Starting Family System: Bind the Charlotte Family

Starting Family System: Binding the Charlotte Family Chapter 489


She slowly said: "Master! About 60% of the research has been completed, and the rest will take at least one or two years, and! The most important thing is that you need strength to step into the gold, otherwise! Even if the research is successful , is also almost meaningless.”

Joey rubbed his brows and said, "It's okay! It's not a big problem, just take it slow and deal with it later."

after all.

With the blessing of the sun, his strength is rapidly improving, this is not a big problem.


Joey is also where a lot of people make their purchases.

Now that there is a research method for the next path, of course, it needs to start to grow more seriously.

Many things are gradually being researched, and many things are gradually growing!

It takes time to take your time.


It doesn't matter anymore.

Joey has already prepared seven seven eight eight.

With everything being processed seventy-eighty-eighty.

At that time!

Joey's strength will be greatly improved.

Maybe very strange.

after all.

Joey is not good at improving his own strength.

But? …

This man can do it.


It's fate!

A person who is the least good at fighting, or even said that he doesn't care about cultivation at all, has improved his strength so quickly.

It's really weird.


Thinking about it a little bit, it seems that these are all very normal things.

after all!

Charlotte? Joey!

The name already means everything.

Just like Joey has always said.

own name!

It's enough to represent everything.


o Just then.

With the sound of footsteps, Armand stepped into the room and said, "Big brother! The giants have already arranged! However, the clan, Beamon, angels and orcs rule, so they plan to resist. "

Hmm - worth mentioning!

(adeb) Totland now.

In general, the four major races integrate all races except elves, undead, goblins and orcs.

Formed a tribal empire!

Although it sounds weird!


The first chief is the dragon clan. After all, the strength of the dragon clan is there, which is beyond doubt.

Other than that.

Everything else is actually fine.

After all, it is not an opponent at all.


The situation in Totland is indeed different now, just be obedient.

Under such circumstances.

The giants were naturally ruled too.

And now with the new giants joining it, it must not be able to agree.

The giants are not satisfied with the dragon result!

That's how the war started.

Joey said gently: "Then! Let them handle this matter themselves. It doesn't matter if the giants control everything. If they fail, they will be obedient."

Armand thought for a moment and said, "That's true."

after all.

These things.

The Charlotte family, the master, is not easy to get involved in.

It is best for them to handle it themselves.


That is a very short period of time, in fact, seven or eight days.

The giants were defeated.

even though.

The strength of the giant clan is good.

But? …

Facing the behemoth of the Tribal Empire, coupled with the many races within, it is not an opponent at all.

It was dealt with in a short time.


As the whole of Totland returned to calm.

Goblin Kingdom, Orc Empire, Tribal Empire, Elf Principality, Undead Scourge! Now!

All the races have been integrated, and only five superpowers remain.

It can be said.

If the strength of these five countries is placed above the sea, it is no less than a superpower.

Just so terrifying.

There are at least seven or eight silver-level powerhouses in each of them.

Although no gold-level powerhouse has ever been born.


Don't forget.

Behind these five countries is the Charlotte family!

It can be said.

Totland is now a terrifying behemoth.

wrong? …

There should be another wording.

Each of the five empires is a superpower, and behind them is Totland. And behind Totland is the Charlotte family!

It can be said!

The Charlotte family is a real behemoth, a behemoth that feels endlessly terrifying.

for a short time.

Handle everything well.

Armand also shook his head slightly and said, "Brother! Everything has been dealt with."

"Yeah!" With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Joey said gently: "Then! The rest is up to you. He looked at Armand with a smile.

And Armand shook his head helplessly.

Totland's throne!

I don't know what many people dream of on this sea.

Joey is going to give it to his sister.

And what about Armand?

Not too interested!

Of course!

In addition, the position of the minister also needs to be changed and changed.

but? …

That's all in the future.

Then let Armand handle it himself.

In the end is how to arrange and how to deal with the follow-up things.


With the sound of footsteps, Perospero smiled strangely: "Brother! Armand, I didn't come back late, did I?"

Joey said gently: "Of course not, but! Brat, how do you feel now?"


Perospero is very different now than it once was.

Although the current Perospero is crazy, he has enough reason.

Reason takes over madness.

Not as in the last video call.

(?,:1;!7,:,) It was a state of madness.

as if!

Like the guy who was about to go crazy, he was completely under control.

"Hee hee hee_"

Perospero said with a smile: "Brother! Of course everything has been handled properly, this is not a big problem at all. With a weird smile.


Perospero had taken control of himself.

A real success.

Shaking his head with a smile.

Joey didn't care too much either.

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