Starting Over at Hogwarts

Chapter 89: Dumbledore, you are in the dark now

Dumbledore's attitude is very obvious.

After hearing Dumbledore's words, Grindelwald's fingers fiddling with the crown stopped.

The former Dark Lord calmly raised his head and stared at the greatest white wizard in the wizarding world. A wicked smile suddenly appeared on his lips, but he didn't answer Dumbledore's question.

"Ha, Albus, so you are really old."


Dumbledore's hand holding the wand suddenly stiffened.

Dumbledore looked at Grindelwald's deformed middle-aged appearance, slowly frowned, and said softly: "Everyone will grow old, slowly forget their past, and go to the end of life..."

This is what Dumbledore told Grindelwald bluntly!

Everything in the past, the current self has been forgotten with time, just a wizard who is responsible for maintaining the peace of the magic world.

"Actually, I'm getting old too."

Grindelwald spread his arms indifferently, looked at everything in Godric's Hollow, and continued with a smile: "But I have not forgotten the stories that happened here, they are more and more clearly remembered in my mind."

"You're still the same..."

Dumbledore's eyes jumped involuntarily, staring at Grindelwald who was smiling evilly in front of him.

Because the Grindelwald in front of him, just like in the past, still didn't care about using any means before the battle started, which made Dumbledore have to recall those stories that he would never forget in his life.

this man...

Still so sinister and cunning!

Dumbledore couldn't tell the truth from what Grindelwald said.

Because Grindelwald is always good at using lies to cover up the truth, and likes to distract him with words that deliberately tempt him, Dumbledore knows Grindelwald's tricks very well.

This guy…

What about their past?

Is it still the same as before, as a tool that can be used?

Even Dumbledore sometimes couldn't really tell the truth from what Grindelwald said, and he couldn't pin the safety of the entire wizarding world on their feelings.

Grindelwald seemed to understand Dumbledore's thoughts, and he slowly picked up the wand in his hand and pointed it at his temple, the corner of his mouth still smirking.

"Want to see my memory?"

The wand in Grindelwald's hand glowed a little bit of starlight, he chuckled, but suddenly continued: "Dumbledore, if it wasn't for the memory of the two months here, I wouldn't be able to survive Nurmengard's forty years. for many years…"


Dumbledore's eyes twitched again.

Even his heart couldn't help but suddenly speed up!

Why did Grindelwald bring up such a thing at this time? This sentence is like a sharp knife stabbed into Dumbledore's heart, and a hole is cut in his heart!

"I could have stayed there."

Grindelwald looked at Dumbledore, whose expression changed slightly, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching, but he continued with a smile: "Unfortunately, that little guy went to the tower, he just said one thing…"

"What did Peter Pettigrew say to you?"

Dumbledore's cheeks shook slowly, and he forced himself to calm down again: "No matter what he said, you should not believe him and leave that tower."

This is where Dumbledore especially hates Peter Pettigrew now!

Because Peter deceived Voldemort and the Potter family, he even dared to deceive Grindelwald, and even really deceived Grindelwald out of the tower of Nurmengard Castle!

Grindelwald was fooled!

With the insidious cunning of Peter Pettigrew, Grindelwald seems to have been used by others. This is what makes Dumbledore particularly angry and distressed, even making them kill each other again after many years!

"That little guy is better at playing with people's feelings than anyone."

Grindelwald didn't seem to care about Dumbledore's indifference. He was still smiling, but his eyes seemed to have brightened up, so crystal clear that he seemed to have a layer of tears.

"Dumbledore, he is right, there is no way anyone in this world can only rely on two months of memory and a name to spend the rest of his life on that tower."


Dumbledore's lips twitched a little.

Even if he became a wizard admired by the entire magic world, even though he had already experienced many ups and downs in his life, he could not help but be completely shattered by this sentence.

Forty years...

More than 10,000 days and nights of loneliness...

How did Grindelwald spend his time at Nurmengard's tower?

Just when Dumbledore wanted to say something so that the two of them would not be too sad, the magical starlight of Grindelwald's wand suddenly flew towards him!

The spell hit him in the chest and knocked him out!

Dumbledore's body flew out backwards and fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment!

"Tsk, I've been fooled again..."

