A wooden doll with no eyes, nose or mouth comes in holding a large crate. The wooden golem that Citrie often uses for work - the Wood Golem.

Alchemists often use magical creatures, beginning with golems, to compensate for their low physical abilities.

I heard a stiff bottle rubbing against each other in a sturdy crate.

The lounge was surrounded by a different atmosphere. It sounds like a bad vibe, but no one can get away with it because Citrie's in formation at the entrance.

I was supposed to just charge you. What is this atmosphere? I was in the mood for a little escape, too.

Tino, victim number one, approaches my side uncomfortable.

"Yes... I've always wondered... Citrie, your sister, the... homosexual, what is it?

I have tears in my eyes and my shoulders are trembling. Well, whatever you can touch a little bit, you'll feel fear too if you're touched that way.

How many karmas have I worn in my last life to be sure of my childhood habits? [M]

"No, I don't think so... maybe"


"It's okay, it's okay... maybe"


Looking at Citrie's smile when she's touching Tino, it's a hard place to be sure, even for me - maybe it's the academic interest she was pointing at Tino. I don't know about that.

Hearing my answer didn't change Tino's expression. [M] I just bite my lips off and hug them in my arms. I don't mind you relying on me, but when it's childhood taming that's causing it, I'm so sorry.

While stroking his head to calm him down, Citrie spoke to the members in the lounge in a tedious motion, collecting them in one place.

Apparently, I remember the faces and names of the clan members, even though they barely showed their faces in the lounge. I'm sure you have a different head.

In front of a face that came together with a bewildered look, Citrie slaps her hand once and says it with a smile that attracts even same-sex people.

Eight stone golems lined up neatly at some point behind them.

Stone golem - a golem known for its high combat power compared to wood. Even so, he's not a big opponent when compared to the hunter in Footprint.

"Everyone who was in the lounge today - is very lucky. Mr. Klee tells you that he will train you very efficiently."

"No, no, no, I didn't say such a great thing!?

What do you say all of a sudden?

In abrupt words, I accidentally stuck it in.

What are you talking about training... I just came to ask for a treasure charge.

This one is in a position to bow his head. I don't have the power to impose something on something called a clan master.

"Leave Mr. Klee's words alone -"

Good thing no one speaks up, Citrie keeps her index finger up and turns herself back as if she were going to even tell a secret story.

One of the members who was listening swallowed saliva as if he had been fascinated by those quietly shining eyes.

"What's great is that this training, unlike the usual trials - oh my God... you don't risk dying!

"What...... so!?

To that one word, everyone who's ever had low tension goes out of their way. Even Tino, who was obsessed, looks into the city with surprise.

It seemed like I was the only one who couldn't keep up with the situation. Everyone likes Nori, right?

"... I want you to stop trying everything."

"It's okay on vacation, no need to prepare. It won't take long. Besides - the effect is visible and obvious! If you take this, you'll all be Lucia's magical guide! The truth is, it's a secret training law that only took place at our party, but this time I'm going to give it to you specially..."

Everyone had a half-hearted look at the words.

Lucia Roger is one of the premier magical mentors in the Empire, recognized by everyone. Lucia was part of the "Spirit Man" party - "Starlight" - that was supposed to join the "First Step".

It would only sound like a joke, such as everyone can be the equivalent of a magician to her. It just sounds like a joke to me, too.

Or such a training method, I don't remember it at all. Too groundbreaking.

If there's such a training method, it shouldn't be strange if it's more widespread.

Citrie nods satisfied with everyone's expression.

"Unfortunately, because it is a training for Magi, we cannot all receive it - after this, our power as Magi will dramatically improve as hunters. Of course, I won't impose it. Who in this doesn't want to take it?


The party that was gathering mesmerized by the straightforward question.

Do you ask those who do not want to take it, not those who take it?

The young man of the Wizard, who was listening in the front row, raises his hand small. I didn't weave any feathers, such as robes, for vacation, but I could see my little wand falling back on my hips.

"... is that... is there really no danger to your life?


"Are you sure you have that convenient training? What's the price?"

That's right, Hunter, even though I was forced to collect half of it, it looks like a ride. Highly uplifting.

Citrie put her finger on her lips and tilted her neck adorably at the question raised with an astonishing look on her face.

