Chapter 2 What? Bruce Wayne is Batman?

At this moment when everyone was surprised, several people suddenly found that there were several identical virtual projection screens around them, and their appearances appeared in these virtual screens!

Louise recognized Batman on the screen at a glance, and said in surprise, “Bruce Wayne of Wayne Group? You did this? Are you following me?”

I go!

What is this?

Live delivery?

I was recognized…

Batman was startled, then relieved, since I wasn’t wearing a Bat battle suit, they didn’t know I was Batman.

He looked at Superman and Louise, and focused on the high-tech equipment behind them that didn’t look like Earth.

What’s up with these two?

Could this virtual screen be made by them?

He was a little angry: “Who are you?”

Louise didn’t think of this, she explained: “I’m Louise, a reporter from the Daily Planet… This is…”

Speaking of this, Louise remembered that this was an alien, and she was still on the alien’s spaceship.

This virtual screen exposes these! ?

Could it be that the Wayne Group is tracking itself just to find the alien spaceship?

She is starting to worry!

In her eyes, these big consortiums are not good birds!

Superman also noticed the human high-tech equipment around Batman, his eyes were a little cold: “This is what you did? Are you following me?”

Bruce Wayne is a famous rich man in the beautiful country, and Superman definitely knows him too!

He thought that this evil capitalist had tracked him down to find out where the Krypton spacecraft was.

Damn, Bruce Wayne, what is he trying to do?

At this time, Iron Man on the side felt a little uncomfortable, as if he was being ignored?

The bald head on the side is so surprised, it doesn’t look like he did it!

Haven’t heard of the Wayne Group?

Can they create such a large virtual screen in their own home without even realizing it, and let J.A.R.V.I.S not even notice it?

What exactly do they want to do?

Iron Man’s eyes fell on the other people, and he said, “Whatever you do, play this joke with me, I don’t like it!”

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder was getting stronger and stronger, Professor X sighed in his heart, he thought that this was probably something that some Mutant did!

But now he doesn’t want to care about anything, don’t look for me, don’t care about me, I’m a waste.

And Wolverine is nervous, is this Sentry black technology?

Tracked from the future?

so arrogant?

That’s when the only video started playing!

The screen jumped, revealing an image of Bruce Wayne.

“Name: Bruce Wayne.

“Nickname: Batman”

“Character profile: The greatest detective in the human world. The most powerful warrior of mankind, proficient in all kinds of fighting skills, each of which is perfect, physical strength, stamina, ability to fight… All aspects of the body have reached the limit of human beings,”

“Proficient in various torture techniques, he is a master of fear, a master of psychology, a master of strategy, a master of tactics…”

“Proficient in all kinds of weapons, all kinds of vehicles, including, but not limited to, cars, planes, helicopters, fighter jets, submarines…”

“At the same time, he has a very high theoretical knowledge of science and technology, is a powerful engineer, and is good at manufacturing all kinds of black technology equipment…”

“He is the elder of the Justice League and the brain of the Justice League.”

“He thinks carefully, always expects the enemy to be the first, has no fear of the enemy, always has equipment corresponding to any situation, and can always win against any enemy. Unlike the rest of the Justice League, he does not have any super ability. Yes, he is super rich…”

“He has only one principle in his actions, not to kill!”

The video is playing the screen while showing the introduction of the characters.

When it is said that he is the most powerful warrior of mankind, the picture is of him rebelling against the water in the Assassin League, overturning the entire Assassin League with one person, and even the picture of him beating the Scarecrow and Joker.

Those vicious criminals were as powerless as children under his fist.

Batman was stunned!

What am I, I exposed like this?

Even the things I did in the past were recorded?

His scalp was numb, who did it? What exactly does he want to do?

Superman and Louise were equally stunned. They didn’t expect that the rich second generation, who was famous for doing nothing all day on the surface, was actually the urban legend of Gotham – Batman?

A super rich second generation can be a vigilante?

