Okra reached out and picked up the invitation and looked at it carefully, the cover background was red, the font was white, and the two words of invitation were written very concisely.

Flipping through the invitation, it is still red background and white font, with the names of two people on it, one is called Master Ma and the other is called Piccaton Sariet, and the pattern in the middle is not a heart, but an inverted cross.

Okra frowned, even if it was not something of her own national culture, she knew that she was not in a hurry to continue looking, but raised her head and looked around.

At the same time, Tsuruda, the tiger man, the rat man, and the eagle head man looked up, and all four of them looked at the place where the rostrum was, and only okra looked at the gate of the opposite place.

The door that was originally wide open was closed at this time, and it was closed without any movement, which also announced that it was useless to escape.

What the other four people saw was the rostrum at this time, I don't know when it was full of people, holding all kinds of musical instruments, just standing on the stage in a daze.

Okra turned her head back to see the scene on the stage, but she only glanced at it before withdrawing her gaze.

I looked through the invitation card in my hand again, and there was a message to the distinguished guests.

[Hello distinguished guests, welcome to our wedding, on this important day, I want to write a congratulatory message to you, please note the clothes, I will provide you with the greatest help, avoid being discovered by him]

[Serve the world's greatness, it is rare to meet a confidant, in the yin very, see a beautiful woman, sink fish and geese, sound like a yellow bird, talk with it, talk for a long time, so to keep, Cangtian's big mistake is a person, it will be difficult to see again. After marrying him, reaching the peak of his life, but he was jealous of his talents, and he got sick early, so he went to the warehouse to sell his property, and he couldn't save it

Almost all of Okra's concentration is drawn to the above content, which is different from the previous paragraphs, but a complete story.

Now the thief wanted to pull out her phone to check what was written on it, and the invitation was partially torn.

"Little brother... Sister: Do you understand? The first half is still in Xibowen, and the second half is in Chinese, and I don't understand it at all. "

I don't know when the strong men came to Okra's side, but fortunately, Okra is a little used to it, and he didn't show any surprised expression.

I folded the invitation and was just about to explain the content on it, when I found two small words written

on the back, "Sorry, I didn't understand it too much, the content on it is in classical Chinese, and I don't know anything about it." "

Little brother... Sister, you don't need to apologize, you can't understand it, and we can't understand it. "

'What the hell is the little brother and sister, why is this guy talking out of his mouth every time he says some nonsense. "

Let's call me little brother, Brother Ye must be so restrained." The

strong man's expression changed significantly, maybe he has always regarded okra as a brother, in a sense, okra is really his brother.

But these titles don't matter too much to her, okra just wants to find a helper to get out of here, and she basically can't contact them after leaving, so...

"Let's talk about what to do now, I'm afraid this wedding will not be easy.

Tsuruta interrupted the small talk between the two, but okra didn't know what to say, she didn't have any clues if the other party didn't move, and the story told on the invitation was only indicated, and this story might be related to the person who wrote the invitation and the woman above him.

"Wait, I think the map is being refreshed now, these things are out of thin air, and the thing is showing us off its abilities before calling us over in advance, of course this is just my guess. "

Actually, okra thinks, 'I can do this with a string of code, and it doesn't feel as good as me.'" Indeed

, let me tell you the invitation, I am not very good at Chinese, but I am going to study in China, so I have learned a lot in advance, and I still roughly understand that this is telling a story, about the encounter between a man and his wife, and their experiences. Okra

immediately understood that Tsuruta had something to say, but from the fact that Tsuruta did not directly expose Okra, she should have wanted to hear an explanation.

This matter okra still has to be explained, the small aspects can disunite the team, and the big aspects may go in a worse direction.

"Then I'll tell you something else, the door has been closed since just now, none of the people on the stage are wearing masks, you look at their faces again, the third and fourth in the first row are not like the first two black men, although I don't know why the whole person is white, I can remember his appearance. Okra

originally said that this sentence was intended to attract the attention of the strong man, but Tsuruda's eyes were also attracted by this passage.

"Sister, you saw a lonely before.

Okra poked Tsuruta lightly, and her eyes turned back, and then Okra flipped the two words behind the invitation to her, and she understood in an instant.

As for why he didn't tell the strong man, it was simply because he was afraid that he wouldn't understand, and then he would have to explain for a long time, and he wouldn't ask any questions anyway.

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