“It’s close, come closer!”

Lin Yuan is like a Peak’s assassin, swimming silently in the water, quietly approaching and running back and forth The horse king.

Even if the horse king loses his mind, he is instinctively unwilling to enter the water, but in this way he attacks Lin Yuan who is hidden in the water.

Lin Yuan, who has the wisdom far better than these demonic beasts, naturally knows what it means to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses.

If you don’t want to go into the water, I will drag you into the water!

The snake body more than six feet tall curled up into a ball, sticking to the horse king to swim.

Finding the right place for the horse king to turn around, Lin Yuan suddenly sprang out from the water, the dark snake body was wrapped around the horse king in circles, and at the same time he activated the water control innate talent again. Slowly Slowly moved towards the bottom of the water.

Horse king is still struggling fiercely under the entanglement of Lin Yuan. The terrifying force shook Lin Yuan’s body with severe pain, as if he could be torn apart by this horse king at any time.


Lin Yuan, who was fierce due to the pain, no longer kept his hand. The skills from the system were released crazily, and the body wrapped around the horse king kept shrinking.

Crunch, crunch…

The sour voice looks strange in the silent water.

That is to say, this violent horse king attribute is extremely high. If it is replaced by an ordinary six-level demonic beast, it has suffered a tail blow from Lin Yuan and the strangulation at this moment. It has long since become a mess. meat!

However, as the two sinks deeper and deeper, the horse king struggles less and less.


As a light sound spreads, the horse king, a skeleton, is finally completely shattered by Lin Yuan.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the sixth-level demonic beast horse king and gaining 1.5 attribute points.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the same level of rage for the first time. Demonic beast, get a skill extraction opportunity.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the horse king in a violent state, over completing the special task of Indestructible Hate, the task rewards attribute point 1 point .”

As the horse king died completely, three consecutive system hints sounded.

Lin Yuan is just lazily lying under the lake, and the snake body is still wrapped around the horse king whose whole skeleton is broken.

He is very tired, so tired that he doesn’t want to move at all.

The over-fulfillment of Indestructible Hate, the 1 attribute reward given by the system, in his opinion, is like watching a circus clown performance, and seeing the clown crying, he is very happy Like the audience who gave the clown a tip.

“Ding, it is detected that a nearby Level 6 demonic beast is approaching quickly, the host should escape as soon as possible!!!”

“Ding, a Fifth Level demonic beast has been detected nearby The host is approaching quickly, the host should escape as soon as possible!!!”

“Ding, a Fifth Level demonic beast is detected nearby is quickly approaching, the host should escape as soon as possible!!!”

The system hint sound keeps ringing.

Lin Yuan raised his eyelids lazily.

Strangling the horse king is really exhausting. He even forgot to continue suppressing the blood mist in the water, letting the bloody smell waft out, which attracted the nearby demonic beasts to gather.

Now his lair has just been settled, and he has directly delineated the site with a radius of five hundred miles. Usually those demonic beasts are naturally Lin Yuan of don’t dare provoke at the peak period, but Lin Yuan at this moment It is seriously injured and mentally and physically exhausted. Once those demonic beasts find Lin Yuan hiding under the water, they will never let him leave alive!

Lin Yuan suddenly felt that system was like a Russian doll, pit after pit!

“Ding, it is detected that a nearby level 7 wild monster is approaching quickly, the host should escape as soon as possible!!!”

“Ding, a level 6 wild monster is detected nearby The host is approaching quickly, and the host should escape as soon as possible!!!”

The system hint sound that appeared before the demonic beast made Lin Yuan hiding in the water a little shiver coldly, but it was still in his expectation.

But in this jungle of demonic beasts, two people suddenly appeared, which made him have to think carefully.

Two humans of the seventh-level cultivation base and the sixth-level cultivation base appear in this area where the fifth and sixth-level demonic beasts are rampant. It is not abrupt. After all, many humans call themselves demon vanquisher and specialize in The business of hunting and killing demonic beasts, like those with no spirituality, will be killed by them on the spot and then dismembered on the spot. Except for the most valuable demon pill, other parts such as animal flesh and skins that can be exchanged for money will also be killed by them. take away.

But the demon vanquisher who begs for food in the jungle, never approaches a lake or the like!

Whether it is a demonic beast or a wild beast, if you want to live, you must drink water.

Therefore, there are usually very strong demonic beasts near the water source. The place chosen by Lin Yuan should be regarded as the largest water source nearby. Occasionally there will be 7 or 8 demonic beasts. Take a sip of water, and then hold down a few low-level demonic beasts that do not open your eyes to exchange rations, and when the sun sets, you will be content to go deeper into the jungle.

Lin Yuan moved a little helplessly, and slowly approached the two humans who had arrived in the water, clinging to the mud.

“The Young Lady is the same. I have to say that the black snake has spirits, not only did not hurt her, but also put her clothes on and rescued her from the scum. Otherwise, Old Ancestor and they too I won’t disperse all of our several brothers in Breaking Horizon Mountain Range to find the spiritual black snake. Isn’t the demonic beast all that ball-like, what spirituality is there!”

Sixth level of cultivation base Human beings are sighed with sad faces.


The humans of the seventh-level cultivation base sneered a few times, and eccentric said: “You really think that Old Ancestor is hurting Young Lady Ai and they let us come. Looking for that black snake? I told you, I have seen the corpse of that scum. Judging from the wounds on his body and the toxins remaining in his body, he was indeed dead in the hands of a Snake Monster Beast, so Young Lady said Most things are not deceiving. In Breaking Horizon Mountain Range, there is really a spirituality black snake!”

“Big brother, you mean…”

Level 6 Humans can see through at one point, the sadness on their faces disappeared, and a flash of light flashed in their eyes.

“If the black snake didn’t have a great opportunity, and the terrible thing to eat would lead to spirituality, it would have the bloodline of the ancient relic in its body. Old Ancestor asked us to catch the black snake back. It should be for the fate of the black snake.”

The seventh-level human snered: “Oh, if the black snake has a chance, it’s all, at best, it was rewarded by Old Ancestor to the Young Lady. Plaything, but if the black snake has the bloodline of Antiquity Variation in it, Old Ancestor would they still have to swallow the black snake alive?”

When the two humans were talking, Lin Yuan’s eyes changed instantly. It got gloomy.

These people are really riding horses for themselves!

The Young Lady they talk about is mostly the woman who was almost taken lightly by her cousin last time.

Didn’t expect that I only moved the compass once, and it actually caused a disaster for myself!

It’s fine if these people don’t report their gratitude. They actually feel greedy because they think he has the bloodline of the ancient relics. They sent an expert into the Breaking Horizon Mountain Range to search for his traces!

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