people is more protected than the river." As a result, people's anger was aroused, and a riot of the Chinese people could actually drive the emperor out of Zongzhou, and set up a "republican administration" that was unprecedented.

So more than 100 years ago, when the people of Wei Kingdom were dissatisfied with the fact that Duke Wei loved the crane but not the people, they spontaneously refused to hold the spear to defend the country: "In the general battle, the people of the country who received armor said: Make the crane, the crane really has it. Lu, how can I fight?"

Duke Yi of Wei did not get the support of the people of the country, so he had to drive alone to resist the invasion of the Di people. The result was a complete defeat, and the country of Wei was almost destroyed.

In addition, the people of Zheng State gathered in the village school to hold a citizens' assembly during the reform of the sub-industry and openly discuss politics. What is said, "Take my clothes and crown and make them, and take my fields and rank them; whoever kills Zichan, I will follow him!" He cursed that the ruling Zichan would not die. If it weren't for the rapid success of Zichan's reform, which reversed the people's perception of him, the consequences would still be unknown...

In the same way, in the previous coup d'etat of the Jin state, the people of the capital were also a decisive force, and they were the targets of the monarch and the clan's forces to win over.

Quwo replaced Jin. After decades of tossing around, the fiefdoms of Quwo successively killed several generations of Yi clan princes of Jin, even Zhou Tianzi and Guo Gong were helpless, but the people in Yicheng were opposed to it. down, repeatedly failed.

Fifty years ago, the Fan family and the Luan family fought in Xinjiang City. It was also because the Chinese finally sided with the Fan family and the monarch, and Luan Ying finally succeeded.

Even, the reason why Zhao Wuxi was able to defeat the Cheng clan with one blow was because of the dissatisfaction of the other people in the country with the Cheng clan. Afterwards, he couldn't let the people of the country obey his words. His prestige was much higher among the savages, but they didn't have any political status.

Therefore, Wu Xie can only use the words of ghosts, gods and witches to manipulate him...

This can be said to be a remnant of the original military democracy, and also the bud of Chinese democracy. To some extent, it is even somewhat similar to the contemporary Greek and Roman civil system. It is a pity that in the future Warring States period, most of the Chinese people will be reduced to the leaders of Guizhou, and the dawn of "democracy" will be destroyed by the brutal war of "the city is fought for war, and the city is killed by killing;

Zhao Wuxi was very fond of the independent character of the Chinese people in this era, and also respected this quaint public consultation system. But he also understands that he has to "play with democracy" this time. After all, the times and the people's vision are limited, and the next series of innovations cannot be implemented without this.

Moreover, he also recognized the words that the later Ximen Bao said when he ruled Ye.

"The people can be successful, but don't worry about the beginning!"

At least until the literacy rate of the population reaches a certain level, it can only be so.

So he stretched out his hands, one left and one right, as if he wanted to take the entire Chengxiang into his arms: "Those who want to plant the fields in winter are right, and those who don't want to be left!"

Hula la, just after he finished speaking, the first ones who walked to the right were those Chengxiang people under Zhao Wuxi's command who were suffering from stroke. They had been greeted by their boss Yang Tongrong and others, and they must support the gentleman today. The wicked boy Tian Ben even threatened that if anyone refused to obey, he would be expelled from the army, and he would bring someone to the door.

The obedience of the soldiers is indeed the highest. Zhao Wuxi was very satisfied. He smiled and then looked at Dou Pengzu who was standing in the front row.

Dou Pengzu was also looking at Wu Tie, and he remembered what Cheng Wu said when he came to him last night.

"The day of serving a gentleman will be in the Ming Dynasty!"

Yesterday, Wu Xia called Cheng Wu into a secret conversation and gave him a few tasks. One of them was to authorize him to lobby all over the country overnight. Since Dou Pengzu, who has always been unstable, can be pulled into the water once by Cheng Wu, then he can have a second time...

After being conferred the post of township chieftain, Dou Pengzu was still very grateful and trusted for this gentleman of the Zhao family, and the old farmers in Douli also said that the method of replacing the fields that the gentleman showed yesterday is likely to be effective, but I don't know if it is true or not. Really increase production.

Even if you can't increase production, try it for one season. It's unlikely to completely destroy the field, right?

What's more, the gentleman has secretly promised that if there is no harvest in the coming year, he will definitely allocate food from the lower palace, so that Douli will not fall into famine.

So Dou Pengzu, who had no worries behind him, took his first steps and stood on the right. The people of Dou Li who had no land and followers followed him.

But those who have fields are still a little hesitant.

At this moment, I saw all the Chinese people in Jiali followed closely behind and also went to the right.

The mind of the patriarch of the Jia clan was different from that of Dou Pengzu. When Cheng Wu came to lobby last night, he agreed without thinking.

Last time, he missed the first act of serving as a gentleman, and let the incompetent fat man Dou Pengzu become the township minister. This time, he can't miss it.

Anyway, the Jia family was born in Chidi and liked hunting and gathering. If you put it in your own hands, the private field under the land will have no harvest every year. With the gentleman's method of replacing the field, can you still destroy the land? How could it be so fast, so he could simply agree.

What's more, Cheng Wu also brought a gentleman's promise of no mercy: the gentleman will form more light knights in the future. Among them, the two Sima, the corporal chief and other low-level officers will first choose the children of the Jia family who are skilled in bowing horses.

With Dou Pengzu and the Jia family taking the lead, the people of Arita also began to waver.

Seeing that the fire was almost over, Zhao Wuxi made a loud promise: "Don't worry, everyone, this winter planting, all the wheat seeds will be provided by the village temple, and every five households can borrow a cow or horse to assist in the farming!"

As soon as these words came out~www.wuxiahere.com~ everyone was in an uproar, and some people ran to the right one after another.

Their previous concerns were nothing more than fear that not only would they not be able to increase production, but they would consume the land force, which would outweigh the gains.

But now, the gods have already said that the method of planting the field in winter will be a blessing! Moreover, the wheat seeds are free, and you can also borrow cattle and horses!

Such a good thing, a fool would not do it!

Finally, even in the fourth mile of the Cheng family, someone stepped forward.

Chenglong, who represented Cheng Weng and Cheng Shu to attend the public meeting, was in a hurry and wanted to step forward to hold them back, but he couldn't stop more people from following.

He knew clearly in his heart, what is the will of the gods, this is clearly said by the gentleman Wuxi through the mouth of the witch!

But he didn't dare to tell the truth openly. In that case, the superstitious and angry people in the country would think that he was blaspheming the mountain master and the water master, and he would be expelled from the village.

So Chenglong turned around and found that in the township, except for their Cheng clan, only Sang Yangweng had not moved.

He breathed a sigh of relief, who would have thought that this old farmer with gullies on his face and calloused hands resolutely walked to the left in front of everyone's eyes. He opposed the method of planting fields in winter!

Patriarch Sangli hurried to Lasang Yangweng and said, "Aweng, don't be stubborn, come with me quickly!"

Sang Yangweng was unmoved, "I won't go away! The old man still doesn't believe it. The way a gentleman sees in the hands of a savage farmer is better than my decades of farming experience!"

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation... The second update will be after 14:00

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