Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1075: I want ... your face

This so-called thousand-face mask is made of nano-materials, and the technology is derived from Stark.

After the suitcase version of Mark 5 Warframe, young and old already had a little idea of ​​a nano-suit, but his level of nanotechnology was a little worse than the requirements for manufacturing a nano-suit.

Therefore, young and old did not study this idea further.

However, Luke did not want to create a functional uniform, but only wanted to change his face.

If it is said that the technical difficulty of the nano-suit is the level of the doctoral supervisor, the nano-mask is at most the manual work of the elementary school students.

Luke was able to make experiments so quickly.

This nano mask covers the face, which can achieve a high degree of simulation of face change. It is not afraid of washing and rubbing, and will not fall off. The only weak point is probably more sensitive to current.

It can only store a fixed face model, which also means that a mask can only change a fixed face.

Until the technology improves in the future, it will be able to store more models and complete multiple switching operations.

As for the thousands of faces that Luke expects, the number of facial models will no longer be limited, and even the models can be scanned on the spot to instantly change the face.

These are all future things.

For the time being, one-sided masks have come in handy, and may take a long time.

Because he has storage space, it is only a trivial matter to make a few copies in advance and make it easier and safer to change his appearance than before using makeup.

In addition, the complete Thousand Faces system actually includes the Warframe, which can also modify the body shape.

However, due to the same technical limitations, Luke only completed the face, and some of the battle armor did not have time to manufacture the test product.

For the time being, he still has to rely on the previous methods to change his body shape.

As a result, he can use not many faces.

I can only go deeper in the future and gradually improve it.

At that time, there are many ways to play.

For example, by making Selina look like him, he can disappear for a day or two.

It was only two or three days before the two went to the police station to show up once, and Selina didn't have to show up together.

At that time, Selena could use his face today and her own face tomorrow to create the illusion that both were in New York.

After the two came to New York, each of them had more time for activities than Los Angeles. For example, Luke went to know the terrain by himself, Selina went shopping and shopping by herself.

Who goes out alone is not easy to cause doubt.

Detective work is still best for two people.

It can contact and investigate all kinds of information on the official surface without causing doubts, and it is not necessary to go to work and work at a fixed time. The time is free and the time to contact acquaintances can be freely arranged.

Luke will use his fake identity to go to other places to collect experience points. On the surface, there is also a "Luke" staying in New York.

No matter how big data analysis of Niubi is, it is not possible to link those big events from his whereabouts, and then cause doubt.

Thinking so in his heart, he was so happy in his heart that he asked Selina casually: "Yes, who's face does your mask want? Even big stars can do it."

Selina's eyes turned: "I want ... your face!"

Luke Wan'er: "This is already there, not counting. Which one do you personally like?"

Selena hesitated a little, she really didn't think about it.

Looking at her like this, Luke could only follow the temptation: "First of all, it must be beautiful, right?"

Selena's profile: Who wants to be ugly! That first mask, why is it John Wick, not Fudge, you didn't beep?

Luke didn't know about a woman's belly, and continued to ask, "Second, race? It's better not to be Hispanic. What about Afro? Your skin tone is more tanned, it's very convenient to pretend to be Afro."

Selina frowned. "African people? I don't like their looks."

Luke: "It's not just to prepare one for you. I myself have African-American vests, and there are many fans."

The vest was nicknamed the White Wolf, and the party of melon called it the "trial angel". An Afro could be an angel, think about how handsome it is. He muttered.

When Selena heard it, she thought, "That's OK. You can design it for me, and I have no other requirements."

As soon as Luke listened, he ran several operations on the computer: "How about this?"

Selina looked at the d projection one-to-one size in front of the real person, looked for a moment, or nodded: "This is fine. But can't my hair ... be longer?"

Luke: "This is a tool. Of course, it must be practical. You will probably use this face to fight in the future. Long hair is not necessary."

Selina was persuaded again: okay, it's just a tool, short hair is short, and she was originally long, and changing styles occasionally.

The melon seed-shaped face, the nose is straight, the eyes are narrow, the lips are thin, and the mouth is small. It has the exquisite charm that is rare in Afro-descendants, and it can be regarded as beautiful in any race.

The skin color is a dark wheat color of mixed races. The short white hair uses the style of an airplane head, which is simple and refreshing-except for the shortest hairstyle echelon, which is not easy to be caught.

After looking at it for a moment, she was quite satisfied, at least she wouldn't resist turning into this shape in her heart.

With her first experience, she also used this to clarify her thoughts: "Then I want a white woman with long blond hair and beautiful facial features, and you pick one for me."

Luke laughed abruptly, and then adjusted another look.

Selina looked for a moment, hesitated and nodded: "I want this one too."

The reason she chose these two looks is simple.

For one, they are really beautiful.

Second, their faces were not any woman she knew, including stars.

Luke naturally wouldn't tell her that this was the second most remembered female celebrity in his last life.

The first African-American woman was Harry Berry, and the second white woman was Nicole Kidman, both recognized as top beauty.

There are no two stars in this world, and there should be no real-life replicas. At least there are no American stars. Let them legally appear in the United States.

In the past, Luke took time to handle such things, but now it is almost an assembly line operation.

After a series of online payments, within two months, the two fake identities can become real and usable identities and appear in the United States.

Of course, this identity cannot stand up to scrutiny.

But someone really came to check, these two identities can be given up directly.

Whether it's a nano mask or a real identity, it's just a little money, and it's not worth the trouble.

Suddenly, the lab's smart program sponge sent a reminder: "Sir, there is an emergency."

The virtual light screen spread out not far from the two: "Frank Custer was suspected of being attacked in Brooklyn and has been captured by the enemy."

Luke stunned: "hat?"

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