Star Wars: Rogue Knight II Return Of The Sith

Chapter 18 - Shattered Union Part 2

"Often I lay in bed at night and wonder, how everything went so wrong?! Was it obvious and was I just too blind to see the clues? Perhaps it was and I wilfully ignored them. Looking back...

For me and my unit things went weird when the Jedi Coup hit. There were no signs of that first treasons. To us, the Jedi were mostly distant figures of awe. The closes we got to one before that fateful day on Coruscant, was back home, on Kamino, when General Shaak Ti reviewed the legion's final training exercise before we were shipped to the front. It was the last time we saw either her or home.

A month later we were in transit after our fist combat deployment in the East Theatre of Operations. Two weeks of brutal combat across three different star systems followed, then we were recalled to Coruscant for a R&R period. The news was shocking. We couldn't really wrap our heads around it.

You see, I've spoken with veterans who fought since the first battle on Geonosis. To them the Jedi were different. They saw both the best and worst of them until months later those unsuitable for the posts HighCom issued them at the beginning of the war were demoted into positions suiting their capabilities. Many of my brothers saw or worse, experienced, the Jedi making mistakes. When the Jedi Coup happened, it often didn't hit them as strong as it affected us. I won't say that they should have seen it coming. After all, those who looked for something like that were either accomplices or deceived by people who they trusted implacably.

All I'm saying is that many of my brothers saw the Jedi as people. For us, the new meat, they were symbols. The same was true for the Republic and its people.

Looking back... Yeah. It makes a twisted amount of sense. Since birth, we were taught that the Republic and its people were worth fighting and dying for. We went to bed with stories why we should value it. We were patriots, faithful to the ideals of freedom the Republic embodied.

We were naïve.

Would I make the same call if I somehow found myself back on Coruscant during the Second Coup? Honestly, I don't know. I'm reasonably sure that many of my brothers who were in my position, if they were alive today would give you a similar answer. We hadn't experienced how many a Republic Citizen didn't care about us. We fought, bled and died for them, yet they were often indifferent at best. Many threw us hateful glares. We were blamed for the war as if it was our fault. Oh, there were those who cheered us on too, a lot of them, especially in the few weeks before Coruscant went to hell.

My point? The Republic we were taught to love, it was turning out to be quite different from the one we bled for. At the time, we told ourselves that those people simply didn't understand. That the majority would support us without reservation, that they weren't out doing so because they were too busy actually doing something productive like doing their jobs so they would contribute to the Republic and the war effort. I don't know. That might very well have been the case. There were trillions upon trillions on Coruscant. As bad as the protests and riots were, only a fraction of the population was out on the streets. Hell, we could even understand their frustration with the Senate. Really, who hackles uselessly for more than a month while the government is practically decapitated?!

I could even understand why General Kenobi and his wife along with GAR HighCom went traitors. We were frustrated too. We wanted to do something more while the Republic we wanted to protect was too busy falling apart around us.

Some even say that we should really blame those behind the Second Coup.

I disagree.

We were all different men. The war brought us different experiences. I can't honestly say that my beliefs are the right ones. Perhaps, we were the traitors. Many called us such anyway. I can't blame the Kenobis and their supporters for their sentiments. However, I can blame them for giving up. Instead of trusting in the Republic or doing their best to fix the flaws they saw, their actions during the Second Coup destroyed it.

For us the Republic was and still is an ideal worth striving for. Even today, we would gladly lay down our lives for it.

Looking back... I would like to say that I would make the same call, no matter how futile it seems in retrospect and I hate how uncertain I am of doing so if the chance presents itself.

When we heard Satine Kenobi's proclamation, when we received orders indicating that GAR HighCom was on board with her ascension to Chancellor, it threw us for a loop. We were on Coruscant. We knew what was happening in the Senate. We knew well enough what was supposed to be the lawful way to elect a new Chancellor. More importantly, we knew that this wasn't it. What happened was stunning. Hearing unit after unit acknowledge those unlawful orders threw us for a loop. It was heartening when the odd unit asked for clarification or confirmation, yet most of our brothers apparently didn't care.

I understand why some of them did it. There was a new Chancellor. Contingency Order 66 was no longer active and we were free to go on with the war. Hunting down the Jedi who betrayed us all was no longer the one overriding priority.

It sounds simple, right?

For us it wasn't. The Senate was the one body in the Republic meant to elect the next Chancellor. They didn't. They were sidelined and ignored. Ergo, Satine's election was unlawful. Any orders she gave, we shouldn't obey. Any unit following such orders if they had the same information we did, would be committing dereliction of duty at best, treason at worst.

Or Code of Conduct was clear. We were taught for years how to handle certain contingencies and the election of a new Chancellor was no different. After all, the Separatists getting lucky and taking out Palpatine was always a possibility.

Even today, there's still a part of me that rebels at the very thought of obeying orders I know to be unlawful. Back then... Satine wasn't the dully elected Chancellor. The Senate was under lock and key guarded by at least a division. It wasn't long before the sheer disbelief turned to anger, though it took time for the implications to properly sink in. Another coup had just happened and we were being presented with the aftermath.

