Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 52: Mixing water

   "That was a very strong surgeon. At least in terms of the specifications of the operation, it was far more complete than the simple operation we performed at that time." The female voice continued to speak shallowly, and the smile inside could be clearly heard.

"At that time, it was around 1:00 in the afternoon. Just an hour before you contacted me by radio now, I went to the base on the ground in the city. At that time, she attacked my base." She said , "Maybe it was judged by the field of vision in the sniper mirror that I was the operator. When I judged the approximate location of her sniper through the ballistics and hurried over, there was nothing left except a simple trace. She didn’t leave me including a bullet shell, everything was sorted and taken away by her in a short period of time. I searched around for a while, but did not find the slightest clue left by her, she just like that. It disappeared under my eyelids. I didn't even see the other person's face, let alone any basic information about the other person."

   There was a sigh of exclamation from the radio. It was a heavy breathing, "Moreover, the distance of sniping is more than two kilometers. There are not many snipers of this level. I don't know where they came from."

   went on to say over there: "When I returned to the ground base, about half of the people died. If it wasn't for me to be there at the time, maybe it would be the same as yours. It should be all dead, right?"

  The female voice makes a question.

"Yes, it's over. The death is thorough and clean. Seventeen people only used seventeen bullets. They saved a lot. A good hand, but unfortunately our enemy." Sapir replied. The voice was a little depressed, and no one wanted their enemies to be powerful.

   "Then you contacted us to notify us of this, and then tell us to take precautions?" Another male voice said that the base he managed over there seemed to have not received this sniper's gift.

"Of course not." Sapir said, "A sniper can only pose a huge threat at the port. In the underground waterway network, no matter how keen her eyes are, it is useless. I want to inform you. There are other things. Our blind defense does not necessarily delay the boss. Today’s snipers are a signal to the enemy’s arms smugglers to start a war. We will also be caught in the base with our heads down. A little bit of cannibalization will also consume manpower when it comes to fighting. In any case, it can delay a lot of time. Now there are not enough weights on the balances on both sides. It is better than..."

"Why don't we take the initiative to attack?" The female voice laughed, "Of course it is possible. All day long, I stay in the base with fear. The air is stuffy and unpleasant. It is better to fight them directly. I don't have any. Opinion, vote yes."

"I don't have any opinion. The opposing team has been provoking fiercely in the past two days. The loss of the mopping team is also increasing. We are now almost everyone's goal. When they discuss it, we will come to a total offensive. With our firepower and manpower, It will certainly not last long. Everyone knows how many armed members are really trained among those people. I also voted in favor."

   In the electronic sound, the three people reached an agreement. The arms smugglers are still a mess so far, but as time goes by, when they feel something wrong under temptation and quickly unite and reach consensus, they will not have much time to prepare.

   And the team of idlers was originally abandonment to them, and it would be better for them to die cleanly for all the abandoned children that have been decided. This way they don't have to spend a penny to feed these people.

   The three people’s orders were quickly communicated to all firepower fortresses and ground bases after radio contact. Among the various armed teams that are testing each other in the underground waterways, they were originally just grinding their guns, and everyone was killing each other's patience. But when it was less than three o'clock in the afternoon, the people on Frost suddenly went mad, and the teams with fireballs all rushed out of the strong firepower fortress.

Originally, most of the people were accustomed to domineering and domineering a few days ago. After two days of shrinking, they were sullen and angry. They wanted to rush out and harm each other with those people early on, but the boss above was strict again. No one dares to violate the order. So today, they can finally give vent to their suffocated bodies. Holding the guns, they just became steel killing machines walking in the underground waterways.

   People with a tentative mentality are not their opponents. Originally everyone was punching and kicking. This is a negotiated script, but suddenly the other party took out a revolver and pointed it at your head, but you touched it behind you, even a dagger. No. This is not to mention the different feelings of the two sides. The balance seemed to be leaning rapidly toward Frost.

   Those people couldn't beat them, and the guns in their hands became a burden for them to escape at this time. Fleeing into the water channel behind him, leaving behind all the corpses, in the end neither of the two parties actually took advantage, but it only benefited the rats in the water channel who can only eat garbage all year round.

   Cassia ran along with the dozen people in front of him, the miner lights above his head swayed violently, and the shadows followed them. The gunfire behind them was intermittent, almost overshadowed by the sound of messy footsteps.

   He is looking for a place with a corner or a large space.

   The general height of the underground waterway is only about two and a half meters, the width is also two and a half meters, and the cross section is a relatively regular semicircular shape. However, because many places are roughly reconstructed from the original mine tunnels on the outermost layer, some corners will appear abruptly, and some regular spaces will occasionally become huge, which is the same cavity as a hall in an underground waterway. There are usually many people resting in those places, and those places are also the best places to build weapons workshops and underground dark exchanges.

   This is also an awkward situation when fighting in an underground waterway. There is no place to escape from the straight waterway. A firefight between the two sides is tantamount to suicide in a neat line.

   It’s coming soon, about fifty meters ahead, it should be a corner. Cassia recalled the drawing of the waterway, already holding the revolver in his arms.

   The people behind chased up, and under the shaking lights, several continuous flames spewed out. They fired indiscriminately, and the bullets ran around without precision. Several people who were at the end and were not lucky enough were hit by the bullet, and the power in their bodies suddenly disappeared, and they fell to the ground with a "bang".

   Because of their running speed, their bodies will roll on the ground a few more times, and then they will lie there, slowly feeling their own death.

   The corner was just ahead, and everyone's speed increased sharply at this time. Cassia ran over and turned around, his body stuck in the corner passage. The revolver in his hand spit out all six bullets in an instant, and the swaying light in front fell four or five people down.

Next to   , the two people dressed in black clothes also stuck their bodies in the right corners, holding the fire guns very straight and upright. They didn't fire randomly, but used the same method as Cassia. A miner's lamp is a principle of one person for precise spot shooting.

   The firepower of the three people formed a tacit cross at this moment, but the person who caught up from behind would only rely on the momentum of his body to kill all the bullets in one breath. The wall around the corner was riddled with bullets, and pieces of the wall were peeled off before they, they were pierced into fragments by the next bullet.

   The other two are masters, well-trained, and should be mercenaries in disguise. Cassia thought of this as he faced the enemy who was holding the corpse as a bulletproof wall in front of him and suppressing fire. The burst of his revolver made the opponent dare not show his head at all.

   The battle only took place for more than two minutes. The last few people's mental quality and willpower were not enough. They couldn't resist the pressure and stood up while shooting towards the corner of Cassia and the others, and fled back. If they have been hiding under the corpse, it may take a little longer to fight.

The standard blunderbuss magazine can hold forty-five rounds of bullets. Cassia listened to the continuous bursting sound from the guns, and didn’t have to listen to the sound of the enemy changing the magazines, he could be at the moment they finished their bullets. Take their lives.

   The two people kneeling in front of them also reacted the same way as Cassia. These things are still things that ordinary people can do with hard work and experience.

   None of the enemies ran away. They secrete too much adrenaline in their bodies, and the living body simply cannot bear it.

   There were only three of them left at the corner, and everyone else ran down the dark underground waterway to nowhere.

Cassia reloaded the revolver with bullets, beware of the other two people next to him, did not pay attention to the sight they were looking at, and followed the line in the memory to the nearest underground waterway blocked by Floss. . He is going to see if all the places are the same as the area where he is now, and the battle has all started? He still doesn't know what Carla is doing on the friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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