Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 54: astronomy class

  Chapter 54 Astronomy

   The Astronomy Tower is the tallest tower in Hogwarts, and the astronomy class is held on top of this tower.

   Having said that, the astronomy class is a rather strange type. There is no unified book for this class. Students only need to bring telescopes, quills, and parchment to class.

   This astronomical tower is really tall, and the group who went to the top of the astronomical tower for class had a deep understanding.

  Everyone was climbing up the spiral staircase, and they didn't know how many floors they reached. Everyone felt an inexplicable dizziness, and their breathing became a little short due to the movement.

   "What floor is it?" Aliya asked panting.

"It's the eighth floor." George pointed to a portrait of a drunken knight beside him, and introduced to everyone with a smile, "Last time, when Fred and I came, we saw this guy get drunk Fell into the river and nearly drowned."

   "How could the characters in the portrait be drowned?" Angelina couldn't help complaining.

   "Who says it can't. Look carefully!" Fred winked mischievously at everyone, put his hands together into a horn suit, and shouted at the portrait of the drunk knight: "Ah!"

Then, a stunned look happened in front of them. The drunk knight in the portrait seemed to be startled by the shout, and suddenly became panic-stricken. He started to run wildly, and finally fell into a river in the next-door portrait. inside.

  The drunk knight sank into the river after splashing twice in the water. The woman in the portrait next door called for help and tried to fish him out of the river.

   Everyone stared at this scene dumbfounded, and all opened their mouths in surprise.

   Soon, everyone had to speed up their pace to climb up, because Fred's weird cry annoyed the paintings next to him, and they all stared at Albert and his party dissatisfied.

   "Almost there," gasped George. I don't know how long they walked, but they finally reached the top of the tower.

   "It's really a long journey. Fortunately, we have enough time." Albert glanced at his pocket watch, and the class time was approaching.

   "In other words, if it rains at night, this astronomy class can't be taught." George suddenly rang something, and it rained and he couldn't see the sky.

   "Who knows? I guess I'll leave a lot of homework for everyone!" Angelina reached out and pushed open the wooden door of the Astronomy Tower.

  Professor Sinista is already waiting for everyone at the top of the tower. She just finished a class.

  After nightfall, the wind was very strong on the top of the Astronomy Tower, and everyone huddled in a corner to chat. The Hufflepuffs haven't arrived yet, they're running late.

   "I guess I got lost." George gloated a little, hoping that Professor Sinista would deduct points from Hufflepuff students.

  However, George was destined to be disappointed. Cedric and other Hufflepuff students rushed to the top of the astronomy tower before class.

   "It's really hard to find here, I was almost late." Cedric Diggory breathed heavily, and greeted several people here with a smile.

   "Okay, come here, class is about to start." Professor Sinista attracted all the freshmen, and beside her was an object covered by a canvas.

   "I know you are very unfamiliar with astronomy knowledge, astronomy is to teach you this knowledge." She opened the canvas next to her as she spoke, revealing what was hidden underneath.

   "This..." Albert saw something under the canvas, which was a small model of the solar system in a round glass cover.

   This model of the solar system is beautiful. In the middle is a burning sun, surrounded by nine planets and their satellites, all suspended in a round glass ball, shining in their respective positions.

"This is the solar system, and we live here." Professor Sinista pointed to the earth and continued, "Your course this semester is to learn how to use a telescope to observe the starry sky and find the nine planets in the starry sky above our heads." exact location."

  The students from wizarding families are obviously very unfamiliar with celestial bodies, and Albert is a little suspicious whether they know that the planet they live on is called Earth.

Professor Sinista held a wand and pointed to the moving celestial bodies. He briefly introduced the movement of celestial bodies, their solar system and other simple astronomical knowledge. Mark the names and positions of the nine planets.

   To Albert, it was nothing.

   However, for other people, it is difficult to remember for a while.

   "Wrong, this position is Mars, not Jupiter." Albert helplessly corrected Fred's mistake, and George next to him was not much better.

  After everyone finished drawing the star map of the solar system, Professor Sinista began to teach everyone how to find the position of the planet they need in the galaxy above their heads.

  Wizards' telescopes are actually very effective, and they may have something to do with magic. What they can see is clearer than ordinary Muggle astronomical telescopes.

   "Have you found the location of Mars?" Shanna squinted one eye and looked into Albert's mirror tube.

  They have no idea which one is Mars, and for a freshman who has never used a telescope, adjusting the focus itself takes a lot of time.

   "I didn't find it." Albert was also quite helpless. In fact, he had already looked in the direction of Professor Sinista's finger, but it was not easy to find the most spark in the sea of ​​stars.

  Professor Sinista, who was walking around, would occasionally look at the students' telescopes and correct some of their mistakes.

   "If only magic is used, is it really possible to travel to the universe?" Albert suddenly had this weird thought in his mind.

   There should be no way!

  After all, the number of wizards in the world of Harry Potter is very small, and a small number means that there are few geniuses...

  Perhaps, the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic has research on this aspect, but it is only research after all...

  After shaking off the thoughts in his head, Albert refocused on the telescope and began to use the telescope to appreciate the stars in the sky.

  Before, he hardly saw the starry sky?

Albert didn't find the nine planets in the solar system until the end of the class, and he didn't care. The more important thing in this class is to let everyone understand some astronomical knowledge and how to use the telescope. Professor Sinista's family The homework is also very simple, that is to memorize the approximate positions and names of the nine planets.

   "Curfew is coming soon, go back quickly." Li Qiaodan reminded.

   "I'm a little hungry, I'm going to the kitchen to get something to eat." Albert took out his pocket watch and looked at the time and said, there are still twenty minutes, enough time.

   "Wait a minute, we will go with you." The twins quickly handed their backpacks to Li Qiaodan, "Don't worry, we will remember to bring you food back."

   "You..." Li Qiaodan looked at the backs of the three going away, trembling with anger, "You three... bastards, wait for me, don't leave me alone!"

  (end of this chapter)

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