Starship Girl Express

Chapter 74 Hot Entropy Ice Powder

Seeing the two newborn chicks suddenly falling into the relentless sadness of the years, Bai Moxie wanted to laugh inexplicably... stood up and tried to reach out and pat their heads, but they passed them through. At the same time, because of receiving Niki Luna’s report, it was cool. Although the machine can communicate across time and space without delay, the drawback is that the information channel is too narrow, and now its own holographic projections begin to fail to accurately reflect their intentions, causing delays.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about the issue of gravity later, we haven't mastered'Summon' and'Teleport Array' clearly, but now only Bailingling can use it... We have been standing in this viewing room for a long time. , Speak in another place."

Niki Lotte: "I listen to my brother."

"...Looking at the jet lag, have you eaten dinner yet?"

Nikiluna jumped: "No!"

"Then go to the restaurant here, look at the log, have you switched to the two-meal system again?"

Nikki Luna: "Because, because there are so many things!"

Nikki Lotti: "There is no time to go to bed. Two meals will be our rest time."

Bai Moxie knew about this situation. After all, he ordered to make a prototype with all his strength. Before all parties reacted, he would get the real thing out...On the way to the restaurant, Bai Moxie continued the conversation.

"...Thanks for your hard work, but someone always needs to pay..."

Nikki Lotte: "We are just doing the first-line infrastructure work. We can complete the task by working hard to calculate. Bai Lingling, Movi, Julian, and Dragon Girl Guanyue, Miss Pei, they are the real hard work... Complex design is required..."

Like a little adult, Niqiluna commented like a master: "Um... I have to admit, they have something."

Niki Lotte was a little embarrassed: "We used our super-brain ability to compete with Miss Pei. Hey, we learned a lot this time."

Niki Luna is still not convinced: "If we are professional, those warships, but know very well, we will not lose!"

The restaurant is actually downstairs, from the spiral staircase on the third floor of the internal terrace to the lobby, through the wall of the doorless house, you can directly enter the restaurant. At this moment, there are already five new employees and girls gathered in a pile, talking and laughing. , Take a break with a drink, it should be a shift.

"Report, sir!"

The holographic projection of Bai Moxie brought sisters Naiqi to the lobby as soon as they had not entered the restaurant. The five new employee girls had already stood up and stood in a row to pay attention. When the three of them entered the restaurant, the five of them saluted immediately. report.

Let them do whatever they want, and take Sister Naiqi to sit down by the window and start ordering.

Bai Moxie also thought about things like "Everyone is family", "The war is over and you are free", "Everyone in the regiment is equal", but they all feel too fake and artificial, and continue to be so half-relaxed. The military atmosphere is also quite good. If you put the ducks all at once, it would be too casual and lookless. After all, it is now a team of more than a thousand people...

Speaking of windows, entrances and exits of the "villa", and viewing rooms, they are all holographic simulations of the natural scenery. The reservation is to simulate the most beautiful scenic spot of Naiqixing, but currently Naiqixing is still in the ecological process, so it is simulated It is Guilin's mountains and waters, quiet and cool and green-naturally it is Mowei's careful thinking.

The reason why this star is called "Niki Star" is actually Bai Moxie's decision in advance. One is to reward them for their work in the first-line infrastructure in the prototype project, and the other is to commemorate his initial work. Followers... When they first crossed, the two of them were forced to follow themselves as their own team. After experiencing some incidents and adventures together, they finally established trust and bond.

And the third is that among everyone in the team, only the Naiqi sisters and the two have eco-planet management experience. They used to follow Lu Xiaoan on missions. To move freely in the galaxy, naturally they need a cover identity. Lu Xiaoan gave them The arrangement was to operate a "farm" on a certain planet called the Neiqi Ecological Breeding Continent to provide fresh animal protein that can be quickly transported in condensed form for the huge population of the galaxy.

They both have to spend a few days on that planet every month. One is to behave, and the other is to be a recuperation holiday. The beach is where they often go. Apart from swimming, the main thing is to get strange seafood. , On the five-level ecological planet, there are all kinds of unexpected creatures. Limulus, ammonites, and trilobites have all tried.

