Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Chapter 340: : Are you laughing at me?

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In the next half month, Claire has been following Sophia to collect the magic materials collected from various places, and then distribute them to the following shops that make magic potions or magic utensils through reasonable distribution. Sometimes there is a trade-off, cutting out some unimportant aspects to fill in the important ones.

In the past two weeks, Claire has almost died of exhaustion. No wonder Sophia has to pull herself over to help. If she was alone, the August family would be able to operate with such a large volume, and the supplies shipped from all over the country. , and then it is necessary to formulate new standard procedures and grasp the overall situation, otherwise, if there is a problem at that point, it will completely collapse, and she will be exhausted.

However, after the general new procedures were drawn up, Claire could finally relax for a while. Just like a machine, the assembly process is tiring, but once it's assembled, it's fine as long as someone looks at it and doesn't make it a problem. Sophia is the one who is watching him here to prevent problems, and Claire is the logistics officer who is going to the Raging Flame Plane to verify and distribute supplies.

However, Claire is only temporary, and most of the tasks will be completed after delivery there. The army there has a more complete logistics team, and he is also watching over there to avoid any mistakes. If you need something urgently, then integrate it. , and then notify Sophia.


Before Claire could relax for a few days, she started again, targeting Hill City.

The plane teleportation circle of Raging Flame Plane is not built in the capital, but in Hill City. One is that Hill City is located at the hub of the kingdom's transportation and has a very developed economy; the other is that if you explore the plane What went wrong, such as exploring a plane with extremely strong strength, and then being counter-invaded. At that time, Hill City was still some distance from the capital, and that distance was a buffer zone.

Claire arrived at the Royal Capital Magic Academy early in the morning. Instead of reading a book, she set off for Hill City.

From the gate of the school, Claire saw a long line of transport teams continuously transporting goods in from the gate, following the transport team all the way in, reaching an open boundary.

There were a few huge golden birds crawling on the ground in that boundary. They were the light-chasing birds that Claire saw when he first came to the capital. During the war, these magic academies were the means of transportation. was also requisitioned.

As soon as Claire appeared, five figures fell in the sky, and before they fell, they shouted, "Lord Claire!"

Claire looked at the five wizards in front of her and nodded, waving her hand, "Go on, don't worry about me."

Among the five wizards, three were from the August family, which was sent by Sophia, and two were sent by the kingdom to protect him, a temporary logistics officer, who were considered Norris. But now, they all have to follow Claire's command.

Claire stood aside as a logistics officer, watching the supplies that were constantly being transported in from outside. There were not only the August family here, but the families who participated in the war in the capital were all transported by the Light Chaser. However, Claire mainly sees whether there are any flaws in the materials of the August family. Claire of other families only glanced at it roughly. Each family has sent its own people to watch, he is only in name. Chief, as long as there is no problem in general, if it may affect him, Claire will not take care of it.

These materials transported by carriages are not very important. Most of them are some basic materials, such as knight's armor and weapons, basic healing potions, etc. These materials are in great demand and are not very valuable. They are really valuable. Expensive materials are placed in the space rings of the heads of each family.

What Claire is currently carrying are the high-level magic potions and magic scrolls made by the August family's magic shop. The quantity is calculated by the box, and it is worth a minimum of one billion yuan, which is still the cost price. Seeing Claire's heart itch, she almost ran away without holding the space ring.

"Hey! Claire!" Yana ran towards Claire while waving excitedly.

When she got to Claire's side, Yana stopped and said excitedly, "I just found out that you are the chief in charge. It's great, there is someone I know to talk to along the way."

Claire was also a little surprised and said, "You are the person in charge sent by the Genn family?"

"Yes, my father sent me here."

Claire smiled slightly, "Have you got the 500,000 you paid last time?" He hadn't stayed in the capital for a long time, so Xia En did that, so he didn't know the process very well.

Yana giggled, "Of course." This is one of the reasons why she is so enthusiastic about Claire. Since the money got her, her affection for Claire has skyrocketed.

Yana looked back at the transportation team, and then said, "Let's not talk about it, our family's goods are also arriving, and I will arrange for unloading."

Claire nodded and waved goodbye.


The loading and unloading process continued until the afternoon, and then all the supplies were brought to the Light Chasing Bird.

Claire also flew to the top. The back of the chasing bird is very spacious, like a flat and vast land. If you don't look at it from a distance, you can't tell that this is a certain part of an animal.


The wind is blowing!

More than a dozen light-chasing birds flapped their wings and the wind The debris on the ground was blown away, and the smoke and dust were everywhere, and then the huge bodies of the light-chasing birds gradually flew up, surrounding The trees were crushed to the ground by the wind whipped by the huge wings.

When they had enough power, more than a dozen light-chasing birds suddenly flapped their wings and rushed into the sky.

It reminded Claire of the ancient poem in Happy Travel, "Flying in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky."

The Light Chasing Bird that flew into the air was still very stable, much more stable than the plane in the previous life, and a defensive formation was deployed around it, isolating the airflow from the outside.

Of the dozen or so chasing light birds, three to five wizards are flying around each chasing light bird. These are the powerhouses sent by various families to protect the supplies. The materials are worth billions of gold coins. They have to be careful. If they are attacked by an enemy country or wild beasts, they will really want to cry without tears.


Claire sat on top of the supplies built up by the August family, watching the clouds constantly passing by quickly, which was a rare sight.

Just when Claire was in a trance, there was a sound from below, and Yana wanted to climb up from below in a rather embarrassed way.

Claire looked over, smiled after seeing Yana's embarrassed appearance, and performed a floatation technique to make the opponent jump up easily.

"Huh!" Yana took a breath when she came up, then patted her dirty clothes, and then asked, "What's so good about climbing so high? Can I be as good-looking as me?" She raised her chest and showed her body.

"I do not."

Before Yana could understand Claire's words, Claire continued.

"I flew up."

Yana: ? ? ! Are you laughing at my embarrassment just now? Are you looking for a fight?

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