Star Wars: Rogue Knight II Return Of The Sith

Chapter 16 - An Alliance Tempered Part 2

Part 6


Senate Chamber

Senate building


On the way to the Senate Chamber, Obi-Wan was haunted by his conscience. He knew what he was getting into or at least he thought he did. This cut-throat backstabbing world of politics wasn't one meant for a Jedi. If the mere thought of the consequences wasn't too terrible to contemplate, Kenobi would have hoped that Delkatar was here to take the damned job. A Sith would be much better in navigating these treacherous waters. It would have been a disaster, true but... it was going to be one anyway.

Shortly after the Kenobis and their allies entered the chamber, Obi-Wan looked for Kuat's pod. He saw Danu arguing with his aides. The Senator glanced up and he sent a murderous glare at the former Jedi before he was able to school his face into a mask of indifference.

Danu had to see Obi-Wan's actions as an utter betrayal after the support Kenobi's allies gave him over the past week or so. He might even disobey the instructions he should have just got from Onara. The situation was less than ideal. If it wasn't for the information he got from his intelligence people, Obi-Wan might have come clean with Danu. By all accounts he was a decent man. An idealist even who rivalled Organa and Padme before the last brushes with reality began to change her. The problem was that Danu was adamant in his stance to reduce the power held by the office of a Chancellor and if he was elected it would be among the first things he pushed for. He would likely succeed to get just enough opportunistic votes to do it so Kuat's power would be diminished and thus destroy the power he would need to wield to see the war won. The Senate would continue to be useless.

What was wrong with the universe?! Obi-Wan wanted to scream. Why everyone was so keen on seeing the Republic destroyed?! Why did if fall to him to deliver the killing blow so he could salvage as much as possible from this catastrophe?!

Anger and frustration bubbled in the former Jedi. Thoughts that hadn't even occurred to him before were coming to the surface more and more often. If he became the Chancellor he would have the power to set things right. It was so tempting and the worst thing was that he saw no good option but to go on with it.

When the session opened, the chaos continued. More accusations and demands for actions came from all corners. It wasn't until Bail Organa got to speak, when things changed.

"You are all right!" The Alderaani declared. "We need to act! For too long we've wasted precious time with fruitless debates! The Separatists are fortifying their positions on our doorsteps! The galaxy is burning around is! Some of you condemn Veil while others praise him. The truth is that until our military is able to re-establish a secure route to the Western reaches of the Mid-Rim we can do nothing about him and that Mid-Rim Alliance. All we have is Separatist propaganda! We know precious little of what's happening across most of the galaxy and that is unacceptable. This madness has to end, my esteemed colleagues. That's why I'm calling a new vote for a Chancellor and nominating General Obi-Wan Kenobi to the position!"

"I object!" Danu Kuat stood up among the stunned silence gripping the Chamber and his infuriated voice echoed clearly. "This is nothing less than an attempt to subvert this Senate and the whole democratic process!"

"Order! I will have order!" The acting Chair shouted.

"To the hells with you! Did you listen to Organa?! A former Jedi and worse, a Mandalorian married to their Ambassador! Many of you accuse me of being a shameless tyrant!" Danu spat. "I only did what I believed best for the Republic despite orders from Kuat! And now this! Just a few minutes ago, Onara Kuat, the woman who for all intents and purposes controls Kuat and wants to control the Republic called me! She ordered me to back this insanity and convince every single of my allies to do the same! Onara Kuat and most members of the Kuat family crave only more power and influence! Did you know that during the Coup the Kuati navy could have saved Corellia? It was Onara Kuat who forbade it! Now that same woman wants to buy herself a Chancellor. Obi-Wan Kenobi no less. Tell me, Kenobi, what is your prise?"

The Senate chambers explodes with indignant cries and infuriate shouts of explanation that drowned Danu's next words.

"Well, that could have gone better." Obi-Wan muttered to himself.

It was tempting to back down. It would be so easy. In the same time, Danu's accusations were infuriating even if they weren't too far off the mark. That's why they stung so badly, Obi-Wan knew. He took a breath and gathered the Force.

"My price?" Kenobi's voice thundered enhanced by the very power that bound everything together. "One last, desperate chance to save the Republic! I know why you all argue! You are terrified by the prospect of voting in anyone to a position of as much power as Palpatine held. You won't trust such a person. Power corrupts and there won't be a more powerful person in the galaxy than the next Chancellor... if there's still a Republic for them to oversee. I can't promise you that so much power won't affect me. What I can promise is what will happen if we don't get a strong Chancellor now! The Republic is dying around us. That Mid-Rim Alliance that Veil announced? It's not the problem but a symptom. You look at Shadowfeed's broadcasts and see another group of Separatists rising. What I see is a direct consequence of our actions. The Republic has been leaderless for a month. Our armed forces and bureaucracy alike are paralysed. For weeks now the Republic has been a dying and you've all been fighting over her dying carcass. The Mid-Rim Alliance is doing what they perceive they have to in order to survive. Who will be next?" Obi-Wan spoke before his mind caught up to his heart. He was unable to keep the frustration and scorn out of his voice. "That is my price, Senators and for it I'm ready to sacrifice everything I hold dear. Can any of you tell me the same? Vote for me or don't. I don't care. Just get a Chancellor elected while there's still something left of the Republic!"

