“Xu Nan, if you can’t explain it to me, I will peel your skin by myself!”

Liu Hu looked at Xu Nan, who was rushing over, with a face Roared ferociously: “Ready to shoot!”

Actually, he didn’t believe in Xu Nan. After all, he was a slave of Liu’s family and lived in Liu’s family since he was a child. I really can’t mention Xu Nan as a foreign guest official. Any favors.

But the scene before him is too weird, and Liu Hu has to believe that Xu Nan really has rare treasure on him!

Hundreds of Demon Beasts are actually not uncommon, but the weakest of them is Fifth Level strength. This is a bit strange, because the general beasts are all one or A few High Rank Monster Beasts lead the low-level demonic beasts. The demonic beasts with a small power gap in front of you form a beast wave. Looking at the entire Breaking Horizon Mountain Range, there are not many!

Except for Xu Nan snatching their rare treasure, Liu Hu really can’t think of any reason to bring these demonic beasts together here, and there is no self-confidence between them. Killing each other, always biting Xu Nan.

After hearing Liu Hu’s “ready to shoot”, Xu Nan did not continue to run, but rushed forward quickly, directly pressing the whole person on the ground, not even daring to lift his head.





Out, quickly broke away from the restrictions of the hand crossbow.

Several demonic beasts that were about to pounce on Xu Nan just jumped up, they were shot through the soft area around the abdomen by adults with short forearms, and died suddenly on the spot.

The rest of the demonic beasts carrying the crossbow arrows attack, the speed of advancement has been suppressed, and the dozens of six-level demonic beasts can hold them, and the rest of the Fifth Level demonic beasts are instantly destroyed. Most of them were shot, and only those behind the sixth-level demonic beast survived.

After a round of arrow rain, Xu Nan continued to approach Liu Hu with a rolling knife. The steel knife in his hand smashed some of the demonic beast innate talent abilities, and he did not dare to slow down. .


Liu Hu raised the sword in his hand and took the lead, roaring and rushing out of the team.

“The ten-handed crossbow shoots a hundred crossbow arrows instantly, and the crossbow arrows are also specially made. Fifth Level demonic beasts can be killed instantly, but the threat to the sixth level demonic beast is extremely limited. It can only be limited to six at most. The movement speed of the demonic beast at the first level, he he he, this Liu family has paid a lot of money in order to catch me.”

Lin Yuan quickly made a judgment on the current situation.

There is a cold chill in the vertical pupils.

If it wasn’t a coincidence, the hand crossbow prepared by Liu Hu would be used on him!

After the arrow rain, the remaining demonic beasts were less than half of the previous number, but after being stimulated by blood, they became more fierce. Under the leadership of thirty six-level demonic beasts, and Liu Hu’s team met force with force and collided together.

A wild boar with a body length of nearly six feet pierced the intestines of a human Martial Artist with its own fangs. In a blink of an eye, it was hit by another human Martial Artist and was cut on the spot. He lost a pig’s hoof, and before the successful human Martial Artist was happy, he was entangled tightly by a scarlet boa constrictor. It was just a few breaths, and a lot of blood flowed from the red boa constrictor. Squeezed out of the gap.

The two sides are playing you and me, but Lin Yuan, who is hiding by the side, feels distressed.

That’s all his attribute points!

It was still available before, but after the system evolved, he couldn’t get it anymore.

Whether it is a human or a demonic beast, if he just dies like this, he won’t get any benefit!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan was swimming a snake body among the bushes, slowly approaching the battlefield in front of him.

He has 3.5 attribute points stored in his hand. If he kills two or three level 6 demonic beasts or humans, he will be able to advance and formally enter the ranks of level 7 demonic beasts and become this area cream of the crop Predator!

The black cat that was confronting Xu Nan before was divided into two pieces by Liu Hu’s raise upwards. Liu Hu rushed to Xu Nan’s side. Fowns asked, “The treasure you mentioned, in the end What is it?”

“Brother Hu, I am not your opponent, so naturally I dare not lie to you. Treasure is indeed in my hands and has been sealed by me. Wait until these demonic beasts are killed. , I will give you the treasure. If you take it out now, it can only stimulate these demonic beasts to become more violent and add unnecessary casualties!”

Xu Nan killed a swooping Azure with a single knife. Bird responded hurriedly.

Liu Hu thought about it carefully, and felt that Xu Nan was right. He simply stopped asking questions, and wielded a big knife to enter the Monster Beast Group.


Lin Yuan, who was approaching the battlefield, sneered again and again.

Xu Nan has a rare treasure!

He just touched the mold of these demonic beasts, so he was hunted down that’s all.

A lie can force Liu Hu to fight with the demonic beast. When the battle is over, Liu Hu will be exhausted even if he is strong?

It is estimated that when Xu Nan used lies to lie to Liu Hu, he did not intend to leave Liu Hu a way out!

Clearly dressed in a human skin, this Xu Nan is even more vicious than the toxin secreted by his fangs!


After slashing a six-level demonic beast again, Liu Hu suddenly frowned and looked to the side with his head sideways. One is about six feet long. The black snake is faster than lightning and usually shuttles through the battlefield, attacking injured humans or demonic beasts from time to time. It looks like a glutton is choosing a meal that suits his taste.

It’s the black snake!

Liu Hu buzzed in his mind.

This black snake did not brainlessly attack the human Martial Artist like other demonic beasts. Even the injured demonic beast was attacked as a prey by him. If you encounter not to be trifled with, you will avoid it. Open, not reckless at all.

With such extraordinary spiritual wisdom, I am afraid that only the black snake in the mouth of Young Lady can match it!

It’s just this body type…

Is it still a snake?

Did Young Lady be dazzled?

Still, this black snake really has bloodline of ancient relics in its body, so it grows at an amazing speed. So quickly, it changed from a small black snake to a huge monster close to 20 meters. !

Liu Hu’s eyes flashed with eagerness.

The things Old Ancestor fancy, naturally it is not his turn to share the benefits, but if he can bring this black snake back to Liu’s family, Liu’s family will close his eyes for the cultivation materials for a long time in the future. Pay him!

“The dying person, the abacus is crackling.”

Noting Liu Hu’s eager gaze, Lin Yuan sneered in his heart.

A little attribute point was added to the defense. A warm current swept across Lin Yuan’s body. The six-foot-long snake body grew by more than two feet again, and the overall length has exceeded 25 meters. The snake body with the thickness of the mouth of the bowl also has the thickness of the mouth of a small wooden barrel.

“Promoted again!?”

Liu Hu was surprised and delighted.

He knew that this black snake was good, but absolutely did not expect that the black snake’s aptitude was so terrifying!

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