This idea, equivalent to an instant, opened the door to a new world for him.

He has a memory palace and a world of consciousness, and can have countless opportunities for trial and error, so many times, ideas that are useless to others have become fantastic ideas when they come to him.

The bottom line is that others can’t afford to try, but he can!

The opportunity for ordinary people to try and make mistakes is limited, a discipline and a martial art, if you want to achieve results, you need a long time of practice to know whether you can achieve it.

This takes too much time, and the average person cannot afford to delay a few months during the critical period of learning and growth.

Many of the world’s high-end disciplines have been stuck for many years, because the cost of research is too great, even the governments of large countries have reached an unaffordable level.

Just like Eagle Sauce America’s attitude towards aerospace, when competing with his rival Mao Xiong, he invested regardless of the cost and achieved great results.

But once he lost the opponent of Mao Xiong, he instantly relaxed, pulled the ledger, and found that this research was not cost-effective, so he stopped directly.

But Miyazaki Ha is different, he can have his current achievements, the main reason, in addition to his talent is high enough, but also ruthless enough to himself, is because in the world of consciousness, he can use his body to test indefinitely!

There will be no bad consequences yet, because the consequences are fake, but the results are real!

He can be unscrupulous, in the world of consciousness, using various tricks that consume huge sums, to study the most suitable attack method for himself.

Any trick in your own hands, you can slightly modify the power method and chopping angle of the move according to your height and weight, and you can constantly experiment with a more effective way of power!

In reality, if you want to achieve such experimental results, you need to use countless lives to experiment, which is bound to be terrible.

And the effect and the result obtained by Miyazaki Yu must be far from the world.

In the same way, now he thinks of imitating the form of animals, not just imitating movements, he can also imitate more essential things!

That is to imitate the principle of the power of animal muscles!

For example, the first thing he thought of was birds, the muscles of birds are the opposite of humans, and human muscles are completely relaxed when they are not controlled by consciousness.

Therefore, it is impossible for a person to hold on to the railing to sleep, and he himself will not fall.

But birds can stand on the poles to sleep, and after falling asleep, the force of the bird’s paws holding the poles is tighter.

That’s the difference between human muscle and bird muscle!

If he can learn this skill, the grip of the sword will be more compact, and many times it can even exert unexpected power!

There are many more examples like this!

Even if the mimicry goes deeper, it can reach the muscle density of those advanced predators, as well as the density of bones.

Just like a tiger, the reason why tigers have an absolute advantage over people is because the tiger’s muscles are exceptionally strong, the density of single muscles exceeds that of humans several times, and the bone density is also several times that of humans.

There are also some more magical insects and aquatic creatures, such as a small one that can hit hundreds of kilograms of skin shrimp, that is, shrimp clams.

Someone has calculated that if one person has the fist power level of Pipi Shrimp, it is enough to blast another person out of the earth with one punch!

If Miyazaki Yu can really reach this level, his combat power will be terrifying and unimaginable!

Moreover, what is more useful is bioelectricity, which is also an internal force, and a more powerful physical body can produce a stronger bioelectric ion flow!

At that time, he may really have left the realm of man and entered the realm of God!

Imitating the movements of cats and creating a few sword moves, for him, it is just a small meaning, what he really wants to achieve is to achieve his body to a state that is really like a cat.

Just do it!

He summoned the little cat Lingyu, the kitten is very spiritual, very affectionate with Miyazaki Yu, after hearing the call, he ran directly over.

Hold the kitten in your arms, and then gently stroke the kitten’s body with the palm of your hand, the kitten makes a few grunts comfortably, and then closes his eyes and quietly enjoys the service of the shovel officer.

It’s just that of course, Miyazaki Yu is not just petting the cat, but feeling the kitten’s muscles.

At this time, in Miyazaki Yu’s consciousness world, a kitten is also gradually being embodied, it is the appearance of Lingyu, it is an orange kitten.

Immediately afterwards, the size of the entire kitten changed drastically, and the cat that was just small at this time began to expand rapidly like a balloon, and became the size of a tiger in the blink of an eye!

At this time, to feel the direction of the muscles on the kitten, it is much clearer.

“Unexpectedly, the body of a small cat is so complicated, and the direction of various muscles is so complicated, it is no worse than a person’s body.”

Miyazaki Yu carefully used his palm to touch the kitten’s whole body.

The more you feel it, the more you feel the wonder of creation.

Don’t look at the cat is not big, but the number of bones on the body is beyond that of humans, a normal person has two hundred and six bones, while the cat has two hundred and thirty bones, and there is no collarbone, which makes the cat’s body abnormally soft.

As long as it is where the head can pass, the body can also pass, so it has also received the nickname liquid.

And the cat’s vision is extremely wide, can reach about 280 degrees, while humans are only 188 degrees, and cats can also have night vision, although the vision is only one-tenth of that of humans, but the vision in the dark is several times that of humans.

While feeling the cat’s body structure, the body begins to naturally imitate the cat’s way of power.

This is almost impossible for others, but Miyazaki Ha can, because his control over muscles has reached an extremely terrifying level, and he can control any muscle in his body alone!

Don’t underestimate this, anyone who exercises muscles or does movements cannot control only one muscle, because any movement is the product of multiple muscles working together.

But Miyazaki can do it now!

He began to distract control, that is, multitasking, and simulated a cat’s power movement by simulating the six muscles above his left arm.

His left hand swung out violently, as fast as a bullet, and the way the cat’s muscles contracted, coupled with Miyazaki Ha’s own muscles, this blow was unimaginably fast!

There was also a low humming sound in the air, which was a sonic boom only when the speed of sound was reached!

Previously, when Miyazaki was fighting at full strength, the speed of swinging his sword could also reach the speed of sound, that is, the critical point of Mach one, resulting in a sonic boom!

But that’s the speed of the blade!

Miyazaki Yu himself, is still far from that extent, when he swings the sword, it is like the axis of the fan, the blade is like a fan blade, although its own speed is fast, but compared with the speed of the sword, there is still a big gap!

And the punch just now really exceeded the speed of sound and caused a sonic boom!

It’s just that in the next moment, his body in the world of consciousness has undergone terrifying changes!

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