Super Farm System

Chapter 153: One more person

Chapter 153 One more person-

In the evening, a group of more than 30 people went ashore, leaving four sailors to repair the ship.

I can only see that there are many buildings along the coastline. When everyone came, I found that the buildings here were all abandoned.

Although the structure of a house is not exactly a wooden house, it is conceivable that 'before it was abandoned' it must be an island inhabited by civilization

It's just that the people who lived on the islands all ran there, was it blown away by the typhoon or for other reasons?

After everyone was on the shore, they still heard the cries of animals from time to time, that is to say, besides the mountains and jungles, there are also wild animals living on this island.

A few more courageous tourists immediately mentioned to Yishan to hunt wild animals. After all, judging from the source of the sound just now, it is not a scary animal.

There are not many wild animals on this island, and there are absolutely no wild animals in the original ecology. Even if there are animals, they are probably pets left by the original inhabitants of this island

In this way, those ferocious wild animals are ruled out. What is speechless is that "someone has proposed" and some people will naturally agree. According to the meaning of the Vietnamese captain, it is to let them all stay on the shore and wait for the ship to be repaired. start again

Don't forget that 'they are not participating in an ordinary tour group this time' but a bold tour group 'among them' there are seven or eight very daring ones and they are ready for this trip to sea'

For example, guns that cannot be purchased in China. If they don’t get anything from this trip, I believe they won’t be able to sleep when they go back.

Just like that, 'coaxed by those bolder tourists' took the lead, thirteen people followed them to hunt and hunt wild animals, and at the same time, they were better than the number of people, and they were also courageous."

Seeing that they insisted on going to the mountain, the captain of Vietnam had no choice but to arrange the two assistants who followed him in. After all, with these two sailors, he was not afraid of not being able to recognize the way down the mountain when he reached the mountain.

As for Chen Jiajiu, it’s not that he’s afraid, he just feels embarrassed about going to the mountain, and he sees Chen Feng and the others don’t have a mountain, and it’s hard to leave.

And they all met after taking the boat. They are all from all corners of the world. 1 See who is pleasing to the eye, and they hang out together, talk and laugh, no matter what, their group, after this time, will definitely be divided into two factions.

In fact, they are not short of food, but for most Chinese people, hunting is a very exciting thing.

Chen Jiajiu and the others found a hotel-like house and lived in it. This is indeed a hotel. Some tourists found alcohol in the counter of the hotel.

From these wine bottles, it can be seen that the production dates of these wine bottles are all earlier than years ago, and it has been more than ten years now' that is to say, the house here has been abandoned for more than ten years

Years ago, what happened here? An island like a town was turned into a dead island. People have lived in it. Although there is a bed, but only a bed frame can be seen.

The house is surrounded by waste products, and most of them are not survival experts. Facing everything I saw, I was shocked.

Suddenly' only a female voice shouted: "Who, who is outside." Among the many passengers, there were only two girls, so these two girls were arranged to live in a small room in the hotel.

And most of these big men are in the hall. First of all, it was reflected that Zhou Hai and Zhang Meng were leaning on the door of the small room. They were good friends of one of the female tourists, Wang Siyi. It can be said that everyone present has plans for these two female guests, and these two will not have plans for them.

"Siyi, what's the matter with you? What happened?" The voice who screamed just now was Wang Siyi. Although his two good friends were guarding outside, the weak woman was only the two of them. So Wang Siyi chose to watch the night. Another female tourist, Zhang Qian, rested. Just now, Wang Siyi was surprised to see a face peeking at her from the small window beside the room, which is why Wang Siyi exclaimed later.

It was precisely because of Wang Siyi's exclamation that the people who were resting were awakened immediately.

When Chen Jiajiu heard this exclamation, she immediately listened carefully. I found that there was no other sound except the sound of the sea wind in front of me.

For Lin Bin, who was a policeman, and Chen Feng, who had a heart, they also wanted to know what happened just now. They were vigilant and did not rush into Wang Siyi's room immediately, but rushed out towards the hotel door.

If we were human, they'd be able to subdue it and catch it, but when they rushed out, they found nothing, although there was moonlight here at night. But it's not very bright either. The two looked around the hotel, but found nothing. Back to the hotel again. Looking at the frightened Wang Siyi. Immediately cross-examination started!