That's why I refused any orders coming from HighCom. It was the same reason why I ordered my subordinates to begin contacting the nearby units as well as any still loyal assets in space. We had to do something. We had to either fight this treason or regroup at a safe place and plan on how to counter it if doing otherwise was not practical. "

From the memoirs of General Green,

ret. Alliance of the Core Armed Forces Chief of Staff


Part 5


Zone B-60

Garesh Sector



Sergeant Blay nervously scanned one of the tunnels his platoon was responsible for. Blinking neon lights pierced the sunless depths of the Undercity throwing dancing shadows all over the large tunnels and platforms predominant in this zone. It all made the rioting crowds look like an unending tide of sinister monster who relentlessly crashed into a thin ring of Riot Police. The Security personnel were the only thing standing between Blay's men and their hot weapons and the out of control civilians.

'We need more police. Military or otherwise.' The Clone trooper thought. The cordon was still holding, however the policemen and women didn't look like they could keep going at it for long. When, not if, they broke, Blay would have little choice but to use live fire. He had his orders – his platoon had to hold this section at all costs. Dug in as much as possible, if the situation allowed.

"Crank, Bery," Blay spoke and the comm unit in his helmet sent his words over the platoon net. Without his helmet, he would have been unable to direct his people because of all the deafening racket made by the crazy civies. Didn't those fools know that there was a war going on?! Blay glared at the crowd below from his vantage point – a raised platform leading into a closed aircar parts shop.

"Boss?" Crank, replied after a brief delay. He was one of the best men in the platoon and on the short list for promotion into an NCO when a slot opened.

"Sarge?" Bery was in charge of the single squad reserve Blay could afford to keep away from the three tunnels covered by the platoon. While unimaginable, he was a solid and dependable soldier.

"We aren't getting reinforcements." Blay said. "We've got bigger problems than the riots." He reluctantly added.

It was up to him to break the news to the platoon. Usually that would be up to the LT, however that worthy managed to get himself iced on their only combat deployment before coming to Coruscant and there was no sign of any replacement coming in – something unlikely to change any time soon.

"Bery, I want you on overwatch on the right flank. Crank, cut lose a fire-team and send it to the left." Blay checked his data-pad which was linked to the police net, including the cameras. The left flank was facing the least number of rioters, while the right... the tunnels leading there were packed and the damned civies were more interesting in clashing with the police than fighting each other or vandalizing the place. That would soon turn very ugly.

"Men, I won't lie to you." Blay spoke after checking to make sure his whole platoon would hear. "The situation just went to hell. From what the Commander is getting, there was another Coup; successful one this time. The Senate is in custody and an unlawfully elected Chancellor is issuing illegal orders. I..." Blay grit his teeth in anger. He still couldn't believe that most units were simply accepting such a treason and going on with it as if nothing was wrong. What the hell was wrong with their brothers?! "Some of our brothers chose to obey those orders. We have to assume that they are either confused about what is happening or complicit to treason. The Commander is doing his best to sort out this mess and orders will be coming as soon as we've got a plan of action. Until then, we're to hold this position come hell or high water."

"We weren't on Coruscant when the Jedi betrayed us all, Sarge. We're here now and no treason shall prosper while we draw breath!" Crank answered after long seconds of stunned silence.

"That's the spirit!" Bery added in a clipped angry tone.


Assault Shuttle Vega-552


Ahsoka Tano never imagined she would return to Coruscant this way. She was safely strapped in a shock harness in the belly of an assault shuttle besides a part of her command section and a two squads meant to keep them all intact. That by itself wasn't something particularly notable – she did the same exact exercise multiple times at the war college. It was the destination and reason they were going there that should have been unthinkable. She closed her eyes and her earlier conversation with Obi-Wan flashed through her mind.

"Ahsoka, you're a sight for sore eyes." Kenobi looked harried.

"Colonel Tano reporting for duty, sir." Ahsoka gave her mentor a textbook salute. "It's good to see you again, Obi-Wan." She added less formally.

"I wish it was under better circ.u.mstances. Have you been briefed?" Kenobi looked away to something off-screen.

"Division sent me all they had." She grimaced. "It looks very bad down there."

"It is. We've got the equivalent of a whole army with some additional loose formations refusing to obey orders. Certain units are ready to negotiate for a lift off world but others... Ahsoka we're getting chatter of a multiple regiments preparing to move on the Senate and High Command. If we try to intercept them from the air or orbit, there's a significant force of rogue warsh.i.p.s that might interfere."

Initially, Ahsoka though she misheard. Obi-Wan was talking about what suspiciously sounded like a potential civil war on Coruscant. It couldn't be, right? This was Coruscant, the heart of the Republic!

"I... Where do you need me, Obi-Wan?"

"I'm sending you coordinates, maps and all the intelligence we've got. I need you to link up with two battalions – one armor one motorized infantry and stop 196th Assault Legion from leaving the section of the Undercity they're occupying." Obi-Wan sounded more tired than ever.

No. She didn't mishear.

"ROEs?" Ahsoka's training kicked in. She was pretty sure it was only the time in the academy that kept her from totally freaking out. Externally at least. Inside... her gut was twisting with worry and fear. How could this happen? Why?!

