The next day, Paul bid farewell to Quiller and Hansel and his party outside the town. They also set off with a food delivery team as a token of loyalty to the royal family from the leader of Arda. Although the number was small, at least Can express attitude.

In order to face possible resistance in the process of emancipating slaves in the future, he followed Hansel's suggestion - "You must also have strong support", and began to make drastic changes to the army:

The logistics department was established to be responsible for the procurement, supply, and payment of military supplies for the army. Ron, who had previously delivered supplies to the recruit training camp, was appointed as the head of the logistics department;

The Equipment Department was established to be responsible for the military's weapon development and testing. Kelly, who previously managed the production of grenades, was appointed as the Minister of Equipment;

Set up a staff department, responsible for analyzing the war situation during wartime, providing advice and opinions to Paul, formulating specific combat plans according to Paul's intentions, and leading the training and construction of land troops in peacetime. The head of the staff department is the chief of staff, and the old knight Schroeder will continue to hold this position.

The Ministry of the Navy was set up, responsible for commanding the naval forces to conduct operations during wartime, and responsible for the training and construction of the maritime forces in peacetime. The chief officer of the Ministry of the Navy is the commander-in-chief of the navy, and Austin, the acting commander of the Northwest Gulf Fleet, will concurrently hold this position.

Paul ordered the staff department to refine various military regulations and reward and punishment systems, especially the strict service system for officers at all levels. All officers are not allowed to leave the station without permission. If there is an emergency, they must ask for leave. Officers of the company commander and below must live in the barracks. Officers and soldiers who go out on business will be punished if they don’t return to the team within 2 days, and they will be treated as deserters if they don’t return to the team within 2 weeks.

After these actions, the army has become more functional, and finally has the shadow of a professional army. In order to train more high-quality officers, the General Staff established a new school next to Weiss College - Graeman Military Academy. Schroeder, Bryce and other senior officers compose according to the characteristics of the Arda army. The earl also thought hard about the military textbooks and training outlines required for combat in this era, and brought out the incomplete military knowledge he had learned in the forums in his previous life, and gave some suggestions from time to time. The military academy at the current stage can only be regarded as a crash course for officers, and the students are basically low-level officers in active service in the current army.

On the wall of the barracks in Huxin Town, there is a slogan painted with white dye: "The army cannot be separated from the people, just like fish cannot be separated from the water." Paul is trying to weave the relationship between the army and the civilians by the example of a certain army in his previous life. Emotional ties, the image of the armies of various countries in this era cannot be said to be good in the hearts of their respective people. There are indeed many excellent generals with strict military management, such as Her Royal Highness Catherine, the princess of the Aldo Kingdom. The word of mouth is very good, but this is only a few examples. Most of the army can be summed up in one sentence, "Discipline depends on the whip, morale depends on looting", let alone attacking the enemy's territory, even if it is bullying near the garrison. Things like male dominance and free eating and drinking will not be less. The Earl ordered the troops stationed in Huxin Town and Fulan Port not to harass the people, and to organize voluntary labor on weekends, and try to help the residents near the station to do what they can, so as to improve the image of the soldiers in society. I don't know who proposed it first, but "Soldiers" - this new title for the officers and soldiers of Arda's army, gradually spread throughout the territory, of course, this is a later story.

Paul also ordered the affairs officers of various villages and towns to try their best to help the families of the soldiers solve the difficulties in life, especially the families of the soldiers who were disabled or sacrificed in the previous two battles with the pirates. This kind of action can form a fashion of supporting the army in Arda, so as to attract more young people to join the army and defend their homeland.

Another thing is to increase the monthly salaries of the officers and soldiers. After studying the current financial situation of the lord's mansion with Steward Philip, the Earl reluctantly raised the salaries of the officers and soldiers by two-fifths. Ordinary recruits can receive 500 copper coins per month. Considering the consumption level in the Northwest region, this is already a pretty good income, and the army includes food, housing and clothing. If soldiers have no extra expenses, they can spend these All the money is sent home, or the logistics department is entrusted to send part of the salary directly to the family members. In order to prevent the phenomenon of empty salary and blood of soldiers after the military organization grows, the salary is sent directly to the person or his family by the logistics department. Officers at all levels are not allowed to interfere with the salary distribution of their subordinates.

For a moment, the whole army was full of voices of gratitude to the earl.

After entering July, a tall monument and a magnificent building were built on an open area on the south bank of Lake Weiss. The monument was engraved with the big characters "Remember Forever", and the gate of the magnificent building was engraved with " The Memorial Hall of Heroes and Heroes", which Paul insisted on building despite all the arguments, used all precious stones and building materials, and it really cost a lot of money. The memorial hall displays the names of every sacrificed soldier in the Arda army, their birthplace and life, including even those who died in the battle where the old Graeman was ambushed.

On the day of completion, the Lord's Mansion held a grand mourning event in front of the memorial hall, and invited the families of the officers and soldiers who died to attend. The solemn and heavy atmosphere caused many people present to cry, especially the soldiers in the army. Many people burst into tears. They were heartbroken for the sacrifice of their comrades-in-arms and expressed their gratitude for Paul’s kindness. It is those high-ranking generals and heroes who can defeat ten thousand who have been extolled from generation to generation, and who remembers these worthless big soldiers? How many unknown soldiers fell on the battlefield, followed by relatives and friends? His death finally dissipated in the long river of history. And from now on, the names of these mortals will be known and commemorated by future generations just like those great figures. As long as this building exists, their names will exist for a day.

Father Morrison, Father Anderson and Dean Leonard jointly presided over the prayer ceremony in the mourning event. They led all the monks to pray to the Lord of Light, asking God to let these sacrificed soldiers live a happy life in heaven . There had never been a nobleman who valued low-level soldiers so much in history, and the old dean couldn't help feeling: Could it be that the young earl was really, as Morrison said, the messenger sent by the Lord of Light to save the suffering of the mortal world.

A few days after the mourning two figures rode out of Huxin Town slowly.

"Ferguson, are you really determined to leave?" Bryce looked at his old friend next to him, wanting to persuade him one last time.

The old friend named Ferguson nodded, and said: "The earl has great ambitions, and obviously wants to build a strong army. The new rules he established are excellent. But you don't know me. I'm used to being idle, so I can't get used to the sudden emergence of so many rules."

Bryce said helplessly: "Oh... well, then I won't force you. What are your future plans?"

This Ferguson is Bryce's good friend. He is a warm-hearted man with a forthright personality. The two get along very well on weekdays. After Paul reorganized, he served as the deputy company commander of the first company, and made great contributions to the battle against pirates. The only shortcoming is that his personality is a little loose. After the slogan of strictly governing the army was put forward, he voluntarily requested to retire because he couldn't stand the rules in the army. Originally, according to the new military regulations, this was a heavy punishment, but since it was the knight left behind by the old Greiman, and he had made a lot of meritorious deeds, Paul quietly let him go.

He said to Bryce: "In the future, I plan to manage my own manor well and be a carefree rich man! But if the Earl calls for something, I will definitely come to help."

Bryce raised his eyebrows: "I knew you would say that! But what else?"

Ferguson slapped his forehead: "Forget it, forget it, if you ask me for a drink, I will come here without saying a word!"

"It's almost the same! We haven't decided yet!" The two looked at each other and laughed.

"Then, take care! Let's have a drink together next time!" "Definitely!"

The two waved goodbye, and Bryce stayed by the bridge, watching his friends run towards the sunset.

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