Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 608: vacation

  Chapter 608 Vacation

   "Tom, don't run around." A girl's voice came from the courtyard.

  Albert blinked, reached out and pulled off the white sheet covering his body, and got up from the bed.


   Suppressing a yawn and stretching, Albert opened the floor-to-ceiling curtains, looked at Tom who was running around excitedly in the courtyard, and shook his head helplessly.

"woke up."

  On the terrace, Isobel who was turning the pages of the book greeted him without raising his head.

  The book she was reading was a gift from Miss Louise before leaving France.

  Of course people, it is obviously not difficult to see the malice of the sender from these books that are all in French.

  Isobel doesn't know French, so naturally he can't read French.

  But, Albert is hanging up the meeting.

   Albert, who can read French, helped her translate a small part yesterday. The two of them didn't go out at night, so they got together to read a book.

   "I find that you are getting more and more beautiful, my dear."

  Albert kissed the girl's forehead, looked up at Tom who was passing around in the courtyard, and then met his sister's disgusted gaze.

   "I found that your level of love talk is very poor." Nia couldn't help but complain, "The guy who tried to chase me is much better than you in this area."

   "Your boyfriend?" Albert narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Oh, you refused!"

   "You bastard."

  Nia's complexion was not very good-looking, and Albert actually used that weird ability to peek into her inner thoughts, which made me a little annoyed.

  Albert seemed to feel the girl's anger, and quickly said perfunctory, "Sorry, there won't be a next time."

  Isobel also showed a faint smile.

  Albert glanced at Isobel who was laughing secretly, pulled out a chair and sat beside him, and Nia came up angrily holding Tom.

   "By the way, what about the others?"

   "They found an overseas student translator and went shopping." Nia answered this question for Isobel.

  Actually, Albert can also speak Italian, but it is obviously inappropriate for him to act as a translator all the time.

   "Why didn't you go together."

   "I'll go next time, anyway, I'm going to stay here for a while." Nia put the restless Tom on the table, took out a comb to comb his fur, and tried to make him calm down.

  Unfortunately, Tom has been nesting in the cat's litter recently, and obviously wanted to move his body very much, so he slipped away by himself after a while.

  Tom has been moving in everyone's field of vision, and he doesn't dare to run around at all. Because Albert said that if he gets lost abroad, he will really become a stray cat, and he will no longer be able to eat canned cats and dried fish.

   "Not suitable?"

   "It's not appropriate," Nia sneered suddenly, "They just want to play a love game, and people will hate it when they see it."

   "Well, that's good." Albert nodded, "If it's not suitable, I'll dump it. Someday you want to find a boyfriend, I can try to help you with divination."

   "Thank you for thinking of this way." Isobel looked at Albert speechlessly.

   Knowing how to divination can really do whatever you want.

   "Muggles like to use divination to peek at their love luck." Albert said disapprovingly, "Although they all know that these divinations are fake, they still enjoy it."

  Nia obviously didn't want the topic to focus on her love, so she changed the subject and asked Isobel, "How is your French learning?"

   "I can barely understand some words." Isobel closed the book, and she tried to learn French by herself, but the progress was very slow. "I really don't know how you managed to learn so many languages ​​in such a short period of time."

   "It's nothing, it is said that Dumbledore can speak many languages." Albert took the hot drink from Nia, took a sip and said thank you.

   "He lived a century."

   "Let's go here another day!" Nia suggested flipping through a Muggle magazine, which was bought by them when they arrived at Sicily Island Airport, and there was a vacation guide to Sicily in the magazine.

   "Okay, then we will go together." Albert leaned his head over, looked at the travel route above, and agreed without paying too much attention.

  He knew that although the tourist route would not be the best and most cost-effective, it must be the most expensive. Generally, the level of expensive things would not be too bad, otherwise the reputation would be bad.

   Albert's budget is ample.

  Even in winter, Sicilia has a comfortable temperature, which is very suitable for winter. A few people were sitting on the terrace basking in the sun, chatting casually about something, all of this was quite novel to Isobel.

  The girl never left the UK and lived in those places most of the time.

   "I suddenly understand why many wizards like to travel around after graduation." Isobel suddenly said to Albert.

  If they didn't enter the Ministry of Magic right after graduation, most wizards would travel and gain knowledge.

   Well, it's worth mentioning that the travels of Albert's two Defense Against the Dark Arts professors were somewhat special.

   Quirrell ran to find Voldemort by himself, and finally killed himself.

   Lockhart visited those famous wizards when he was traveling, and secretly stole their achievements.

  The end of the two is not very good.

   "If you want to travel after graduation, I am very supportive." Albert thought for a while and said: "However, you can delay it for a while, and we will go together again at that time."

  Nia couldn't help curling her lips, regretting why she didn't go out with her parents.

  However, Nia didn't get too many challenges, and Albert and Isobel actually did their homework.

  To be honest, it is undoubtedly an uncomfortable thing to go out and play with homework.

   But they can't play all the time.

   If you squeeze homework together, it will only make it harder to copy homework after Christmas break.

   As the evening approached, Herb and Daisy came back from shopping, and they had a great time.

  Daisy even gave Isobel a bottle of expensive Italian eau de toilette as a Christmas gift, which made Nia very depressed because she had nothing. The girl now regrets why she didn't try her best to oppose letting Isobel join their vacation.

  In the evening, the Anderson family dined at a famous Italian restaurant nearby.

  Isobel liked the Italian food here very much, and ordered Italian lobster noodles like Albert.

   "Maybe, we should buy a few cookbooks back." Isobel said in a low voice, "In the future, we can ask the house elves to cook for us."

   "That's a good idea." Albert agreed. The house elves are very good at learning, and it would be even better if they could cook delicacies from various countries.

   Well, definitely not because he likes food.

   This helps elevate the status of the house-elves.

   "What is a house-elf?" Nia asked in a low voice.


  Albert made a silent gesture and continued to bury his head in his meal.

   Herb and Daisy looked at each other, and they found out that their son had lied to them a lot!

   The two of them knew what a house elf was.

  Because of Albert, the precious son, Herb and Daisy have studied the magic world a lot.

  At the beginning, most of the books Albert bought were still at home, and they also subscribed to the "Daily Prophet" in the magical world.

  (end of this chapter)

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