Yusuf raised his hand to stop the officials from continuing to yell, and said, "Of course we won't ask Caesar's mercenaries for the information on the Laurel-class battlecruiser. The property of the group is also their commercial secrets."

"That's right. Commissioner Yusuf said it well. This is the similarity I just mentioned." Yang Ying said with a smile, "Actually, our Telan Mercenary Group is not a pure mercenary group, but the Telan Company As for the subordinate security force, I am only the head of security of Telan Company, and many information about our Telan Mercenary Corps are commercial secrets of Telan Company, so it is impossible for me to disclose these secrets.”

Yang Ying first set up a Telan company and named the Telan mercenary regiment under it, just to be useful at such a time. This is a very useful cover and umbrella.

Immediately, the voice of discussion in the entire meeting room instantly increased. The members of the review committee knew that there was a Telan company in the background of the Telan mercenary group, but most of the representatives present did not know it. Now they suddenly met Yang Ying and said Knowing that there was a backstage behind him, they immediately lost ground.

A Telan mercenary group can wipe out the entire fleet of five large forces, leaving none behind. What about their backstage? Is it possible to arm another Telan mercenary group?

"This is very similar to the rise of Caesar's mercenary group." These words sounded in the hearts of many representatives at the same time.

That was almost a hundred years ago, the Caesars Group. In order to develop the resources of the asteroid belt, ten industrial space cities were quietly sent to the asteroid belt. The troops defending these cities were the predecessor of the Caesars Mercenary Corps, the security force of the Caesars Group.

At that time, the Crusaders and the Kowloon Mercenary Corps were confronting each other in the form of the Cold War. Many new Mercenary Corps grew up in the gap between them and began to expand.

Not long after the ten space cities of the Caesars Group came to the asteroid belt, they had conflicts with some large mercenary groups over the territory issue. The Caesars Group armed their security forces with their most advanced warships, and defeated all the large mercenary groups bordering them with lightning speed!

Then the Caesars Group sent batch after batch of advanced warships to the asteroid belt, and recruited a large number of veterans through their relationship with the military, and established the Caesars Mercenary Corps.

The advanced battleships at that time are now so old that even the forces in the asteroid belt don't bother to use them. However, Caesar's mercenary group has never lost their advantage in advanced weapons. On the contrary, the gap with other mercenary groups has widened. Gradually from the bottom of the original three super mercenary regiments, it has surpassed the Kowloon Mercenary Regiment to become the second.

Although Telan Company is not as famous as the Caesars Group, almost all the representatives present have never heard of this company, but the company that can build the Telan Mercenary Group must not be a pool thing, and these representatives are in the heart He secretly made up his mind to mobilize his staff as soon as he went back, and must find out all the information of Telan Company.

"Quiet, please be quiet!" Yusuf shouted loudly, the noise in the meeting room had made him unable to hear clearly.

Yusuf is an old man of the Mercenary Alliance, and he has a lot of friends. He is still very prestigious in the eyes of everyone, and the noise gradually quieted down.

"Sure enough, this discussion is necessary, Captain Yang Ying, it seems that we have many things worth discussing." Yusuf said.

"I feel the same way," Yang Ying said.

There is a barracks in a corner of Worrell that is different. The barracks is surrounded by numerous state-of-the-art defense facilities, and there is an unmanned smart laser cannon or smart plasma cannon just a few steps away.

There are thousands of half-person-high security robots patrolling back and forth. They move flexibly and respond quickly. A mosquito just wanted to fly in when it was instantly gasified by a very thin laser light.

A security robot below it moved the laser gun away, as if nothing happened, and continued to patrol.

In a barracks in the depths of this barracks, there were crisp tinkling sounds from time to time.

Two figures are holding thin thorn swords, and are practicing the ancient sport of fencing.

They are nimble in stature, nimble in their steps, and exquisite in their swordsmanship, and the two rapiers turned into little stars in their hands. The most surprising thing is that even in the most intense battle, their movements are still as graceful as dancing a waltz, appearing extremely calm and calm.

Both of them were not wearing protective gear, and the blades in their hands had a little cold light, which was obviously very sharp, but both of them didn't care about it at all, concentrating on the battle.

Hearing a slight "嗤", the two separated instantly. One of the swordsmen's sleeves was cut open, and a red mark gradually appeared on the forearm, and a drop of bright red blood oozed out of the red mark. .

"Brother, it seems that the work of Caesar's mercenary group representatives and alliance committee members has caused your swordsmanship to regress greatly... No, it should be said that your swordsmanship skills have improved, but your spirit has declined." The intact swordsman It is a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old, with brilliant golden hair, and a perfect indifferent temperament, like a high-ranking king.

