Star Ring Mission

Chapter 246: sneak attack

Sun Duoxiang was shocked, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh. He really wanted to tell Su Mo, eldest brother, let's take it as soon as we see it, but he still didn't say it, because he closed his eyes and knew the result.

In the middle of the night, Su Mo drove the tearing claw to run fast in the Wangchuan Plain. He was eyeing a team of five mechas in the distance, all of them green shield mechas.

He dashed forward with the Rending Claw.

Before the patrolling mecha team could react, a mecha that came up was directly thrown down by Su Mo, and the sharp claws penetrated directly through the cockpit.

"Enemy attack!"

The remaining four mechas reacted immediately and turned around to fight back.

Directly, Su Mo controlled the tearing claw and rushed towards another mecha at a very fast speed.

Accompanied by a scream, it didn't take long for the five mechas to disappear.

In the cab, Sun Duoxiang watched Su Mo keep hunting these cockroaches, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief. As long as he doesn't attack Mo Baoke, everything can be said, at least his life is saved.

Su Mo continued to control the mecha to move to the other side to find new targets.

Sun Duoxiang asked curiously.

"Brother, do these people have any grudge against you? Otherwise, how can you keep their people and keep killing them?"

"Don't ask things that shouldn't be asked."

Su Mo was not in the mood to explain to Sun Duoxiang.


Sun Duoxiang quickly closed his mouth.

In the middle of the night after Su Mo hunted and killed a group of armored squads, two second-generation green-blade mechas rushed over in the distance.

"found it!"

"Kill him!"


Sun Duoxiang suddenly became nervous, he said to Su Mo, "Big brother, the opponent's master is here, should we take a break?"

"That's what I want!"

Su Mo's eyes were full of ferocity, and he really answered that sentence. It's a pity that the weight doesn't seem to be enough, but it doesn't matter, killing these two second-generation mechas should be enough.

In the center of Yuechuan Plain, in a huge camp.

I saw Mo Baoke, who was burly and had golden rings on his hands, was eating meat with a big mouth, and his mouth was full of oil. It was a fragrant!

A few fair-skinned girls beside him poured wine for him diligently.

"Mr. Deputy Legionnaire, you are really amazing. Now the whole army is praising your achievements. If it weren't for you, it would be very difficult for us to win such a large gold mine."

"Small idea! Just those scum, I'll remove them in two or three times."

Mo Baoke was drinking and replied in a very good mood.

"You are so brave."

"Haha, I am not only brave in battle, but also brave in that aspect, plus this..."

Mo Baoke said and took out a bottle of super divine oil, his face was full of excitement.

"Sir, how are you!"


"It's not good, Lord Mo Baoke."

Suddenly a team member rushed in.

"whats the matter."

Mo Baoke was disturbed by Yaxing, and immediately cursed very displeasedly.

"Lord Morbak, Captain Sanja and Singh were attacked and killed."

"What! Where is the enemy?"

Mo Bock was instantly furious and stood up straight.

"We don't know either, the enemy is running around on every edge of the Yuechuan Plain."


Morbak said and ran towards the hangar.

It didn't take long for Mo Baoke to drive the third-generation mecha and rushed out of the camp with a group of younger brothers.

On a hillside in the distance, two figures were lying on the ground, covered with camouflage cloaks, and they were observing the three-generation mecha that rushed out with binoculars.

These two figures are none other than Lin Zinuo and Qin Wang.

"Did you see clearly?"

"I didn't see it clearly. His mecha came out of the hangar. I didn't see it at all."

Qin Wang replied helplessly.

"Okay, just wait..."

Although Lin Zinuo was helpless, there was nothing he could do.

After a long time, Su Mo, who was on the outskirts of Yuechuan Plain, suddenly stopped and turned to look into the distance.

I saw Mo Baoke driving a mecha with a large number of people, rushing over from a distance.

"Brother, the evil star is here!"

Sun Duoxiang was so nervous that he stuttered.

Without a word, Su Mo lowered the beam cannon and blasted Mo Baoke from a distance, then turned around and controlled the mecha to flee directly, not fighting the opponent at all.

Mo Baoke waved the beam saber in his hand and directly slashed the attacking beam cannon, looking at Su Mo, who was running away, and cursed.


"Sir, what should we do now?"

The subordinate next to him saw someone running away and asked.

"What else can be done, try to catch him. This group of **** yellow monkeys will also have the ability to fight sparrows."

Morbak responded angrily.

In the cab of the tearing claw, Sun Duoxiang said excitedly to Su Mo: "Boss is mighty, that turtle grandson was so angry that he yelled in the back, and there was nothing he could do to us."

However, there was no joy on Su Mo's face. With the chasing speed of the third-generation mecha Killing Blade, it was completely possible to catch up.

But the other party had no intention of catching up at all, which showed that although the other party was arrogant, he was still very cautious and not as stupid as it seemed on the surface.

But it doesn't matter, what Su Mo lacks the most is patience.

"Big brother?"

Sun Duoxiang saw that Su Mo didn't speak, the excitement on his face suddenly disappeared, and he asked a little unnaturally.

"What's up."

" I'm just asking you, what are we going to do next?"

"Continue the sneak attack."

Su Mo's voice was flat, but his words were very firm.

Sun Duoxiang swallowed hard.

In the Yuechuan Gold Mine (open-pit mining area), teams of Wet God Guild players patrolled with weapons, and each patrol team was equipped with a green shield mecha.

Inside the mining area, heavy mining equipment is busy working.

At the same time, there are also many people with messy hair and dull eyes working. From time to time, a man with a beard, a leather whip in his hand, and a slightly pale skin, scolds him to hurry up.

The rough gold ore excavated here has been preliminarily screened, packed and loaded on special transport vehicles, so that they can be sent to a nearby base for purification.

On the hillside in the distance, Su Mo appeared driving the Furious Claw.

In the cab, Sun Duoxiang swallowed hard and said, "Brother, there are too many people in this gold mining area, why don't we change the place? And this is the most important place for them to attack this area, so let's put this place here. If they are stabbed, they can't go crazy."

"What to stab is to kill."

Su Mo replied lightly, although his goal was Mo Baoke, Su Mo kept hinting to himself that his goal was everything except him. This is the only way, so that the other party will not let the other party realize that if you want to lie to others, you must lie to yourself first.

"All right."

Sun Duoxiang was already a little numb.

"it is done."

As soon as Su Mo finished speaking, he pushed down the power lever to the maximum, and the tearing claw mecha burst out, rushing towards the gold mining area at an extremely fast speed.

The defending player saw the incoming tearing claw, with a look of fear on his face, and shouted in a panic.

"Enemy attack!!"

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