Since Jakhyer is obviously much stronger  that wasn't the case . He is actually just implying that they are similar . If Jakhyer won't get hurt , the same applies for Joln too. 

As he kept hitting the dome , it got hotter since it was trying to burn the shadows. He kept calling him until he eventually received too much silence in return. 

Jakhyer had indeed fled the scene when he saw a creature that stood out so he flew towards that in suspicion that it was the ring leader. He is quite sure that he won't be able to catch it especially now that there was a sizable mileage between them, thanks to going back for Joln

He chased for a few miles then he looked backwards.The others have Kijad so they are fine.He can't remove the dome yet because Joln is still weak from the drug and the shadows drinking his energy. 

Nevertheless his dome was extremely bright and oozing of Qi energy. Though it will protect Joln , it might drawback those which are much stronger. It's a common strategy in the wolf grounds called 'Alsamak attack ' . It's used when hunting a large group of prey. Some wolves bait the leader of the group  and when it catches , the other wolves will attack the rest of the group. Whether or not the leader is killed is insignificant because the majority had already been tamed. Actually this approach is deducted from many others, but wolves prefer to name and categorize all attacks in order to make strategizing easy. All actions aim to mimic what the target would want and then attack the prey which could be the target itself, its clan or its home. 

Jakhyer doesn't think that the shadows could match to his core strength but he can't take any risks. There isn't a vast range supernatural creatures that he hasn't met but what he had concluded is that a spade is never just a spade. It could be a sleeping explosive or a raging volcano disguised as a flower. 

He exhaled deeply and he flew back to him. Within just a few seconds he reached him. He floated five feet above the ground watching the scary creatures obliterating. He crossed his legs together as if he was preparing to meditate. 

after closing his eyes ye comtemplated the idea of letting his energy seep out and onto the dome to transfer energy to whoever is inside but he doesn't think Joln wouldn't want that so forcing  him will make his meridians rebel the influx . Just like core transfer, the recipient should be submissive or else he could die as the energy will won't fuse . Moreover though his influx can kill the things twice as fast it's best if they die this way . 

Obviously when he asks him, he is definitely going to refuse. So the most noble thing he can do is to wait for him to fall asleep and try to influx it then carry him back to camp. However by the time that happens, it would be morning and he would have naturally recuperated. 

" Were those Nas?",  Joln interrogated while he was walking in circles inside the dome. 

"Get some rest", he commanded him but Joln wasn't in the mood. He processed  to investigate why he didn't tail them.

" If you hadn't followed me, I wouldn't have had to worry about you getting hurt ",

" Who asked you to worry! ", He blurted at him  but Jakhyer didn't respond. He really doesn't want to entertain Joln's childish behavior..

Fighting with Joln is tiring especially since he is in peers with his son therefore it's like arguing with a teenager who is constantly triggered.  As they were like that he said that he was cold and wanted to return to camp. Even if he sounded like he was being rude , all he wanted to do was leave. 

Jakhyer lowered down and he stood onto of the shield. Before long, heat flew out of his body  through his feet to the dome afterwards circulated itself  along the panels and routes to make him warm. In a brief moment the heat was so soothing to the extent that he suddenly felt really sleepy. 

It was nearly fourteen degrees Fahrenheit outside but Jakhyer was using his energy to warm Joln. Though he is capable of supplying him with warmth for five hundred years at the current speed and intensity, Joln doesn't know that so he asked him if he isn't cold but once again Jakhyer ignored him. 

He recalled what Valian said about Jakhyer not being able to fall asleep. He said that most of the chemicals have caused him to be like this way  and If one wants to see how badly those can get ,they should wait until night because the bruises on his skin will show. If someone is as perfect as Jakhyer, seeing him that state would be an eye-opening sight. Moreover he is curious if he looks anything like Ryle . 

Because wolves are awful at communication, when they tell the truth , one might think they are lying. Meaning it's true that Jakhyer has some wounds on his skin and they hurt the most at night. They are like surgery scars that never completely healed.