Internally, Obi-Wan screamed. He blew it. He lost control of his emotions at the critical moment and he blew the best chance they had of stopping this madness.

Virtually everyone in the Chamber was on their feet screaming. There was a clear minority that obviously supported him but the rest... They didn't appreciate being taken to task in such a manner. It was simply not done.

The Senators did vote. Obi-Wan had about a fifth of the necessary numbers. The only high point was that when multiple Senators called for his immediate dismissal they suddenly found out that they needed a Chancellor to do it. They weren't in his direct chain of command and he was the highest ranking military official in the GAR. There simply wasn't anyone else with the rank to fire him.

"General." Admiral Yularen's command voice cut through the angry buzz of the Senators.

"We're a go. Call our allies. I'm sorry." Obi-Wan spoke just loud enough to be heard.

"At least democracy didn't die with applause." Padme sighed. "Instead it must be ended by those few who actually are willing to fight for it."

Obi-Wan heard the pain of complete disillusionment in her voice.


Part 7


Senate Chambers

Senate building


Even under these extraordinary, frankly insane circ.u.mstances, Obi-Wan was glad that staging a flat out military coup was simply not feasible. It gave the Republic one last, theoretical chance to step back from the brink. That knowledge did little to reassure his torn conscience.

Nearby, Yularen barked orders so he could be heard over the clamouring of the Senators. It was done. While not precisely a coup, his actions broke the framework that made the Republic as it was possible. There were going to be consequences, probably grave ones. Many would accuse Kenobi and anyone who followed him of treason.

Obi-Wan surveyed the Senate Chambers. Those were the people supposed to make the Republic work? It was only now, after he crossed the line that Obi-Wan admitted it to himself. The Republic he spent decades protecting was gone. When he was just a Padawan, the Republic was dying. The Senate did nothing when the Trade Federation invaded Naboo. That should have been an eye opener.

Was he really that naïve or merely wilfully blind for the rot he saw during all those missions that led him all over the Republic? No. That wasn't it. Obi-Wan had hope then. He believed that the corruption he saw could be fixed. With a new Chancellor on the helm, one who everyone saw hard at work changing things... Obi-Wan wanted to laugh and cry. After the last month, he would have supported Palpatine even if he knew the man was a Sith. He might be tempted to do it even if he knew for a fact that the former Chancellor was behind the war, well at least until this madness could be resolved.

How far had I fallen without even realising it, Obi-Wan pondered.

Satine squeezed his hand hard enough for him to feel it through the armoured glove he wore. The reassuring gesture helped him centre himself in the present. The dice was cast.

When the GAR went rogue, the Senators didn't notice it immediately. They were too busy arguing and calling for Kenobi's head to pay attention to the infantry platoons entering the Chamber. The various stealth systems of the Clones armours did help. It wasn't until the few Senate Commandos who survived the Jedi Coup were surrounded by overwhelming numbers that someone finally noticed that there were a lot more people in the Chamber. To give the Senators credits, the Clones who took control of the building were all wearing smart paint on their armours that made them hard to see to unenhanced eyes. Besides, traditionally the Chamber wasn't particularly well lit up during a Session.

Cries of alarm and accusations of treason followed. Obi-Wan used the Force to activate their pod and rose until he was in the centre of the Chamber where he could be clearly seen by everyone.

"Esteemed Senators!" Kenobi's voice thundered. It was fuelled by the cauldron of emotions wrestling in his heart. "I have an announcement to make. As of this moment, Coruscant is in a state of emergency. The Senate building is under a lock-down. None of you is leaving this Chamber until you've legally chosen the next Chancellor and they countermand Order 66. Have a nice day." Obi-Wan did his best to keep the sneer out of his voice and expression. He really did.

He failed miserably.


A few minutes later, the conspirators gathered in one of the Senate's operations rooms. It was the closest locations with enough communications' equipment to keep them appraised of what was happening across Coruscant as well as provide comfortable conference connection with multiple local governments.

"Phase one is complete, Admiral." A Clone Commander reported to Yularen.

"There are protesters battling all over Coruscant. Your announcement lit up all those smouldering fires." Praji said. "It looks like there are a lot of people supporting your perceived bid for power, General Kenobi." He smiled with grim amus.e.m.e.nt etched on his face.

Obi-Wan g.r.o.a.n.e.d. Public support was nice. It also made stepping back in the unlikely happened and the Senate actually voted in someone who could get the job done. If they could agree on anything besides wanting Kenobi's guts for breakfast.

