StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand

Chapter 402: Politically)

Chapter 402 Politics (Part 1)

As soon as this voice came out, it could be said that one stone stirred up a thousand waves. Everyone looked at the place where the voice came from, and they were all thinking in their hearts, who is so bold, who dares to oppose the opinion of the Minister of Defense in the military field?

The one who was shrouded in everyone's eyes was Bernard, the Minister of Propaganda. He was a skinny old man in his fifties, and he had begun to lose his hair. A palm-sized smooth scalp was exposed in the center of his head, and there was a ring of thin gray and white long hair around the scalp.

A gleam flashed in Marshal Duncan's eyes, he stared closely at Bernard and asked three months? what do you mean? To reorganize the military within three months and go to Saturn is simply suicide! "

Marshal Duncan was very angry. He had been in the army for half a century, and he had been promoted to the rank of marshal step by step. When did he need someone outside the military to teach him how to do it?

Bernard showed a sly smile, and put his hands in front of his face, saying that the old marshal calmed down. I naturally have my own considerations when I say this [无^^小说][www].[quled].[com]. "

"Well, you Bernard!" Marshal Duncan snorted, "You have military considerations, let me hear it. My previous six-month expectation was to synthesize all kinds of information and establish The results obtained in various demonstrations. If you can't put forward constructive opinions, hehe..."

Bernard leaned forward a little, smiled and said that my understanding of the military is naturally much inferior to that of the marshal. If you want to explain my three-month statement from a military perspective, I can't explain it. "

Marshal Duncan stared, ready to attack.

"Wait a minute. Minister Duncan, this is not the headquarters of the Earth Army, but the Council of Ministers of the Government. Please let me finish." Bernard suddenly lost his temper, "I said that I will attack Saturn within three months, but it is not groundless, although My reason has nothing to do with the military, but it has a lot to do with everyone present here. Do you remember that it will be three months later?"

The Minister of Industry suddenly asked, could it be a general election? "

"No." Bernard nodded affirmatively, and then sent a document to the light screen in front of the ministers through the electronic system.

The ministers began to check the document, and the faces of many people gradually changed.

Bernard leaned on the back of the chair, crossed his arms, and said leisurely that everyone saw it, did it look familiar? It's normal! This document was shown to everyone last month. Here are the polls before the Battle of Jupiter begins. The results of the survey show that the public’s support for the current government is 19%, not even one-fifth, while those who think our government is not trustworthy account for 65%, almost That's two-thirds! In addition, there are 16% of the people in a wait-and-see state, the reason for this. It is because during our term of office, we have lost the defense line of Double Kings and the entire outer solar system one after another! "

"This is not bad. Half a year ago, the outer solar system fell, and the people almost impeached our government. It was hard to survive at that time, but it pushed us to the cliff. Those shameless opposition parties threw the responsibility for the defeat on us. On the ground, they criticized us verbally and in writing, and made a tough stance to win the support of the people with empty promises such as regaining lost ground, making their support rate far higher than ours. If this trend continues, our next election will definitely fail. If you lose, you won't even be able to turn around in another ten years!"

It should be mentioned here that the United Earth Government is a democratic government. Ministers are not elected as individuals, but are nominated by the majority party and passed by the parliament. Public opinion is closely related to their status.

At the same time as Bernard, several ministers' expressions became worse the more they heard it. They knew very well that if they were kicked out of the political arena with the burden of being responsible for the defeat, they would never have a chance to make a comeback.

Bernard smiled. Another document was sent to everyone through the electronic system, but now things have turned around, everyone can take a look, this is the latest public opinion survey. After the victory in the Battle of Jupiter, the number of people who support us has risen to 33%, and those who oppose it have dropped to 47%. There are still 20% of the people who are waiting to see, and the successful recovery of Jupiter has reversed the situation. People's opinion of us, even those guys in the opposition party are much quieter now. "

The few ministers who had a bad complexion gradually relaxed.

"But it's not enough!" Bernard yelled, sat up straight and said loudly. During our tenure, the entire outer solar system fell. This is an indisputable fact. Recovering a Jupiter cannot make up for everything. Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are still in the hands of those dirty apes and the opposition will cling to that. The reason why they are silent now is that the news of Jupiter's victory has not cooled down, and the atmosphere of public celebration is still high. However, after three months, when the general election, the atmosphere has almost cooled down, they will use this matter Attack us, and we have nothing to fight back! unless…"

Bernard looked around the crowd and shouted in an increasingly passionate voice unless we show more victories to the people! According to the analysis of my propaganda experts, if we can regain Saturn before the general election, and add some propaganda methods, our public opinion support rate can reach more than 55%! The people think we can regain lost ground, they will vote for us, and the opposition... hehe... to **** with them! "

The eyes of most people present are shining. Obviously interested in Bernard's suggestion.

