Starting My Cultivation With Immortality

Chapter 97: A steady stream of immortals

"It's just right, but I'm afraid that it will delay Han Xiucai's academic examination."

Professional things still have to be done by professional people. This Han Xiucai knows books and loves books. He also has unique ideas on many things. Some aspects are similar to He Buyu.

"Well, I'm not afraid of the joke, Mr. Han has temporarily given up the idea of ​​taking the exam."

Han Yu's expression was bitter. Although it was a good cup of tea, she drank the taste of wine.

"The first three times Han went to Yangzhou to participate in the township examination, the travel expenses were all donated by Liu's house, and each time he lost his name.

Now that I have an old mother at home, a wife and children at home, I just went to the musical instrument store. I originally wanted to ask the store if I needed to buy some musical instruments, but I couldn't be cheeky..."

Yunsu looked at Han Xiucai's clothes, but the robe was a robe, but it was a little more patched, and it turned white after washing. No wonder he lingered in the store, but in the end he didn't buy anything. It turned out that he wanted to get business.

Liu's house sponsored Han Yu to take the exam, which is what rich people often do. It's just three consecutive township exams, I'm afraid I'll be embarrassed to collect money again, and even the money for meals is a problem, so what about the township test.

"If Han Xiucai is determined to take the township test, but is short of some travel expenses, Su can lend you some."

Judging from the status quo of the Dacheng Dynasty, the imperial examinations were inherently extremely difficult, and there were many people who failed to pass the test.

Talent, luck and money are indispensable.

Yunsu felt that this person was a talent and wanted to use him, but he didn't want to take advantage of others.

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Han. It's true that Mr. Han can't write those touted articles. Instead of flattering and pretentious, it's better not to take the test. It's not too late to wait until the family situation improves in the future."

After some conversation, Yunsu realized how unlucky Han Xiu was.

The state and township examinations of the Dacheng Dynasty were held every two years.

In the first township examination, the reform has not yet begun, but there have been many disputes between the government and the opposition. The test topic is related to the reform. He followed his heart, supported the reform, and wrote a large article, but the examiner was against the reform. .

The first township test, failed!

In the second township examination, the call for reform was getting louder and louder, and it was about to start. This time, the exam questions were still related to the reform, and the examiner who was in charge of the Yangzhou Township Exam at that time was also a fan of the reform, and he was still a very radical type of person.

Han Xiucai rewrote the last article.

The result was good. In his article, he emphasized the importance of people's livelihood, and suggested that he should proceed step by step, from the bottom up, and not to over-stimulate the vested interests in the eyes of some Yunsu.

As a result, this view is completely opposite to that of the radical examiner.

In the second township test, I failed again!

The third township examination was last year.

Han Xiucai had a hard time thinking about the pain, and took out the spirit of the poor, and in the two years of preparation for the exam, in addition to reading, he was observing and reflecting on the advantages and disadvantages of Wang Xiang's transformation. But it was still within the framework of the reform, so on the basis of the previous two articles, he added some content about the merits and demerits of the phase transformation of the king of Bianstone.

This time, both sides are unsatisfactory, and I failed the third township test.

Yunsu is very surprised that many of Han Xiucai's views are actually very reasonable. Because he was born in a poor family and is not from a rich or powerful family, he considers issues more from the perspective of the bottom people. Water conservancy, young crops and livestock, road traffic, urban defense construction, military service, corvee service, and extortionate taxes have been deeply thought, and many very pragmatic measures have been proposed.

From a strategic point of view, the grassroots ills such as one prefecture and one county are the most concerned.

It is much more reliable to talk about reforming the honor system, canceling the grace and yin, and reducing or exempting the world's tax burden.

But if you fall off the list, you lose the list. I think I still owe the Liu family a big favor, and even my mentality has collapsed.

"Since that's the case, then Su will invite Mr. Han to be the steward of his house today, and he will be responsible for all matters related to book collection in the future."

"Mr. Han never dares to act. In the future, whenever Mr. has a mission, he can directly order it. Mr. Han is just a poor and tough scholar who has tried many times. If he can do his part for Mr.

Han Xiucai stood up and bowed to the ground. This Mr. Su was indeed extraordinary. Not only was he a virtuous corporal, but there seemed to be something very strange about what he said, which made him believe in it.

"Everything has to be attentive, just like there is a specialization in surgery, Mr. Han doesn't have to rush to agree, go back and think about it, and it's not too late to talk about it in two days."

Seeing that the lunch was finished, Yunsu invited Han Yu to the table, five meat, three vegetarian dishes and two soups. The elegant and talented person who ate it praised Wang Xuanji's good craftsmanship.

However, when other people eat meals, they tend to be old and young, and there are separate tables for men and women. Mr. Su’s family is a bit different. A small white puppy actually squatted on the small table and stool next to him, eating silently. The speed is also extremely fast.

After the meal, Han Yu originally felt that there was a lot of harassment and wanted to leave, but was left behind by Yun Su, and she drank afternoon tea, but chatted about the flute.

"I drank Yanghong before noon. Su has some Mingqian Maojian here, which is just right for afternoon tea."

Yunsu finally met a flute master, so she just happened to ask for some advice.

When Han Yu talked about the flute, he was full of interest. Apart from failing many tests and not being able to buy a qin, he was quite confident in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, which even Liu Ruyu was inferior to.

Yunsu used to love to sing, but as a cultivator, it's too inelegant to shout twice. In other respects, if you don't have much interest in chess, forget it. Calligraphy has taken a shortcut ahead of time, and you can do it a long time ago. To enter words with ideas, or write with Taoism.

For the rest of the rhythm, painting is still a layman.