"We're receiving calls from all over the Republic condemning your actions." A comms officer reported. "Multiple requests for you time too.

"List the later by descending order of importance." Obi-Wan ordered.

"Director Onara Kuat, Senator Iblis from Corellia, Director Kelly Roch from Serapin. Prime Minister Gregory Holt from Anaxes demands to speak with you and Admiral Yularen..."

"Put Kuat on first." Obi-Wan decided to bite the blaster bolt.

"General." The Director appeared even sterner than before. "We find ourselves at a crossroads. I trust that Senator Danu will be... disciplined for his actions."

Obi-Wan looked at the older woman who wore one of those ridiculous hats that were all the rage among the Core Nobility lately. They were casually discussing the fate of a good man, even if Danu just kriffed over the best chance the Republic had left. A few months ago, Obi-Wan would have diplomatically told Kuat to go to hell. Today? Today he took another wilful step down the slippery slope.

"He will be. The Senate proved itself not only useless but the deterrent to the continued survival to the Republic." Obi-Wan's voice became flat and emotionless. Saying it out aloud... it felt like taking another fateful step. One too many today and the effect it had upon him was much lesser that it should be.

"I have to agree with that sentiment. Minister Praji?" Onara looked at the highest ranking civilian servant in the room.

"The Republic government concurs, madam Director."

"General Kenobi?"

"The armed forces of the Republic concur, madam Director."


"The Senate concurs, madam Director." Bail spoke with a voice like gravel.

"Kuat concurs too." Onara Kuat stated. "Well, that's done." The Director sighed. "I didn't want this, you know?" When she said it she looked her age for the first time that Obi-Wan saw. "Let's see how many of the relevant governments would agree. I hope you'll be able to get that pesky Order 66 out of effect before we are done."

"Me too, Director."

"Good luck with that. I need to make a lot of calls." Kuat cut off the connection.

"I can't believe it." Padme muttered. "We just killed the Republic."

"Now we have to end this war and rebuild it." Mon Mothma's voice was like a whip. "Get a hold on people or this would be a pointless exercise of futility!"

"Get Ben Iblis on, lieutenant." Obi-Wan spoke to the comm officer. "Minister Praji, can you oversee the Judicial forces on Coruscant? We need the riots taken care of before they wreck half the planet."

"I'll do my best. Can I call more men if I need them?"

"Admiral Coburn is ready to send what reinforcements we have left. There are trillions on Coruscant and too many of them are out on the streets. Try not to cause a massacre."

"Please. Do I look like Grievous?" Praji looked disgusted at the very notion.

Obi-Wan wondered if he was more disgusted by the dark stain on the reputation of his family that a massacre would cause than about the people who might die if the riots weren't stopped cold.

With allies like these who needed enemies?

"General Kenobi." Gram Bel Iblis face was a mess of static from jamming. His voice was little louder than a whisper, though he could be understood. "What in the nine Corellian Hells is happening on Coruscant?"

"We're doing what we have in order to prosecute the war to the best of our abilities and to protect the galaxy from the Separatist threat." Obi-Wan answered.

"Who is 'we' and can you help us? The situation here is deteriorating." Iblis admitted.

"If we can get Order 66 countermanded then I'll be free to move on Corellia ASAP. I promise you, we haven't forgotten nor abandoned you."

"In that case, you General Kenobi, has our support and that of our allies. For what that's worth nowadays." Iblis smiled. "What you're doing is almost Corellian like."

"I appreciate it." Obi-Wan nodded.

"I won't keep you then. General Kenobi, I'll hold you to that promise."

"That went better than expected." Bail muttered after finishing a call of his own to Alderaan.

"It won't be all good." Satine warned.

"It never is." Mothma agreed.

"Next? Anaxes was it?" Obi-Wan asked the comm officer. "Put them through."

"Yularen! Kenobi! What in the name of all that's unholy did you two idiots do?!" Prime Minister Gregory Holt's ghostly visage glared at them. He looked like a thirty or forty years older Yularen, betraying a close family connection.

"Uh. Uncle Gregory, I can explain!" The Admiral stammered.


Part 8


Officer quarters

Republic cruiser "Avenger"


Gideon Tarkin twitched a lot listening our account of Sull.u.s.t. His face went from pale to bright red and then purple. At least he didn't splutter, though I'm quite sure it was a close thing.

"We did recover a lot of supplies. Enough to keep a sector fleet fighting for a few days straight, so the operation was overall success despite the severe losses." Joanna finished the summary.

She still hadn't forgiven me for getting her precious Freedom gutted, however she at least agreed that the funeral pyre we arranged was one for the history books. I probably should do something nice for her – competent minions were very hard to find and while I was pretty sure there was no chance of her betraying me, her mind might just break if I pushed her too far. The uncertain fate of Corellia, the losses Joanna's crews suffered ever since we left to deal with Crimson... Yeah. Perhaps when I got myself a nice new flag I might christen in the Freedom too and give her overall command. That might help a bit. Doing something for the Separatists running wild in her home should help too but we wouldn't be in a position to deal with them for the foreseeable future.