Grindelwald held his wand, fiddled with his forehead, and put on a mocking smile again on the corner of his mouth: "Dumbledore, after all these years, are you still so easily deceived?"

"Maybe it's because of my age."

Dumbledore stood up calmly, and patted the dust of his robe. The originally complicated and painful mood finally calmed down with this spell.


Grindelwald lied to him again.

It does not matter.

At least this situation made him feel a lot less guilty.

"It seems that we don't need to communicate any more..."

Dumbledore's eyes gradually regained clarity, wisdom returned to his brain, and a tide of magic power gradually emerged from the wand in his hand, and the whole person quickly changed back to the calm and strongest white wizard!

"It just so happens that I have no interest in talking about it any more..."

Grindelwald held the wand in one hand and Ravenclaw's crown in the other, and a tide of magic power reappeared on his body, and the air gradually twisted in the area where his magic power was raging!

Godric's Hollow.

Suddenly, a breeze started to blow.

Grindelwald picked his eyes and watched as the wind moved a dead leaf on the roof. The dead leaf was suddenly blown up by the wind and slowly fluttered back and forth in the direction of the wind...

Withered leaves fall.

Right in the middle of them.

In an instant, Grindelwald's eyes suddenly became serious, he suddenly raised his wand, and a white light flew towards Dumbledore on the opposite side!

Almost at the same time!

Dumbledore raised his wand and pointed it at Grindelwald. A red light spell was adorned with magic power like lightning, and it collided with the flying white light!

The light of the two wands complements each other!

Two people who were earth-shattering in the last era!

Finally, we are fighting again in this era!

Everything around the entire battlefield was shrouded in the residual power of the two curses, and the electric light flashed continuously from the two curses. No one dared to approach rashly, and no one thought that they could interfere in this battle!

"You shouldn't be fooled by him!"

Dumbledore controlled the red magic power and squeezed the white magic spell forward little by little, his eyes were more serious than ever before: "In order to achieve his goal, Peter Pettigrew will kill many people, and now you are just his pawn!"

"Don't lecture me!"

Grindelwald's face instantly became fierce, he stepped forward and tried to use his magic power to force back Dumbledore's red curse: "Dumbledore, I am not your student, I know better than anyone what he is like. people!"

After speaking, Grindelwald even made a mockery and said: "It seems that you are really old, Albus, when did you start to have the illusion, do you still think you are the one who can control the situation?"

Until this time...

This guy Dumbledore still can't see through the situation!

Why does this guy think that he has set up a trap for Peter Pettigrew, the one who can control the chess game, and he doesn't understand that he has become someone else's **** now!

"I already had everything under control..."

Dumbledore shook his head slowly, the magic power on the wand faintly flinched, and his voice was faintly intertwined with regret and sadness: "Gellert, your appearance has made the situation out of control."

If it weren't for Grindelwald...

If Grindelwald hadn't been bewitched...

Now maybe he has caught Peter Pettigrew, the guy hiding in the dark!

Everything was under his control. Using the conspiracy trap set up by Peter Pettigrew's greed for treasures, he could quietly resolve a crisis without alerting others at all!

Dumbledore shook his head helplessly, and the old wand in his hand suddenly gushed out a magic power again, forcibly repelling the opposite white light spell quickly for half a meter, and it seemed that he was about to win this magic competition. !

"You shouldn't have come."

"But I'm already here."

Grindelwald wouldn't back down at all!

Under the reflection of the white light spell, Grindelwald's face was unprecedentedly firm, and the wand in his hand was full of white light: "From the time I chose to come back, it is impossible for me to go back..."

"You will regret this."

Dumbledore's eyes were extraordinarily At this moment, he could not understand his old friend.

"Until the last moment, no one dares to speak."

Grindelwald looked at the old man across from him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It's such a delicate feeling...

Did Dumbledore really know what he was doing?

Grindelwald glanced at the Ravenclaw crown in his hand, which was the purpose of his visit.

Grindelwald inexplicably thought that it was really good to go on like this. While exploring the wizard's way forward, while cleaning up the hidden dangers of the magic world, he could still see Dumbledore who was deep in the fog and didn't know it.

When thinking of this, Grindelwald suddenly laughed.

"Last time, you made Newt and Tina cause me a lot of trouble, this time it's my turn, Dumbledore, now you're in the dark..."

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