As soon as Okra ran down, she saw a large number of masked waiters gathered in the hall, and Okra didn't know what was going on, so she found a corner to squat in first.

The drone was released again, and flew closer to the hall, right on the ornate decorative chandelier, and now okra somewhat regretted that she didn't have an audio system, and didn't know what they were talking about.

Okra was at the door of the break room, a corner from the hall, and as for why they were communicating, their masks were constantly squirming.

It's not talking, what else can you do, okra didn't just watch, holding the phone in one hand, and taking out the only remaining spray paint bottle with the other, and continued to complete her task.

Soon Okra saw that the mask of the waiter in the lobby had stopped wriggling, and the main entrance of the hotel lobby was pushed open, and it was the disgusted-faced security guard who came out of it.

In addition to it, the angry-faced hotel manager also walked in with two crying waitresses through the previous side door.

Then there were four more similar "people", in addition to the smiling host and the front desk with loving eyes that Okra had seen, the other two "people" one was wearing a chef's costume and a face-kissing mask, and the other was a "person" wearing a laughing mask and a blue overalls

, and they all walked to the front of the group of masked waiters and stood in a row, facing the front desk of the hall, and the strangeness of this party was all facing the front desk of the hall, as if there was something there that made them awe.

Because they all knelt down in unison, and then okra's phone screen began to flicker wildly.

"Can it interfere with the special signal I built?" A

strong sense of unease surged over Okra's heart, and without a moment's hesitation, Okra decisively pressed the button on the collar, and at this time, the screen of the mobile phone indicated that the drone had been destroyed.

Directly called out the data channel, okra jumped back, and the next moment her figure appeared in okra's own room, but she didn't relax at all, she was still looking around vigilantly, and after a while, she pressed the button to cancel the state.

It wasn't until she was sure that the thing hadn't caught up that Okra breathed a sigh of relief, and the moment Okra jumped into space, she saw that the scene in front of her was distorted, or more precisely, the space was distorted.

'Old... Top dog... Did we escape?''Scared to death!

' It should be fine, that guy didn't follow, I would have died if I took a slow step just now, but that thing was probably the weird talk itself, it obviously had the ability to travel through space, but it didn't keep up. Okra

thought of it instantly.

'I just triggered its kill line, that is, I violated a certain rule, but when I teleported back to the room, he didn't follow, which means that you can't go out during this time period, otherwise you can't explain, why doesn't it follow, and as the creator of this strange story, it should have the ability to change the rules, but it didn't do that, either it looked down on itself, or it couldn't change it. Okra

pinched her soft face and began to think about it.

Suppose there is an equivalent existence to that thing, so that it cannot modify the rules, and can only do it under the existing rules, if it does it from the beginning, it will be gag now, from which it can be inferred that it not only has rules restrictions, but also regional restrictions.

But this time I didn't have much gain, and the task was only half completed, and I didn't find any clues to the new rules, but I just bumped into the meeting site opposite, and I was almost caught by the leader opposite. Okra

was going to share her information with them later, of course, not for free, but she was ready to knock it out, and took out her phone to see that it was almost time.

While the little silver wolf could still possess it for a while, okra was about to go and join them, but at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Knock knock knock -

'Three sounds, it should be fine, but now that the meal is over, there are only two people who know their room number. Okra didn't

make a sound, but leaned in slowly, and saw through the cat's eye that Tsuruta and the strong man were standing in the doorway.

Okra went back to her room to put on her mask before returning to the door.

Then he took out his mobile phone and dialed Tsuruda's number, and Tsuruta outside the door was just about to knock again, but his hand immediately retracted and took out the mobile phone that was constantly vibrating.

Once okra had identified them, she opened the door, and the two of them immediately entered.

As soon as he got in, before Okra could ask the two of them, Tsuruta spoke first.

"I have something urgent to tell you, so we came to you ahead of time.

With that, Tsuruta took off the cloak he was draping over his body, and at the same time took off the mask on his face.

Tsuruda's face is also quite cute, and if I had to give it a score, it would be 99 because I was 100.

"What are you?" Okra

actually didn't quite understand her behavior, she had just completely looked at other people's appearances, and now she realized that her behavior was not quite right.

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