We had more immediate concerns after all.

"All that Shadowfeed chit was true?!" Gideon finally exploded. "What the kriff is wrong with you, Veil?! Destroying moons, igniting stars?!"

"I've done worse before." I shrugged. I was sure more people died on Geonosis and we went after industrial and infrastructure targets over there too. Not to mention the whole second Crimson affair and that was just what I did since finding myself in the future.

"That's not the point!" Tarkin the younger snapped.

Even Joanna looked like he agreed, the traitor. I might reconsider giving her command of a nice star dreadnought when I got my hands on one again. What was their malfunction anyway? Orbital fire was relatively fast and painless way to die. It certainly beats the Emperor damned bloody mess that is counter-insurgency, Sith style.

"It's not like I went after and actual planet, much less one that's densely populated." Bloody Sculags! "Tarkin, get yourself together. It was you who pointed out that the Separatists are gathering their forces for another push at Eriadu. Give me a status of the repairs of the sh.i.p.s we left you. Any new construction coming online or further forces released from local SDFs?"

"Two squadrons from Gerrenthum arrived last weeks. They are quite reluctant. It looks like you left quite an impression when you passed through." Tarkin glared at me. "You can't help it, you just have to make 'friends' everywhere you go. Did you threaten to burn their world or something?"

"Or something. They waited until it was clear who was going to win before committing. I unnecessary lost a lot of sh.i.p.s because of that stunt." It didn't matter if their actions were prudent. Their was a Republic system and what they did was treason. I went easy on the bastards only because I couldn't afford to waste assets... well there were the political considerations too. Damned Republic and their insane system of government.

"Riiight." Tarkin didn't sound like he was convinced.

I thought I mentioned that mess to him the first time I got here. Eh. Perhaps not. A lot happened since then even if it wasn't that long ago.

"My sister-in-law would want to talk about the political ramifications of your actions." Tarkin said.

"Sure. Status of the sh.i.p.s first."

"Most are open in the available shipyards. However, there should be a squadron or two coming from Gerrenthum, from those you left for repairs there. A mix of cruisers and escorts. It's another question if they get here on time. We've got a few odds and ends coming in after you left. The high point is that we got a large shipment of weapon platforms and satellites. They will give us a nice offensive punch if we use them as you did on Ryloth."

That's something. I hoped. I frankly had no idea what forces the CIS had available to throw at us. A lot would depend if they would dare to strip what local SDFs they had in the region. I knew that the Confederacy had much free hand when deploying such forces than the Republic, though even they had to face some political ramifications and opposition when doing so. Still, it was better than having those units locked in often strategically insignificant places for good.


Gideon and Joanna went to coordinate our forces into something cohesive and I had to deal with more bloody politics. Why did I become Mandalore again?!

"Madam Tarkin." I bowed at Wilhuff's wife.

She wore a sparkling silver dress that pooled around her feet. It was form fitting in just the right places, made her look stunning, or at least blinding and it was damn impractical to move in. It was irritating to see that the sense of fashion the nobility had hadn't improved over the millennia. At least the dress looked good on her, not like some of the blinding eyesores certain Imperial nobles preferred, the m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.ts.

"General Veil." She scowled at me. "Why did you have to go on and make our lives that much more difficult?!"

"I can ask the same, my Lady. Your husband. A certain alliance proposal to Naboo and everyone gathered there. Does that ring a bell?"

"It was only logical." She sniffed disdainfully. "I'm sure you like the possibilities such an alliance creates."

"That's why I went with it instead heading home to see if Mandalore is still standing. That's also the reason why I had to reduce Sull.u.s.t's industry by the most practical manner I had available."

"Many people need reassurances we didn't bind ourselves to the stereotypical insane Sith." The scowl was back.

"If I had gone on the deep end, you couldn't miss it, Madam Tarkin." She would be screaming right now for being a pain in the a.s.s if I had lost it.

"Not good enough."

"It has to be. I won't give you promises unless I know I can keep them. I will continue to exercise the best military options I have available. What I can promise you is that I won't be the person to escalate the war needlessly by going after civilian populations for the hell of it. That's the Separatist's favoured past time." I snarked.

"After Sull.u.s.t some of our allies are reluctant to commit their forces because they feel they need them to protect their home-worlds form Separatist retaliation."

"Tell them the best way is to break the Separatist forces still remaining in this region of space." The one thing I was reasonably sure of was that as long as they were committed into the Core the Confederacy couldn't afford to release significant forces our way.

"You'll have to convince them. You're the General."

"Arrange a conference call and I would do so." Emperor's balls, I loathed dealing with politicians. It was like dealing with a bunch of spoiled kids but infinitely worse!

