These two guys were very unwilling to cooperate with Yuange’s work.

Of course, Yuange took these two guys away.

As for the latter thing, it was Usopp who did it.

At this time, Usopp was still on the other side of Klockdar.

Nami kept urging from the sidelines.

“This guy is still tough-mouthed, Usopp you next a little fierce, this guy is dead when he dies!” Anyway, we have so many devil fruits! Nami said disapprovingly at this time.

Of course, this time Nami is scaring this Klockdar.

As for Usopp, at this time, he also used all his brains to formulate a guy who even he did not know very well.

Then these are either applied to Klockdar’s body or fed to this guy.

Of course, Klockdar’s vitality was extremely tenacious.

However, at this time, Klockdar was extremely uncomfortable.

Because this guy in front of him sends everything smelly and spicy to his mouth.

And this guy was also rubbing salt on his body, as well as paprika, which made Klockdar extremely painful, because it felt like a knife cutting his own flesh.

Although Klockdar is His Majesty Qiwu Hai, he has to compromise in the end.

Because these people are simply deceiving people.

He wants to live, he can’t die like this, he wants revenge!

When Yuange brought the other two people over, he was also extremely shocked to see such a scene.

Yuange felt that these two guys might not know that this guy was their boss.

So at this time, Yuange said to these two people: “This is your boss Mr0, His Majesty Klockdar of the Seven Wuhai!” ”

When they heard this, they were shocked.

Of course, the most shocking thing was that this Klockdar was made into such a shape by these guys.

It can be said that as much embarrassment as it is.

“Metasong”! This guy has agreed to cooperate with us! ”

At this time, Nami said to Yuange very happily.

Because in Nami’s opinion, it is another valuable income!

“I didn’t write that this guy can’t hold on, I still have a lot of useless things!”

At this time, Usopp sighed.

Hearing this, Klockdar was very angry in his heart, because these guys actually used themselves as guinea pigs.

At the same time, Klockdar was relieved that he finally did not suffer from this inhuman torture.

“If you cooperate with us before, you won’t be so miserable! Our department is very talkative! ”

Yuange sighed at this time.

Hearing this, Klockdalna was about to explode in anger, because these guys in front of him actually said that they were good to talk and made themselves look like this.

Meta Song then begins to extract the Devil Fruit for Klockdar.

This was also what Yuange did not expect, and this Klockdar compromised.

He originally thought that he would first extract the devil fruits of the two people in front of him, and then he would be able to obtain a method of forcibly extracting them.

At that time, no matter how stubborn Klockdar is, he will also extract this guy’s devil fruit.

“Do you agree with me to extract the Devil Fruit for you?”

“Just say yes!”

Yuange said to the other party at this time.


At this time, when Klockdar answered, his voice was still trembling.

Seeing such a scene, the two people who were caught by Yuange at this time turned blue with fright.

Because the legendary King Seven Wuhai’s Klockdar has become such a look, not to mention what the two of them will become.

Moreover, this devil fruit is not so important as life, of course, the most important thing is that their ability of this devil fruit is not very powerful, and this devil fruit will become a dry duck if eaten.

Based on the above considerations, these two guys quickly agreed.

Just after Yuange they captured the Devil Fruit, this time the navy suddenly appeared.

It was Smog who was at the head.

When Smog saw the Metasong, it was incomparably resentful.

Because this kid in front of me is so hateful.

After seeing Smogg, the Yuan song at this time was also a big joy.

Because he didn’t expect to meet Smog here.

It’s so good.

He has now captured Klockdal, which is worth 81,000,000 Baileys.

Of course, he will hand this guy over to the other party, and ask for money when the time comes.

After all, this naval bounty is not a blank cheque.

Yuange felt that Luffy in the TV was very stupid, and he turned such a powerful person over, naturally asking for a bounty, and these benefits were given to these navies for nothing.

“Smogg, you came just right!”

Yuange said to this Smogg.

Hearing this, Nami at this time really wanted to punch Yuange, because did this guy’s brain get into the water?

The Navy came to catch itself, and it was so happy.

Hearing this, Smogg’s face at this time was very ugly.

“Metasong! You still have to tie your hands, sooner or later our Navy will catch you! And we won’t kill you! Because the instructions given to us above are to capture you alive! ”

At this time, Smog said to Yuange.

Yuange naturally ignored these nonsense words of this guy, but said to the other party: “This guy is Klockdal with a bounty of 810000000 Bailey, I have caught this guy now!” Your navy has so much bounty for the guys! I give it to you now, and you give me the bounty! ”

At this time, Klockdar, who pointed to the ground, said.

Hearing this, Nami was also a brain at this time, and then said: “This guy himself is a sum of money, how can I forget this guy!” ”

Seeing the other party like this, Nami at this time said very unkindly: ‘Usopp! Why did you make this guy look like this? ’

“That’s not what you said! As long as this guy doesn’t die! ”

Hearing this, Nami at this time did not refute it, and then said: ‘This guy is 81000000 Bailey, you can’t let this guy tear it up!’ ’

When Klockdar heard this, he wanted to die at this time, because he was humiliated by these people again and again, which was simply too deceitful!

When Yuange said that the guy next to him was Klockdar, Smog didn’t believe it.

Because Klockdar is His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas, how could he be made into such a look by these unruly guys in front of him.

“Klockdar, I hate it very much, even if the other party is His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, but the other party is still a pirate! However, the strength of the other party should not be underestimated, the guys in the Seven Wuhai of His Majesty have very strong strength, how can they be defeated by you guys who are not in the flow? ”

Obviously, the other party was a little unconvinced.

Hearing this, Nami at this time also said to Smogg: “This guy took us a lot of effort to solve! The other party’s rustling fruit is really powerful! If it weren’t for us people fighting hard and fighting hard in the end, we would be like this by then! ’

Hearing this, Klockdarna felt extremely ashamed.

Because he was attacked by these guys, and then he was beaten into such a look in front of him in a few strokes.

Not as Nami said.

The reason why Nami is like this is because in this case, if the time comes to sell Klockdar’s rustle fruit, it will be sold for a high price.

If people knew that this Klockdar was so weak, who else would be willing to pay a high price for this Devil Fruit?


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