“Wailing Wall!”

A wall of demons appeared in front of Rokhan's party, who ran in a straight line to the dimensional gate.

But it's different from what we've seen so far.

Because it was the screams and grudges of a world that stopped them.

The enormous negative energy that even the gods cannot ignore, exerted physical and mental influence and exuded their presence.


The spirit god tried to raise the divinity in a hurry, but it wasn't something that could be easily resolved.

The power of harmony he possesses contains the ultimate purification ability, but the pain of the Wailing Wall is also not formidable.


Then the storm came instead.

It wasn't even using the power of space. He swung the Battle Ax away and slashed the wall, slashing the resentment of the numerous beings that made up it.

It was indeed a dangerous act.

If I couldn't handle the resentment of all the beings that make up the Wailing Wall, the storm could seriously damage me mentally.

But it was possible because of the storm.

How many do you think he has cut down so far? There must be more than all the inhabitants of that world combined.

The storm cut through the wall of wailing without changing a single expression. It is very light, like cutting thin shoji paper.


But you can't be vigilant The moment he cut down the Wailing Wall, the other Void Lords also began to focus their attacks on them.

Before going to Kai Lun, it looked like he was trying to get rid of his power, but if he looked closely, it seemed to be to prevent him from approaching him at all.

“Tree of Harmony!”


At that moment, the spirit god used his power once more.

The world tree was planted on the land where the Void Legion stayed and became nothing but the Void World.

The World Tree grew rapidly by absorbing the energy of the Void, weakening the enemy, and sown seeds straight away, creating a new World Tree.

In an instant, a small forest consisting of the World Tree was created and acted as a barrier.

“Hurry up!”

Dozens of world trees. The magnificence it had and the debuffing effect on the void were great, but it was unreasonable to last long.

The World Tree wields its branches and roots to smash and kill the Void beings, but it has its limits.

The erosion of the void began to occur faster than the purification rate of the World Tree, and the Void beings began to devour the divinity of the World Tree and devour it.

At this rate, the World Tree might be eaten by the void and attack this side.

'Aggro is fine.'

Instead, he drew aggro properly.

To the void beings who instinctively seek divinity, the World Tree served as a great aggressor and tanker, and with high actual purification ability, divinity, and vitality, it was able to withstand their attacks quite well.

The fact that the Void Lords weren't attracted to them also played a part.“Mega Gravity!”


As they ran along the road of the World Tree, which was built like a Garosu-gil, an enormous force of gravity was poured on them.

One of the void lords who wielded gravity wielded power.

The force was strong enough to make even Rokhan feel heavy and the wind that would not budge under any gravity, but there were people who dealt with a similar force here.

“Reverse Gravity!”

Celestial. Although not dealing with gravity itself, the guy who is a specialist in transforming the nature of the divine quickly grasped the nature of gravity and bets the power of reverse gravity on them.

The force of the Mega Gravity, which crushed the entire area with gravity, was still there, but they started running again without any problem, and the guy, realizing that he had no choice but to lose relatively, quickly took the energy of gravity.

There were only five, but the combination and compatibility were good.

When this happened, the Lords of the Void had no choice but to step forward.

The Lords of the Seven Voids fell in front of them, and the effect alone caused two world trees around them to collapse and mutate.


“… … !”

At that moment, the fallen roots of the World Tree seized the Void Lords.

I try to cut it off with force, but it's not normal. Rather, it bound them by demonstrating a more powerful divinity than before they collapsed.

"Well done!"

It wasn't something the spirit god had done. That's Dragon Road. He connected to the singularity of the earth and connected it to the world tree.

Since the divinity of Dragon Lord, one of the highest gods, has been added, it is self-evident that even the Lords of the Void cannot solve it easily.

A gust of wind swept towards the bewildered ones first.


This was an opportunity. A chance to take down a fully bound Voidlord in one blow. But at the same time, it was a crisis.

It was clear that if the storm swung his Battle Ax to slash one of the Void Lords, the aftermath of that power would unleash the other lords.

But the storm did not hesitate.

Like a person without a back, he boldly swung the Battle Ax out of the will of death and death.

It's something I wouldn't dare to do alone, but now I have trusted colleagues.

“Elemental Barrier!”



At that moment, three energies surrounded the body of the storm. The shield of the spirit god and the power of rebellion of the celestial god. Even Kai's Tetra Elemental.

They blocked, deflected, and shed the divinity the Void Lords unleashed, and saved the storm.

“Are you prepared?”

Thanks to that support, the storm surged with Battle Ax once more.

The lords of the void, who they thought would retreat or be thrown out, were defeated and left deep and fatal wounds.