My fears weren't particularly off the mark. Attempting to explain military realities to civilians and what acceptable risks meant was like slamming your head against the outer hull of a battleship in an attempt to make a hole, but just a bit more futile. Of course no risks for themselves were acceptable. Risks were for other people!

Typical politicians. I've seen them in three different dimensions now and they're generally the same. Were they some multiversal constant? Why couldn't I end up somewhere where the politicians were generally competent and interested in doing their jobs for a change instead of almost exclusively looking to cover their backsides and profit?!

Four kriffing hours wasted in explaining again and again that I went only after legitimate targets on Sull.u.s.t. That compared to what the Separatists were doing on regular basis my actions couldn't be considered and escalation in any way shape or form. Yes, the bloody bastards might decide to go genocidal again. That would be a surprise because? Plagues on Naboo and Coruscant? Does that ring a bell?! They already went there.

By the time the political situation was somewhat salvaged I needed to kill something.

There was no sight of any Separatist fleets. Kriff it all.


Part 9


Operations centre



"Eight hours!" Yularen scowled at a Coruscant's image. The planet floated in the main holo-tank and it was covered by angry red blots signifying protests that transitioned into riots and went out of control.

"The Senators more interested in blaming each other it seems." General Valentra mused after scrolling through the latest update from the Senate. The Clones stationed there were getting quite irritated with their posting and that was a testament of how troublesome the Senators could be.

Officially Telar was the one loyalist remaining in GAR and hopefully that would leave one competent officer in charge if the quasi-coup didn't pan out. Admittedly it was a very thin cover but every little bit might help.

"They had to break up five fights so far." Valentra shook his head in disbelief. He should know better by now. He knew better than most how politics on Coruscant worked, what happened over the past month was disillusioning even to him. "Do we have enough support to make plan Besh viable?"

"Not yet." Satine was the one to answer. "Kamino and what's left from Corellia's allies are in. Anaxes too, if reluctantly. We may sway Serapin too, though their demands are going to be an issue."

Telar winced. Jacking up the prices of the energy they sold to the Core worlds was going to cause problems for everyone with the economy being what it was. Cutting their taxes to a third of what they were... Yet what was the alternative? Invade to secure one of the big energy providers for the Core? There weren't many alternatives to get enough cheap energy. The cheap part was the rubbing point. Oh, there were alternatives, though they usually required substantial investments and time. Most straightforward was building constellations of satellites near the local stars along with the rest of the infrastructure to store and transport energy. To do it in the necessary quantities for typical Core world – that could get expensive. Using solar energy unless you had a large infrastructure in place simply wasn't efficient.

"A lot of the smaller governments are crying bloody murder." Obi-Wan confirmed. "It got worse once world of Kamino's support got out."

"We have the most important industrial centres but that by itself isn't enough. Without the economic framework binding the Republic together their industrial output will suffer tremendously once the stock of resources in place runs out and that won't be far off." Valentra assessed the situation.

What made the astounding industrial output of places like Kamino was the constant flow of resources and components ready to be assembled. With it further disrupted, they would be in trouble. There was going to be a short grace period when an interruption in the flow of resources could be borne without too much of an issue but once that was past, they were going to be in trouble.

The GAR, no the whole Republic, need a political solution and soon.

"The riots are getting worse too. Making your declaration live on the holonet did earn us a lot of unexpected support but it also radicalised the population. My people see an increasing number of demonstrations demanding the removal of the Senate altogether. The citizenry isn't exactly amused with what they're seeing from the Senate right now." Praji announced.

"What do you mean right now?"

"Their 'debates' is still streamed live all across the Republic. You didn't order anything about the news crews covering the Senate session. The last time I checked they were still in place and filming." Praji explained.

Obi-Wan stared at the minister for long moments. He g.r.o.a.n.e.d and face-palmed when his tired mind worked through the implications. If things in the Chamber were as bad as he feared he might have accidentally destroyed what little faith the regular citizens had left in that institution. Perhaps in the Republic as a whole.

"You didn't!" Mothma spluttered after gaping at the revelation. She has been trying to convince some of her acquaintances that the current measures were just temporarily and would be lifted the moment the Senate elected a Chancellor of barring that once a new and functional Senate could be set up.

"It's Besh then." Satine shook her head at her husband. If she didn't know better she would have assumed that this wasn't an oversight at all. It could prove very convenient if looked at through the right light.

"We still don't have enough support to make it work." Kenobi protested.

"We might not have a choice." Valentra frowned. "What would happen if we present it as a fact? How many of the local governments might rally to our flag because they lack a better alternative?"

"Not necessary enough." Obi-Wan admitted.

"Damn it." Satine grimaced. "The answer is obvious but you won't like it."

"There's very little that happened lately I liked. What's on your mind?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Withdraw GAR support from any system that isn't strategically vital if they don't support us."

Valentra grit his teeth. That was exceedingly dirty trick. He loathed the very idea.

