Chapter 28: Want to Make Money Eat soft rice

After lunch, Wang An rushed to clear the table, shabu chopsticks, and brush the dishes.

Then he put a plaster on his grandfather, then opened the electric mattress and let the old man lie on the bed. He sat on the side and chatted with the two old men.

After a while, he returned to his room, lay on the bed and thought for a while, then took out his mobile phone and opened the tai chi communication group.

Specially sent a message to the netizen nicknamed “Handsless”, asking him about the degeneration of the lumbar spine of the elderly.

This “handsless” profession in reality is a doctor, and the other party himself said it in this group.

After about twenty minutes, I replied to the convenience.

“There is no good way to treat this disease, if it is serious, it needs surgery, according to the information you sent, my recommendation is conservative treatment.”

Plasters, hot compresses, and tuina massage can relieve pain. ”

“Okay, thank you very much. ”

Wang An also held the attitude of giving it a try, but he didn’t expect to reply to himself so quickly.

“Tuina massage, you can learn this yourself! Wang Anxin said, after thinking for a while, he gave Li Xinchu a call.

“Hey, do you want to treat me to king crab, I happen to be free at noon today.” A familiar voice came over the phone.

“Your senior brother’s affairs have been handled? ”

“Well, the person has been brought back, and the autopsy result is a myocardial infarction, the evil door of Zhente Niang. ”

“There is nothing special near the heart, such as soft tissue damage. Wang Andor asked.

“I lean, how do you know? Li Xinchu on the other end of the phone widened his eyes in surprise, this matter was only known to a very few of them.

“Really? Wang An was stunned when he heard this, and he just said it casually. But on the heart? ”

“What heartbeat? Li Xinchu asked immediately after coming to his senses.

“Hey, so it’s important to read more books on a regular basis.” ”

“Less, do you know something? ”

“Ever heard of Jeeve Fist? ”

“What a Jee-Pulse Fist, never heard of. ”

“Go and ask your master, there is something serious to find you, do you know where the massage technique is good?” ”

Wang An diverted the topic, and he was also hearsay about the Pulse Cutting Fist, and he couldn’t explain it clearly with Li Xinchu for a while.

“Of course, last time I told you, I know a technician who is very good at technology and beautiful. ”

“I’m talking about the serious kind, TCM Tuina. Wang An on the other side of the phone sighed after hearing this.

“Alas, what do you ask this for? Li Xinchu on the other end of the phone was stunned after hearing this.

“I want to learn. ”

“No, what do you learn to do? ”

“Don’t ask so much, please help inquire. ”

“No problem, wait for my news. ”

About an hour later, Wang An was about to get up and pull the old man to the courtyard to continue practicing the five-bird play, when Li Xinchu called.

“I found one, a well-known old Chinese medicine doctor in Hu’an, good at acupuncture, tuina, a family of Chinese medicine, three generations of ancestors are Chinese medicine, it is said that his grandfather’s generation was once hired by the governor.

People were originally reluctant to accept apprentices, but this old Chinese medicine doctor and my master are old friends, so they should be able to make an exception for a while, but…”

“How much? Wang An asked directly.

“Alas, how do you know? Li Xinchu on the other end of the phone was stunned after hearing this.

“Is it still free? ”

“That’s naturally not, now this world is very realistic, that old doctor Zhao has run a Chinese medicine acupuncture and massage training course, a month tuition fee of four thousand, if you go, you will be given an eight-fold discount.” ”

“More expensive than your martial arts hall? Or you can change careers. ”

“You haven’t heard that poor and rich martial arts, a serious illness destroys a middle class, people can not learn martial arts, but they can’t not see a doctor. When are you going to learn to tell me, I’ll take you. ”

“Thank you. ”

“You’re welcome, don’t forget what you promised me. ”

“King crab, I remember. Alas, is there a fast way to get money? Wang An lowered his voice.

“Fast money? Do you want the serious one or the ugly kind? Li Xinchu said after a moment of silence.

“What do you mean? ”

“Serious work is generally relatively fixed, the money is not fast, and some of the unsightly money is very fast, and even can earn tens of thousands a day.” ”

“What kind of work gets money so quickly, isn’t it the kind that is caught and killed? ”

“No, boxing matches, underground, but there are risks and need to sign a life and death certificate. ”

“Boxing, what about other ways? ”

“Well, we are friends, I have good things and think of you, a friend of mine knows several rich women, very well maintained, and my husband is away all year round.”

They are often empty, lonely and cold, and need comfort, and you are so strong, as long as they are satisfied, one night is not a problem.

Maybe it can also generate income in the long run. ”

“Hey, are you listening to me? ”

“Is there a kind of person who asks for a son for two million dollars? Wang An was silent for a while and spoke.

“Ah, that’s all a lie! ”

“Li Xinchu, a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, actually a rich woman, eating soft rice, I obeyed. ”

“It’s not me, a friend of mine, besides, in today’s world, isn’t it fragrant to eat soft rice, twenty years less struggle, make money, don’t shudder!” ”

“Chill, it’s very cold! ”

After hanging up the phone, Wang An went to the next room and pulled the old man to the yard to practice the five-bird play for a while.

The old man felt tired after practicing for a short time, and then entered the house, while Wang An practiced alone in the yard.

“Five Birds Play Experience +10. ”

Then he took out the copy of “Vajra Zen”, which cost him more than 5,000 yuan

The Diamond Sutra recorded in front of this ancient book he knows, the classic scripture of the Buddhist family.

The scriptures written down later are a bit strange, with some meridians and acupuncture points mentioned in addition to some Buddhist words.

He suddenly realized that he had been ignoring a problem for a while, that is, his understanding of the structure of the human body, especially the meridians and acupuncture points, was not thorough.

He did buy several books of boxing books, and he also looked through an unknown number of sides, and he had already read them by heart, and even some passages could be memorized.

However, none of them are professional books that introduce the meridians and acupuncture points of the human body.

“This knowledge is to be supplemented, when learning Tuina massage, you need to understand the meridians and acupuncture points of the human body,

And learning this knowledge will also help you rest in tai chi and five bird plays, you must buy a few books to study. ”

Waking up early in the morning, Wang An first practiced the five-bird play in the yard by himself, and then began to busy making breakfast

After breakfast, when the sun rises and the temperature warms up a little, I dragged my grandfather and grandmother to practice five-bird play in the yard together.

(End of chapter)

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