In fact, there are many resurrected ancient organisms from the geological age. Their heterogeneous proteins cannot be digested and metabolized normally by the modern human body. In other words, it is either an allergen or a highly toxic protein. However, in addition to high-energy particles, some of the seasonings also promote consumption. Nanorobots, as long as they are edible, can treat and prevent basic fever, colds, food poisoning and other diseases.

Back then, although staying on the farm and raising the mainland was a task, the Naiqi sisters also had to do their homework seriously. In addition to their own seriousness, there were also social factors that needed to be dealt with. For example, when they were lurking, there were social messages for them. He is curious about his "farmer" status, and the person who comes to talk to each other must be able to say something in the conversation.

On the Orange Maiden, they did run into guys who talked about animal knowledge. Modern communication between people is so enthusiastic, relaxed, free, and not vigilant. When they are curious, they start talking.In short, they have considerable experience in theories and operations of ecological planets, animals and plants, and natural ecosystems.

Due to the above-mentioned relationships, Bai Moxie chose the planet No. 9 with the most suitable location and size in the planetary system and named it "Niki Star" after the twin sisters, preparing it as the first ecological planet in the planetary system. Development, although the trade is very convenient, the battleships and the planet fortress ecological zone can be self-sufficient, but it is very pleasant to have an ecological planet and always obtain natural and fresh ingredients...

The standard of the five-level ecological planet is 83.15 million species. What a large and colorful food material storehouse!As the miscellaneous food species at the top of the food chain, it is also the richest and diverse civilization in the cooking culture. There is nothing happier than having such a food library!

While waiting for the meal, the Naiqi sisters projected several planetary systems and Naiqi’s holographic projections, explaining their remedial plans and the ecological planet creation plan after the rescue... But in Bai Moxie’s eyes, this is not A planet, but a food storehouse filled with soaked oil seasoning pots full of skewers and sticks of chicken, or a large freezer with hot and spicy ingredients pots.

"Due to tidal forces, we only plan to create 23% of the ocean area, 6.5% of the ice sheet area, and all the rest is land..." Nichiruti, who was eating bean curd rice while explaining, suddenly changed the subject. "Brother... are you drooling?"

Naiqiluna held the Chongqing small noodle bowl, which was very large compared to her, and pushed to the holographic projection: "Saliva, brother wants to eat too?"

Bai Moxie smiled embarrassedly: "Brother, I am very happy seeing you eat deliciously... People like to feed kittens and small animals because they eat deliciously and cutely. My brother's drooling is not because of food, but Because you two are cute."

Nikiluna retracted the noodle bowl and said generously and cutely: "Thank you."

Niki Lotti blushed and lowered her head, then straightened her body, with a more elegant appearance, like a European aristocratic lady, lightly eating bean curd rice with a fork and spoon.

Although the model is very cute, but eating tofu rice with a knife and fork and Chongqing noodles with a spaghetti set, Bai Moxie feels awkward: "Movie is promoting Chinese cuisine, right... I have to teach everyone to use chopsticks..."

"Chopsticks, chopsticks!" Naiqi Luna was very interested, and asked Bobo Ball to send two pairs of chopsticks with auxiliary connecting loose-leaf, two sticks with loose-leaf twisting bar link in the middle, it is an ancient design specially designed for novice chopsticks The structure makes it easier to promote this ancient but efficient tableware.

However, Niki Luti is obviously more proficient than Niki Luna when she uses the chopsticks, and she feels that she can use it smoothly without the auxiliary leaflet...Niki Luna noticed this, and her little mouth couldn't help but pouted.

Bai Moxie: "Look at your little mouth so hot..."

Niki Luna: "Niki Luna likes spicy!"

Niki Lotte: "Obviously I can't eat spicy food like me..."

Bai Moxie: "Let’s have a bowl of brown sugar mashed ice powder. It's good to eat with small noodles."

I have checked the catalog before, and the ecological control room has sufficient food raw materials, but it takes a little time to process ice powder and glutinous rice.Sister Niki has never eaten this ancient summer snack, so I look forward to it.

Niki Loti: "Is it delicious? Then I want a bowl..."

Bai Moxie: "You can try the rose cake ice powder, there is a record in the human knowledge base."

Nikiluna is greedy: "Oh, roses, it smells so sweet..."