It might work but even if it did it was going to be the death knell of the Republic. Whatever Besh lead to, the Republic as they knew it would be gone. However, wasn't that the case already? The Senate was non-functional. The government was fraying on the edges. There were riots not only on Coruscant but on an increasing number of Core worlds. At least the Separatists were lying low so far, though that might not necessary be the case for much longer if things got even worse.

"Satine... this..." Emotions flashed over Obi-Wan's face.

"This is madness!" Mothma exclaimed. "It would betray everything the Republic stands for! If you do this you'll paint yourself as a petty tyrant!"

"Stood for you mean. Let us be honest here – the Republic is dying. It might as well be dead right now!" Satine shot back.

While they argued, staff members continued to update the situation and field angry calls from all over the Republic. Obi-Wan looked over the various displays. Riots were breaking on over a thousand worlds and that number was steadily increasing as the news spread and people figured out what was happening on Coruscant.

There were demands to oppose the perceived coup, others gleefully endorsed it in hopes of gaining power or that someone would finally clean up the corruption on Coruscant. There were the usually malcontents using the chaos to cause trouble.

The Senate sounded like they were more divided than ever even if they had a unifying cause to get behind – their hated of Obi-Wan.

"The Republic we swore to protect is gone." Kenobi's voice was a torn whisper. "There's merely a rotting carcass in its place and the only thing we could do now is put it out of its misery and build something better in its place." When it came that realisation and admission were surprisingly easy to make. Too easy and Obi-Wan hated them for it. "Inform the media that I'll make an announcement in one hour. Get on the comm with our allies and give them heads up. Make sure that the most important governments who aren't yet on board are aware of the consequences if they decide to go their own way. Besh is a go."

Why was so easy to deliver the Coup de Grace to the Republic? All he felt right then was sadness and relief.


Amidala's apartment

Republica 500


Anakin Skywalker was stuck under house arrest. There was a whole company of Clones in the building with two more deployed at the ground levels. They weren't actually there to keep him contained, no that was strictly secondary. Their job was to keep protesters and the media away. They were mostly successful too, so far.

The last loyal Jedi on Coruscant sat on the sofa and stared at the news in stunned disbelief. Halcyon droned on and on as GNN showed what was happening in the Senate. This was what Palpatine had to deal with on a daily basis since Anakin knew him? His respect for the Chancellor rose even further. The man somehow could make that pack of vermin actually work for the benefit of the Republic, though Skywalker would never know how.

Anakin knew that Padme and Obi-Wan were getting desperate and might have to do something distasteful to make the Senate do their damned jobs. When this mess began, Skywalker was actually gleeful. Locking in the hutt-spawns until they elected a Chancellor? That was a masterful stroke. Their attempt to fire Obi-Wan was quite amusing too.

What followed in the next hours was less so. Coruscant erupted. If GNN and the other news agencies knew what they were talking about, the same was happening all over the Republic.

It was sheer madness. Why were people rioting in support of the Senate after they saw how little those... politicians cared about anyone but themselves? He could understand those who wanted the Senate removed. He could emphasize with their point of view. But the others? Just, why?!

As the hours passed and the situation deteriorated, Anakin kept stewing in an ever growing frustration. There were more and more statements of governments condemning Kenobi's "coup". He was helpless to do anything and that was infuriating. Didn't those people see what was happening on Coruscant for more than a month now?! Didn't they understand that the Republic needed as strong leadership to win the war and eradicate the corruption uncovered by Palpatine?! Or were most of those opposed to Obi-Wan's actions actually on it and afraid what a working, honest Republic government would mean for them?

Anakin narrowed his eyes at the screen. That actually made sense. Did the rot spread further than even Palpatine feared? The Senate... they weren't the real problem but the symptom. That revelation sneaked on Skywalker as the struggled to understand why so many governments chose to oppose the one group who was doing something about the war and the mess that was the current situation. As he thought about it, that idea became more and more plausible.

Anakin hoped that Padme and Obi-Wan had good plans in place to bring justice, security and stability to the Republic. It looked like he would figure it out soon along with the rest of the galaxy it seemed, because GNN announced that Kenobi would be making a statement soon.


Part 10


Senate building


Obi-Wan stood on the platform overseeing the large plaza next to the Senate. That was the same place where the GAR rallied and prepared for deployment across the galaxy after First Geonosis, something that felt like an eternity ago. Behind him stood his wife and all his political allies who were present on Coruscant. Yet, Obi-Wan felt alone. He could see at least a million people demonstrating and rioting below. Whole Clone divisions were deployed to strengthen the ting cordon of Coruscant Security personnel struggling to hold the line.

Such scenes unfolded across the whole Republic and it was his fault. He set these events in motion, yet Obi-Wan wasn't even sure that he was doing the right thing, merely that all the other options he had left were worse. How could he lead when he lacked conviction? How could persuade the trillions on Coruscant alone that they should support him when he himself had doubts?

