Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 217: You can try

Seeing the four words "This Road Doesn't Work" on the signboard, Tianlong real people are already angry. -79 小说 网-

This is the only way for them to go in and out of Zhenwu Taoism. If this road is impassable, they will basically be forced to close the mountain.

Many true martial arts disciples also noticed this brand, and they were all extremely angry.

And those arrested true martial arts disciples started to choke up.

"Teach me, help me!"

"Teacher, this man is too arrogant. Make him look good."

"Teacher, you must avenge us. We have been bullied by him for several days, and our hearts have been severely traumatized."


Wang Xing looked at Tianlong lively for a long time, and he could feel that Tianlong lively like this bucket is not low.


Tianlong real person is also looking at Wang Xing. He doesn't know who Wang Xing is, or even what he does.

It was only when he found that Wang Xing didn't even have the congenital realm, he was disdainful: "A guy in the realm of the nautical realm, dare to spread the wild in our true Taoism?"

act wildly?

This is already very polite to Tianlong. If he hadn't seen more than one hundred and fifty disciples of true martial arts, he would have already started to act against Wang Xing.

"It turned out that Zhenlong Taoism taught Tianlong a real person, it's been a long absence." Wang Xing politely said that he really admired Tianlong's real person.

"Huh, you know my name, even dare to offend my true martial arts and arrest my disciples of true martial arts." Tianlong asked.

"Um, does this matter?" Wang Xing wondered. "Tianlong Laodao, have you misunderstood something? I know your name and taboo. I heard that you look like a bucket, which is very recognizable. Not admiring you. "

Tianlong real person suddenly felt that Wang Xing had 'pumped' a big mouth.

He was taught by a five-star sectarian sect and thought he was famous, but he didn't buy anything at all.

People knew him not because he was famous, but just because he was fat.

Ironically, this is definitely a great irony.

A group of true martial arts disciples are also extremely speechless. They feel that Wang Xing does not play cards according to common sense at all, just to strike their face in true martial arts.

"What the **** do you want to do?" Tianlong's real person squinted his eyes, secretly condensing Qi.

"You ask me what I want to do, I also want to ask you what to do." Wang Xing suddenly angered. "I set up a martial arts hall in the world, and just opened three branches. The Tenglong martial arts hall smashed me. And they also arrested a dozen of my coaches. It was really good enough. I myself must report. If you smashed my martial arts, then I can only smash your martial arts. "

It's that simple and rude.

Tenglong Wuguan smashed three branches of Xianwu Hall, so Wang Xing wanted to retaliate and smash Tenglong Wuguan.

Tianlong real person also knows this, and even before Yuan Kai started, he also talked to him.

However, Tenglong Wuguan just smashed the three branches of Xianwu Hall, and Wang Xing smashed them to how many Tenglong Wuguan, which does not include many kicked.

"Okay, it was you who made it." Tianlong's real human hate was tickling. "Do you know how it offends our true martial arts? We are a five-star" door "faction, killing you is like strangling an ant. simple."

"Well, then you can try it. But let me make it clear that if you dare to do it, the 150 or more disciples who have been arrested in the true martial arts are likely to die. Hehe, I am not afraid of you, also It's not threatening you, it's just a reminder in good faith. "

Isn't this afraid of true martial arts?

Isn't this a threat yet?

Many people looked at each other, and even one ring was awkward.

Tianlong real snorted: "A guy who doesn't even cultivate in the realm of nature has dared to say such a big word, and has no control over it. If I do, I will see if you have time to kill a few true martial arts disciples."

Wang Xing didn't care: "You can try."

Tianlong was silent, as if thinking about trying.

But all of a sudden, only a dozen flying needles were seen flying out of Tianlong's real cuff, locking Wang Xing's whole body 'acupoint'.

Wang Xing didn't realize it, even though he was already guarding the real Tianlong, but he did not expect that Wang Xing would suddenly attack, and still used a hidden weapon.

Tianlong real people's ‘yin’ is dangerous and cunning.

At this time, Wang Xing was running above his hands, and his shots were like phantoms.

He is really operating a finger of the rhinoceros obtained from Lu Xiaofeng.

Lu Xiaofeng can catch any weapon blade weapon with a finger of the rhinoceros, and Wang Xing can naturally.

A dozen flying needles were caught by Wang Xing one by one. He took a closer look at these flying needles and found that they were still poisoned.

After the real dragon catches the flying needle, Wang Ren runs the light practice method of Xizheng martial arts, and runs toward Wang Xing like a ghost.

Many disciples of Zhenwu Taoism applauded for a while.

This seven-star stature of true martial arts emphasizes fast, 'fascinated', and magical, and the 'fine' of Tianlong real people. The point is that Tianlong is still so fat, it is hard to make people imagine how he trained.

Wang Xing sneered, but was very disdainful.

Although he has not yet broken into the innate realm, he is only one step behind.

It is true that Tianlong ’s real person is higher than him, but Tianlong ’s real person wants to surpass him in martial arts ‘fine’. That is simply impossible.

Wang Xing's Qi is running to his feet. At the same time, he also uses the Qi acceleration method that he has learned from the Aoi 'Flower' Collection.

He suddenly felt light as if he was about to fly, and instantly flew away a ten-meter-long Tianlong real person.

Tianlong real person immediately ‘forced’, he saw Wang Xing's side, and punched Wang Xing ’s body, but finally found that it was just an afterimage.

His fists were hanging there, not to mention how awkward.

"Fast, this guy's fast. My eyes just blinked and he disappeared."

"The palm teacher said that he was just practicing in the realm of the day after tomorrow ~ ~ I really did not make a mistake. He still taught too much."

"It's amazing, it's almost bunker."


After Tianlong was embarrassed, he killed Wang Xing again.

He feels that his majesty has been provoked. This is an unforgivable thing: "I have the cultivation of the innate realm, the true element of a body, but why can't I be a ninth-level practitioner?

Soon he found himself wrong.

Some ninth-order practitioners cannot be measured by common sense at all.

As Wang Xing ducked, he exhibited all kinds of martial arts, and the dragon who was ‘getting’ was extremely embarrassed.

While Wang Xing and Tianlong are fighting, there are still some disciples of Zhenwu Taoism who want to rescue those arrested disciples of Zhenwu Taoism.

But when Wang Xing shouted the lion, he poured a large piece directly, not to mention how spectacular it was. Q

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