"Uh... right. It can be hard if you're not used to it because it causes magic depletion. If you were a member of the footprint, you'd all have quite a bit of experience, and I'm sure you'll be fine... but if you have a demon mentor who can't do that, you might as well not take it"

"Such a magician, he's not here. Every wizard (magic user) has had enough magic."

The female exorcist of the next party snarls her nose and says in a frightened voice. Many voices of consent are raised from around.

"Rest assured that depleted magic will be restored immediately. I'll take care of the magic restorative medicine (Mana Potion) for that.... By the way - that... nothing, I'm not making a fool of myself... who can't take magic restorative drugs (Mana Potion) because they're bitter?

The magic guides face to face with voices hung in horror and so on. That's a disgusting look.

The ability to take magic restoration pills is a testament to a first-rate demon mentor. Each gathered here is a hunter who is confident in his or her own strength. Even if they suspect that, they'll want to file a single complaint.

"Don't be ridiculous. Not as good as that, but we're also active magicians. I have taken magic restorative medicine (Mana Potion). Now I won't hesitate."

"I'm sorry. If so... I don't think there's any particular problem,"

I bowed my head small and apologized, and saw the face-to-face expression that Citrie was gathering again. Open your lips with a serious look.

"Then it's final confirmation. This... is a secret training method. Perhaps if you say no now, you'll never take it again. But it's certainly not something you do while you're on vacation. I won't force you, but you'll be with me until the end of the day, beyond what I once received. If you don't want to get this training, are you there?

Even now, Citrie is a foodie for what she wants.

It is easy to be mistaken because it is more important than Liz, but it is not harmless to humans and animals. She always acts with a line of prevention. There was a habit of not telling lies but making far-fetched representations, and her words were one of the most noteworthy among childhood tames.

I don't really want to remind you, but once because of that mistake, Liz and Citrie had a sisterhood fight that was unlimited to killing each other.

For example, I said Citrie wouldn't die, but I didn't say it wasn't hard enough to die. And often, important information exists where it was not said.

"... I'm... I'm not feeling well, so I'll stop"

"!? Are you sure? This is an opportunity..."

One of the wizards in crisis management raises his hand small and leaves his seat with that party member.

Citrie dropped that off without complaining in particular while Nico.

Wait silently for a while, but no other member seems to choose to leave.

I say it again by checking the faces of the remaining magicians and their parties as if Citrine were going to fix them.

"Is there really anyone else who doesn't want to take it? There's nothing to be afraid of after seeing it, is there?

Face to face, but no one stands up.

Was the propaganda phrase Lucia Coalition good? Tino also hears Citrine's words from behind me with fear. [M]

But do you really have such efficient training?

'Trust' is a very important element for hunters who sometimes carry each other's lives.

This is also why the downing of certification levels, an indicator of strength as a hunter and a testament to trust, is considered the biggest penalty in the Explorers Association.

Even if the other person was a member of the same clan, lying on these occasions would bring Citrie's reputation - and possibly that of the 'Mourning Ghost' - down a lot.

Confirming that no one would leave any further, Citrie nodded loudly.

"Now let's get started. Having said that, the content itself is not that difficult, and it doesn't take long - for now, can you just help one person?

The word comes forward with a demon mentor of a man who said earlier that he could confidently take magic restoration pills.

When Citrine picked up the silver pocket watch from her pocket and checked it out, she did what she had to do to get her index finger up and said in a bright voice.

"First, charge your treasures with magic. Conveniently, Mr. Klee has a lot of empty treasures."

... I totally forgot. You came here to ask for a charge for the treasure...

Pass the 'junction finger (safering)' emptied via the citry.

The male demon mentor began charging his magic with a surprising look as everyone's gaze gathered.

Time passes in silence. The look on a man's face changes from surprising to rugged.

"........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... What, this treasure piece, it's not over charging at all!?

"Please charge me"

"... ugh."

I see the burnt look on a man's day and it goes white. Sweat floats on that forehead.

From his confident words, he seems to be a high-level wizard, but even for such a wizard, the junction finger seemed to be a burdensome product.

The magic drain seems to resemble how Lucia felt when she was so drunk that she stopped standing on her ankles.

"You should sit down."