The only answer Kenobi had was simple: because he had to. It was his duty and that along with Satine was all he had left in the galaxy.

Obi-Wan gave himself an hour to gather his courage and make a peace with himself as well as he could as much as it was meant to give time for his allies across the Republic to prepare. Technically that gave one last chance to the Senate to be sensible for once, but he didn't hold any real hope of anything positive coming from that corner.

Now, time finally ran out. Kenobi was still doubtful. His consciences continued to plague him.

"Thirty seconds and you're live, General." A GNN reporter gave him a thumbs up.

"Thank you." Obi-Wan answered on auto-pilot.

Kenobi braced himself. There was no more time, nor place for doubt. There could be no turning back now. Doing so would be as much a disaster as an outright failure at what was to come, perhaps even worse. He had to make everyone listen and understand, not to oppose his efforts. Support would be preferable if not agreement. Obi-Wan went to the last ally he had left, the one that was beside him since his birth. The Force sang around him as he surrendered to her. Even as he could feel the great shadow looming over her breadth, the pure untainted power of the Force steeled his resolve. Obi-Wan's perception expanded. He could sense the emotions of the crowds. Their fears, hopes and anger. Their frustrations and despair. The pain they felt.

It was like a tangible cloud of depression clung to Coruscant and he was merely scratching the surface. Determination filled Obi-Wan's heart. This couldn't stand! He had to change it before he succ.u.mbed too.

The GNN man gave him the agreed signal. It was on.

"My fellow citizens of the Republic, I wish I could address you at a better time." Kenobi began in a solemn tone. The Force was his guide and that gave him hope he wouldn't kriff up at this most important time. "It's been almost six weeks since the Jedi Coup. For that long the Senate debated. Argued over petty squabbles. Manoeuvred for power while the Republic tethers on the edge of oblivion. They risk the fruits of a Golden Age for personal gain. I say no more!"

Kenobi's voice carried around the Senate building. Over the airwaves and the holonet. The rioting on Coruscant subdued as something in his words echoed in the hearts of every man, woman and child who heard them. People turned to look at the closest source of holonet news to see the General speaking to them and they had no doubt he was talking to them and not some distant politicians hidden behind cordons of scared guards.

"For years, the Senate proved again and again that it was not up to the task to safeguard your interests. People tell me that really wasn't its role. They point out that the Senators are sent here to represent the interests of their home-worlds. They tell me that the Senate was build from the ground up to limit the ability of the Republic to meddle in the affairs of its individual members." Obi-Wan paused and looked into the cameras with earnest, determined eyes.

For the people who watched that broadcast live, it felt he examined their very souls.

"Recent events proved them right. I don't see a Senate concerned with the future of the Republic. Neither one who cares about its citizens. I see small-minded people who risk us all to maintain their own power and importance. Their inactions keeps the Grand Army of the Republic paralysed for more than a month now! If it wasn't for enemy logistics difficulties, this criminal behaviour would have seen more of the Core fall prey to the Separatists! For too long those of us still believing in the ideals of the Republic found ourselves constrained by a Senate that simply doesn't care! We saw our friends and family torn away from us by this terrible war. We saw whole worlds ravaged and poisoned by the likes of Grievous and Dooku all the while the Senate gave us only the b.a.r.e minimum of support that Chancellor Palpatine could persuade, bribe and threaten them to provide." Obi-Wan paused for breath.

Kenobi was at a crossroads. The Force didn't push him to make a choice, though he was sure she wanted to. He could perceive the Light and Dark Side clashing behind the edge of his perceptions. All the Light could give him was the facts. He knew what course of action had a better chance to sway the people of the Republic. He could barely see the possibilities beyond a general outline, but that was enough.

Obi-Wan could appeal to people's better nature. Could ask for their support and he would get it, at least here on Coruscant. He could attempt to save the Republic even as it was tumbling over the edge into the abyss.

Kenobi could also see what would most likely happen all across Republic space. His good intentions would be twisted and used by populists for personal gain. The Republic would fragment at best. His actions today caused too much damage. Yesterday, if the Senate was actually working, if there was a strong Chancellor who the average citizens and enough local governments trusted, things might be different. Today?

What did that leave him? He had to give the people a cause to rally against. He had to give them an enemy to point at. That was his best chance, yet Obi-Wan was terrified of where that way led.

It wasn't that going with it would plunge the galaxy in a future shrouded by darkness. It was that no matter what he did at this juncture, such an outcome was inevitable. From what he gathered by the Force, neither path could be considered "darker" than the other.

Why was he thinking only about those two extremes? The answer came as fast as he thought about it. The time of half-measures was past. On one hand he could attempt to preserve the rotten corpse that was the Republic. On the other was delivering the last blow himself, right here and now and taking advantage of the fallout to seize power. Anything else would lead to more pointless chaos and a never ending quagmire. He was committed.

