StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand

Chapter 158: Surrounded by

At this time, Gray Harbor's declaration of switching camps had already scattered in all directions, causing ripples in the asteroid belt, but not many people paid attention to it.

Because after the war between the two super pirate groups, there was news every day in the asteroid belt, like light rain in a pool, and there were ripples everywhere. The vendetta, compared with the rivalries between large forces that have been happening everywhere recently, is too minor.

Moreover, even those who take this matter to heart rarely believe this declaration.

Although the Telan Mercenary Group was famous for destroying a Triceratops, as time passed, this reputation has been diluted a lot.

Over the past few days, battleships of the ancient legions have been discovered and then wiped out by major mercenary groups. More than 20 Triceratops-class destroyers have been wiped out. Even the more powerful Stegosaurus-class light cruisers, Even Tyrannosaurus rex-class heavy cruisers have records of being sunk.

The most shocking thing was half a month ago, a luxury fleet consisting of three Tyrannosaurus Rex and five Stegosaurus appeared in the space between Jupiter's orbit and the asteroid belt, and one of the three super mercenary regiments The Crusader mercenaries battled overnight, and the fleet of the ancient legion was wiped out!

According to the reward order issued jointly by the Earth, one Stegosaurus is worth 5 billion, and one Tyrannosaurus is worth 20 billion. Therefore, this battle alone brought a huge income of 85 billion to the Crusaders!

The reward amount of the reward order is set with reference to the market price of military warships. You must know that arms companies do not only accept business from the military. Except for public enemies of mankind, anyone can spend five billion to buy today's most advanced You can buy the most advanced heavy cruiser for 20 billion, and the old-fashioned battleships eliminated by the military only need one-tenth of the price!

Under these glorious victories, the record of the Telan Mercenary Corps appears bleak and dull. No one believes that they can change the space city of Gray Harbor, which is a transportation hub, from the neutral camp to the mercenary camp. That declaration was taken as a joke , laughed it off.

"Therefore, we need to use this battle to change outsiders' perceptions of us. At least let outsiders think that we have large warships. If everyone thinks that we are easy to bully, then they will come to bully, and they will not believe that we can change gray ships. Hong Kong." Kalia was doing pre-war analysis for Yang Ying.

"I know that you have been preparing for this battle these days, so how do you plan to make the outside world think that we have large warships?" Yang Ying asked.

"Actually, this work...has already started, when we attacked Gray Harbor." Kalia said with a smile.

Yang Ying thought for a while, nodded and said, "I see, what you're talking about is communication interference."

With the development of science and technology, jamming and anti-jamming technologies are competing with each other. There are many communication devices equipped with anti-jamming systems in Gray Harbor City. To disable all these devices, the most advanced jammers are needed.

Moreover, the interference range is not only within the Gray Harbor, but also a large airspace around the Gray Harbor. Once many spaceships enter this airspace, they are disturbed before seeing the Gray Harbor.

To release such a wide range of interference requires a huge amount of power, and only the reactors of large warships can support such a powerful interference wave.

"What outsiders don't know is that we used two full formations of observers to support such a large-scale interference area, and because the observer's interference technology has advanced for several generations, we can achieve high-power effects with low energy consumption. We The observers of the two formations are all added together, and the energy consumption is no more than one Valkyrie frigate." Kalia smiled and revealed the answer.

Yang Ying nodded, and picked up the Longjing tea that Katerina made for him from the table. Hot white air rose from the mouth of the cup, bringing out a rich tea aroma.

After taking a sip of tea, Yang Ying continued: "Have those jumping clowns not responded yet?"

"It's probably still intrigue. I'm afraid there will be no results before Old Baro arrives." Kalia sneered.

Since Gray Harbor is located at the intersection of mercenary and pirate forces, the commerce and transportation are very developed, so the wealth produced every year is also very considerable, ranking in the top 20 among the hundreds of space cities in the asteroid belt.

As the head of the pirates of Gray Harbor, Hermann's wealth is very famous in the pirate circle.

After Gray Harbor was captured by Yang Ying, many small and medium-sized pirate groups came to the airspace around Gray Harbor and issued a so-called ultimatum to the Tran Mercenary Group, demanding payment of protection fees to satisfy For their appetite, these pirates were dubbed jumping beam clowns by Yang Ying.

"I heard a story in the past, saying that a child was walking among a group of robbers with a bag of gold in his arms. The reason why he was not robbed was because the robbers had not yet decided how to divide the spoils. There are quite a few things in common." Yang Ying said with a smile.

"But we are not the child who has no power to restrain the chicken." Kalia said.

Yang Ying nodded, and said: "Then, the next thing is to wait for Old Barrow to appear."

"Please rest assured, sir, everything is proceeding according to plan." After Kalia finished speaking, she saluted and turned to leave the command room.