Nikki Lotte: "...that sister will change with you."

Bai Moxie: "Divided into two small bowls, both have portions. Try both bowls."

Niki Luna, Niki Luti: "Yeah!!!"

The cooking machine performs molecular-level processing on the raw rice to make a good mash. The main component of ice powder is a plant called physalis. There is no stock here, but the molecular structure is known, so the cooking machine extracts it. Other natural vegetable ingredients are synthesized to obtain high-quality ice powder. Other seasonings, such as rose and brown sugar, are readily available. Therefore, this kind of dessert snack took only two minutes to float and serve.

Nikki Luna: "Oh-jelly!"

Bai Moxie smiled softly: "It's ice powder."

The two little ones don’t care about the staple food, and can’t wait to start eating two bowls of iced desserts with one scoop and one scoop... The bowls used here are also very Chinese, the light-transmitting crisp blue and white porcelain bowls and porcelain spoons make ancient desserts It seems to become more iced and delicious.Two little loli, cat ears shook their heads and shook their heads. The porcelain soup spoons are bigger than their small mouths, so they can be put straight into their mouths, and they have sweet noodles when finished. So cute, too cute, and Moxie's heart is about to melt.

"Brother, want to eat?" Niki Luna asked for the second time, pushing the porcelain bowl in front of her.

Bai Moxie quickly retracted to look at them and looked at them and straightened his eyes: "You eat deliciously, and your brother is full...Speaking of which, it seems that I haven't had dinner here, and I haven't eaten lunch. The incident has been all day long. Constantly..."

Niki Lotte: "Brother has worked hard."

"Without your hard work... You are so busy that the three-meal system has been changed to two meals... I will not say anything if you pay attention to your body and rest. You are all big girls, take your own measures."

Nikki Luna scooped in one fell swoop: "Qi Luna is strong! I used to not sleep for a month to transform the battleship!"

Since information writing follows energy and information theory, and obeys Boltzmann's entropy equation, each byte consumes k•T•log2 of unit energy, and erasing information does not consume energy, so their ultra-brain operations require huge energy Support, the energy here is "electricity", one of the four fundamental forces universally used in the universe.

Before Bai Lingling summoned battleships in Lucy Tina, she calculated cosmic magnitude data, and all the energy consumed came from Lucy Tina's wireless power supply network. This was the fundamental reason for her control of the system at the beginning. , It’s not just to run out of the cell for fun, to show off that a prisoner can be lawless and wander around.

So the super-brain ability seems to be simple, it just turns the brain into a computer, but in fact, the technical complexity inside is no less than that of fold technology, which is one of the two key keys for humans to break through the threshold of the speed of light.

Although an individual with super brain ability can exert a certain amount of far computing power alone, to fully deploy it, a whole set of specialized systems and various equipment are needed to assist... In fact, a person with super brain ability is an inherent system in itself The brain's biomagnetic field obtains the external electric field energy for calculation. In essence, there is still a huge energy flow passing through the individual, and the binocular radiating light outward is one of the energy spill methods.

The operation of Ultrain also produces waste heat, which is not something that the individual can bear or digest.

In modern times, as long as the phenomenon of uncontrollable luminescence and heat dissipation of energy occurs, it is an inefficient, wasteful, and technically irresistible performance. For example, the gravitational waves that appear in the fold, the space-time effect, etc. are collectively called the fold. The phenomenon of reaction, in essence, is also a spill of energy, an entropy process that is physically uncontrollable and irreversible.

In terms of warships, if there is a way to eliminate them, then military "stealth raids" can be realized, which is no less than a revolution in phase shifting technology here... However, the most basic energy conservation and entropy increase tell us that this is impossible. At most, it can only restrain and delay its spread-although gravity is not controllable, other fluctuations can be camouflaged. In the past, military technology, according to the Fourier transform principle, can achieve tactical deception-this is complex information Once you have entered the field of warfare, it is not simply a matter of cyber hacking.

In short, when Ultrain is running at full power, the binocular photoelectric effect, energy spills in the form of photons and electromagnetic waves is unavoidable, but it can be camouflaged and tactically hidden-by wearing helmets, closed sunglasses, etc...

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