"Attempt to talk them down. If not..." Obi-Wan's face hardened. "Use any and all means available to neutralize the threat."

"Yes, sir."

"And Ahsoka... Come back safe." Obi-Wan added.

Someone called him and he cut the connection.

That was three hours ago. It took that long to get everyone ready to deploy and get the outline of a plan that had a chance of not getting everyone killed. It was an excellent timing, a tiny bit better than anything her regiment managed during training.

It was at least an hour more than a similar Clone unit would have needed to sort things out, though the planning phase might have taken as long if not longer.

"Greg, are they still refusing to talk with us?" Ahsoka asked her staff Intelligence officer.

Major Gregory Wilson was a thin but tall ageing man who looked like a light breeze could push him over. In his case first impressions would be deceiving. He was a former police captain who volunteered shortly after the Separatists released Blue Shadow on Naboo. Thanks to his work in investigation and analysis for Anaxes security force, he got a rushed OCS course along with at least two more grounded ones that placed him in his current billet. Distressingly, he along with Ahsoka was one of the few more experienced officers in the whole Second Army.

"The 196th is still keeping tight EMCON, sir. I'm trying to patch through the Security Forces net and get us some fresh Intel, perhaps a backchanel line to them too." The Major added.

"Keep the good work, Greg." Ahsoka smiled. While very, very green, her people were eager and well motivated.

She hoped it was going to be enough. That she would not fail them.


Part 6


In the days following Chancellor Kenobi's controversial election, the Republic experienced a cataclysmic political shift. Many worlds did support the new "Mandalorian" administration, though the reasons did vary. Some did so of security concerns, others because of economic interests or political pressure by the powerful entities that backed Satine's regime.

Yet, a lot of systems were horrified by what they saw as a silent coup blessed by Kuat. The consequences of that perception were soon to reveal themselves.


Bothan Council Building


Eighteen men and women sat around a round table made of ancient wood that stylishly concealed all luxuries of modern technology needed to rule over one of the galaxy's most important systems. They were the representatives of the major nation states that still survived in one form or another on the homeworld. The Eighteen, were the equivalent of ministers presiding over an assembly made by representatives of over 600 Clans that for all intents and purposes was the legislative body of their people.

They were locked in debate for days now, ever since their agents brought the latest round of disturbing news from Coruscant. Events on the capital world once again threatened Bothan neutrality in this senseless but often lucrative war. Spynet operatives across the Republic kept feeding the Council the truth of what was happening and none of the Eighteen liked what they saw.

The Republic was tearing itself to pieces. Many ordinary citizens were fortunately blind to the reality of the situation, yet what they knew and did about it by rioting all over the galaxy was bad enough. The truth... The Bothan knew it. The Republic was done for in its current form. Kuat and their pet Mandalorians saw to that.

"Options?" The First Secretary, better known as the Council Chief – the elected leader of the Council asked.

"Go on with this charade and hope for the best?" The Councilwoman overseeing the Industry jested. Her fur and whiskers were raised in apparent irritation at the newest mess they had to clean up. Why the Republic counterparts of Spynet couldn't have made a clean sweep and taken out the Mandalorians too?! That would have made everyone's life so much easier... Bloody amateurs.

"Continued neutrality, support the Republic or risk aligning with the Separatists. We'll need to take an official stance soon." The Councillor in charge of the Bothan Diplomatic service growled from deep in his c.h.e.s.t. He would have to sell whatever policy the Council voted on both their allies and enemies.

"We need to decide our real stance first." The official contact with the Bothan Spynet looked at her colleagues through narrowed eyes.

The First Secretary took a moment to appreciate how fierce and desirable it made her look before he kicked himself for falling for such an obvious distraction and got his head back into the game.

"Officially? Do we have any reason to break our neutrality at this time?"

The debate continued. There were few benefits of supporting the new regime on Coruscant, thought they were currently outweighed by the negatives by a lot. The Council Chief called the vote and neutrality won by a landslide. Now it had to be sold to the general assembly, however he didn't foresee many problems in that regard, though some political capital had to be spent to ensure it.

"Unofficially, Mandalorians, Sith, Separatists, they will be bad for our business. Any reason to offer the Kenobis and Kuat support beyond what they might need to ensure that they and the Confederacy tear each other apart?" The middle aged man looked at each one of his colleagues in turn.

There were reasons to offer more support to the Republic for the time being at least. Separatists victory, at least one that didn't bleed them dry to the point of impotency wasn't desirable. Without Bothan spy-craft and data-net magic, the Republic might not hold together for long enough to guarantee a favourable outcome. Besides, endearing themselves to the new regime so they could better manoeuvre Spynet operatives in a position to deal a killing blow when the time came could be very, very useful.

This time the vote came without dissent. Orders were cut and the Bothan Spynet was let out of their leash.


Another place where similar debate took place was the lush agriworld of Chandrila. Members of the Chandrilan House hid themselves behind closed doors – a notable event considering that on their world law dictated that all major decisions would be voted on through direct democracy that gave every single citizen a voice.

