Team World Chapter 98

“You know Lord D the Dragon Dead?”

The eyes of the two women in black and white flashed a trace of surprise.

“I don’t know.”

“You play us!”

The two women suddenly lost their anger.

“Kill him!”

The woman in black waved her hand, and a group of beating demons rushed towards Huangfu Ye one after another.

Call a helper?

Who wouldn’t?

Huangfu Ye took out the cards and swiped them on the super belt one after another, accompanied by a sound effect, on both sides of him, a total of ten super soldiers appeared, and at the same time rushed out to fight with a group of beating demons.

“This guy!”


The two women in black and white jumped and came to the stage, attacking Huangfu Ye with one left and one right.

Although the strength of the two women is good, it is too far behind Huangfu Ye.

“I’ll help you!”

A voice sounded, and Amy Yueyue’s transformed strong dragon powder jumped onto the stage and fought with the woman in white, and the two fought back and forth.

In this way, only the woman in black can fight with Huangfu Ye.


The woman in black said frantically.

This power is not like the power that a strong dragon has.

Too strong, they are not opponents at all.

“You just need to know that I’m the one who fought against the Dead Leader, and that’s enough.”

The woman in black clenched her silver teeth and continued to rush towards Huangfu Ye, punching him in the chest.

Huangfu Ye grabbed his wrist, backhanded a clasp, and directly controlled it in front of him, unable to move.

Another slap hit the nerves below her, and a crisp sound sounded.

“It’s quite elastic, what about Dragon Dead D, why didn’t he personally take action?”

“You scoundrel, I want you to take care of it, let me go!”

The woman in black said shyly and angrily.

The hand was completely locked, still with his back to him, and he couldn’t move at all.

“When, the strong dragon, there is actually such a number one person as you.”

A voice sounded.

A blue super soldier appeared at the entrance to the concert site, with a golden fins on his right arm and a weapon resembling a long sword.

Huangfu Ye pushed away the woman in black, glanced at the blue super soldier, and said, “You are the Dragon Dead D?” ”

“Yes, it’s me, you recognize me?”

“Recognize it or not, none of this matters, because you will die here today.”

“Oh? Yes, the tone is not small, I have no interest in you,” Dragon Breaker D pointed at Mikoto Amano, “All I want is her, if you get out now, I can spare you a dog’s life.” ”

“Hehe, is it that what I just said is not clear enough, I said, you will die here today.”

Huangfu Ye pulled out a card and swiped it on the super belt.


The woman in black was stunned, and she was already controlled by the emperor night.

Huangfu Ye’s strength was able to crush her and control the woman, easily.

The woman in black was blind and directly attacked the Dragon Dead D.

“Oh? Can you still control my people? Interesting. ”

The undead dragon D slashed down with a sword and directly slashed the woman in black.


The woman in black turned into flames and exploded, and there was nothing left to be blown up.

Kill your own subordinates without any hesitation.

“Is it really a good hand, how can I say that they are all your subordinates, so they kill without the slightest nostalgia?”

“Hmph, being controlled by the enemy is the enemy, and being kind to the enemy is being cruel to yourself.”

“Good theory, worthy of being the leader of death, monsters are always monsters, talking about feelings, is wasting expressions.”

“It’s good to know.”

Dragon Dead D folded the long sword in his hand, folded it into the shape of a boomerang, flicked it hard, and the boomerang spun and shot towards the emperor at night.

Huangfu Ye’s reaction was also not slow, a sword slashed on the boomerang, Mars splashed, the boomerang spun and shot backwards, flying back into the hands of the undead dragon D.


Can this all fly back?

It seems that this weapon is controlled by the Dragon Dead D.

Sure enough, there is some strength.

Unable to strike a blow, the undead dragon D wrenched the weapon back to the appearance of a long sword, and quickly rushed towards Huangfu Ye.

Huangfu Ye was not vain in the slightest, and greeted the two to fight together.

The hand-to-hand combat lasted more than ten moves in a row, and the two did not distinguish between victory and defeat.

The tentative attack forced each other back, and the two distanced themselves slightly.

“It’s a good strength.”

Dragon Dead D praised.

You know, he is the supreme commander of the whole army, and his strength is extremely strong, but this guy can actually fight him back and forth.

Huangfu Ye also praised: “Your fighting ability is good, you went to the east to learn kung fu, right?” ”

“East? I’m the strongest man on our planet! ”

Dragon Dead Dragon D stuck his sword into the ground, his hands were folded in front of his chest, and a purple light lit up.

“End of the Magic Movement!”


A purple dragon head shot out vigorously, and the dragon head opened its blood basin and mouth, as if it wanted to swallow Huangfu Ye.

“Uyi! Lightning remnants! ”

Golden lightning rose, Huangfu Ye slashed down with a sword, and several golden lightning bolts shot out, directly piercing through the purple dragon head, and continued to slash towards the undead dragon D.


Dragon Dead D was taken aback.

His attack was actually scattered just like that?!

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