Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 237: Trial

Fang Xu suddenly shivered and shivered.

Qian Wanli was still the second monk, and he didn't understand what was going on.

Liu Fan moved a chair and sat down, and he said to himself: "My mother is Liu Hongmei, then the pearl of the Liu family in Nanning. I believe that when you hear my mother's name, some of you may already know why I am Come. Yes, I just want to get a fair for my mother and a fair for the Liu family. Fang's family obtained the Liu family's property by unscrupulous means. Among them, Shenquanmen couldn't blame it, I said right?"

Qian Wanli was silent. He looked at Liu Fan and finally figured out the cause and effect of the matter.

At that time, the Shenquan Gate had to suppress this matter, and it was indeed responsible for it.

Li Lin was speechless, thinking in his heart what this had to do with him.

Ding Hu was pale and even shivering.

The Fang family annexed the Liu family, and the Shenquan Gate played a very disgraceful role in it. Ding Hu accounted for a large part of the reason.

"If you don't refute, then I will continue to speak." Liu Fan seemed quite general and experienced the world of Swordsman. He has matured much more than his peers. "I was too lazy to do things that year. Say more, let me talk about my conditions directly, or it may be more appropriate for your trial. "

They all listened carefully, including Qian Wanli.

Liu Fan first looked at Fang Xu: "It is you first, that the property of the Liu family that you deceived by despicable means must be returned to the Liu family in full."

Fang Xu Yiyi: "Impossible, those properties are now Fang's."

When Liu Fan heard this, Fang Xu penetrated Fang Xu's shoulder blade with strength, and made Fang Xu tumble on the ground with pain: "You say that those properties belong to Fang's family, believe it or not, I will kill you now."

Fang Xu was terrified and shut up immediately.

Liu Fan continued: "Second, you have caused irreparable harm to my mother, and you must come to my mother to repent."

Fang Xu nodded: "This is okay, I will definitely get your mother forgiveness."

Liu Fan sneered: "Get my mother's forgiveness and dream of your spring and autumn. I want you to repent, just to let my mother out of anger."

Fang Xu's face was pale, and Liu Fan felt like a demon.

Liu Fan looked at Fang Xu scornfully: "In the end, you have caused irreparable harm to me. I wanted to kill you a hundred times. But if I spread my uncle's reputation, I will not have time to tell everyone Explain. But the crime of death is exempt from the crime of forgiveness. Are you doing all this for money? Then you will beg along the street and be poor forever. "

Fang Xu heard this and fell down on the ground with a stunned expression.

But then, only saw Liu Fan's **** condensed: "A beggar must look like a beggar, your two legs, you don't need it in the future."

Fang Xu was frightened, and hugged Liu Fan's leg and begged for mercy: "Liu Fan, I was wrong. I'm sorry for your mother and son. Don't interrupt my leg."

Liu Fan didn't see the slightest sympathy, and two spirits shot out. He only heard two clicks.

Fang Xu's leg was broken.

The pain came, and Fang Xu passed out.

Liu Fan kicked Fang Xu away and resumed the trial. The others were already trembling.

Liu Fan's second trial was Ding Yuhong. She was nearly unconscious because she had lost too much blood: "You are a vicious woman who drove my mother out of Nanning, and wanted to kill our mother and son as much as possible. Will put you in jail, and spend the rest of your life in jail. "

Ding Yuhong was already seriously injured. When she heard that Liu Fan was going to send her to prison, she was unconscious.

Inside the remaining three.

Qian Wanli smiled bitterly: "How do you want to judge us, say it."

Liu Fan nodded his head: "Then speaking from you, you are the master of the Shenquan Gate, and the Shenquan Gate is evil, you must know it. Therefore, you must bear some responsibility for the things of the Liu family. Let ’s go, we are lacking a few people in the wasteland to cultivate land. You will be serving in our fairy college for three years. After three years, I will let you go back. "

Many people heard this for a moment.

Three years in the service, it sounds very good, in fact, I just want to hold money for three years.

Some clever students have understood Liu Fan's intentions. After all, there are so many disciples in Shenquanmen. If they do not leave their hostages at Xianxian, who knows whether those disciples will retaliate against Xianxian.

As long as Qian Wanli is left at Xianxian Academy, within three years, no one at the Shenquan gate dares to act rashly.

Qian Wanli looked at Liu Fan with a solemn expression: "I want to ask, how old are you, and you are so tricky?"

Liu Fan was silent: "I will tell you when you arrive at Xianxian College."

Followed by, Liu Fan looked at Li Lin: "You should be the most innocent, I plan to let you lose some money, how?"

Li Lin was overjoyed: "No problem, how much do I lose?"

"A billion!"


"Do you have any opinions? This is less than one percent of the property of the Liu family."

"No opinion, I still have a lot of belongings at Shenquanmen, which is almost enough."

"You seem to have forgotten ~ ~ Shenquanmen has been looted by us."

Li Lin cried and laughed suddenly: "I really forgot, then I have no money, and there are hundreds of thousands in the bank card."

Liu Fan pondered for a moment: "If you don't have money, you can also serve in Xian Academy, as long as one year."

Li Lin nodded and considered it.

Finally arrived at Ding Hu.

When Liu Fan looked at him, he shivered: "Your sin is no less than Fang Xu. I decided to abolish your practice and send you to prison with your daughter."

"Don't, let me go! If I am abolished at my age, it won't take me a few years to live."

"You're right, I just want you to die early."

After Liu Fan finished speaking, Ding Hu's Dan Tian was banged with a palm, and his Dan Tian was shattered.

Ding suddenly felt that the whole body's true energy had dissipated, and the whole person slowly withered like a deflated ball.

Liu Fan snorted without any sympathy at all.

At the end of the trial, many students looked at Liu Fan's eyes very differently, including admiration and fear.

It was two or three in the morning, and the students were resting in Fang's villa.

In the early morning of the next day, all students returned to Shanhai City together.

At twelve in the morning, Liu Fan returned home and threw Fang Xu in front of Liu Hongmei.

Liu Hongmei couldn't help tearing up her eyes, and was moved.

Later, some students sent Qian Wanli and Li Lin to Xian College. There were many places to be built in the college, and they were regarded as two labors.

And they don't know yet, at this time the Wumeng League has already exploded.

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