Located in the first half of the Great Voyage, Fishman Island is an important hub between the New World and the Great Voyage, coupled with its special scenery and the Fish-Man people who are difficult to see in its place, often frequented by many sea thieves.

But few people dare to make a big mess in this place, because Fishman Island is a place where Whitebeard shelters.

Whitebeard, as the oldest-school of the four emperors currently in existence, is also the most prestigious figure, carrying both the glory of the old era and the prestige of the new era.

When Lin Yu and his party arrived at Fishman Island and dived, the expected obstruction did not appear.

After all, the fish-people are very exclusive, and the arrival of their group, especially the red-haired One Piece, will undoubtedly cause a great shock.

“It seems that something happened to Fishman Island.” Lin Yu looked leisurely at the huge island in front of him.

Some of the peculiar scenery in One Piece World really makes people feel very incredible.

The empty island located in the city at an altitude of 7,000 meters, and the fishman island located 10,000 meters deep under the sea, is really a unique landscape.

If you don’t mention the constant flames and explosions in front of you, this is undoubtedly a very beautiful place, even if you are caught between blood and fire, it still has a unique charm.

Ryuta Miyagi walked on the street full of blood and fire on Fishman Island, looking at all this in front of him with great excitement.

As long as he masters the sea emperor Poseidon, one of the three ancient weapons, then the area of the sea is completely up to him.

It can summon and control a large number of sea kings, how powerful this is, as long as people who know sea kings will understand what a powerful force this is.

This planet full of seas, countless huge sea kings are actually the most powerful force in the world.

At that time, as long as he manipulates countless sea kings, the sea will become a nightmare for all pirates, except for those few ceiling realm-level forces, there will be no pirates in the sea.

At that time, my thief king Miyagi Ryuta will redefine this world!

When he crossed into the One Piece world a few years ago, he was simply panicked to death, after all, if this world does not have strength, it is simply a nightmare.

Just when he was in a hurry, finally his system appeared!

He was about to be ecstatic, but after seeing the name of the system, countless foul words instantly burst out in his heart.

It turns out to be the strongest One Piece system, you must know that this is the world of One Piece, and the pirate is the protagonist in this world, and there is no future for being a thief.

If you pull people to be pirates, it is simply a big grab, but if you want to pull people to be pirates, if others are not pirates who can’t survive or have poor strength, who will go with you to be a pirate.

But it’s better than not…

After he studied this system in detail, he found that although the name is a little difficult to complain, the ability of this system is undoubtedly extremely powerful.

As long as he continues to expand the number of his bandit group and constantly recruits masters to come in, he can get rich rewards and exchange various things to strengthen himself and his members. And everyone who joins his bandit group will receive systematic restraint and be extremely loyal to him, which is also the reliance that he dares to constantly strengthen his own members.

Otherwise, he worked hard to cultivate them like Whitebeard, and as a result, there was a rebel like Blackbeard Tichy, and he was angry and vomited blood.

After 5 years, he finally developed a strength no less than any group of four emperors, which is also thanks to the fact that the world generally does not look at the power of mountain thieves, whether it is the world government, the navy or the pirates will not pay attention to them.

Let him safely develop such a powerful force, the four capable generals under his hand, Edie David, Jonathan Clark, Craigie Arnold, Adolf Williams, are not necessarily worse than those sea pirates.

And now his opportunity is finally coming, Ace has been arrested by Blackbeard and sent to the Navy, and will be executed soon, the big event is on top of the war is coming, and Whitebeard’s gang is busy rescuing Ace, and they have no strength to pay attention to Fishman Island.

Although he thinks that his strength is not necessarily afraid of this whitebeard whose physical condition is already too bad to be good.

But what he is more afraid of is that once he confronts Whitebeard head-on and fails to capture White Star, then his hidden strength for many years will also be exposed to this world, which will undoubtedly attract the attention of many people.

After all, this is a group that is no less powerful than the four emperors.

And their possession of such a powerful power as a mountain thief will undoubtedly arouse the attention and vigilance of all forces, which is undoubtedly extremely detrimental to his completion of the system task.

You must know that his ultimate goal is to completely change this One Piece world into a thief-infested world.

After he thought that the time was ripe and fearless to carry out his plan, he sent his first general, Edie Davide, to contact the redhead’s group to see if he could recruit the redhead, although he also knew that it was almost impossible, but what if it came true?

With the red-haired brain circuit, if he really had a brain twitch, he agreed.

Then he will no longer be fearless in this world, and even the world government can push it over together.

And now all this is about to come true, he stepped towards the palace of Fishman Island, the world is about to crawl under his feet, nothing can stop him, carefully hidden for five years, finally cut through the clouds and see the blue sky.

He could no longer bear the surging mood in his heart at the moment.

The Emperor Mupton on Fishman Island looked at his eyes full of anger, this human being who brought endless disasters to the peaceful and beautiful Fishman Island.

“Human, do you know that this is a place protected by Whitebeard, and you are not afraid to cause Whitebeard’s anger?”

“Oh, Whitebeard, I admit that if Whitebeard is really here now, I will be jealous of him for three points, but he is now difficult to protect himself, and there are still you guys in charge, if you don’t want your Fishman Island to be completely extinct, I have a suggestion here Do you want to listen to it?” After Miyagi Ryutai snorted coldly with disdain, he immediately locked his gaze on Mupton and said with interest.

“What proposal?” A glimmer of hope flashed in Mudton’s eyes, it would be great if this matter could be resolved through negotiation, the guarding force of their Fishman Island was simply vulnerable under this group, and for the sake of his own people not to suffer again, even if this man’s request was excessive, he could grit his teeth and accept it.

“Hand over the mermaid princess White Star, and then hand over Noah, I will immediately let everyone stop, and you fishman island will receive my protection in the future?”

“This can’t be!” Mupton drank angrily, and a strong momentum condensed on his body.

Miyagi Ryu laughed too wantonly: “This is not up to you, since you are not willing to hand it over, then I will look for it, even if it is three feet of digging, I will find out, but by then I dare not guarantee whether your fishman island still exists.” ”

“You”! A thick sense of frustration rose up in Mud Tong. The situation now is that the real man is sword, and I am the fish.

“If I hand over White Star and Noah, can you guarantee to retreat immediately?”

“You don’t have a choice anymore, don’t you?”

“I… I promise you. “Mumpton’s whole body collapsed to the ground as if his spinal cord had been pumped.

“Wise choice” Ryuta Miyagi chuckled.

Suddenly, his expression froze, and a footstep as calm as a mountain sounded in his ears, and a voice came into his ears.

“How about listening to me too?” Lin Yu walked gently to the Dragon King Palace step by step and looked at Miyagi Ryutai.

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