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Isaac and the others were busy in the town of Gilded Rose, and they had become one with the people and started to build a rough generation machine.

However, the effect was not ideal, but they didn't care. Instead, they had a good time under the leadership of Isaac. They plowed out a lot of potholes of different sizes on the ground of the tauren hammer. The first generation machine will inevitably have problem.

But after playing crazy, Isaac and the others quickly came up with a second-generation machine, and the effect was much more stable than the first-generation machine.

And Claire didn't stay idle in her study, dragging her chin, looking at the pile of materials in front of her, her fingers kept tapping on the table, and the rhythmic tapping echoed in the room. Voice.

"This is the south. Cotton is ripe here once a year, so it is not suitable for large-scale planting." Claire said, took out a piece of information about cotton in front of her, and put it aside.

Then he turned his attention to other pieces of paper, and continued to murmur: "The sugar cane is good, you can squeeze the juice and boil it into sugar, and the profit has doubled."

Claire put her finger on the information sheet in front of it again, and continued: "These rare and precious fruits are also fine, and they are still close to Nafu City, so there is no need for storage and transportation costs."

"There are also hobby crops such as tea and cocoa fruit. As long as they are processed in situ and then sold, the price and profit can be directly multiplied several times, so there is no need to worry about the income of the Gilded Rose Town."

The solution that Claire thought of was to diversify the crops in the town. Those residents in the town used to grow wheat, barley, corn, soybeans and other food crops. Although these food crops are just needed, but There are also many people who plant, not only the farmers who plant in other territories, there is no shortage of food in the market at all, on the contrary, the more they plant, the lower the price will be.

Of course, this can't be blamed on them. After all, before Claire came, the farmers here were all planted food crops, and the other crops couldn't survive at all, and they were already forced to death by those high taxes. If you have planted grain, you can still have some food left for yourself after the expropriation, so that you can survive the season of waiting for a bumper harvest.

Now, after Claire discovered the problem, she wanted them to turn to planting cash crops, such as the fruits and sugar cane that Claire just exemplified. As long as these cash crops are processed, the price will increase exponentially. You can set up factories in small towns and keep profits in small towns, allowing them to form their own economic system.

As long as the income of the town rises, the infrastructure of the town will naturally develop. Those adults who go out to work will also return to the town of Gilded Rose. If they can earn enough money at home, who wants to go out to work? Not just those who were originally in the small town, but even people from other places may be attracted.

Reagan is now in Hill City, and Claire also sent someone over to bring back the seeds of those crops when he came back. Claire ordered him to buy all the seeds of cash crops on the market, which cost him money anyway. It doesn't cost much, just buy it back and put it on the ground to experiment to know which one is the most suitable.

The experiment didn't take long. With Rona, the half-elf, you can see the growth process of the crops in a few minutes with elf magic, and you can tell at a glance whether it is suitable or not.

After selecting the crops, it is time to build a factory in the small town. The previous farming was all preparatory work. Building a factory is the top priority of this work. Tea is made into tea, and cocoa beans are made into Coffee powder, with this step, the profits inside can be left in the town. Otherwise, if the commercial crops are released and sold to others, that is also a part-time job for others.


After picking out all the cash crops suitable for growing in the Gilded Rose Town, Claire stretched out her finger and tapped **** a piece of paper in the center in front of her.

"Hops, this must be planted!"

No matter where you are, alcoholic beverages are a big seller of consumer goods. Even the taverns in Nafu City need to consume a lot of beer and other alcoholic beverages every day. There is no shortage of alcoholic beverages in the market. It is impossible to let go of this piece of meat.

Moreover, the raw materials required for brewing beer and other alcoholic beverages are grain crops, barley, wheat, rice starch, etc., so it is impossible for the town of Gilded Rose to switch to growing cash crops.

The main crops are also food crops, but usually these crops are turned into alcoholic beverages, and then food is purchased from the outside world, so even if there is a food crisis later, it can also interrupt the brewing of alcohol, the town of Gilded Rose is still It is a granary that can provide a large amount of food.

Brewing alcoholic beverages can turn these original food crops into a high-value commodity, and the town of Gilded Rose can profit from it. This is what Claire thought at the beginning. As for other cash crops, it is just to diversify the crops in the Gilded Rose Township, avoiding monotony and turning into an involute mode again. Not as much as before.

After another period of revisions, Claire finalized the initial development plan for the town of Gilded Rose.


"Lona." Claire skillfully pushed open the door of the hospital and walked straight in.

Rarely, Lorna did not play with Eve in the backyard, but was grinding herbs in the front After seeing Claire come in, she raised her head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Um? Claire glanced at the herbs in Rona's hand, and an idea flashed in her mind, um, it's not bad to have herbs in the town of Gilded Rose, but there are many doctors in this world who rely on herbs to cure diseases.

After shaking his head, Claire threw this idea out of his head. Thinking about the Gilded Rose Town, crazy? I didn't come here to find crops.

"I'm going out, will you come with me?"

"Where to? Gilded Rose Town?" Rona's tone was slightly interested.

"No, I'm not in a hurry." Claire smiled: "But it's also related to it."

Rona stopped the stone pestle she was grinding and asked, "Is there a solution to it?"


"Then wait for me." Rona started to clean up the stone mortar and poured out the ointment inside.

"Why don't you ask where to go?" Claire asked.

"Why are you asking so many questions?" Rona quickly finished processing the pharmaceutical tools. After she went to the Gilded Rose Town with Claire, she became curious about it after experiencing it, and wanted to See how Claire solved it.

After patting her hand with the powder on it, Rona said to Claire, "I'm ready!"

Claire: "I didn't say to go now. I'll be leaving tomorrow morning. I'll let you know when I come."

Rona glanced back at her stone mortar and other pharmaceutical tools that had been cleaned up, and then looked back at Claire's eyes for a few seconds.

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

"You didn't ask me? You didn't ask me where I was going." Claire showed a teasing smile, "and said, 'Why are you asking so much?'"

Lorna: "..."

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