Super Dimensional Martial Immortal

Chapter 82: Unique Talent · [Unlimited Focus]

   Chapter 82 Unique Talent · [Infinite Focus]

   As the thoughts flowed in his heart, Zhao Yinshun vaguely understood that before the [Sacred Seal Crown] of Sequence LV.3, his innate attributes should not be held back, at least there is no danger of decay.

The road after    is probably going to rely on the original profound art to go against the innate, and with each advancement and great medicine, the upper limit advantage can be maintained...

   If he nodded with understanding, Zhao Yinshun calmed down, digested the last trace of the [God] attribute, and the subsequent excellence instantly evolved into perfection.

   seems to have touched a certain condition, and a throbbing suddenly came from the depths of his soul.

   "Unique talent awakening."

  [Infinite Focus] (uniqueness)

  Thinking insight into the origin, eternally condensed in a moment

New words appeared on the    attribute panel, Zhao Yinshun's pupils slowly lost focus, and he felt that his mind could arbitrarily manipulate divinity to analyze all the truths in the world.

   Invest in divine power, and as time goes on, everything becomes more efficient…


  If I have the "infinite" divinity, then any "finite" is meaningless to me, and everything is true to my eyes!

  Thinking insight into the origin, eternally condensed in a moment!

  In an instant, the true meaning of this sentence is clear in my heart!

   This power was not prepared for [people] at all, but had the authority of the infinite divinity [Lord]!

   It's just that my current [God] is too weak, so it is weakened accordingly!

   Taking a deep breath, Zhao Yinshun sat cross-legged and used the most difficult [True Martial Record] to test its effect.

   "Sit with your eyes closed, meditate on your mind, and meditate on your mind."



   A few hours later, Zhao Yinshun, whose divinity was depleted, opened his eyes and let out a long breath, roughly understanding the terrible power of [Infinite Concentration].

   With the investment of divinity, the more it continues to the back, the more exaggerated the efficiency bonus. In theory, as long as [God] can hold it, the efficiency can increase infinitely, and it will not be a problem to practice [Zhenwu Milu] to the Great Perfection in one practice!

   But in practice, there are many conditions that are simply difficult to achieve.

   First of all, his [God] attribute cannot hold up!

   The actual 100-point [God] is too weak. After a certain node is exceeded, the input-output ratio actually declines!

   The second is the limitation of the concentration of the external spiritual energy.

   In the end, it cannot be disturbed by the outside world, otherwise the effect of [Infinite Concentration] will be interrupted, and the article will have to be read from the beginning.

   Just now, because the blood and nutrients in the body were consumed, hunger forced me to wake myself up from cultivation!

   But this is also the instinct of the body to protect itself. Otherwise, if you squeeze it forcibly, you will probably be depleted of qi and blood and hurt your source!

   Therefore, after reaching the node with the best efficiency, it is not the right choice to increase the investment and maintain the current state?


   With a long sigh, Zhao Yinshun felt like he had a supercomputer with unlimited computing power, but he could only use AA batteries to power it, and it could not exert its efficiency at all!

After    sighed, Zhao Yinshun quickly packed up his emotions and regained his spirits.

   Such a powerful unique talent, even if he can't play its full effect temporarily, it will become stronger and stronger when the [God] attribute increases.

  Especially after the cultivation of various exercises to the top level, the time required to make a step forward is probably more than the time consumed by all the previous cultivations combined!

   At this time, [Infinite Focus] can play its effect...


   The chirping in his stomach interrupted Zhao Yinshun's thoughts again. He rubbed his stomach and slipped into the kitchen to quietly look for food.

   On the other side of the mansion, Duanmu Sui returned from the world beyond the material, re-solidified his body, and rubbed his brows in distress.

   Immediately, she sensed that a small person came out of the kitchen with a bacon stick in her mouth.

   "This little guy..."

   The annoyance in his heart dissipated most of the time, Duanmu Sui shook his head in disbelief and said softly.

   "Shun'er, come to me."

   The voice of Duanmu Sui suddenly came from his ears. Zhao Yinshun chewed the meat strips and swallowed them into his stomach, and he came to the depths of the mansion with a few flashes.

"come in."

   From a distance, he saw the door open automatically, Zhao Yinshun stepped into the room with a single stride, respectfully clasped his fists and saluted Duanmu Sui.

   "Master, do you have something to do with me?"

   "There is a problem with the ritual of the dojo. I have to go back immediately. You go and pack up and come with me."

   "Yes, Master."

   Zhao Yinshun nodded, and suddenly found that Duanmu Sui Liu frowned, and there was an unconcealed distress in his eyes.

   "Master, do you have any concerns?"

   "Your senior sister quarreled with me and ran away from home. I haven't come back yet. I'm a little worried."

   Duanmu Sui looked out the window and said quietly, it looked like an old mother who found that her children hadn't come home after school at seven or eight o'clock in the evening.

   Zhao Yinshun's eyes moved, and a bold thought flashed in his heart.

   "Why don't I help you find her back?"


   Duanmu Sui was slightly taken aback, and looked at the boy suspiciously.

   "It's not impossible..."

   After pondering for a moment, Duanmu Sui found that this was actually a feasible solution.

   Although Zhao Yinshun is young, he has always shown a very mature temperament. After taking office, his strength is quite good, which is not much better than some third-order warriors.

   Plus the equipment he gave him, no matter who he encounters, his life is not a problem.

   More importantly, the martial arts class requires constant experience. The sooner this process is completed, the better it will be for his future advancement.

  You can’t raise tigers in a greenhouse, and if you don’t roam the rivers and lakes, no matter how good the foundation is, it will only gradually crumble.

   It’s just that the original plan was to take him with him to teach him for two years and then let him go. Now it seems good to take this opportunity to let him go out for a while.

   After thinking for a while, Duanmu Sui nodded slowly.

   "Alright then, go and find your senior sister, take care of each other, and then go back to the mountain gate together."

   reached out and lightly tapped the [Xuanxin Jade Pendant] on the youth's waist, Duanmu Sui breathed into it, and instantly Zhao Yinshun felt a mysterious feeling in his heart.

   "This is your senior sister's breath. You and she are both my direct disciples. Naturally, you can sense her approximate location. After you find her, don't be playful and come back early."

   stretched out his hand and sorted out the [Xuelong suit] on the boy, Duanmu Sui said earnestly.


   She felt like an old mother before her son's spring tour, Zhao Yinshun looked strange, and it took a while before he nodded seriously.

   "Yes, Master."

   "By the way, this is the prize after you won the championship. The Heavenly Rank Awakening Medicine sent by the government, although it is useless for you now, it is estimated that it can still sell some money."

   handed Zhao Yinshun a dark wooden box, Duanmu Sui seemed to remember something, and he took out a bunch of things in a ramble.

   The data is not very good, ask for ticket support~(ㄒoㄒ)//



   (end of this chapter)

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