Wang Siyi said: "I really saw someone spying on me just now. I really saw it. You have to believe it." After counting the number of people. Except for the fifteen people who left, the rest of the people were there. Just now, Lin Bin and Chen Feng rushed out immediately, searched the surroundings, but found nothing. And now Wang Siyi is biting her head just now, she really saw a person lying on the window and peeking at her.

However, when everyone looked at the window, they found that the window was at least two meters above the ground. high.

However, there were a few people who were taller than Mi Ba, and there were people who proved that they hadn't gone out just now. In other words, it was not done by any of them on the field at all.

Therefore, everyone had no choice but to understand that this must be Wang Siyi's misreading. Or maybe she was too sleepy. So things get confused.

Just at this moment, I don't know who shouted: "Have you noticed that there seems to be one more person between us." As soon as this sentence came out. At the beginning, everyone didn't react, but they thought about it carefully. Everyone's faces turned pale.

"Who, stand up yourself." Several people with pistols immediately pulled out their pistols, which was their instinctive reaction.

At the same time, they began to watch around!

At the same time, some people began to silently count people, but this time they counted people. I found out that including the Vietnamese captain, there were a total of 22 people, not wrong.

There were a total of forty-two people on board, including Chen Jiajiu, a total of thirty-four passengers. Five sailors were left in the ship for repairs.

Although they figured out the number of people, they did not let go of their vigilance. They only heard Lin Bin take the lead and said: "From now on, everyone will start to check each other, and kick out those who don't know each other."

Chen Jiajiu was the first to stand up and said: "I believe everyone knows me!" With Chen Jiajiu taking the lead, they began to know each other.

At the same time, with mutual identification, although not everyone knows each other, as long as there are two people who know each other and identify each other, it will be fine.

Suddenly, Lin Bin yelled and said: "Everyone, don't move. After speaking, Lin Bin seemed to be possessed by a demon, and he fixed his eyes on the crowd and shouted. Everyone really didn't dare to move at this time, no I know what Lin Bin meant by doing this. If this lunatic suddenly shoots, he still doesn't know who the target is.

It turned out that when Lin Bin heard that there was an extra person among them, he secretly paid attention to it. Constantly going back and forth among the crowd and counting silently.

At first he thought it was just the friend who was dazzled for a while, but when he counted carefully, he didn't know if it was a hallucination. He found that no matter how he counted, there were twenty-two people in the crowd. If there are twenty-two people in the crowd, is he considered a human being? If he himself was considered a person, then who would be the one who suddenly appeared in the crowd.

Thinking of this question, even Lin Bin, who was a policeman, couldn't help but feel his scalp go numb. Under Lin Bin's signal, one after another, they got down on the ground. Even Chen Jiajiu was no exception.

When the last person lay down, only a pale face appeared in front of everyone. Except for this terrifying face, the lower body was actually transparent.

Chen Jiajiu knew that they had encountered a murderous creature this time. Although they said they came to join the daring tour group, the purpose of this trip was to strengthen their courage. But when he actually encountered a murderous object, he didn't behave as calmly as usual.

I don't know who yelled "Ghost!" At first, everyone in the house escaped. Everyone stood on the beach, still in shock.

Among those present, only Chen Jiajiu had the most determined expression. Speak the truth. Compared with encountering ghosts, the zongzi encountered by Chen Jiajiu was much more terrifying than encountering ghosts.

Everyone went out to the house, and finally started to count the number of people again, but this time the number was not too many. In other words, the grimace didn't chase them out. mix among them

After encountering the scene just now, someone immediately proposed to go back to the boat. Now for them, the only safest thing is to be on the boat.

Someone proposed, and naturally no one would protest. It was originally planned to repair the ship overnight, but now it has to wait until tomorrow morning.

It's just that when they returned to the boat, although the boat still had lights, the boat was quiet. By rights, the boat shouldn't be this quiet.

But after everyone boarded the splint, they saw a terrifying scene. People who started to see the scene of the boat. Immediately, I felt my stomach start to turn upside down.

What the hell did they see?

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