A direct consequence of that state of affairs was the fractious and often divided nature of their political discourse. While Chandrila had a tiny population – just 1.2 billion souls thanks to government imposed restriction on family sizes, that didn't really help make their brand of democracy work better. At least it was somewhat workable – something that would be close to impossible with a larger population.

No one was really surprised when despite Chandrilan House and Senator Mothma's official endors.e.m.e.nt of the new government, a large and very vocal block emerged on Chandrila decrying what they eloquently described as a dastardly coup supported by traitors who sold themselves to Kuat.

What very few people took note of was the direct link between the growth of that block and the decline in military related production not only in the Chandrila system by those closely allied to its government. Officially the blame was placed by the ever increasing disruption in the economy caused by the war, economic turmoil and systems seceding after Satine Kenobi was elected as a Chancellor.

The truth was a bit more interesting. Shipments got lost, mislabelled or accidentally sent to the wrong destination. An ever increasing number of them. Despite multiple inquiries by Chandrilan House, no tangible link was ever found between this distressing decline in production and the ever more concerning rise of very well equipped separatist groups in the region...


Some systems had much stronger reaction to what they saw as the death of liberty in the Core. A number of them supported the new government anyway. Virtually all of those under immediate threat by the Confederacy did so gleefully trading any notions of opposing the coup for security against the damning sword of the Separatist war-machine.

Other system had the luxury to make a meaningful choice about their future.

At Ixtlar, the Mercantile Guild ruling the system had terrible concerns about the future. Their Guild-master Shu Li made a deal with Chancellor Palpatine almost a decade ago that would ensure the future of his world when the Republic was reforged into something better. The same was true for almost a hundred systems in the Deep Core that had Ixtlar as their only fast connection at the galaxy at large. If the hyperlane anchored to that world was ever severed or just blockaded they would be cut off and left more than a month away from the closest Republic system. Their economic prosperity was intertwined with that of Ixtlar and its Mercantile Guild and when Shu Li chose to oppose Chancellor Kenobi, they had little recourse but to follow.

Ixtlar was one of the first systems to formally secede from the Republic. It wasn't the last. Not only that, but the Guild-master was one of the engineers that ensured such an act wouldn't be seen by history as a short lived act of defiance...

Mere hours after Ixtlar declared its independence from the Republic, Shu Li signed an accord with President Mia Roselind from Boruga – a quite typical Core world with a decent amount of industry and still possessing a significant amount of easy to reach resources ready for extraction. The Alliance between those two systems and eventually their allies would have far reaching consequences beyond what President Roselind and Guild-master Li intended. All because of the events that took place at Aargau...


Bank of Aargau HQ

Aargau Bank Arcology


Zug system

Zebulon Mae stood at the top floor of a gleaming tower that symbolized all the power at his disposal. He was the newly elected Director of the Bank of Aargau after his predecessor perished amidst the chaos on Coruscant a few days ago. Zebulon surveyed the arcology that was a shining example of what his world and the bank that owned it could achieve. Thirteen billion people worked and lived in reasonable comfort and luxury below him.

For until millennia, Aargau managed to retain its neutrality, profit and prosper no matter what war the Republic was currently fighting. Their neutrality used to be respected. Their power in the Zug system – absolute. Mandalorians, Sith – it didn't matter. The barbarians never came close enough to tangle with the state-of-the-art navy protecting Zug. Even the Sith were content to do business and respect the only three laws that really mattered on Aargau... even if they could gleefully take advantage of a convenient loophole …

As the Director, Mae was bound by the Three Statutes. Even he didn't dare break them. The first governed the exports of precious metal that the whole system was rich on. It was the most complex and heavily regulated of the three. The third – well it was in Zebulon's best interest to see it was never breached. It guaranteed that the integrity of the Bank of Aargau must be maintained at all times and at all cost.

The second absolute law was deceptively simple. No outsider was allowed to carry a weapon while on Aargau and every local was required to be armed at virtually all times. It was simple. It was clear.

When the Clone Wars began, the Republic breached the second Statute and thus infringed on the third. If it wasn't for the madness that gripped the Separatists when they unleashed Blue Shadow on Naboo, Aargau might have seceded. They were in talks with Republic diplomats at the time and under pressure by the Intergalactic Banking Clans that technically owned the Bank of Aargau not to but in the end it wasn't their call.

Zebulon glared at what he saw through the window. A Republic Assault ship rested on the roof of the Arcology. One of ten that he could see from his vantage point.

When the war began, the Republic deployed a significant number of Clones to Aargau thus breaching the law. They were armed, heavily at that, outsiders on the surface. Most of them were even concentrated in the Arcology, which only added insult to injury. For months the Board of Directors that ran the Bank argued, bribed, used diplomacy, yet they couldn't throw the Clones out without using force and for various reasons that was an unpalatable outcome.

Aargau was the seat where dozens of major intergalactic corporations had their HQ's. None of them wanted open warfare even if they weren't thrilled by the GAR presence. Mai's predecessor found her hands tied by politics and the reality of their situation.

She was now dead, lost thanks to the chaos burning on Coruscant. The... creative way the Mandalorians and their allies stole the leadership of the Republic presented an opportunity. Thanks to its central location, resources and all the corporations calling Zug home, the Bank of Aargau had options that most systems lacked. For all intents and purposes they owned most of the sector and had very close ties with the systems they did, not to mention with everyone in the local region of space.