Obi-Wan figured out that he made his choice the moment he decided to go along with Satine's crazy scheme. Everything else was pointless denial. He was sure Veil would be laughing his a.s.s off when he learned that Obi-Wan went with his suggestion from back on Mandalore.

"As the Supreme Commander of the Republic military, I will tell you the sad truth. It was mere good fortune that allowed us to survive the first critical months of this war. It was the sacrifices of countless heroes from all over the Republic and beyond that gave us the successes that pushed the enemy back. And it was the negligence of the Senate over the previous centuries that saw the Republic unable to properly defend itself! It was the lack of that support that still means we lack the sh.i.p.s and people to protect the whole Republic. It was because of that treachery that we had to abandon thousands of star systems to the enemy or risk the collapse our war effort. And finally, it was the Senate's endless debates that gave enough time for Admiral Trench to secure four of the Five Brothers at Corellia. It was their corrupt ways that still give the enemy yet more time to dug in and make our liberation of the Core and test of the Republic a needlessly bloody affair."

Obi-Wan could experience the effect his words had on the people gathered below him. Their anger grew and grew. Now it had a clear focus. He hated himself for doing this. He loathed the fact that the brush of their emotions gave him a small but very real amount of joy. Yet, he continued.

"The Senate proved itself worse than useless. It is now a clear detriment for the Republic and the war effort. This my friends, can not be allowed to stand. Ten years ago, the then Queen Amidala believed that it was merely a question of leadership. She was right at the time – since his election Chancellor Palpatine proved himself as the most capable and devoted man to held the office in centuries." Obi-Wan looked down sadly. "It was a grave tragedy that his life was cut short. His death deprived the Republic of her greatest servant, for Sheev Palpatine was its last and best hope." More quietly he added: "Sadly, I am no Chancellor Palpatine. Persuading the Senate to do their job proved beyond my capabilities. Yet, I can't allow such a failure to deter me. I still have my duty to you, the people of the Republic. I ask for your support in these treacherous times."

Cries of Palpatine, echoed from bellow. Obi-Wan could taste a growing sense of hope under the anger. He was going to use it.

"We, the Republic government." Kenobi nodded to where he knew Minister Praji and all likely minded high ranking civil servants who could be spared stood. They took a step forward. "Those Senators who recognize that the Senate is no longer capable to execute its functions," Now it was time for Bail Organa, Padme Amidala, Mon Mothma and their allies to step closer, "and the armed forces of the Republic," Admiral Yularen and General Valentra accompanied by a small crowd of Colonels and starship Captains were next to rise up to the occasion, "along with many local governments – Kuat, Corellia, Anaxes, Serapin, the systems collectively represented by the Mid-Rim Alliance along with many others, have a declaration to make."

All across Coruscant the rioting paused. Obi-Wan's words had a hypnotic effect and those who listened to him knew that something momentous was about to happen.

"We declare the Republic Senate dissolved. It's functions will be taken by a body of representatives appointed by the local governments for the duration of the Clone Wars and new elections will be held after the conflict's resolution. The first session of that body will take place tonight and their only agenda will be the election of a Chancellor. Those governments unable to appoint a representative for this body in such a short amount of time will be represented for this session by their government leaders using the holonet as a means to communicating their vote..."

Relief and hope blossomed, displacing a lot of the anger, though it continued to burn brightly in a tremendous number of hearts. The emotions Obi-Wan felt were enough to make him drunk with power. He had to struggle to keep his mind mostly clear. His speech wasn't over yet.

"Kenobi for Chancellor!" Someone shouted. The crowd below the Senate paused, while they considered the idea. Then more and more people picked up the cry.

What Obi-Wan felt at that moment as the centre for the emotions of millions and soon billions was indescribable.

What came next was one of the hardest things he ever did. This sense of power... it went to his head. Walking away from it was all but unthinkable, yet somehow Obi-Wan found the moral fortitude to do it.

"I will be forever thankful for this sentiment and the trust it represents. However, I will have to decline. I am a general first. The best way I can serve you all is by leading the Grand Army against the Separatists and ensuring that they are neutralized as a threat once and for all. If you want to support someone who has proven their dedication to democracy, peace and the well being of her people, then please support my wife, Ambassador Satine Kenobi."

It was technically illegal for her to be elected Chancellor. Mandalore wasn't a part of the Republic after all. Yet today for an all intends and purposes the Republic died. Obi-Wan just murdered her. Despite what those people supporting him believed, this new Chancellor that would be elected tonight, wasn't going to be of or for the Republic. They would be the leader of a military alliance aimed against the Separatists. Everything else would have to be decided at a later date, preferably before what was left of the Republic government ceased to function completely.

Lying by omission to that many people made Obi-Wan sick to the core of his soul. They believed in him. Trusted that he would save the Republic without realizing that he just destroyed it in front of their eyes.

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