Super Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 263: Start action (8)

It turned out that it was a high-ranking warlord who rushed in.

"Gath, I'm just doing business." Tof shouted immediately, and she recognized the person the moment the other party spoke.

"Businesses are also divided into different sizes. Usually, you don't want to make a small mess. Now that the business is so big, you can make it difficult for me to explain to the top."

"We businessmen naturally want to get bigger and bigger, and there are many benefits to you every year, Gass."

"Okay, my old friend, I don’t want to talk too much nonsense. If you don’t want to die, hand over that car of gold. I will assume that nothing has happened. From now on, I will walk on my Yangguan Road and you will cross your single-plank bridge. ."

"Gath, I didn't expect you to have a few old Chinese sayings, but." At this point, Tove's voice stopped abruptly, following the sudden opening of the door, several bullets were shot out.

This is the best opportunity for Tov. In the process of his dialogue with Gas, in order to make his voice easier to be heard, the warlord’s people did not shoot, but he seized this opportunity and spoke. At the same time he seduced Gass and stepped out of the warehouse.

Although this warehouse is made of stainless steel, it is definitely not a good idea if you keep it inside. If the other party surrounds the outside, you can give him a urn to catch turtles. Even if you don’t fight, you can just cut off his water and food. If he can be forced to death, even if he is thinking of resisting, he will become a lamb to be slaughtered because of lack of energy.

Tof is not a person who believes in fate. He believes that everything in the world must be won by himself, including life. In his worldview, people with no strength are not worthy of living in this world.

So it was the same at this moment. His movements were very swift and violent, and he rushed out of the warehouse door almost at the same time as the bullet. When the warlord was hiding behind the bunker to avoid the bullet, he had already hid to the side of the warehouse.

Holding a sniper rifle, Liu Guang cursed secretly, and at the same time was shocked in his heart. Natov's speed was too fast for him to take aim.

Powerful, absolutely powerful!

"Toff, since you are not submissive, don't blame me!" Garth shouted, and then ordered his hands, "Fire!"

The gunfire sounded, and Tov turned sideways at the end of the warehouse, with a sneer on his face.

"Heckler-Koch G36 automatic rifle, a total of 30 rounds, the fastest record of loading was 1.7 seconds, and there were eight people listening to the gunshots." While listening to the gunshots, he calculated in his heart.

"It's now!"

When another bullet fell, Tov turned around and appeared in front of the warehouse. The two "bangs" shots were fired, followed by two falling sounds not far away.

No bullets! Terrible fighting consciousness, this can only be honed in blood and fire! This kind of person is either a pillar of the country or a turbulent world. Unfortunately, he is the latter.

After the two were killed, Tov retreated again without hesitation. He walked away one second before, and the next second a cloud of dust was thrown up where he was just standing, which was caused by the bullet hit.

Two smoke bombs were thrown out of the warehouse, which perfectly concealed the area of ​​the warehouse door to a greater extent in the dark night with low visibility.

"Damn it!" Garth drew a dagger from his hand. "Follow me and kill him."

As a high-level warlord in this country, you must have a certain level of strength.

Not only here, all the high-level troops used to be talents from various military districts. You may see a potbellied general, but you can never think of how many gangsters fought unarmed when he was young. He used to run five kilometers only. fifteen minutes.

It's just that these high-level leaders here didn't let go of those abilities. They all knew very well in their hearts that in the age of war, only their own strength was the best guarantee for survival.

Under the dual interference of the night and smoke bombs, the gunfight can no longer continue, so he has to choose to fight in close quarters. Facing a weapon businessman, Gas has great confidence that he can tear the opponent into close combat. Fragments.

"Gass, Gas, you are so arrogant." Tove ordered to the two men who had just come out of the warehouse, "You two will solve the trash fish, and give Gas to me."


The black man and another subordinate touched the place where the warlord soldier was under cover. The two sides were not far away from themselves. When the two men ran out of the smoke bomb, they were already close to each other.

"Kill them!" Garth gave an order and rushed forward with a dagger.

"Hey, Gas, your opponent is me." Tove appeared immediately, a whip leg blocked Gas's movement, and he had to pull back to defend.

"A businessman, would you dare to do something to me?" Looking at the incoming person, Gass showed a bloodthirsty smile, licked his lips with his tongue, and brandished a dagger towards Tof.

"Then give it a try." Tove finished kicking without giving Gass a chance to breathe again. He punched again. Westerners advocate violent aesthetics, and even fights use the most direct method, with only one punch and one kick. There are heads.

When the two of them fought, the black and another member of the jihadist organization stood with the remaining five soldiers of the warlord. It can be seen that these two are masters, and they did not end up even two-to-five during the fighting. Downwind.

"Fight, fight hard, we will shoot again after the fight."

The three people hidden in the dark watched the developments quietly. They were waiting for a chance to kill. Although Tov has walked out of the warehouse now, his whole body is exposed before aiming, and his figure is constantly turning around while fighting. It is impossible to carry out precise aiming and shooting.

Once a mistake hits Gass, he will not only expose himself, but also lose a great opportunity to waste his physical strength. It is best to wait for a sure opportunity.

You come and I fight with each other, Tove and Gas. Every punch is violent. Tove hits faster and faster, but Gas is more and more frightened. You must know that you are a high-ranking warlord. He has always been in training, and he can definitely be called a master in close combat, but now he is tied with a weapon merchant.

What he didn't know was that the reason why he was able to get a tie all the time was because Tov didn't use his full strength at all, just wanted to play with him, otherwise the strength of the latter could definitely kill him.

The fighting between the two continued, but the other side was nearing completion. After a short fight, the five warlord soldiers were seized by two members of the jihadist organization and killed them all, either on their throats, or on their chests. There are obvious knife marks everywhere, which is also a wound for their lives.

"Forget it, I'm not in the mood to play with you anymore, Gas." Seeing that the opportunity is almost the same, Tove reached out and squeezed the punch from Gasth, looking relaxed and happy.

"What?" Gaston felt like his arm was stuck in a giant pincer, unable to move.

"Surprised?" Tove looked at him with a smile.

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