The current situation of the GAR was as important... the Clones in the Arcology were in an armed stand-off with loyalists opposing the Mandalorians and Kuat in open rebellion against their former comrades.

"Director, the Board is here." Zebulon's personal assistant informed him.

"Thank you Irina." Mae smiled. Chancellor Kenobi presented him an opportunity he couldn't possibly fail to grasp.

Ten men and women from half a dozen species walked in Mae's office... and two of them were already in his pocket. He had to convince just one of the others that his plans for the future had merit and then he could unleash Aargau's private army upon the interlopers. The Republic was too busy falling apart and he was determined to ensure that Aargau would emerge as the leader in the Core when the dust settled.


Part 7


Prime Minister's office

Government House



Alsakan System

Calisto Fird ran a delicate finger over a hair thin face marking that framed the contour of her heart-shaped face. Similar decorations were tattooed around her eyes making her sharp green orbs even more striking. Carefully styled mane of fiery red hair fell like waterfall around her face giving her a wild and untamed appearance.

The Prime Minister's looks were one of the weapons that helped her achieve her office, though she held it thanks to her acute political sense and the allies she made during her long years as an elected official in three different governments. The past year marked the pinnacle of her career yet it often made her regret running for the highest office on her homeworld.

The madness that took over Coruscant lately should have made her happy. After all, Alsakan and the capital world of the Republic were ancient rivals, often enemies who used both the unparalleled strength of their economy and the might of their vast fleets to resolve their disputes. While those open warfare ended millennia ago, the two mighty Ecunomenopolises often clashed in the political arena even during the Golden Age of the Republic.

As time passed the galaxy changed. While still mighty, Alsakan was left behind by the unparalleled expansion and prosperity that Corellia and Kuat enjoyed. For hundreds of years even the best efforts of both government and corporations weren't enough to reverse that trend. That thought made Calisto grimace.

The Separatists and the ineptitude of the Republic Senate did what Alsakan best and brightest were unable to achieve – in mere months they brought not only Corellia but the Republic on their knees. This was a new age, one of opportunity and deadly danger.

The Prime Minister took a moment to look over her office. Everything was in place – from ancient murals on the walls showing scenes of historical significance to the smallest piece of antique furniture. The whole place was steeped in history in power bound in one tasteful package. It was a declaration that Alsakan and those elected to lead her knew their place in history, knew their strengths and would never bow to external pressure. Half the murals of battles won and not just on the battlefield were a loud declaration of that fact.

Tastefully placed around the room were busts of the most famous and successful of Calisto's predecessor and their sharp eyes were looking at her desk judging her worth. It was tradition – so she could never sit too easy nor forget her duty. Sometimes it even worked as advertised.

A chime rang, interrupting Calisto's musings.

"Ma'am, ministers Davis and Juko are here." Fird's secretary announced.

"Please, invite them in Marisa." The Prime Minister stood up. Those two were some of her closest and most experienced allies. Without their council and experience she would have faced many more problems in the course of her career.

A member of the security detail opened the decorative wooden door leading into her office and the Ministers walked in. Boru Juko was first. He was a tall broad-shouldered man who resembled a walking tank. The side of his face was a mess of scars – a painful reminder of his days in the navy as a marine hunting pirates. Despite his fierce appearance he was an easy-going and generally good-natured man. Some claimed that his temperament didn't suit his post as the Minister of Defence, however Juko successfully held the post in two governments now and he had ample time to prove his qualifications. Under his stewardship, Alsakan possessed one of the best and largest armies and navies within the Core. With the fall of Corellia, that made their system the third largest military power within the Republic right behind the GAR and Kuat.

In contrast, the Foreign Minister, Roger Davis was a short, almost stumpy man who appeared like a dwarf next to his giant friend. He was an experienced diplomat who thrived in the cut-throat world of interstellar relations. In the past year, Roger and his ministry's efforts were crucial in negotiating deals that placed Alsakan in position of power within the Republic that their system hadn't seen in centuries.

Now all those efforts were threatened by the fools on Coruscant.

"Gentlemen, it's good to see you again. Please, be seated." Calisto beamed at her guests and after they exchanged the expected pleasantries guided them to a kaf table and the comfortable couches surrounding it. An order to the security protecting her and the room was sealed from the outside world. Additional jammers came online and a wave of static washed over the Prime Minister and her guests.

"Roger, Boru, it's good to see you again." Calisto smiled pleasantly and allowed herself to relax a bit. Those two were among the few politicians she could ever afford to put her hear down so to speak.

"Same to you, Cal." Juko returned her smile.

"It's shame we couldn't meet back at Lia's gala yesterday." Roger sighed. The man loved every chance to go out and mingle with the shakers and mover whom made Alkasan's prosperity possible.

"Blame Coruscant." Calisto let out a long suffered sight.

"Oh, I do, my dear. Tomorrow evening Parliament will vote on our continued support for the Republic. What will be our stance?" Roger asked. "As instructed I've been preaching our support to the new government on Coruscant however Satine's no fool. She knows our hands might get tied or worse."