These were created when he tried to disobey the courts to protect his family. They wanted to kill Adrian so he did his best to protect him while doing so he got injured but unfortunately he lost his wife that very day. When they ache they remind him of her but as of lately , he doesn't feel sad when it happens. It's always cold so they ache on a schedule. Plus  , it's been so long and he is really tired of being upset. He can't help how it constantly is like ice in the wolf grounds so he just accepts defeat. If he atleast gets to see that 'beautiful yet annoying face' , it's all worth it. 

' why did I think of WeiBin? ', when he called Adrian stubborn, his face was replaced by the wolf behind him aka Zhang Joln WeiBin 

Joln is stunning but his comments sometimes make it hard to remember that Jakhyer isn't supposed to slap the sense into him. No matter how much Emair had pointed out that Joln is a phenomenal student, or Nalem had complimented him, he is in total disagreement of all of that. It's not that he is deny it , it's that Joln is always waging war with him. Not long ago, he was peeking at Jakhyer when he was outside and when a dangerous creature attacked them he  foolishly came along. The enemy attacked them and due to him ,they were enormously outnumbered. Finally the creature escaped because he had to go back to protect a student and instead of a thank you he got a ( *** you). 

Furthermore Joln had the audacity to whine about the cold. Jakhyer thought that it was supremely immature because even though he can bend elements , he certainly didn't instruct the weather to be unaccommodating. Moreover it's not like they are in a hotel , where if he hates the atmosphere he can summon anyone to correct it. It's beyond Jakhyer 's understanding how Joln can act so spoilt and bossy even more than Syin who is the prince.

(Four hours later)

Joln turned over and he looked to the spot that he had previously had a conversation with Jakhyer from. He knows how bad wounds feel when someone is in the cold because more often than not after his father lashes him, he kicks him outside. 

He feels bad that he is in here while Jakhyer is out there supplying him with body heat while he could have wounds decorating his body. While laying supine on the ground and gawkiñg at the Qi ceiling, he  nervously hugged himself. 

" Sen, Tian-Sir... This heat is too much . Turn it off.", He whispered trying to sound angry but the temperature remained the same. 

" Tian-Sen...", He called him but Jakhyer was reaction-less.

He  picked a stone and he tossed it to the shield and just then Jakhyer made it transparent and reveled himself sitting in overhead. 

" Why are you acting like I am just silent ?.", he gawked at him resembling Adrian but with a tint of agile like an ancient book. Joln doesn't think Adrian is that handsome even when he habitually flirts with him, it's completely meaningless. So at present, Jakhyer's gorgeous apperance is utterly insignificant to him. 

Jakhyer parted his eyes and Joln quickly closed his eyes . He pretended to be asleep for the same entity. Fragments of time hadn't passed before he realized ajust a few moments he was calling him , if he pretends to be asleep is he trying to say he was calling Jakhyer in his sleep? 

Adrian's father stood up and the dome melted.

A sharp gush of cold air stabbed Joln , successively that is when he realized that the dome was in fact a lot warmer during the past few hours. That must mean that Jakhyer was freezing himself to keep Joln at survival temperatures. He asked if he would like his jacket but Jakhyer coldly declined. Just when he thought that Joln understood his cold treatment, he blurted an inappropriate sentence.

" The space was big enough to share. You didnt have to spend the night outside", he told him as he had quickly elevated and observed Jakhyer walking away.

" I am fine", plain and unshaked. 

" I believe you but your skin tells is different story", he told him making Jakhyer stop moving and tense his muscles even more.

He turned and he looked at him. Before Joln could speak, he turned off and he kept walking.

In that brif moment, he had indeed verified his suspicions. Jakhyer turns all shades of pain when the wounds show up .  They look uncomfortable even with such a great distance inbetween to the point that Joln feels the need to apologize for making him have to use his energy to protect him.

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