He hurriedly avoided his body, but he couldn't handle the absurd attack.

My heart fluttered open, and blood and divinity gushed out like a fountain.

On the body of the wind that was covered with it, the wind caught up with him like a demon.

If you don't deal with these guys anyway, it's going to be difficult to get close to Kai Lun, so you're going to put an end to it.

'You're overdoing it.'

Looking at that figure, Rokhan could understand his intentions.

In order to deal with the divinity of the dimension that Kai Lun uses, a deep understanding of the dimension was essential.

If one of the two had to fight him, it was decided that Rokhan had a better chance of winning.

That's why he was trying to save Rokhan's power even if he used up his power.

As if he understood the meaning, he supported the gods and spirits with all his might, and in an instant succeeded in defeating the two void lords.

‘Things are good.’

There are now five Void Lords remaining.

And having all of them here meant that the gods could push forward at the forefront where the legions of the gods and the void legions would clash.

‘But why are you anxious?’

But Lokan couldn't hide his disappointment.

He felt like he was missing something. He is clearly in good condition on the front line, and thanks to the storm, he feels like he's missing something important even though Kai Lee Ryun doesn't detect his new power.

The number of Void Lords has been reduced to five, and if you add the God of Thunder and Dragon Lord supported by the Singularity, even though they have a numerical advantage, they did not know that the strange anxiety would go away.

“The charge of the whole body, the step of fighting spirit.”

But he couldn't just hold back. Rokhan took advantage of the gaps others had made and hurriedly flew towards the dimension gate.

If he got a little closer, a little bit closer, he would be able to read the coordinates linked to the dimensional gate.

In that case, you don't have to do any scavenger hunt here, just take everyone and warp straight to where Kairyun is.

He must have done something to prevent space movement, but he was able to relieve it enough to that extent.

He could have given him a surprise party.

The party ends only when someone dies.

'little bit more… … .'

Curl rumble!


At that moment, a huge pillar of lightning struck Rokhan in front of him.

Even though it was a Lokan who shared Kai's world and had strong resistance, the powerful bombardment of the divine had fallen so that his skin would tingle.

“Is this kid?”

Kurung, Kurreung!

Rokhan's expression changed like a demon as he received lightning strikes in succession.

Because it was not the lord of the void who struck the thunderbolt.

“The god of thunder… … .”

It was the god of thunder who entered the singularity.The guy who had the singularity in the sky threw lightning at Rokhan. Befitting the name of the God of Thunder, with a more powerful power.

control miss? No way. There is no way that a person of that size could fail in targeting, and it didn't make sense to strike lightning in a row like this.

This was clearly aimed and shot. That means he was stuck in the void and ate it.

I don't know how they deceived their eyes until now, but they hit the betrayal at the most decisive moment.


Lokan raises the divine to solve it, but the paralyzing power contained in the lightning made it difficult to move.

A tingling sensation made my body sluggish, and thousands of lightning bolts smashed down on it without stopping.

“Eat yourself!”

It was difficult like this. Rokhan immediately used the power of space to change the direction of the lightning bolt.

The thunderbolts that had hit the sky soared and hit the clouds, and the clouds that had shot down thunderbolts caught the lightning and started to explode.

chain explosion.

Rather than simply exploding a single point of cloud, they were connected to each other like a chain lightning, causing a chain explosion.


However, with that, the divinity of the dimension that Lokan possessed was revealed. I don't know about the others, but if it was Kai-run, they would have noticed.

Kai Lun will be watching them from beyond the dimensional gate connected to him.


As expected, the dimensional gate began to narrow rapidly.

Perhaps he was worried that Lokan would cross the dimensional gate, or he began to retrieve the dimensional gate that resembled his own image that he had erected like a scarecrow.

Lokan rushed to use his mobile device, but the dimensional door closed a little faster.


In the end, the dimensional gate was completely closed with a few steps ahead.


At that moment, Rokhan shouted with divinity.

He summoned the windstorm, spirit gods, heavenly gods, and demons to his side.

He didn't make contact with the dimensional gate, but he knew his coordinates.

He becomes the guardian of the gods, and if he did not reach the max level of understanding and mastery of dimensions, he would have missed it, but he would have caught the tail.

In addition, the storm, which harpooned one more void lord, pulled himself out first.

The spirit gods and the spirit gods kept pace with him and pulled out his body, and the demon gods also approached them and recovered their power.

“The chief of sloth!”

While bringing the demons back into the world, he used the power of indolence to stop the pursuit of the Void Gods.


When they gathered in one place, Rokhan finally gave off his divinity. He set the coordinates and opened the dimensional door to where Kai Ryun was.


He moved to somewhere in the new realm where he was crouching.

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