"Boru? I need your honest thoughts on the military situation." Calisto inquired.

"Fluid. The Republic has most of its fleets and sufficient ground forces concentrated on the hyperlanes leading deeper in the Core. Sufficient reserves are available to block any Separatist offensive that actually breaks through in force. The situation to the East is more or less stable. However, the Clones are a wild card. They still make the bulk of the Republic military. There are new volunteer armies ready for deployment or in the final stages of their training and most of the new construction is crewed by regular people." Boru grimaced, which stretched his scars in a grotesque smile. "The Clones are the issue. Some formations are refusing to acknowledge orders from the new Chancellor. The last we heard there were no live fire incidents between them and the loyalists, however the number of the rogues is significant. Twenty to thirty percent of the GAR. Even if some kind of peaceful resolution is found the disruption would slow down or derail any plans for counter-offensive in the core."

"Should we fear another major Separatist attacks in the foreseeable future?" Calisto inquired.

"Doubtful. All Intelligence sources I've seen indicate that the enemy is content in digging in and securing their new gains. They spent significant resources going after Veil and that Mid-Rim alliance he latched to not to mention locking down all the territory they gobbled up. There should be at least a system fleet equivalent of Republic naval units bidding their time in Separatists controlled space, units that had avoided action so far. They're binding a significant number of enemy resources in patrols and hunter-killer squadrons. I expect that the Separatist will be on strategic defence until their next major construction cycle is complete and then they will throw everything they have at Kuat. If they reduce its industry and we can't respond in kind at Fondor they're likely to win the war. Kenobi knows that and is doing everything in his power to prevent such an outcome."

"So military we're reasonably secure for now?" Roger asked.

"Emphasis on reasonably." Boru nodded.

"Good enough. What are we going to do with our new Mandalorian overlords?" Calisto grumbled and stared at Roger. "With Kuat, Anaxes and the Corellian Remnant backing them, they do have a veneer of legitimacy. Our tactic support all but cemented it at least as far as the citizens are concerned."

"Many local governments won't agree. I've heard whispers of secession or worlds bidding their time until the Separatists are kicked out of the Core. Even with our official support backed by Parliament the Republic is liable to fracture even further. Without it..." Roger shrugged. "Should we continue to provide such support?"

"That's the big question, isn't it? Kuat is the Separatist's primary strategic target. If they suffer significant damage, that would create an opportunity for us to change the Republic from within to better serve our interests." Calisto thought aloud.

"We can do very well for ourselves even if the Republic fractures. We'll be an island of stability and our armed forces will be able to provide security." Roger added.

"True, my friend." Calisto hummed. "Parliament appears to be in favour of supporting the Republic however there's still time to change that, though it would cost a lot of political capital better spent elsewhere."

"What's our strategic goal here?" Boru asked. "It certainly isn't a return of pre-war status quo."

"If you asked me a month ago..." Calisto pouted. "Roger, arrange a call with Chancellor Kenobi. Let's see what concession she and her Kuati friends are prepared to offer for our continued support. I'll want her to tell me what exactly they plan to do with the Republic in the future too. I want to talk with her tonight at the latest."

"I'll handle it." Davis nodded. "What's our play?"

"With the Senate sidelined and mired in investigations, we have a priceless opportunity. Coruscant won our historical conflict about the direction and shape the Galactic Republic should have taken. Now we have a priceless opportunity to change history. Let us not waste it, gentlemen."


Part 8


Chancellor's Office

Senate Building


It was curious thing, sitting in that chair, behind the desk in the Chancellor's office. Her office. Satine never even imagined that she could hold such an office. She was Mandalorian and despite the close ties her government forged with the Republic before this war and the Death Watch madness, they were a peaceful, neutral power. At least that was what she and most of her supporters told themselves. War was sheer insanity. Mandalore and her people experienced it firsthand. They knew better or so she thought.

Satine closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. She was a Mandalorian. She should have known better. There were many New Mandalorians. Even most of those who clung to the old ways were tired of war long before the Clone Wars began. That however didn't mean that they were ready or eager to put away their weapons for good. Too many of the New Mandalorians heeded Veil's call after Grievous and Vizsla set Mandalor on fire.

She hated it. Hated her brother-in-law for showing her the true nature of her people for what it was. Satine even hated herself because the close calls, the burden of leadership that fell upon her since Mandalore sided with the Republic, they made her heart beat in anticipation and her blood race in her veins. She knew the price of war – the broken lives and people, the destroyed livehoods. Yet...

"Power corrupts..." Satine whispered. "And absolute power..." She grimaced. Satine was the Chancellor of the Republic. Despite the irregular, even illegal way she got elected, the post was hers. While given the situation she couldn't really wield the full powers that Palpatine concentrated in the hands of the Chancellor, Satine was still arguably the most powerful woman in the galaxy. Despite the number of Clone units that went rogue, most of the GAR decided to follow her orders. That by itself gave her more real, tangible power than but a few could match. In pure military terms, only Director Kuat was her peer. Politically however, that was the arena where everything was impossibly complicated.

