
Chapter 85: Cooperate

    There is a lot of open space behind Di Hai Lan Hotel. With no clouds or smoke covering it, the stars in the sky are extraordinarily clear.

    Nemo has seen what the position of "Judgement Knight Commander" means. Adrian Cross did lose all his strength, but he immediately found a way to deal with it - Adrian drew a not-so-complicated magic circle on the scroll, and then adorned it with all kinds of magic circles. rune.

    "Directly write new spells? Not bad." Ann picked up a piece of paper and drew according to it. A tiny black ball fluttered out of the magic circle and floated aimlessly with the air. "…but what is this?"

    "Their problem is not strength." Adrian said without looking up, and crossed out two more spell characters. "Those two lacked on-the-spot reaction and cooperation."

    "And you're going to pinch them a few **** to play with?" Ann stretched out her finger and tried to poke the black ball not much bigger than a grain of wheat - it almost melted into the darkness, and it took her a long time to find it Its location is determined. But just as she stretched out her fingertips, the small ball disappeared in a swish, appearing more than ten centimeters away. "Ah, I see. But it won't bother Nemo."

    "It can only be eliminated by a stable output of magic power for more than ten seconds. Once the magic power fluctuates, it will immediately leave - the surface magic power is effective, which Mr. Wright can't do." The knight commander made the final adjustment , he handed the parchment scroll to Ann. "This thing is not powerful, it's not a problem if you make thousands of them."

    "I probably know what you think." The female warrior raised her eyebrows at the parchment and flipped it casually. "I'm fine, but to be honest, I don't think this is too difficult... Huh?" She lowered her head and stared at the last one.

    "'re so mean," she muttered.

    "I've been very lenient with them." Adrian stared at the two who were a little overwhelmed in front of him, "At least I didn't add attack elements, if they were my subordinates..."

    The former knight commander raised the corner of his mouth in a rare manner, and Nemo suddenly felt a chill on his back.

    "Are you ready?" An finished drawing the magic circle in the air, and the black spheres like flying insects rushed out from the center of the magic circle, and even looked like jetted black sewage .

    "No." Nemo said dryly, no one seemed to intend to explain all this, whether it was the knight commander or the female warrior. Oliver beside him didn't answer, their leader was looking intently at the creation of the brand-new magic circle—the black spheres came around them and spread rapidly around the two of them. They danced silently in the night like mad swarms of flies.

    "Then let's get started." Ann happily ignored Nemo's answer, her tone lighthearted. "You two won't get out without clearing up all the spell bugs—oh yeah, no illumination. Nemo, you can't brute force it either."

    "Break what—"

    An completed the last circle to answer his questions. The moment the magic circle was completed, all light disappeared.

    It's not just light that disappears. The rustling of the night wind on the leaves, the chirping of insects in the grass, and the vague voices of people in the distance. All sounds disappeared. The air also stopped flowing and solidified on the skin. They seemed to be locked into a pitch-black coffin, buried deep in the ground, and cut cleanly and neatly from the outside world.

    Nimo was in a trance for a few seconds, and something cold was gushing out of his bones. He didn't like the sight, very much. Like stepping on the edge of a cliff with one foot, he fell into the original memory - pitch black, cold, and silent.

    A warm hand was placed on his shoulder. Nemo regained his senses in an instant, suppressing the unpleasantness and discomfort that had surged up.

    "I probably understand." Oliver was so close, but Nemo couldn't see him - to be precise, he could feel the other party's state very clearly now. From Oliver's heartbeat, breathing to the smallest movements of his body, Nemo could "perceive" clearly, but he just couldn't see each other.

    The magic circle designed by Adrian is perfect, and there is not even a trace of light left here. And those spell worms flying around perfectly blended into the darkness. Nemo could hear their faint murmurs near and far until the other sounds died away—the little spells contained too little mana and flew too fast, and the sound was almost the only clue.

    It is conservatively estimated that there are thousands of spell bugs.

    "More than ten seconds of magic power output." Oliver said in a low voice, the originally small volume was even a bit harsh in this environment. "It's impossible for me to see them, and magic hedging doesn't require any physical action. I think Mr. Cross means... Nemo, you have to hold them down and let me destroy them as soon as possible."

    "I think so." Nemo tried to answer. He also couldn't see his body - which made him not sure if his vocal cords could still work properly, and the unpleasantness that had been suppressed in his heart surged up again. "But their power is too weak, I can only... try it first."

    If the spell worms are strong enough, it is good to say that in this environment, it is no less difficult to catch them decisively than to catch a barely visible dust in the air. Nemo had just focused his consciousness, and before he had time to act, the pile of spell bugs suddenly dispersed.

    Looks like you can't use too much magic before confirming their location. Then there was only one way left, and he had to listen.

     Nemo's breath was quick, and the darkness that wrapped him tightly made him more and more annoyed. He was a little distracted, couldn't concentrate, and listening wasn't going well enough—other voices were disturbing him.

    Oliver's breathing was slow, but his heartbeat was fast. The powerful heartbeat was like the beat of a war drum in this emptiness, and Nemo couldn't help but listen to it. The breathing and heartbeat of the two were mixed together, leaving no relatively quiet gap.

    Nimo calmed down, tried several times, and succeeded in holding a spell bug by luck. And less than three seconds after Oliver began to input magic power according to the instructions, it flew away again and disappeared into the darkness.

    The output of mana is unstable.

    This is only one, and there are thousands more waiting in the darkness.

    Are they too confident in their power? Nemo stood there a little dazed. It now seems that the practical difficulty of the plan is not at the same level as the theoretical one, and they only have about a day left, and no one knows when Godwin Lopez will choose to do it.

    Can they really do it?

