The elegant and luxurious decoration of a courtyard, every detail shows the extraordinary taste of the owner, and most importantly, the owner must be rich.

“Sister Bei, it’s really extravagant, although I am not interested in the house prices here, but I also know that the house prices in such a prosperous area must be an astronomical amount, coupled with such a luxurious decoration style, this place can be called a palace.”

Miyazaki Ha’s gaze swept around the hall, as if he wanted to unload those previous things and take them away.

“Hmph – money junkie!”

Sister Bei sat on the soft purple velvet, she herself wore a tight cheongsam, slender beautiful legs shimmered like ivory under the halo of the large chandelier of the headlamp, slender swan neck high on her back, drinking a glass of blood-red wine.

She stuck out her tongue and licked lightly on the wine glass, like a charming kitten, and glanced at Miyazaki Ha with slanted eyes.

“You kid, I said a long time ago, if you like my things, you can take them, if you like them here, I can give them to you directly.”

Miyazaki Ha couldn’t help but smile: “Sister is really generous, such a big house worth tens of millions, I dare not think, I live in my small building is very good, although it is comfortable to live in such a place, but I don’t have the ability now, so that I can justifiably have such a place.”

A flash of appreciation flashed in Belmode’s eyes.

Something that has a desire is actually a good thing, and enough desire is something that moves forward.

But if you want to succeed, you need to resist your desires, and people want to become the masters of desires, and if they become slaves to desires, they will not only not get what they want, but will also be devoured by desire.

This thief kid loves money, which may have something to do with his experience, but he has his own bottom line, and he will only take the money he deserves.

It’s like a trip to New York, but I paid a lot of money, but the effect was also excellent, allowing myself to go one step further and become a more important person in the organization now, and my status is already above the ginjiu.

She suddenly thought of this period of time, the gin wine guy was exhausted, and she couldn’t help but smile a little on her face.

“My sister is so anxious to find me this time, it seems that something important is about to happen.”

Saying this, Belmod instantly put away all his frivolity, and the expression on his face was also instantly solemn.

“You are right, this time I am so anxious to find you, there is indeed something important, I need your help!”

So Belmod began to tell the story of what happened.

As the saying goes, where there are people, there will be competitors, there will be hostile countries at the national level, there will be hostile opponents at the individual level, and the same is true for criminal organizations!

“Since its establishment, the organization has extended its tentacles into various fields, established a very stable underground force, and is a very powerful existence in the entire dark world.

But even so, the organization has strong opponents!

This is a very mysterious criminal organization, and like our organization, this organization is also a powerful criminal organization across politics and business, they have their own branches in all parts of the world, and they have their own people in various fields.

They are also involved in drug trafficking, arms trafficking, etc., and have been fighting against organizations for many years in order to seize share in certain areas.”

Miyazaki Yu nodded, even if Sister Bei didn’t say it, he could know that although in this Ke Xue world, the black-clothed organization was the criminal organization with the highest appearance rate because it poisoned the protagonist Kudo Shin.

But this does not mean that the black-clad organization is the most powerful criminal organization in the world!

Whether it is an individual or a force, once it appears in the world, even if it is very powerful, there will be potential opponents.

After Sister Bei’s introduction, Miyazaki Yu can be regarded as having some understanding of the underground forces in the world today.

It’s just that after listening to it, it also made him sigh for a while.

“Unexpectedly, the dark forces in this world are so complex, not only some powerful organizations, even the government is involved, but yes, the boundary between light and dark is not absolute, many things that look white, maybe just the afterimage left by the halo, and when the light dims, they will reveal the deepest darkness.”

Belmod raised his eyebrows lightly: “You have given birth to a lot of feelings, this world has always been like this, all people and forces are entangled for interests, and the battles between various forces are mostly not battles of real swords and guns, but countless secret battles hidden in the darkness.”

“So this time the opponent is that organization?”

Belmode’s gaze was heavy: “That’s right, after all, it is hundreds of kilograms of gold, they will never let go, and for the black-clothed organization, since it has fallen into our hands, it is naturally ours, so what I have to do now is to keep these gold, which is also a new round of postgraduate examinations!” ”

In a criminal organization, the way to embody value is the ability to complete tasks, which is also the law of the underground world.

If you can be invincible, then you are the object of contention in the underworld, and if you can’t complete the task, then you will be driven into the abyss.

This is the same even for ginjiu, no matter how much he has done for the organization before, once he fails, it even causes losses to the organization.

If you want to regain reuse and trust, you need to continue to complete the task and constantly achieve new victories!

“I already know what happened, your organization, really ruthless, actually used such a method to get the gold, but yes, five hundred kilograms of gold, for any force, it is an unimaginable wealth, they will never give up.”

Your black-clad organization will desperately hold on, and the other party will naturally desperately look for it.”

Belmod lit a cigarette, just took a puff, and held it in his hand.

“So this action must be very tragic, if I don’t have you by my side, I’m afraid I will be very dangerous, after all, there are many powerful characters among those people.”

Miyazaki Yu’s eyes also showed a trace of fighting intent.

“Being able to confront the world’s top underground organization may also be a rare experience, of course I will not refuse.”

Belmode’s eyes showed gratitude, and as a good partner, her obligation was to speak out about all the dangers.

This time the degree of danger is much greater than in the Great United States, after all, that time they have a mind to calculate, and the target is only one person.

As long as it is arranged, it can still be done to kill it.

But this time they are facing a powerful criminal organization that is enough to suppress the black-clothed organization, and this time they are here for revenge, they will stop at nothing and use all possible methods to fight the black-clothed organization!

The danger is naturally conceivable, but this kid agreed without the slightest hesitation, of course, this is not because of some nonsense that he wants to see.

The real reason is that this is her Belmode’s request!

“It seems that I still have a lot of weight in this kid’s heart, maybe when the right time comes, I can reward him for a while, but I know that the young man with strong blood is the most unable to withstand temptation.”

Said and licked his lips casually, revealing a trace of evil charm.

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