Satine opened her eyes and sighed. This was the first time she came to the Chancellor's office since the Jedi Coup. The place was restored to pristine condition and still had the furniture and gifts chosen by Palpatine, at least those few that survived. Most of the rafters were empty after the various pieces of art the former Chancellor favoured got destroyed. It was a painful reminder of the dangers associated with her new job. It wasn't just the Confederacy that was the enemy. There were people supposedly on her side that might seek her removal or even death.

Satine's hands went to her midriff at that thought. It has been very long since she thought or even hoped to have children. There was always something more important or at least immediate that she had to deal with... and precious few men who interested her enough to even think about anything but a brief physical relationship. A demure smile graced her face. Satine never really dared hope that anything would come from her indiscression with Obi-Wan all those years ago. After all he used to be a Jedi sworn not to have a family. If there was one thing she would thank Veil about it would be that he helped bring them both together.

No, actually two things. Without that infuriating Sith's presence, it would be very possible that she would still be estranged with her sister. Who would have thought that the presence of a Sith in her life would be a mixed blessing instead of an unmitigated disaster?

Well, it was a disaster too...

The Chancellor's brief respite ended with the beep of a comm unit built in the desk. She smiled tiredly when she answered and saw her husband's holo-image spring to life in front of her. He looked as chipper and dashing in his armour as ever, though his eyes betrayed weariness at least as heavy as her own.

"Obi-Wan. I'm glad you could make it."

"It's no trouble, madam Chancellor." Her husband spoke formally and earned himself a scowl.

Oh, Satine knew that they had to maintain at least the illusion of distance in certain circ.u.mstances as it was proper. It didn't make it grate on either of them any less.

"We'll be talking with Alaskan's Prime Minister shortly. Given the circ.u.mstances I need a honest assessment on our military assets. How bad do we need their navy? Ground forces?" Satine asked.

That they needed the political support went without saying. With Alaskan's continued backing the Republic actually had a prayer of surviving in one form or another. Otherwise, sooner or later she would have to go after one of the less palpatable options if they wanted to keep fighting the Separatists.

"On paper? Mixed bag. A lot of rogue units still refuse to negotiate and some even still move towards the Senate and other critical objectives. Unless they see reason we'll have to engage them." Obi-Wan grimaced. "Baring a miracle we'll take casualties and there will be significant collateral damage."

"How many?"

"Half the rogues on the ground here on Coruscant are determined to fight it out it seems. There already were engagements on various worlds across the Republic. We either won most engagements or are in the process of doing so but it's expensive in both lives and material." Obi-Wan confessed.

Satine lowered her eyes. That was solid fifteen percent of all Clone ground forces on Coruscant. There were millions of soldiers who would rather die fighting than follow her lead and it was all on her. This whole mess was her brainchild. She saw it through and it was her responsibility.

"What does that leaves us?" Satine asked.

"That depends if you could actually convince the local governments to release a meaningful number of their SDFs so they could contribute to the war." Obi-Wan shrugged. "The new construction that came online more than makes up for any naval assets that chose to mutiny. We're in a little better position than we were when the Separatist offensive petered off. We're have a solid defensive position, however as things stand any offensives we make, especially in the Core would have to be limited in scope. We'll need to keep solid reserves to handle the next major Separatists construction cycle. If we can hold on for about twelve to eighteen months without losing Kuat or another significant chunk of lesser industrial systems we'll be in an excellent position. One way or another the next two years will decide the outcome of the war. Right now I can't guarantee a victory, but barring a total political collapse I can promise that the odds of a military defeat are low."

At least Satine could trust that Obi-Wan was honest.

"You believe that the local System Defence Forces would make such a big impact?" She asked.

For a long moment Obi-Wan just stared at her then shook his head.

"Satine, when combined the intact SDFs in the Core alone are equal or greater in combat power than the GAR both in space or on the ground. A release of twenty to thirty percent, which I hope is doable, would put is in a much better position than we were before the latest unpleasanties began. We would need some time to shape them so they could work together but that's it. Give me forty or fifty percent of those SDFs and I can guarantee you I'll have the Separatists out of the Core before they're ready for another major offensive."

That sounded great. It was probably true even. Convincing the local government to let their armies and navies to play and suffer casualties? That was something even Palpatine was unable to do, though then the strategic situation was different. Most Core government were reluctant to let their people die for the Rim. However, not the Separatists were in the Core. They were clear and present danger. They did sack the Corellian system, attacked Kuat and were like a dagger poised to slice the Republic's throat.

A pained expression mared Satine's face. She had to play on everyone's fears. Veil would approve, the bastard, she was sure of it.

"I'll do my best."

"That's all I ever asked, my love." For a moment, she wasn't looking at General Kenobi, but at Obi-Wan her husband.

A few minutes later, Obi-Wan was busy being the GAR's commanding general and Satine was face to hologram with Prime Minister Calisto Fird. When the pleasantries were out of the way, they exchanged a round of verbal sparing and it was time to begin negotiating in earnest.


Part 9


Prime Minister's office

Government House



Alsakan System

"Tomorrow Parliament will vote on our continued support of your Republic, Chancellor Kenobi." Prime Minister Fird smiled cheerfully. "We do have some concerns about our future relationship that need to be addressed first."

