"Zhenchun, I'm fine, these are things I should have thought of a long time ago..."

Noticing her daughter's worried gaze, Mary felt a little relieved, and then shook her head.

Originally, she had already thought that the other party was dead, but now when she heard the news, she was just a little complicated in her heart.

Time is the best medicine, if as early as more than ten years ago, she still had worries in her heart, now it is completely gone.

Even the subsequent trace of obsession in my heart was completely cut off with the news just now.

"I'm not the only one who's so miserable..."

Looking at Mary with a hint of sadness on her face, Yukiko suddenly felt as if she was much better than the other party.

At least it's just that he was treated coldly after marriage, but at least there is still a normal life, and there is no danger, except that the son of the pit man is causing trouble outside...

Thinking that Conan's situation was the same as Mary's, Yukiko suddenly felt a little uncomfortable...

"By the way, you guys aren't allowed to make some strange requests!"

"Huh, what do you mean by a strange request?"

"Than, like... Anyway, don't do anything excessive, even if she's actually very big, but now she's a minor, or I'll call the police..."



After such a break with Xizi, Xu Yang had no interest in playing.

Originally, being bumped into by Shiliang Zhenchun was an accidental thing, and it didn't affect them to spend a good night tonight.

After all, for his own interests, he deliberately selected a lot of clothes and stored them in them, ensuring that he could play for a week without repeating them.

It's a pity that because he has to go to work on Saturday, Yukiko only changed two pieces and raised the white flag, which made Xu Yang unstoppable and a little regretful at the same time.

"Next time it's a big family reunion, it should be wonderful..."


The next day.

After Xu Yang woke up, Yukiko was gone, but the breakfast he bought was set on the table.

After quickly finishing the breakfast, Xu Yang thought about his next destination.

Originally, if Curacao was here, he could still guide the other party to complete the sign-in task by the way, but the other party seems to have been busy lately...

"I guess I'm busy looking for the whereabouts of the mechanical exoskeleton armor, so it seems that I'm the one who started it!?"

Shaking his head, Xu Yang washed up, got on the train, and decided to go to the apartment that Matsuzaki Haru rented.

Because of the previous sea snake incident, at Xu Yang's suggestion, Matsuzaki Haruto moved out of his home and rented an apartment near Rice Flower University.

One is to facilitate schooling, and the other is to escape the past.

Of course!

In her opinion, the most important thing is to be able to meet Xu Yang often...

"It should be right here, right?"

According to the address given by Matsuzaki Haru, Xu Yang took the elevator up to the tenth floor, came to the side door, and then opened the door with the key that Matsuzaki Haru's mailed.

There is only one person living there, but there are two pairs of slippers in the entrance hallway.

One pair is used pink, and the other is a fairly new blue.

Xu Yang took off his shoes and put on blue slippers, and entered the room through the entrance.

This apartment is not too big, with two bedrooms, two living rooms and one bathroom, but the bathroom and kitchen space are much larger than the usual apartment.

In addition to the master bedroom, which has some daily necessities, the second bedroom basically acts as a warehouse, and some boxes are placed in the cold second bedroom.

This also made Xu Yang understand how much luggage a girl will have when she moves!

After a cursory inspection of the second bedroom, Xu Yang came to the bathroom and bathroom, which had a large bathtub that should fit two people, and various shower gels and shampoos were placed next to it.

As for the kitchen, it seems that because of the reason that he just moved in, some kitchenware and seasonings have not been completed, Xu Yang checked it casually, and finally came to the master bedroom.

The space in the master bedroom is relatively large, a 2*2 large bed, and the bedside table is still placed on the bedside table with a group photo taken by Matsuzaki Haru and Xu Yang when they were separated last time, which seems to have been washed out and put in the photo frame.

On the opposite side of the wall was a large wardrobe, Xu Yang opened the wardrobe and began to check, in addition to most of the daily casual clothes, he found a lot of brand new little red umbrellas in one of the drawers.

It's just a pity that compared to the various fancy underwear uniforms in the hotel, the things in the cabinet are still relatively barren.

After inspecting the new house, Xu Yang took out some things in the second bedroom that had not been placed yet, and then went out to the nearby supermarket to buy some spices and fresh meat and vegetables.

That's right!

It is said that Xiao Bie is a new love, and he plans to spend it here tonight!

After getting everything done, the time was close to afternoon, Xu Yang stood on the balcony and looked at the scenery outside, which was very close to Mihua University, not even five hundred meters...

The view from the upper floors of the 10-story building is still very good, and you can still see the night view of Tokyo in the evening, and the room is spacious, so it is a good apartment.

Xu Yang, who felt a little bored, returned to the master bedroom and lay on the soft big bed playing with his mobile phone, but the sheet was stained with the good aroma of Matsuzaki Haru, which made him quickly fall into a dream.

"Yangjun, are you here?"

In a daze, he vaguely heard a familiar voice coming from the entrance, but he didn't want to get up, but continued to choose to take a nap.

I don't know how long it took, a faint fragrance came from his nose, and Xu Yang felt someone touching his lips when he was half asleep and half awake.

Even though he was tempted by such an elegant fragrance, Xu Yang didn't open his eyes immediately.

It's just that the next moment, not only his lips, but also his whole body feels covered with something warm, and even his breathing is becoming more and more difficult...

At this time, he finally opened his eyes slowly.

Close at hand, is the room owner Matsuzaki Haru's somewhat playful face, she has a bath towel around her body, her skin is a little sweaty after taking a bath, slightly dyed red, and her short dark brown hair is still wet.

"Oh, what is Koharu doing?"

"I'm kissing my cute boyfriend!"

"Oh, that's really exciting!" Xu Yang smiled lightly.

"What a thing!"

Matsuzaki Haruto pouted slightly, looking at him half in surprise and half happily:

"My boyfriend who came to spend the night at home dozed off in bed without doing anything, which is a big problem for me as a girlfriend!"

"I'm not sleeping!"

"Hmph, I don't know who it is that I can't wake up?"

The corners of Matsuzaki Haru's mouth curled slightly, and he deliberately dripped the water droplets from his hair onto Xu Yang's neck.



"Do you mind taking a shower?"



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