Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 346: Wand Science

  Chapter 346 Wand Science

  To be honest, Daisy completely disapproved of Albert staying with others for a few days, and was dissatisfied with her son's preparation to leave her sight during the summer vacation.

  However, Albert managed to convince the Andersons after all, and Grandpa Luke also "coincidentally" invited Nia to stay for a few days.

  Sansa welcomed her granddaughter very much. In fact, she was a little dissatisfied with Albert going to Hogwarts to study. After all, in the eyes of this old man, it is more promising for a genius like Albert to go to a good middle school.

  Nia was admitted to a good middle school, which made Sansa very satisfied. In fact, not only her, but Herb and Daisy are very satisfied, and it is estimated that only Nia in the whole family is dissatisfied.

   "Don't give Tom too many treats!"

   When Nia got out of the car with Tom in her arms, Albert did not forget to remind him.

  Nia pouted and said, "Remember to buy gifts."


   "Take care of yourself." Daisy kissed Herb on the cheek, looked at Albert and urged.

"I will."

   After more than an hour, they finally arrived in front of the Leaky Cauldron in London. Albert took Herb into the bar. They all noticed that there were fewer customers in the bar.

   Albert's eyes fell on the wall of the bar, where the Gringotts goblins' wanted thieves were posted.

  Actually, the goblins don't know who broke into Gringotts at all, they can only judge from the vault door that was burned through by Fiercefire that it was a dark wizard who did it.

  This arrest warrant is insincere. You must know that the arrest warrants for Harry Potter and Blake are both 10,000 Galleons, while the arrest warrant on the wall in front of Albert is only 1,000 Galleons.

  Gringotts goblins are a bunch of misers.

   However, Diagon Alley was as lively as ever, and Herb and Albert were going to go to Gringotts to exchange Galleons first.

  Although Albert had a fortune in Galleons, he didn't plan to use his small coffers. After all, that's the starting capital for later.

   As for the British pound issue, after he learns crystal ball divination, he can try to see if he can win a prize or something at home, and the family will not be short of British pounds by then.

Probably because it was just invaded and stolen by a dark wizard. Gringotts had a few more wizard security guards holding metal bars. They were very unfriendly to the customers passing by. It took the two of them some time to go in and exchange pounds into Galleons. .

   "I feel like they're treating every guest like a mugger?" Herb muttered. He hated the way the goblins looked at them.

"Actually, this is really possible. It is said that there is a potion that can temporarily turn a person into another person." Albert blinked and said in a low voice, "However, I think most of the elves just want to save their reputation. After all, if a bunch of Dark wizards could break into Gringotts and steal, who would want to save money here?"

  Gringotts' security system is not safe in Albert's eyes.

To put it bluntly, Gringotts’ biggest problem is the terrain. Being unable to apparate is very fatal to intruders. Even if you can really grab money, you can’t get rid of the complicated caves, let alone escape from wizards and goblins in a complicated environment. Hunted, but... Gringotts has a fatal loophole.

  Hog-elf apparation is not restricted here, because the magic systems of the three are different, and the magic that prevents wizards from apparating cannot stop house-elves from apparating, Hogwarts school is the best example.

  However, this point is always forgotten by people.

  As soon as he left Gringotts, Albert saw the Weasleys who were about to enter Gringotts to withdraw money.

   "This is Albert Anderson, whom we mentioned earlier." Fred introduced Albert to his father, "My father, mother, and Ron we mentioned before."

   Albert's eyes lingered on Ron for a moment. It was a tall, thin, freckled boy who looked a little clumsy.

   "Hello." Albert introduced, "This is my father."

   "Hello, Mr. Anderson." Mr. Weasley shook hands with Herb happily, "Are you a wizard?"

   "No." Herb shook hands with Mr. Weasley calmly. Since he spent several days with the Delacour family last time, he didn't have much feeling for wizards. After all, as a lawyer, Herb had a knack for dealing with relationships.

  Mr Weasley insisted on taking Herb to the Leaky Cauldron for a drink, leaving the responsibility for shopping and cash withdrawals to Mrs Weasley.

  After the adults leave, most of the original sense of restraint disappears.

   "Congratulations, Percy, I heard that you have become a prefect." Albert greeted Percy with a smile.

   "Thank you!" Percy solemnly reached out and shook his hand.

   This leadership air forced Albert to hold back his laughter.

   "Oh, Percy, you're a prefect?" Fred said in a deliberately surprised tone. "You should have told us. I didn't know anything about it."

   "I think he said," said George, "once—twice?"

   "No no, he's been talking all summer!"

  Fred and George laughed happily.

   "Shut up," Percy snapped.

   Not long after, Mrs. Weasley came back and was going to take Ron to purchase the items on the list. Before they parted at Gringotts, Percy got ten Galleons from Mrs. Weasley, which made others envious.

   "Honey, do you need me to buy new books for you?" asked Mrs. Weasley.

   "Thank you, Mrs. Weasley." Albert handed the book list and a small bag of Galleons to Mrs. Weasley.

"so much!"

   Mrs. Weasley was taken aback when she saw the row of titles on the parchment.

   "Well, like Percy, I plan to choose all the courses in the third grade." Albert explained casually. "sorry to bother you."

   "You're welcome. Help me keep an eye on the two of them, and don't let Fred and George run around."

   "We don't need others to watch." Fred and George couldn't help complaining.

   "See you later!" Albert turned to the twins and said, "Okay, let's go, I still have a lot of things to buy."

  Passing by Florin's ice cream shop, Albert bought three strawberry chocolate ice creams and ate them while shopping. Fred and George enthusiastically introduced the interesting places of Diagon Alley to Albert. They soon turned into a shop that sold Dr. Philippe's fireworks, and Albert bought some fireworks as Nia's gift.

Albert re-ordered his robes in Mrs. Malkin's robe shop, went to the pharmacy to replenish medicinal materials, and bought a crystal ball in the magic goods shop. After turning into an old shop, there were piles of tattered wands, copper Scales and an old cloak.

   "Don't you already have a wand?" Fred asked puzzled when he saw Albert looking for the old wand.

   "Well, I'm a little interested in wand learning." Albert picked out a wand that he used more comfortably, and paid a Galleon for it.

   "I don't know what you're thinking," George muttered.

   "Never dislike the lack of wands, there is no harm in preparing one more." Albert said mysteriously, "Even if you will never use it."

  (end of this chapter)

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