Super Dimensional Guild

Chapter 748 Alquette: Who Is It? Want To Blow Away My Coffin Board! (Nine More)

Symbol of Peace: "Did the President say the same thing as Father Whitebeard?"

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat: "That's right, the president also said that Steins;Gate is a late-stage work. It will become a god-confiscated work in the later stage!"

Tony is not the richest man: "...Okay! This is very powerful. Then I will insist on re-watching it later. I hope it is not a pit dug by the chairman and the old man of Whitebeard!"

The old man is the Marquis: "Don't worry! The president will not mention it for now... As a connoisseur of dramas, Whitebeard is quite reliable."

Su Xiaoxiao: ""

What does it mean that I will not mention it for a while? Is my credibility so low?

Su Han's mouth twitched. Silently said, old Woban, I will remember what you said, and you old man should be more careful in the future.

The old man is a Marquis: ""

The Marquis of Vauban's eyes became vigilant, and he looked around, a little puzzled, where did this premonition of a cold neck come from?

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Ah la la! I wasn't interested in Steins;Gate at first, but the 10-year-old said that... I have developed a very high interest in this work instead.

Saiki Kusuo: "Wait a minute, let's try."

Although Saiki Kusuo spoke simply and clearly. But saying this sentence with his personality shows that he was aroused.

Monster Sage: "!!!"

Monster Sage: "Wait a minute..... Penglaishan Kaguya, why are you here? I can't read it wrong, right?"

Yakumo Zi was bewildered. She was really dumbfounded.

She woke up from hibernation and casually glanced at the guild chat, simply wanting to see what topics everyone in the guild was talking about.

As for whether to make up or not? She is not like Black Cat or Whitebeard, she has obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The moment Su Han posted it, he had to complete everything. It seems that if you don't finish it, you will lose the taste.

She belongs to the buddhist system. She can watch it if she wants to, and if she doesn't want to watch it, she can watch it later when she thinks about it. Anyway, she has a long time. Living a chic and comfortable life can be described as flattering.

Of course, Yakumo Zi would be even happier if she could meet a guild mission by the way. After all, the points are also useful to her, and can further improve her realm ability.

Horaisan Kaguya: "I've been invited into the guild! What's wrong? Do you think there's a problem?"

Monster Sage: ...No! I'm quite happy that you can come in. "

Although Yakumo Zi's mood at the moment is a bit complicated. But let's not mention that the complexity in her heart is not resistance... Even if she resists, she has not yet reached the point where she will put her resistance on her face.

As a monster sage, although it is more appropriate to be called an idler now...but she does have the necessary castle.

Penglaishan Kaguya: "Then let me take what you said is true."

Air Quite: "@苏小小. President! I feel like something happened on our side."

Alquite: "The release... seems to be a relatively big thing."

Su Xiaoxiao: "!!!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "... What happened to you?"

Alquette: "Someone is lifting my coffin board!"

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat: "???"

My sister is super uncute: "Fuck..."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Damn..."

Tony is not the richest man: "Fuck... What is the operation of lifting the coffin?"

Father Whitebeard: "Gu la la la! Today's youth...... cough cough! Are people so good at playing?"

Originally, he was going to say something about young people, but Whitebeard thought about it, and suddenly realized that Alquette's age alone might be enough for him to be his ancestor... Immediately, he choked back his words. It feels weird to be up and down at the moment.

Xia Shizi: "

Airquitt: "Isn't that what you meant...... Teacher Xia Shizi taught me this way last time. She said that the place where I live is like a coffin, and someone wants to destroy the place where I live. Isn't that just Lift my coffin board?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "...Can you explain it this way?"

Su Han was convinced, why didn't he realize that Alquette was actually a logic genius.

Alquite: "........don't mention these! To put it simply... Well, someone is breaking open my ten-year city. They want to invade the inside!"

Alquite: "I feel... the aura of that intruder is very familiar. There is an aura that makes me resist from the bottom of my heart... But after thinking about it carefully, I feel I don’t think I’ve seen it before. It doesn’t make sense!”

Alquite was puzzled.

Kurosaki Ichigo: "If I remember correctly! Doesn't this plot appear in Zhenyue Tan Yueji?"

Accelerator: "Ha! Are you talking nonsense? If this plot really happened, would Alquette say it in the guild? There is no problem with not using your brain! But at least you must restrain yourself and don't let people feel that you It's mentally handicapped."

Kurosaki Ichigo:."

Kirishima Dong Xiang: "I can be sure... Among Zhenyue Tan Yueji, Alquette felt Roja's breath, and then walked out by himself. Before that! Zhenyue Tan Yueji didn't have any problems.

Shinonosuke: "...So! This time is a mutation? How do I feel that the Xingyue world has frequent mutations? It's really a dangerous world."

Shino no Tsukasa: "Weber, Illya... I feel that it's really not easy for you to live such a big life.

490 Magical Girl Illya:

Illya thought about it and found that her life was quite peaceful.

Before meeting Ruby, Sapphire, and Emiya Miyu, she lived a peaceful elementary school life. Even after encountering it, I didn't experience several life-threatening situations.

With berserker following her, her safety factor has been improved to a higher level. It's the same as turning on the invincible hang and the horizontal push hang.

After all, Hercules is a genuine top-level servant! A hero of the demigod level. A figure in Greek mythology. Aside from running into someone like Jin Glitter, Berserker wouldn't have a problem even if he said he was invincible.

Nothing else, 12 trials and 12 lives, this treasure is too buggy... After all, Hercules is not a rookie. He is a top Heroic Spirit himself! He has 12 lives. It can't be described by the word "open hanging". It is definitely the kind of monster that no one wants to face.

Of course, Illya didn't feel the danger... Weber just felt the lingering fear. I am deeply moved.

He is an ordinary magician with no noble blood. It is indeed not easy to live to such a big age.

Of course, with Alexander now, Weber's life is much better... Even the lord of the clock tower, now he has to give him a bit of a face. .

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