    No. Nemo shook his head, intending to shake this negative thought out of his mind completely. He took a deep breath, trying to control his heartbeat. He succeeded in the first few seconds, but unfortunately this success was also not long-lasting - their heartbeats had just matched for half a minute, and Nemo had just turned his attention to the spell bug, and his heart resumed its original beating speed.

    The thick darkness added to the anxiety in his heart.

     Nemo's breathing became more rapid and heavier involuntarily. After realizing this, he simply stopped breathing. But that didn't make things much better. In the darkness, the passage of time becomes unpredictable - the ghost knows how long it will take them to kill the first Spellworm.

    Too slow.

    Every time they encountered a desperate situation before, they were able to save themselves from danger in the end. This was the first time, Nemo thought - the first time he had faced his own innocence and powerlessness so directly. In the face of Nadine, they only have one chance. After all, unlike the fluttering incantation worm, a life is too heavy.

    "Nimo." Oliver, who had just put down his sword, suddenly opened his mouth.

    "Yeah." Nemo replied as calmly as possible, "Here I am."

    "You don't look like you're using a spell to locate."

    "Yes, I'm listening...they make sounds."

    "I'm sorry." Their leader's voice sounded a little tight, "…Am I disturbing you? Is there anything I can do?"

    "No." Nemo was distracted, and couldn't help but began to breathe habitually again. He tried to suppress the depression and discomfort in his voice. "Never mind, Ollie, we still have time—it's just the beginning."

    Don't mess around. I am a superior demon, Nemo repeated harshly to himself, a real superior demon. There shouldn't be anything like claustrophobia in the superior demon.

    "..." Oliver was silent for a while, and the sound of clear footsteps sounded. He got closer, then held his breath, as if listening for something.

    "Are you not feeling well?" Oliver asked tentatively after a moment of silence. "Is it the reason for those potions?"

    "No, no. I'm fine. Let's continue." Nemo replied quickly, "Don't talk about me... Your heart is beating a little faster, aren't you too nervous? Don't be nervous, we'll— "

    "Can I hold your hand?" Oliver interrupted, "If you don't mind."

    "If that makes you better." Nemo held out his hands decisively.

    Oliver fumbled for a while, rubbing his fingertips on the back of his hands, and then took his hands succinctly.

    "I'm really nervous." Oliver held his hand lightly and softly. "I'm afraid I can't do this, I'm afraid I'll see Nadine killed by Godwin... I'm afraid I'll let you down."

    Nemo could feel a careful tug - Oliver pulled his hands against his forehead.

    "I'm as nervous as you are...even though I don't know what you're resisting."

    Well, Oliver found it. Nemo sighed inwardly, but did not wring his hands away. Yes, the other's palms were dry and warm, which only meant one thing - his own hands were wet and cold.

    He didn't hide his boredom and discomfort.

    "It's a shame... Nemo, you probably don't know it yet. I've sworn a bunch of oaths to others, but I understand how far off I am from you." Oliver continued, his voice very loud Light, even with a little smile. "While trying to catch up with you, I can only promise one thing - no matter how bad things get, I'll always greet you with a smile. At least I won't cry like the first time."

    "You must remember that time, right? If you want to laugh, you can laugh, I won't be angry."

    He said very gently.

    Nimo tried to twitch the corners of his mouth, but he failed to laugh. To be honest, he didn't find Oliver funny at all. In that cry, he no longer even dared to look at the weak human child, for fear that the other party would escape completely because of fear. And now, the grown-up Oliver Ramon is standing in front of him.

    Oliver's heartbeat was still fast and regular, showing no sign of easing.

    Yes. Nemo let out a slow breath.

    This darkness was not as empty as he thought, it was indeed a bit harsher than he remembered, but in a way, it was better than he remembered - at least This time his lights were not too far away from him.

    His breathing eased. The lungs are no longer held and squeezed by cold claws, and naturally there is no need to deliberately suppress breathing. Nemo was finally able to easily tune his breathing rate to the other's.

    Then the heartbeat.

    This time he didn't try to adjust his heartbeat. Of course, maybe he adjusted and things just got a lot easier. Nemo wasn't quite sure—he only knew one thing, his heart no longer beat as smoothly and regularly as it had at first, and was not controlled by his subjective will.

    The sound gap gradually became consistent, and quiet moments began to appear one by one. The abyss magic emitting a dim light quickly burst out, like thunder and lightning smashing from the ground to the sky. The trajectory of the spell was frozen in the air, like dead branches of a bush that suddenly sprung up, each with a buzzing spell worm strung at the end of each twig.

    "We do have time," Oliver said, inserting the sword of rest into the ground. With a little bluish white light filament wrapped around the spell worms, ten seconds later, they quietly turned into fly ashes. "It's really just beginning."

    Maybe I was too deeply influenced by the stories in the book. Nemo thought, carefully analyzing his feelings, waiting for a clear sign. It's like he can grow labels and instruction manuals on his own after a long time in his relationship. Yes, he does still have a lot of questions - but now that he is clear about his identity, he suddenly feels a little relieved.

    That one-of-a-kind light—if you must name that dedication, trust, and warmth, "like" is a good word.

    Things may not be as complicated as he thought, Nemo thought. If he really simulates everything in humans perfectly, then this abnormal heartbeat frequency is enough to prove it.

    It is equally fast and regular. There is no need for special adjustment, as long as a little correction is needed, it will become closer and closer to the opponent's.

    Spellworms are decreasing. From dozens at a time to hundreds at a time, the interval is getting shorter and shorter, and the speed is getting faster and faster. The sense of unity fighting hand in hand was so reassuring that he even had to forget the oppression brought about by the impenetrable darkness.




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