Starting Family System: Bind the Charlotte Family

Starting Family System: Binding the Charlotte Family Chapter 193

The long-haired five old stars agreed: "This is not an incomprehensible act, only one's own safety is the most important thing."

"Indeed!" "No 4.1 is wrong!" The five old stars agree with this point.

In the eyes of the Five Old Stars.

Only safety is the most important thing.

such an important person.


All the rest can go on gradually, if such an important person dies?

Then everything is meaningless!

"Yes!" The old man with the knife said indifferently: "No matter what! Charlotte? Joey has to leave Totland and is located in Totland. It is absolutely impossible to target this man. "

"What does this man like most?"

"Collection!" "This is a man who pursues perfection and has a fetish for collecting."

"Now!" "The only race that Totland lacks is the Fur."

"The fur tribe can't move, you all understand Zou's power!" "So. …"

"It's best to start from other races, the extinct dragons and crows."

The five old stars are discussing very calmly.


from their perspective?

But of course!

It's just a light-hearted thing!

Do these things need to be too stressful?

In the end, the five old stars with knives said lightly: "This matter is handled like this, the world conference in ten months! Charlotte? Joey! Must die!" "We all know this."

"Well!" The five old stars have reached a consensus.

From start to finish.

Their calmness is terrifying.

ps: The first update! 4000 word chapter! I beg to subscribe! Kneeling and begging to customize! Kneeling for collection! Kneeling for flowers! Kneeling for a monthly pass! Kneeling and begging for a reward! Kneeling for evaluation! !

Chapter 135: Katakuri goes further! Awaken! future!


The sound is very crisp and pleasant.

people who don't know.

Thought it was the resonance of the music.


Those who really know are very clear.

This is not some vague resonance.

It is the battle of the strong.

Katakuri, Sakaski, Kuzan, Polusalino.

A fierce battle between the four powerhouses.

The battle has been going on for nearly seven hours.

It's still not over yet!

"Hu-" Katakuri let out a deep breath.

The breath of the whole person is very sharp.


Seven hours of fighting.

Let Katakuri also bear a lot of pressure.

There is no doubt about that.

Charlotte? Katakuri!

His power is absolutely undeniable.


Many people are thinking about it.

If you let Katakuri continue to grow.

This man will grow into a real monster that swept an era just like Rox.


Whatever it is.

No matter how powerful Katakuri is.

He was still too tired.

Silver level 2 faces three silver [level powerhouses.

And one against three.

to such an extent.

Katakuri's strength is already very terrifying.

"Hu-" He let out a deep breath again, and Katakuri murmured slightly: "It's a difficult situation to deal with! The strength of these three guys is very strong, if it's just based on the current situation, I want to It's extremely difficult to keep going."

Katakuri murmured deeply.


Invincible Death's stand-in is powerful.


Don't forget.

At this level of powerhouse, the perception is very sharp, coupled with a strong sense of domineering.

The ability to invincible death is not easy to exert.

And through invincible death.

Although Katakuri relaxed a lot.

The physical consumption is also doubled.

"Big fire!" Sakaski came galloping again.

Hurry up and be ruthless!


The terrifying magma was boiling and burning.

endless power.

As if 03 was going to destroy everything and fell down.

Katakuri is light and cloudless.


Invincible death emerges.

- The sword fell.

That's it.

Simply cut off everything.




As if it were the natural thing to do.

This is invincible death.

when faced with such an attack.

It's too easy to break.

"Oops!" Polsalino suddenly turned his attention to the side of Susi ㄋ Kururi, and his helpless words made people feel fearful! "Even if you say so.

But ah!

Polsalino struck without mercy.

"Bachi Qionggouyu!": "It's really a terrifying monster! Facing a monster like you, it's really a snap!

Countless laser bullets have fallen, as if everything will be destroyed in an instant.

~ ~ ~ Eyes flickered with red light.

Katakuri's movements are very small.

as if.

It's like walking in place.


It's such a simple trick.

But let Katakuri dodge all attacks.

Polsalino was stunned for a moment, and said in astonishment: "How is this possible? Such a domineering look????"


Polsalino never imagined such a situation.

This level of armament is domineering, but it is too amazing.


Mouth grinned.

Katakuri lowered his head and said, "It's exactly what I thought! Only under such extreme conditions can you become stronger, you guys! Are you ready?"


next moment.

As soon as the voice fell, Katakuri rose into the sky.


Like a streamer, it went straight to Bolsalino.

"Ice cubes? Ice fist!" Kuzan jumped up quickly.


Kuzan raised his hand and released a huge ice block fist, but it was directly shattered by Invincible Death. Not paying attention at all.

Just cut off.

and this.

It's just the beginning.

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