Marshal Duncan's eyes widened, his eyes bursting with brilliance, like a battle-hardened tiger glaring at Bernard's face. It's hard for such an old man to have such vigorous energy. Bernard saw from those eyes Feeling the thick murderous intent, he couldn't help wiping off his sweat.

Marshal Duncan let out a deep voice from his throat Bernard, this is your consideration? Do you regard the military as a child's play house? Show the victory to the public within three months, do you think it can be achieved just by talking about it? In order for you to be re-elected, don't you even put the lives of frontline soldiers on the gambling table? "

A series of sharp questions came from Marshal Duncan, and he blasted at Bernard. Bernard forced a smile and said Marshal, I remember you said before, the longer the wait, the stronger the defense line of the ancient legion, then we will attack as soon as possible. Aren't they also beneficial to us? "

Marshal Duncan slapped the table and roared angrily that a guy like you who knows nothing about the military is not qualified to ask me beneficial or unprofitable questions. They are not ready for three months, and we are not ready! A recruit will stay in the training camp for at least three months, during which he needs to exercise his physical fitness. Familiarize yourself with all kinds of equipment, learn various tactics, and then come out of the training camp and go to the combat position. It will take at least a month of running-in. Let the veterans tell them that they need to do something when emergencies occur. Veterans and recruits on the battlefield The performance in the field is basically one of the top ten, even if the inexperienced recruits are not helpful, it is not uncommon. If it is really necessary to attack Saturn in three months, the recruits recruited from now on will be completely useless. After three months, there is no way to train enough new recruits, and the equipment cannot be fully replenished..."

Minister Duncan listed all kinds of unfavorable factors for the start of war in three months, and several ministers gradually hesitated with their eager expressions.

When it was Bernard's turn again, he saw that nearly half of the ministers agreed with Marshal Duncan, and he felt embarrassed. If there were no two-thirds of the valid votes in the vote later, the war would start three months later. The proposal cannot be passed.

Bernard glanced at Marshal Duncan again, seeing that the old man was obviously very determined to start the war in six months, Bernard secretly scolded the old guy, with your background in the military, even if you change the government, you can Be Secretary of Defense, but I don't have another chance. Now it seems that only some extraordinary means can be used, old guy, don't blame me! ’ He opened his mouth and said I asked for an adjournment for half an hour.”

Several ministers seconded him, and the request for adjournment was passed. They also needed a period to think about the crisis and opportunity this matter brought them.

Coming out of the meeting room, Bernardella, the Minister of Construction and the Minister of Industry, winked, the two nodded lightly, and followed Bernard to a small The room here has excellent sound insulation. No, you don't have to worry about eavesdropping, it's perfect for secret talks.

Bernard locked the door, and said to the two that the current situation is very obvious. If we don't fight this battle within three months, we will definitely lose the election, and then we will bear the shame of losing three planets and be forever condemned. People scold me, but to fight this battle within three months, the old marshal also said just now, it is a gamble on the table, not a certainty of defeat, we still have a chance of winning, don't we? As long as you win, you can be re-elected. Then in the next term, we can change our image and still have a decent second half of our lives. "

The Minister of Construction frowned and said, "It's three months. After all, it's not as safe as six months. It's easy to lose the battle. If we lose the battle, I'm afraid we will be impeached immediately." "

Bernard sneered and said coward, three months later, is there any difference between being impeached or losing the election? Defeat is nothing but our downfall, and not fighting is also our downfall. Isn't it obvious that things have come to this point? The only way out before us is to regain Saturn! Wake up quickly, this battle may be lost if it is fought, but it will definitely be lost if it is not fought! "

"This..." The Minister of Construction and the Minister of Industry looked at each other, hesitated for a while, and then nodded.

"Well, both of you are smart people, which is beneficial to us. Marshal Duncan is old and stubborn. If I want to say such an explicit thing in the meeting, I am afraid that he will come and beat me directly. Let's do this first, I have to hurry up and talk to other people..."

Bernard had already persuaded two ministers, with a triumphant smile on his face, and after saying goodbye to them, he continued to lobby other ministers.

Chapter 402 Politics (Part 1)

Chapter 402 Politics (Part 1) was hand-written by members of 【无*异】【小-说-网】, for more chapters, please go to the website:

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