The other injured swordsman was Commissioner Andre of Caesar's Mercenary Corps. Although he had the same noble temperament, he seemed much softer.

"We are not able warriors, so we don't need to fight in close quarters on the battlefield. Swordsmanship is just a way of self-cultivation. You are too persistent, my brother." Andre said.

"It's just a sophistry, that's why I said that your spirit has regressed, and you let the thoughts of these common people erode your will." The young man snorted, "This is the consequence of you mixing with these common people."

"Don't talk about common people, shut up about common people. The common people in your mouth are full of derogatory connotations, just like those corrupt nobles in the Middle Ages. The word untouchables coming out of their corrupt mouths really makes me sick." Andre displeased Said.

"Brother..." The young man looked at Andre in surprise, and suddenly laughed, "Hahaha..."

Andre said nothing, waiting for him to finish laughing.

The look of the young man with a smile on his face made people feel chills.

"Brother, I have always admired the Egyptian pharaohs. The pyramids they invented are full of philosophy." The young man sneered, "Since human beings separated from primitive society, they have always followed the structure of the pyramid, which is the most suitable for human beings." The structure is determined by human nature and instinct, and cannot be transferred by anyone's will."

The young man waved his sword a few times, pointed the tip of the sword at Andre, and said, "You are right, there is no difference between common people and untouchables in my heart, because the fact is that there is no difference between them, slave society The slaves of slaves, slaves in feudal society, and civilians in modern society, only have different names and treatment. They are all the same in essence. They have been the bottom of the pyramid since ancient times, the cornerstone that holds up the upper layer, and the food we live on. .”

Andre deflected the young man's sword with a sword: "Since you know that we survive because of them, why can't you respect them more?"

"Because in the past when slave society and feudal society were still in slave society and feudal society, these cornerstones were made of mud and were easily crushed by the upper strata, so the upper strata had to treat the lower strata lightly, in order to prevent them from rebelling and leading to the collapse of the pyramid. This is the reason why the upper class should be moral! But now times have changed, they have become civilians, which is equivalent to upgrading the cornerstone to green bricks, and they can accept greater pressure without worrying about them rebelling. Why waste my limited emotions on them, there are more beautiful things in the world worthy of my pursuit!" The young man said eloquently.

"Your thinking is very dangerous." Andre said with a frown.

"Forget it, brother, we are all people of noble blood, why bother arguing over some common people." The young man looked impatient.

"It's not just a common people's problem, but your thinking is too sharp. If you don't turn around, I'm afraid you will lead the Caesar family astray in the future." Andre said seriously.

"Haha..." The young man sneered, "You also know that I will be the one who will lead the Caesars family in the future. Although we are both the grandson of the chairman of the Caesars Group and the son of the head of the Caesars Mercenary Group, I am still younger than you. Twelve years old, but my inheritance rank is ahead of yours, do you know why? It is precisely because my vision is different from yours. I see farther and have no moral burden in my heart. I can lead the Caesar family to the top of the pyramid. Further, so I can have the support of my grandpa."

"But..." Andre still wanted to speak.

"Enough!" The young man shouted, "Brother, you can't come to me just to compete with me in swordsmanship. What is it for?"

Seeing that the young man was stubborn, Andre thought a lot in his heart. He knew that there was no way to persuade him, and any further words would only increase the young man's resentment. Did you buy that person from Yang Ying, the head of the corps?"

"Buy him?" The young man sneered ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Why should I buy him, is he worthy? He came to me on his own initiative and asked to join me. I just gave him a chance to help me with a small matter. Even this little person deserves my brother to come to me specially? "

"It really is you." Andre said angrily, "It's a trivial matter to let him talk nonsense in front of Yang Ying? You know, the Tran Mercenary Group can perfectly kill five large mercenary groups. It's nothing, but their mysterious origins are really scary, even our intelligence network all over the solar system failed to find out their background, if you are so careless, you will bring big troubles to Caesar's mercenaries."

"It's just an upstart, no matter how mysterious it is, it only appeared in less than half a year. Compared with the foundation accumulated by our Caesar family for thousands of years, it is not worth mentioning. Although I don't know what method they used to hide it from us. Eyeliner, but upstarts are upstarts, this is their essence. I have already applied to my grandfather in the name of Ista Caesar, to deal with this Telan mercenary group and the Telan company behind them, this The nouveau riche and we are taking the same route, and there cannot be two spires on the same pyramid, so brother, you have to be prepared, and with grandpa's resoluteness, the order to deal with the Telan mercenary group may be issued today gone."

The young Istar Caesar gracefully retracted the rapier into its sheath.

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