Of course, these people are also very puzzled, and Yuange feels like it has disappeared.

Part of the reason for this is that the naval bounty says it is the Red Heart Pirates.

Luffy changed the flag of their Pirates.

Therefore, even if they meet these people, these guys are very good at not knowing, this is the group of people who are concerned by the world.

On the other hand, of course, these people went venturing to empty islands.

This time, the Navy sent Admiral Qing Pheasant to negotiate with the other side.

The green pheasant at another time was also very confused, and she also came to Gaia, and only heard the news of these people.

Later, he came to find Kulikai, and later learned that these people went to the empty island, which made the green pheasant very hard at this time.

Because he can’t fly again, how to go to the empty island?

This is a big headache for him.

He did not continue to wait in this place, but waited on the way ahead.

For this empty island, they also know a little, if they wait in this place, the other party does not know where to come from.

The other party is definitely not the original place, this point is still very clear to the pheasant.

Because if you come down from the place below them, they will surely be shattered.

Because it’s so high.

If they come down, they don’t fly down.

What the pheasant didn’t expect was that these guys really came down from this place, and they still flew down from this place.

The green pheasant was waiting for those guys at the front of him at this time.

Because the pheasant felt that it must be their way, and this was the base of the navy.

He is a senior admiral of the navy headquarters, and he can rely on these guys to inquire about the traces of that group.

These people are not stupid, and they also know that their own ship is a golden ship.

If you drive normally on the sea, you will definitely be discovered.

If it is passed out, then they will be chased and killed at that time.

They are now remembered by people all over the world because of the meta-song.

Therefore, they can only fly in the sky at this time.

Moreover, they relied on the thunder fruit to generate electricity, so that this golden ship flew.

If it is a person, the conformance of the body is still very huge.

Therefore, through Yuange, Nami’s Devil Fruit was extracted and then given to other people to eat, so that they could avoid this situation.

So, they took turns to let the ship fly at this time.

Because this is heavenly, there is no fear of things like running aground reefs encountering whirlpools.

Their ship was in the air just like that.

This is something that Yuan Ge did not expect.

If this is the case, they will not encounter any great tribulations along the way, and then it will be very quick to reach the end of the new route.

As for what they eat, they buy it, and they buy a lot of it.

They’re very rich now.

And their ship is several times larger than the previous one.

As for the previous ship, it was left on the empty island as a memorial to those people.

As for the outside world, it is boiling at this time.

Because Yuan Ge suddenly seemed to disappear.

Such a person with special abilities suddenly disappeared at this time?

As for the green pheasant, he was also very confused at this time.

Because he waited in that place for half a month, but did not wait for the group.

Moreover, the whereabouts of these people have not been heard elsewhere.

This made the green pheasant also suspicious at this time.

“Did these people die on the empty island?”

Because he learned from Kulikai that these people had gone to the empty island.

But after going to the empty island, he never heard from these people again.

The pheasant also has no patience to wait in this place.

Then, he rode his beloved bicycle over the sea, continuing to look for traces of these guys.

Yuange planned to go to the city of water, but because they were driving a golden ship.

Nami disagreed with Yuange’s decision.

As for the others, they also disagreed with Yuange’s proposal of this moth.

Yuange had to give up this plan.

It was supposed to get French on board.

But at this time, the strength of the people on their ship is very strong.

Moreover, their ships at this time did not need to be repaired.

Yuange had no choice at this time, so he had to give up such an idea.

In addition to purchasing, these of them basically live in isolation.

This is something that Yuange never thought of, he would be like this.

But that’s fine, if you meet someone as difficult as Katakuri, it’s very bad for them.

The other party’s devil fruit is certainly very attractive, but he already has so many demon fruits now, and his own devil fruit ability is not weak.

He didn’t deliberately look for the Devil Fruit.

Of course, you have to count the most confused pheasants.

Because this guy first waited in that place for half a month without saying anything, and then looked for a long time on the sea.

However, he still found some traces of these people.

But as he searched, his clues suddenly broke, which made him feel very depressed.


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