As an immortal cultivator, it's fine if you don't learn it. If you want to learn, you must pursue the ultimate.

With this rhythm, Yunsu originally liked the flute, the dongxiao and the xun (xun), but because of some evil forces, the dongxiao was excluded, leaving the flute and the xun as the best choices.

Although Han Yu is a little poor, he is good at both. Not only is he good at playing, but he is also very outstanding, and he can even make his own musical instruments.

Yunsu went back to the house specially, pretended to take a flute, and gave it to him to demonstrate how to play it.

In just one tea time, after Han Yu explained and played the playing, Yun Su learned it. He took a sheet of music from the study. According to Gongshangjiao Zhengyu's five-tone and twelve rhythms, he could play it fluently.

"Mr. Su's talent in instrumental music is really amazing, but Han Yu has only seen it in his life."

Han Yu got up to say goodbye, and carefully placed the jade flute he demonstrated on the stone table. Yunsu no longer kept him, but picked up the flute and said:

"This flute was given to Mr. Han as a xiu for Su."

"How does this make it impossible for Han Yu to accept the idea of ​​studying art. It's just a matter of exchange. It's worth a lot of money, and Han Yu is ashamed to accept it."

Han Yu could see at a glance that this jade flute was very valuable. Although it was not comparable to Yunsu's bamboo flute, it was not something that a poor scholar like him could afford.

"Mr. Han's words are serious. The so-called way of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting is about Yaxing, and talking about money is vulgar."

In Yunsu's wish-fulfilling bag, there are several Guangling bamboo flutes, as well as several jade flutes made of various types of sapphire and white jade topaz, which are good things in the world, but Yunsu thinks that it has the sound of a jade chime. The sound seems extravagant, not as melodious as the bamboo flute, elegant and out of the dust.

"Well, thank you Mr. Su for the generous gift, and Han Yu took the liberty to accept it."

Han Yu accepted the jade flute, which was given by Mr. Su, an expert in the world. It was more than a collection. It was enough for a family heirloom. After thanking him, he went home.

Along the way, I was very worried. After walking for a while, I realized that I was wrong. I remembered that the dilapidated house in the city had been sold, and only then did I leave the city.

When he returned to his home five miles away from the city, his young and beautiful wife was grinding noodles. Seeing that he seemed to be thinking, he was still holding a jade flute, so he hurriedly washed his hands and put hot tea in front of him to serve him. One or two.

"Husband, what's wrong with you?"

Husband went to the city to find a musical instrument store owner to do some work, but he came back with a jade flute instead.

"Madam, you went back to your mother's house to borrow food. Alas, it's all useless to blame your husband. As for today's affairs, it's a long story."

Han Yu explained the cause and effect of the incident, but did not dare to mention the relationship between Yunsu and the Liu family. He only said that there was a talented and virtuous person from outside the world who wanted to hire herself as a steward to help build a library.

"If it's true as the husband said, this worldly master has such great ambitions, but the concubine thinks that he can agree. Husband, you have studied poetry and books hard since childhood, and in the essay on the township examination did not suggest that the government should open a library for the benefit of the world. a reader!"

"This person is by no means a person who is trying to make a name for himself, but a real master of the world. I really want to do something for him. It's just that I can't fund such a great thing because I can't afford it. Instead, I have to get a monthly salary. I... "

"My concubine has a different view. The collection of books has been time-consuming and laborious since ancient times. I am afraid that it is not enough to spend some leisure time. You have to go all out. This master even gave you such a precious jade flute, look Come to really fancy your husband.

Taking people's money and doing things for them is a matter of course. You do things well and spend the least amount of money to do the best things. Isn't it true that you reciprocate a peach in return. "

"Madam's words are reasonable, then the husband will go tomorrow and accept the hire first, and then leave the money to support the family in the future. If there is any leftover, he will use it to buy books and fill the library."

Han Yu's wife is also from a landlord's family. She is knowledgeable and intelligent, and she has some ideas in her mind:

"What this Mr. Su wants to do may sound unbelievable at first, but when he listens to her husband's remarks, it is moving. The husband might as well sell these remarks in the future. Mr. Su It is better for everyone in the world to contribute money alone. It is better for Mr. Su to buy books with money alone. It is better to buy books with money. When you were young, your husband did not spend a few years in a printing shop to study. I can build a printing shop…”

When Han Yu heard it, yes! I was really confused. When I heard Mr. Su talk about his ambitions, he always felt that something was wrong. His wife said it right away. It turned out that this wish was indeed very good, but there was a big problem with Mr. Su paying the money alone. , and can't be cheeky to go to Mr. Su every day to get money to buy books, and only spend money every day without making any money.

Mr. Su bought the land and built the building. Since everyone is reading books, why can't everyone pay for the books together?

Han Yu figured out the doubts in her heart, but felt that her mood was instantly clear, and she even put incense on the ancestral tablet.

"Han Yu, the unworthy descendant, swears in front of the ancestors today that in the future, as long as Mr. Su does not give up the matter of collecting books, Han Yu is willing to use his life's strength to fulfill his dream of benefiting scholars all over the world."

In Qingfeng Xiaozhu, Yun Su was about to read the ten thousand secret books, but was extremely surprised to find that the purple air above the longevity cloud platform was dense and violently tumbling. Condensation is successful, although it is still very early.

But through the blurry picture above, I can see a white-haired old man who looks very much like Han Yu, kneeling in front of a towering library that looks like a thousand feet. Behind him, there are countless There are so many people, as if they have been lined up all the way to the sky, waiting to enter the library to read.

"Is this project a bit too big..."

Yunsu murmured to herself, feeling that things were going to be a big deal again.

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