"... oh..."

Sit back on the chair pulled by Citrie. After a few minutes of waiting, I finally finished charging the treasure.

At that time, the man who charged me. The wizard's lips were blue and his fingertips were trembling. Are you also having a headache, putting your hands on your forehead and frowning?

Citrine pinched up the junction finger placed on the table and gave it to me as she nodded satisfactorily.

"Now, after the first charge, the next one - I'll charge the next treasure again"

"!? What, what!?

"Shit. Fubir is the limit now. I can't do this any more!

"It's okay. I'll stop it when it's at its limit. I will not die."

The protest from fellow party members is nothing, and the next treasure will be handed over with a smile that won't change Citrine. The man known as Fubir, the Wizard, receives it with constant breath, and resumes charging while complaining small.

My breathing was getting rough. It's an obvious symptom of lack of magic. If we keep charging like this, not far away, the magic will be completely depleted.

Citrie begins to explain in a calm voice to everyone watching as they unravel.

"Here's a light explanation. The strength of the Magic Master is proportional to its total magic power. Generally speaking, magicians assume that women are better suited because women are more likely to grow their total magic power. And that maximum amount of magic grows, roughly, from childhood to mid-teens, where it stops. Spiritualists excel as magicians because their aging rate is different from that of people - they have a very long period of magic growth"

Fubir's breath gets rougher and rougher. A breathing sound called Hiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

The hand that was holding the ring opens naturally and the junction finger rolls over the table. They haven't completed the charge yet, but they've run out of magic.

Citrie lifted it up and continued the lecture.

"So - total magic volume growth stops completely in the mid-teens, but it is known to increase exceptionally at certain times even after growth stops. That amount - roughly five to ten percent. Also commonly referred to as' super recovery 'etc., do you know at which time it will increase?

To the question, the woman's wizard answered in horror.

"Magic... depleted...?

"Correct! When magic is depleted and healed - the upper limit is greatly improved!

At that moment, everyone's heart did come together.

Until earlier, the magicians who were intrigued by Citrie's sweet words are blued. I guess I figured out what you're talking about.

Easy way? Efficient? Absolutely not.

Sure, the super recovery of magic is famous there, but no one likes to try. Because the magician is overburdened. Sure, I'm not going to die, but it might as well still be dead.

At least, it's not the kind of training you can call efficient or secret.

"So, but the amount of magic goes up when you recover!? There's time for recovery."

"So here comes my special magic potion."

Wood golem as assistant takes the potion out of the crate in a transparent bottle and gives it to the citrie respectfully.

It's a black potion that melts ink.

... Didn't Magic Restoration pills (Mana Potion) come in prettier colors?

Citrie picked the point and said with a bigger chest than her sister's.

"I'm adjusting for Lucia, so - maybe Mr. Fubill will recover with a few drops."

"Hey, wait..."

It was already too late when Mr Hubil's party members tried to stop him.

A special magic restorative drug sucked out of the spot is plugged into Mr. Fubir's mouth in a state of front and rear unconsciousness due to magic depletion.

And Mr. Fubir's body bounced up big, not moving one bit like a fish that had been launched until then. A party member, who was surrounded by behavior he didn't think was human, screams and falls back a lot.

Sitlie still on the table and close your face to a pathetic wizard who isn't even picky.

I checked my eyes peeling white eyes, lifted my eyelids, slapped my cheeks gently and tilted my neck, I took my pocket watch out of my pocket and checked.

"In just three minutes and twenty seconds, we've improved our magic by 10%. This is the idea of Mr. Klee, who raised Lucia, the secret magician training technique. Repeat, you can expect a dramatic improvement in power. Increased magic power will improve your ability to continue fighting and will also break more magic into mastering new magic. The growth of the Wizard, the pillar of the party, greatly increases the overall survival of the party. How efficient - wonderful!

... I don't remember devising it.

"So, but Fuvir's consciousness is still..."

To an overly outrageous way of training, Citrie pointed the eight stone golems behind him to the wizard mentor of a woman with a trembling voice, he said with a full grin.

"It's okay, it's a golem for that. All you have to do is think about charging your treasures with magic, and the golems will do it all later. I don't think it's possible, but even if you try to escape... you can't escape."

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