Moreover, looking at these introductions, so powerful, is this still a human?

Are these things that humans can do?

Superman is also very strong, but it comes from his bloodline, unlike Batman, his strength is acquired through hard training… except for money!

Others can’t believe their eyes, there are such awesome people in this world?

But it was only the appetizers and the next picture that shattered their three views!

When the subtitles say “He’s always equipped for any situation and can always win against any enemy”, it shows a drawing of his fight with Superman.

Superman fell from the sky, looked at Batman in heavy suit, and said sincerely: “Bruce, don’t do this, I was wrong!”

Batman stepped back step by step, and then Superman stepped on the switch, instantly making strong high-frequency noises on both sides!

This is a pain for Superman, who has super hearing.

And Superman just bent down, picked up the manhole cover on the ground, tore the manhole cover in half like a piece of paper, and destroyed the high-frequency sound wave device!

Then Superman walked up to Batman, tapped it lightly, and Batman flew out like a rag pocket!

No, four drone guns were raised on both sides, shooting frantically at Superman.

But these bullets hit Superman and they didn’t do anything at all!

Superman’s eyes spewed red light, turning these machine guns into molten iron, he carried Batman through the building and threw Batman to the ground!

“Stop, Bruce!”

Superman was about to stop, but Batman staggered to his feet and threw a smoke bomb. Superman didn’t care, he didn’t want Batman to shoot another arrow.

Superman caught it, and the arrow exploded, and a cloud of green smoke burst out!

That’s kryptonite dust.

Superman felt weak, Batman walked over, Superman punched him, and he raised his hand to hold it, he said contemptuously: “You are not brave at all, human beings are brave…”

Seeing this picture, everyone is stupid!

Iron Man said: “What is this? CG? This is too ridiculous? Is there someone whose eyes can emit laser light? What is the Wayne Group, this is your new movie!?”

Wolverine disdainfully said: “Have you not seen it? I have also seen someone who can set fire and lightning…”

Nick Fury added: “I’ve also seen people who can shoot energy waves with their hands…”

Iron Man is also stunned, what world do you live in?

Professor X murmured, “What a powerful Mutant…”

Wolverine also nodded, with his knowledge, a Mutant as powerful as Superman is really rare!

Compared to these spectators, the two parties were really deceived!

Batman’s eyes straightened, and he was even more shocked than when his identity was revealed before: “I will fight such a monster in the future?”

“Is this man so powerful? Indestructible? He also has lasers in his eyes? The profile says I can defeat any enemy? How can I win this kind of monster… No, this person is familiar?”

His eyes fell on Superman, who was projected to the side.

Superman also looked at Batman at the same time, and was also shocked to the extreme: “That person is me? It can only be me! I will fight this vigilante? Why… No matter how strong he is, he is a very strong human being, and he cannot stop him. Got a punch from me?”

“No, why did he block it later? That green fog?”

Now Superman, don’t know what kryptonite is!

At this time, the screen changed again, but I saw that Batman was already flying a Bat fighter!

He was driving a fighter jet and was luring a deformed monster nearly ten meters tall, and then he was shot down!

At this time, Superman rushed over and fought the monsters hand-to-hand. This is the picture of them fighting Doomsday!

Their battle was devastating, and the entire city was reduced to rubble in the midst of their war.

At the same time, there was also a beautiful woman holding a round shield and a sharp sword to cut off the monster’s hand…

It’s just that the monster seems to be the Regenerative Healing Factor.

The severed hand is recovering, and it is still absorbing the surrounding energy that is getting bigger and bigger!


Are the two parties stupid again?

What the hell is this?

Why did we fight to death before, and now the two sides join forces to fight monsters?

Is there such a monster on earth?

And who is this woman?

Everyone’s interest was attracted, and they were curious about what the video was about!

Don’t even believe the picture is the real Iron Man and Nick Fury.

This mysterious person played a video for himself in this way, so he shouldn’t use CG to entertain us, right? *

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