Star Emperor Tyrant

Vol 2 Chapter 1342: Recruit Sapphire

Regarding the policies of the Star Dragon Empire, if ordinary people can still accept it, the pressure on the wealthy consortia and the rich will be greater.

For example, if a head of a consortium has a monthly income of 100 million STAR coins, he even needs to pay more than 50 million in taxes. Such high taxes simply make many rich people who belong to the country and descended from the country scold Ji Min Not adult-like.

So they want to resist.

Unfortunately, the oppression of the strong against the weak in the universe is not so easy to resist.

No matter how many troops they pull up, Ji Min only needs to mobilize a partial army to easily defeat it.

The level of the military's sophistication, the generation of technology, and the strength of its strength make them unable to resist and can only bear it.

This is like a huge country that already has an aircraft carrier and fifth-generation fighters to conquer a primitive country that can't even be made of a pistol and can only be hacked with a big knife. Even a special operations team can overthrow this primitive country.

Facing these small groups of rebellions, it was easier for the Star Dragon Empire to deal with than Star Thieves.

Herto star!

A slum in the southern hemisphere called Hexing City.

At this moment, there was a loud voice, and spaceships were everywhere in the sky. From time to time, a huge hull struck the sky above Hexing City, blocking out large tracts of sunlight, and the city was gloomy.

Soon, the battleship passed by, and immediately returned to light.

In line with the federal rule, the most remote artificially modified star finally ushered in the Star Dragon Empire’s troop transport fleet.

As early as two weeks ago, the new administrative officials and the people from the Star Dragon Empire’s enlistment had arrived on this humble planet, and formally announced the Star Dragon Empire’s reign declaration. The Concord Federation has been destroyed. From now on, he Alto was incorporated into the Star Dragon Empire, and at the same time, all the people on Alto were relegated to survivors.

This unfamiliar word instantly fell on the heads of all the people of Herto.

It also includes Sapphire that is orphaned.

Sapphire grew up without a father or mother, and lived by begging everywhere. It can be said to be quite miserable. Now that he has just grown up, he is facing the destruction of his country. Such an experience is very miserable for ordinary people.

But at this moment, Sapphire, who has already followed many young people on board the strange troop carrier, has only hope and excitement in his eyes, not half of the tension and sadness.

To him, Hexing City is a city full of decay.

Here is full of oppression and oppression. He has had enough since he was an orphan since he was a child. This is the first time he has left the slum, the first time he has left Hexing City, and the first time he has seen the invincible and mighty warship. See the beauty of the universe once.

This was the hope he dreamed of, and it was finally achieved at this moment.

Not far away, a cry came.

Sapphire turned his head and looked. Several teenagers in gorgeous costumes were crying and crying together. Obviously they were very scared.

Sapphire matures prematurely, regardless of his age, but he is clever, bold and careful.

When the name Star Dragon Empire first spread to his ears, he tried every possible means to find out some information about this country. Although not much, he knew that the Star Dragon Empire only took a few days. Defeated the Union of Conformity.

At the same time, the Star Dragon Empire seems to have other enemies, so it is recruiting soldiers everywhere, and not voluntarily, but in proportion to the population.

Hexing City, as long as it is of the right age, one must be taken away for every two men, and one for every three women. Their destination is the newly-built new barracks in the Star Dragon Empire.

According to the people in the conscription office, they should go ahead and study for three years, and then they will be assigned to various fleets to fight for the Star Dragon Empire.

Sapphire was an orphan, and he was begging everywhere. He didn't have a registered permanent residence. He could have escaped military service when no one was paying attention, but he took the initiative to go to the conscription office to register.

He wants to change his fate.

From the information he found about the Star Dragon Empire, it can be known that the Star Dragon Empire is a country based on force. The entire country was established during wars. Today, Emperor Ji Min is a victorious monarch. There are few defeats in a lifetime of conquest.

The entire empire attaches unprecedented importance to military merit.

The soldiers are also respected in this country.

Regardless of his background, as long as he can get a military black iron medal, he can jump to level four, become a two-star citizen of the Star Dragon Empire, and live dignifiedly.

He no longer looked at the crying young masters, but took out a small book and began to read it carefully. When he looked carefully, it was a row of Chinese characters and the translation of the federal language. He was studying the Star Dragon Empire. Official language.

Sailing is boring for many people.

But for Sapphire, it's not boring at all.

Every day is reading. When I’m bored, look at the vast starry sky. As soon as the meal arrives, delicious meals are delivered to the dormitory. This is simply the happiest time in his first half of his life. The only regret is that this room is too big. There are many people, and other people still have a slight influence on him after all. He doesn't like lively, but quiet.

The destination of this troop carrier is a new barracks in the patrol corridor.

It took a full month to sail before reaching the destination.

Originally, it took only a few days to walk the interstellar channel, but during this period of time, the interstellar channel was frequently used, and the army was mobilized, and the interstellar channel was often occupied, and troop carriers could only line up and wait for the army to pass.

When this troop carrier reached the new at the same time, countless troop carriers came from other directions one after another.

The densely packed troop carriers stopped in an instant and filled the landing apron.

"Disembark! Hurry! Hurry! Meet at venue number seven!"

Soon, the cries of the instructor sounded in the aisle.

This voice was shouted in the official language of the Star Dragon Empire, but it was instantly translated into a federal language and passed to every dormitory. All the recruits put on military uniforms and swarmed out.

This boot camp is a separate boot camp, built on a death star.

There is no sun, no trees.

A huge energy shield enveloped the entire boot camp, and at the same time emitted a faint light, illuminating the entire base as bright as day.

Here, there is sufficient oxygen, and there is no shortage of flowers and trees.

If you look from the sky above, it looks like countless ants swarming out of the troop carrier, the number is impossible to count, and these recruits have different races, different sizes, and people of all shapes.

The only thing in common is their military uniforms.

Although most races in the universe evolved differently, the races in the form of "humans" always accounted for the majority, whether it was the gods, humans, the black dead, the spirits, or the Ming and dark tribes of monsters. The Thunder Gods in the Star Patrol Corridor, etc., mostly exist in the form of "humans", with similarities and minor differences.

This seems to symbolize the universal truth of different evolutionary paths, but the unified end of evolution.

At the moment, recruits in the form of "people" accounted for the vast majority of recruits, including those who fit into the Federation.

In the command building of the new barracks, the generals gathered, and when you glanced around, they were almost all the generals above the major generals. In a new barracks, there are so many generals gathered, which is shocking, but they are not as good as another station. A tall figure without a military rank in front of the big screen...Ji Min.

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