"I see. Please go on." Satine returned the smile though her eyes remained cool and calculating, which was a significant change from what Calisto knew of the woman.

"Alsakan would like a more limited form of economic and political entanglement within the Republic. In the past centuries the Senate has proven that in its current form the Republic is a flawed creation." Calisto continued.

"That is indeed an issue to be addressed. One of the primary goals of my government is to ensure that the past month won't ever repeat. What about military cooperation?" Kenobi inquired.

"We have no issues with a close defence alliance. We won't necessary fight an offensive war that a Republic member ignites for their own gain, however we have no problem protecting the Republic from outside threats." Like the Separatist or more importantly, the Mandalorians, was tactfully left unsaid.

"That's good to hear, Prime Minister. Another standing issue we've had with the Republic was the status of the Jedi and the frankly unreasonable freedoms they possessed to do what they wanted." Calisto picked up a datapad and waved it in front of the holocom's camera. "There are still protests about all over my world about the Baby Ludi case and I'll be facing questions in Parliament about not only that issue but about the Republic's Jedi. What do you plan to do about them in the future? Your plans for the Force S.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e people in the galaxy?"

That case was a long standing thorn in Fird's administration. The whole mess began shortly after her election and if it wasn't for the Clone Wars erupting a few months later it would have been potentially the thorniest political problem she had to face. The Republic Judiciary was torn – they hadn't really faced such an issue before, the Jedi were particularly uncooperative and there were weekly massive marches on Alsakan. People's Inquest used the case to stir trouble and gain more popularity and half the Parliament was up in arms as a consequence.

The child's mother – Jovana Billane and People's Inquest leader Thrynka Padaunete were already working on a holonet feature that was supposed to "expose all the sordid details" about the Baby Ludi story. It was expected to air sometime in the next couple of months and Calisto knew it would be another major headache for her. Small wonder that her people were at best uncaring when the Jedi attempted a Coup and the GAR dropped on them like the fist of an angry god.

"At this time the status of the Jedi at large is that of traitors to the Republic. Those who surrendered are under investigation about their complicity in the Jedi Coup. In the future the autonomy of any organization overseeing the Jedi and other Force Adepts in the Republic will be significantly curtailed though the precise details will be decided at a later date. If we recover your missing child, we'll return her into her mother's custody, though she will need to have proper training." Satine answered.

Calisto looked thoughtfully at the Chancellor. The woman was married to a former Jedi so she should know if the Council told the truth about the dangers of leaving someone with "their mind opened to the Force" on their own. However, that surely didn't mean that they had to abduct children in order to train them! Bloody Jedi! One the other hand... Satine Kenobi was married to a former Jedi so she couldn't be said to be really objective about the whole mess. The question was if she would be in support of the Jedi in general or against them on principle. After all it was no secret that the Council expelled her husband and that her sister nearly died at the hand of a Jedi during their attempted coup... Politics aside, Satine might be an ally as far as keeping the Jedi on a leash went.

"That's provisionally acceptable." Calisto allowed. "In that case we can come back to the primary issue." Her smile turned predatory. "The future of the Republic."

"What exactly do you want, Prime Minister?" Satine's eyes narrowed at her.

"Federated structure with high autonomy over local matters."

"Define local. High autonomy while you're at it." Satine stated flatly.

"Our and nearby sectors for starters. Our internal politics and affairs are frankly not Coruscant's business. We do value our independent nature as you well know. We aren't that different from your people in that regard, Chancellor." Though we aren't a bunch of conquering barbarians.

"For all intents and purposes you already have such independence under the Republic." Satine reasonably pointed out.

"Only because the Senate was an ineffectual mess. Something that needs to change if the Republic we want to rebuild is to be in any way functional." Calisto cheerfully pointed out.

"Fair enough. You have a proposition to that effect I take it?" Kenobi asked. To her credit, the woman continued to keep her cool mask in place.

"Defined limits on the power of the executive branch of the government in the face of the Chancellor. Clearly defined rights for the various local governments on sub-federal level. A consolidation of sectors to better reflect the real situation within the Republic. I believe your people would be amicable to that therm, especially if the Mandalorians decide to formally join the Republic. Last time I checked about three thousand worlds in multiple sectors took lead from Mandalore, didn't they?" Calisto offered an olive branch.

"The future of my people would be decided on Mandalore by our leader and the Clans." Satine answered as expected.

Calisto wondered if she hoped that Mandalore would return from his vacation to the Mid-Rim as a victorious general or a dead hero. More importantly, which outcome the new Chancellor would prefer? While the man was Satine's brother-in-law, he stood for everything her New Mandalorians opposed. Did the woman change since the Separatists invasion of Mandalore or did she play the long game? Calisto didn't know. She had conflicting reports about that from various sources.

"When the situation with the Clones stabilizes, I'll be hosting a meeting on Coruscant to determine the future course of the Republic. I would like to invite you to these talks." Satine offered.

"Who would be the other notable participants?"

Satine recited a short number of names. At least the woman was a realist. If Calisto played her cards right, Alsakan might finally realise her historic ambitions. Oh, making her world the new capital of the galaxy was probably too much to ask for at this time. Everything else however...

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