As time passed, the number of pirates gathered outside Gray Harbor gradually increased, the ones who were close came earlier, and the ones far away came later.

They are like locusts, they will appear wherever there is food to eat.

Due to the frequent crisis of trust among pirates, there are very few large-scale pirate groups. Most pirate groups are fragmented before they become large-scale pirate groups. .

The pirates outside the Gray Harbor brought more than a hundred small and medium-sized warships, and they blocked all the routes entering and leaving the Gray Harbor, and the frequency of robberies increased greatly.

Many civilian spaceships got the news temporarily and had to abandon the route of Gray Harbor, choose to detour or turn around, or go to the nearby space city to take refuge for a while, waiting for the end of this storm.

The night after the Gray Haven Proclamation, Old Barrow's fleet appeared near Gray Haven.

"A group of mobs actually dared to attack Huigang."

Old Barrow looked at the radar scanning image displayed on the holographic screen, and saw that there were dots of warships all over the periphery of Gray Harbor. encirclement.

Old Barrow's face was cloudy and uncertain, because every additional battleship would bring one more spoils after the war. He had long regarded Gray Harbor as something in his pocket, and others coveted what belonged to him, which of course made him feel bad.

"But forget it, when the Telan mercenary group attacked Huigang the day before yesterday, there seemed to be rumors of advanced large-scale warships. It may be dangerous to attack rashly, so I integrated you cannon fodder to take the lead for the old man and try it out." Old Ba Luo thought fiercely, and he ordered the staff officer: "Arrange a video conference for me, and call all the pirate captains who have gathered around the outskirts of Gray Harbor to participate."

What Old Barrow didn't know was that the area around Gray Harbor had been covered by the observers sent by Yang Ying, and all the information had been tapped. Yang Ying had arranged three formations of ghost agents in the base, specifically to spy on people outside Gray Harbor. The pirates contacted and monitored, and the video conference was played in front of Yang Ying from the beginning to the end.

After the meeting, Barrow Sr. announced three rules.

First of all, all the pirate captains who did not participate in this meeting are all disqualified from taking action against Gray Harbor, and must leave the area of ​​Gray Harbor immediately, otherwise they will be attacked by everyone.

Secondly, all actions against Gray Harbor must be arranged by him in a unified way. If he wants to do it alone, he will also be attacked by everyone.

In the end, the loot is distributed uniformly, but he must first get back the property that was previously deposited in Herman's vault.

These three rules will of course cause other pirate captains to hide their secrets. However, although the Blood Skull Pirates have been severely injured, they still have overwhelming strength. All small and medium-sized pirate groups who raised objections were easily destroyed by Old Barrow.

Most of the pirates didn't want to listen to old Barrow's orders, and they didn't dare to fight hard, so they withdrew to a distance, waiting for an opportunity.

Old Barrow only recruited a small half of the pirate troops outside Gray Harbor, but he had no hope for these rabble. After the integration work was completed, he immediately issued an ultimatum to Gray Harbor as the leader of the pirates, demanding that the Tran Mercenary Group Turn over the Energy Bar, and other loot from the Grayhaven Pirates Quarter.

In addition, a series of compensation plans were proposed, such as handing over all weapons and equipment, including power armor, armored vehicles, and his long-coveted Valkyrie battleship that appeared in the Battle of Gray Harbor.

Robin received this ultimatum in Gray Harbor, and after reporting to the base, he released a message according to the plan, in exchange for the return of the pledged ingots, in exchange for the retreat of the Blood Skull Pirates.

"Haha..." Old Barrow laughed loudly from the captain's seat: "Sure enough, it's just a small mercenary regiment in essence, without any guts at all. The old man frightened his soul out of him!"

"Captain, UU Reading They also attached a condition, saying that because of this matter caused internal discord in the mercenary group, they hope that a day's grace can be given." The staff officer frowned and said: "I always I think there's a conspiracy here."

"Don't show off your poor wisdom in front of the old man. Of course the old man knows that there is a problem, but he is too lazy to think about it! In the face of absolute power, any strategy is useless, trying to delay time by showing cowardice, hum!" Old Baro Shaking his head contemptuously, he said, "Even if they have one or two advanced large warships, they can't compare to the number advantage of the old man. We don't need to worry about him, just accept the energy ingots that come to our door."

"Then we'll just wait a day?" the staff officer asked.

"The day is too long. Tell them that I only have to wait for three hours. If they don't deliver the energy ingots within the time limit, I will immediately attack the city!" Old Baro said.

The staff officer sent a message immediately.

Old Baro sneered in his heart: "Thinking that you can use energy ingots to satisfy the old man's appetite, I really underestimate the old man."

(Today is New Year's Eve, so let's wish everyone a happy new year.)

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